Could we put the lies about Biden to bed now?

Liar, Shokin wasn't investigating Hunter Biden. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you brain-dead cultists?

Isn't it apparent to you that Joe and Hunter Biden were engaged in corrupt activities in Ukraine?
Why would it be when no one on the right has been able to establish any such claims of corruption? Y'all keep playing the video of Biden bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired as evidence, but since Shokin wasn't actively investigating Hunter Biden or Burisma when that happened, and since there were several international bodies (Ukraine included) who wanted Shokin fired, that video doesn't implicate Biden thd way you think it does.

And I'm no Biden fan. I think he's an idiot and I don't plan on voting for him. Nor do I care if he's investigated over getting Shokin fired.

The main problem with Biden is how did his son get such a sweet deal working for Burisma in the first place. He was paid an awful lot of money considering the fact that he had no experience whatsoever in oil and/or gas. It certainly LOOKS like Burisma's goal was to buy influence.

Maybe it was all on the up-and-up for all I know. But that's why we need an investigation. Give Hunter Biden and his pa a chance to testify under oath and prove their innocence to We,the People. After all,the Patriarch of the Biden Clan wants to lead this great nation.
Sure pole let him testify ,,,right after the 6 republican scum under subpoena do
Presumption of Innocence so Flipping Adolph Schiffler, Nazi Nadler and Propaganda Pelosi accomplished nothing.

I didn't say it was a Grand Jury, ya lying fucking moron. :cuckoo:

Sure you did, asshole:

"That's in a trial, ya lying fucking moron. Not in a Grand Jury, which is akin to the impeachment inquiry."
I don't see a lot of presumption of innocence about the Bidens.
really? then let me get out of the way lest i get crushed from the stampede of people going to investigate how they got millions out of the ukraine.

That’s the thing. Y’all don’t want investigations into the Biden’s. You just want the appearance of it. An investigation would actually demonstrate how little there is here.
That's evident by Trump not involving Barr after telling Zelensky Barr would contact him to discuss working together to get to the bottom of Biden getting Shokin fired.
He wanted to know if Shokin being removed
was related to Burisma
Then he should have asked that. But he didn't. He asked for Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden's role in getting the prosecution stopped.
That's exactly what was implied

Did Shokins removal that Joe demanded
and conditional for money from the U.S.
have anything to do with Burisma

For all this corruption in Ukraine,
aid amounts from the U.S. consistently
were around 300 million dollars during the Obama administration
with the exception of the last 2 years of administration
Aid for Ukraine for the 2 years after Shokin was removed
was over $500 million, yet corruption was still rampant
Forget what you think he implied. This is what he actually asked of Zelensky...

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.

Hunter was working for Burisma

His boss had fled the country and was a fugitive

His boss was being investigated for money enrichment
in connection to money stolen from the UNB

Shokin was removed

Burisma and it's owner were represented in court
by former Obama DAG and 4 charges were dropped
after a monetary settlement was reached through
tax evasion laws

Burisma owner taken off of the fugitive list
and returns to Ukraine

Ukraine parliament begin proceedings to take back
2 pending cases from NABU in limbo since 2014
Contending the U.S. is overstepping in Ukraine's affairs

investigation into money embezzled out of UNB reopened

Investigations stalled

Investigations into mishandling of criminal investigations
against Burisma and its owner and U.S. involvement

12 arrests and 2 bank seizures in connection to
money embezzled out of UNB and tied to Burisma
Thanks for reiterating Trump's request to Zelensky that Biden be investigated for his role in getting Shokin fired.

Oh, and Trump didn't actually care if Ukraine really did investigate Biden. He just want Ukraine to publically announce Biden was under investigation. All Trump was interested in was smearing Biden.
Okey dokey
Liar, Shokin wasn't investigating Hunter Biden. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you brain-dead cultists?

Isn't it apparent to you that Joe and Hunter Biden were engaged in corrupt activities in Ukraine?
Why would it be when no one on the right has been able to establish any such claims of corruption? Y'all keep playing the video of Biden bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired as evidence, but since Shokin wasn't actively investigating Hunter Biden or Burisma when that happened, and since there were several international bodies (Ukraine included) who wanted Shokin fired, that video doesn't implicate Biden thd way you think it does.

