CDZ Could the USA defeat Iran?

This post is beyond naive and demonstrates no clue at all about '4th generation warfare', whatever that means, sounds like some slogan from a propaganda blog.

The fact that you criticize me and admit to not knowing what 4th generation warfare is (basic military terminology) undermines your credibility greatly.
Lmfao talk about delusional...

You seriously think Iran could last more then a week against the U.S. military ?


Their air defense would be destroyed in a few hours, their pilots would run for the hills..the only thing left would be suicide bombers...

They would probably use children like they did against Iraq.


^ Lol, this guys delusions have made him manic.:laugh2:
The US can, unquestionably, destroy Iran's capacity to make war, as well as Iran's economy.
Most of this it can do without landing conventional forces on Iranian soil.

I appreciate seeing an actual argument, but I personally doubt it.

Iran is not dependent on the US for raw materials, and unless the US airforce is going to light up every farm in Iran, there should be no issue attaining unlimited warm bodies.
Iranian copy of a US drone, which they captured and reverse engineered:

less advanced (in some ways) Iranian drone:
Yeah, I am not seeing the US edge.

Iran has excessively more manpower on home turf. They can manufacture a near infinite supply of arms. Their military tech is comparable. They would have a defending advantage. The pentagon would collapse under a months worth of costs.

It is quite obvious that you guys have been brainwashed into believing the US military is invincible.
To be fair, the US still has an advantage in air power, but that doesn't mean they could conquer Iran in a month, much less a week.
The technological level is not even close let alone the capabilities between the two. You keep mentioning Iran having a conventional military. That has nothing to do with the fact that it would be an asymmetrical conflict.

Two conventional militaries fight a conventional war. Perhaps you are the one that does not understand asymmetrical warfare.

Iran has full access to modernized and advanced technology. A large portion, but not all, of the Iranian military is modernized. Modernized tanks, modernized aircraft, modernized service rifles, modernized naval ships, modernized artillery, ect.

They also manufacture much of their own equipment.







Modern (I didn't even make the goddamn missle argument):




I have not deflected at all - this is the first post that you have done that does not include personal insults.

You are still carrying on with this petty nonsense? Typical.

Iran have something that can do this Mr. Delusional?



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The technological level is not even close let alone the capabilities between the two. You keep mentioning Iran having a conventional military. That has nothing to do with the fact that it would be an asymmetrical conflict.

Two conventional militaries fight a conventional war. Perhaps you are the one that does not understand asymmetrical warfare.

Iran has full access to modernized and advanced technology. A large portion, but not all, of the Iranian military is modernized. Modernized tanks, modernized aircraft, modernized service rifles, modernized naval ships, modernized artillery, ect.

They also manufacture much of their own equipment.







Modern (I didn't even make the goddamn missle argument):




I have not deflected at all - this is the first post that you have done that does not include personal insults.

You are still carrying on with this petty nonsense? Typical.

Iran have something that can do this Mr. Delusional?


How about this?

To be fair, the US still has an advantage in air power, but that doesn't mean they could conquer Iran in a month, much less a week.

I admitted that the US has air superiorty. However that means very little unless the US also has ground superiority.

Ever hear of combined arms doctrine? Airpower is not operating at full efficiency without other types of forces also in play. Have you seen the conflict in Yemen? Saudi Arabia has excessive airpower (with US planes, bombs, and trained pilots), but it has done relatively little, and actually Yemeni troops invaded SA and are still occupying Najran.

If the US sieged Iran with just its airforce and navy, it would be incredibly costly (both in money and planes) and would barely make a dent.
The technological level is not even close let alone the capabilities between the two. You keep mentioning Iran having a conventional military. That has nothing to do with the fact that it would be an asymmetrical conflict.

Two conventional militaries fight a conventional war. Perhaps you are the one that does not understand asymmetrical warfare.

Iran has full access to modernized and advanced technology. A large portion, but not all, of the Iranian military is modernized. Modernized tanks, modernized aircraft, modernized service rifles, modernized naval ships, modernized artillery, ect.

They also manufacture much of their own equipment.







Modern (I didn't even make the goddamn missle argument):




I have not deflected at all - this is the first post that you have done that does not include personal insults.

You are still carrying on with this petty nonsense? Typical.

Iran have something that can do this Mr. Delusional?


How about this?


How about these?

The technological level is not even close let alone the capabilities between the two. You keep mentioning Iran having a conventional military. That has nothing to do with the fact that it would be an asymmetrical conflict.

Two conventional militaries fight a conventional war. Perhaps you are the one that does not understand asymmetrical warfare.

Iran has full access to modernized and advanced technology. A large portion, but not all, of the Iranian military is modernized. Modernized tanks, modernized aircraft, modernized service rifles, modernized naval ships, modernized artillery, ect.

They also manufacture much of their own equipment.







Modern (I didn't even make the goddamn missle argument):




I have not deflected at all - this is the first post that you have done that does not include personal insults.

You are still carrying on with this petty nonsense? Typical.

Iran have something that can do this Mr. Delusional?


How about this?