And I'm no Biden fan. I think he's an idiot and I don't plan on voting for him. Nor do I care if he's investigated over getting Shokin fired.
My wife feels the same as you about Biden BUT I can't come up with another name that can beat Trump Can you? I certainly have had more than my fill of Trump and his dotard followers BTW really enjoy your posts Very informative with some humor
Thanks, but I can't take the credit for rightards being such flaming imbeciles.

And I'm planning on voting for Bloomberg. He's the most moderate Democrat running, imo.
Then he should have asked that. But he didn't. He asked for Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden's role in getting the prosecution stopped.
That's exactly what was implied

Did Shokins removal that Joe demanded
and conditional for money from the U.S.
have anything to do with Burisma

For all this corruption in Ukraine,
aid amounts from the U.S. consistently
were around 300 million dollars during the Obama administration
with the exception of the last 2 years of administration
Aid for Ukraine for the 2 years after Shokin was removed
was over $500 million, yet corruption was still rampant
Forget what you think he implied. This is what he actually asked of Zelensky...

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.

Hunter was working for Burisma

His boss had fled the country and was a fugitive

His boss was being investigated for money enrichment
in connection to money stolen from the UNB

Shokin was removed

Burisma and it's owner were represented in court
by former Obama DAG and 4 charges were dropped
after a monetary settlement was reached through
tax evasion laws

Burisma owner taken off of the fugitive list
and returns to Ukraine

Ukraine parliament begin proceedings to take back
2 pending cases from NABU in limbo since 2014
Contending the U.S. is overstepping in Ukraine's affairs

investigation into money embezzled out of UNB reopened

Investigations stalled

Investigations into mishandling of criminal investigations
against Burisma and its owner and U.S. involvement

12 arrests and 2 bank seizures in connection to
money embezzled out of UNB and tied to Burisma
Thanks for reiterating Trump's request to Zelensky that Biden be investigated for his role in getting Shokin fired.

Oh, and Trump didn't actually care if Ukraine really did investigate Biden. He just want Ukraine to publically announce Biden was under investigation. All Trump was interested in was smearing Biden.

That's total bullshit, Faun.

President Trump could care less about public announcements of Biden investigation or not. That's why it took a so-called "whistle blower" to start talking about it. Trump wasn't publicizing his chats with his Ukrainian counterpart. Trump isn't stupid, he knows the libs will vote for Biden regardless of their corruption. Publicizing this does nothing for The Donald.
Trump was trying to get Ukraine to publically announce an investigation and only released the funds to them after it became public knowledge that he was holding up funds to get Zelensky to do him favors.
Liar, Shokin wasn't investigating Hunter Biden. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you brain-dead cultists?

Isn't it apparent to you that Joe and Hunter Biden were engaged in corrupt activities in Ukraine?
Why would it be when no one on the right has been able to establish any such claims of corruption? Y'all keep playing the video of Biden bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired as evidence, but since Shokin wasn't actively investigating Hunter Biden or Burisma when that happened, and since there were several international bodies (Ukraine included) who wanted Shokin fired, that video doesn't implicate Biden thd way you think it does.

And I'm no Biden fan. I think he's an idiot and I don't plan on voting for him. Nor do I care if he's investigated over getting Shokin fired.

The main problem with Biden is how did his son get such a sweet deal working for Burisma in the first place. He was paid an awful lot of money considering the fact that he had no experience whatsoever in oil and/or gas. It certainly LOOKS like Burisma's goal was to buy influence.

Maybe it was all on the up-and-up for all I know. But that's why we need an investigation. Give Hunter Biden and his pa a chance to testify under oath and prove their innocence to We,the People. After all,the Patriarch of the Biden Clan wants to lead this great nation.
Great, so investigate him and find out. But also impeach Trump for breaking the law by soliciting a foreign national to help him with his campaign.
That's exactly what was implied

Did Shokins removal that Joe demanded
and conditional for money from the U.S.
have anything to do with Burisma

For all this corruption in Ukraine,
aid amounts from the U.S. consistently
were around 300 million dollars during the Obama administration
with the exception of the last 2 years of administration
Aid for Ukraine for the 2 years after Shokin was removed
was over $500 million, yet corruption was still rampant
Forget what you think he implied. This is what he actually asked of Zelensky...

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.