How about these?


How about these?

The technological level is not even close let alone the capabilities between the two. You keep mentioning Iran having a conventional military. That has nothing to do with the fact that it would be an asymmetrical conflict.

Two conventional militaries fight a conventional war. Perhaps you are the one that does not understand asymmetrical warfare.

Iran has full access to modernized and advanced technology. A large portion, but not all, of the Iranian military is modernized. Modernized tanks, modernized aircraft, modernized service rifles, modernized naval ships, modernized artillery, ect.

They also manufacture much of their own equipment.







Modern (I didn't even make the goddamn missle argument):




I have not deflected at all - this is the first post that you have done that does not include personal insults.

You are still carrying on with this petty nonsense? Typical.

Iran have something that can do this Mr. Delusional?


How about this?


How about these?


How about these?

^ Lol, this guy is crazy. He has pathetically resorted to blasting pictures at me, which means absolutely nothing.

Anyways, I'll just point out that the US military has flashy equipment, but it is terrible in reality. The pentagon orders excessively expensive equipment with limited practical usage, which is usually inferior to that of other countries. Most military equipment manafactured in the US is a joke.

Why does the pentagon create expensive junk? Because of the military-industrial complex, but that is another story for a different time.
Now, now, girls.....While Obama remains on the throne we must NOT underestimate the power of apology!

And, again, you continue to call others ignorant. Why do you even post here in the CDZ when you are only interested in insults?

Because he doesn't know shit and this is just another troll thread, that's why. He has no idea what he's talking about, he's just astro-turfing some 'talking point' he read about and threw in some jargon he thinks makes him look all 'informed n stuff'. He knows nothing about Iran, fro one, and doesn't have a clue it's still a Third World tribal confederation outside of Tehran, and doesn't even have electricity in most of the country, and any tech it has is imported and not indigenous, and he has some idiotic idea that defeating a country somehow requires occupation of it as well. We can ignore anything else he/she/it/mutant says now that it has just resorted to ad homs and gibberish, and focus on mocking the moron, since there is nothing else left here. lol
Because he doesn't know shit and this is just another troll thread, that's why. He has no idea what he's talking about, he's just astro-turfing some 'talking point' he read about and threw in some jargon he thinks makes him look all 'informed n stuff'. He knows nothing about Iran, fro one, and doesn't have a clue it's still a Third World tribal confederation outside of Tehran, and doesn't even have electricity in most of the country, and any tech it has is imported and not indigenous, and he has some idiotic idea that defeating a country somehow requires occupation of it as well. We can ignore anything else he/she/it/mutant says now that it has just resorted to ad homs and gibberish, and focus on mocking the moron, since there is nothing else left here. lol

You guys are really worked up. Did the truth strike a nerve?

At any rate, settle down spaz.
Today, in 2016, America COULD defeat Iran but WOULD not.

You're probably right, and besides as long as they are so intent on genociding each other over there we have no actual reason to stop them at this point, really. Let Qatar and Saudi Arabia and Iran expend as much of their sovereign wealth as we can help them expend, and those two are the main financiers of the bloodfest on the 'rebel' side, and they aren't discriminating in who they give away weapons to, as long as they are Sunni or anti-Assad. It's becoming clear Assad is going to end up with a small territory in the western side of Syria at the end of the day anyway, whether or not we take out Iran, because Putin wants his tiny little naval base in the Med, and he will likely make deals to keep it regardless of who 'wins'; our best play is to keep them blowing each other up for a couple more years, and let Russia bankrupt itself along with them. Putin is going to end up with a bullet in the back if his head sooner or later anyway, killed by his own cronies.
To be fair, the US still has an advantage in air power, but that doesn't mean they could conquer Iran in a month, much less a week.

I admitted that the US has air superiorty. However that means very little unless the US also has ground superiority.

Ever hear of combined arms doctrine? Airpower is not operating at full efficiency without other types of forces also in play. Have you seen the conflict in Yemen? Saudi Arabia has excessive airpower (with US planes, bombs, and trained pilots), but it has done relatively little, and actually Yemeni troops invaded SA and are still occupying Najran.

If the US sieged Iran with just its airforce and navy, it would be incredibly costly (both in money and planes) and would barely make a dent.
I agree, but I think maybe that wouldn't be the scope of such an operation.

Maybe the idea is to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, and perhaps a couple of other targets. There are a lot weapons they could use, some borderline legal according to international treaties or whatever, I'm not even going to mention them all.
The US can, unquestionably, destroy Iran's capacity to make war, as well as Iran's economy.
Most of this it can do without landing conventional forces on Iranian soil.
I appreciate seeing an actual argument, but I personally doubt it.
Iran is not dependent on the US for raw materials...
The US can destroy Iran's power grid and oil transportation facilities, devastate its air and naval bases, and take out its military command and control capacity. Doing this will devastate Iran's economy and capacity to make war.
^ Lol, this guy is crazy. He has pathetically resorted to blasting pictures at me, which means absolutely nothing.
LOL. That is exactly what you tried to do with me until I called you out on it.

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