Hunter was working for Burisma

His boss had fled the country and was a fugitive

His boss was being investigated for money enrichment
in connection to money stolen from the UNB

Shokin was removed

Burisma and it's owner were represented in court
by former Obama DAG and 4 charges were dropped
after a monetary settlement was reached through
tax evasion laws

Burisma owner taken off of the fugitive list
and returns to Ukraine

Ukraine parliament begin proceedings to take back
2 pending cases from NABU in limbo since 2014
Contending the U.S. is overstepping in Ukraine's affairs

investigation into money embezzled out of UNB reopened

Investigations stalled

Investigations into mishandling of criminal investigations
against Burisma and its owner and U.S. involvement

12 arrests and 2 bank seizures in connection to
money embezzled out of UNB and tied to Burisma
Thanks for reiterating Trump's request to Zelensky that Biden be investigated for his role in getting Shokin fired.

Oh, and Trump didn't actually care if Ukraine really did investigate Biden. He just want Ukraine to publically announce Biden was under investigation. All Trump was interested in was smearing Biden.

That's total bullshit, Faun.

President Trump could care less about public announcements of Biden investigation or not. That's why it took a so-called "whistle blower" to start talking about it. Trump wasn't publicizing his chats with his Ukrainian counterpart. Trump isn't stupid, he knows the libs will vote for Biden regardless of their corruption. Publicizing this does nothing for The Donald.
Trump was trying to get Ukraine to publically announce an investigation and only released the funds to them after it became public knowledge that he was holding up funds to get Zelensky to do him favors.
And DIDN'T release the full amount
Forget what you think he implied. This is what he actually asked of Zelensky...

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.

Hunter was working for Burisma

His boss had fled the country and was a fugitive

His boss was being investigated for money enrichment
in connection to money stolen from the UNB

Shokin was removed

Burisma and it's owner were represented in court
by former Obama DAG and 4 charges were dropped
after a monetary settlement was reached through
tax evasion laws

Burisma owner taken off of the fugitive list
and returns to Ukraine

Ukraine parliament begin proceedings to take back
2 pending cases from NABU in limbo since 2014
Contending the U.S. is overstepping in Ukraine's affairs

investigation into money embezzled out of UNB reopened

Investigations stalled

Investigations into mishandling of criminal investigations
against Burisma and its owner and U.S. involvement

12 arrests and 2 bank seizures in connection to
money embezzled out of UNB and tied to Burisma
Thanks for reiterating Trump's request to Zelensky that Biden be investigated for his role in getting Shokin fired.

Oh, and Trump didn't actually care if Ukraine really did investigate Biden. He just want Ukraine to publically announce Biden was under investigation. All Trump was interested in was smearing Biden.

That's total bullshit, Faun.

President Trump could care less about public announcements of Biden investigation or not. That's why it took a so-called "whistle blower" to start talking about it. Trump wasn't publicizing his chats with his Ukrainian counterpart. Trump isn't stupid, he knows the libs will vote for Biden regardless of their corruption. Publicizing this does nothing for The Donald.
Trump was trying to get Ukraine to publically announce an investigation and only released the funds to them after it became public knowledge that he was holding up funds to get Zelensky to do him favors.
And DIDN'T release the full amount
Adolph Schiffler knows. He sees all, spies all, and knows all.

Heil Schiffler!
Liar, Shokin wasn't investigating Hunter Biden. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you brain-dead cultists?

Isn't it apparent to you that Joe and Hunter Biden were engaged in corrupt activities in Ukraine?
Why would it be when no one on the right has been able to establish any such claims of corruption? Y'all keep playing the video of Biden bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired as evidence, but since Shokin wasn't actively investigating Hunter Biden or Burisma when that happened, and since there were several international bodies (Ukraine included) who wanted Shokin fired, that video doesn't implicate Biden thd way you think it does.

And I'm no Biden fan. I think he's an idiot and I don't plan on voting for him. Nor do I care if he's investigated over getting Shokin fired.

The main problem with Biden is how did his son get such a sweet deal working for Burisma in the first place. He was paid an awful lot of money considering the fact that he had no experience whatsoever in oil and/or gas. It certainly LOOKS like Burisma's goal was to buy influence.

Maybe it was all on the up-and-up for all I know. But that's why we need an investigation. Give Hunter Biden and his pa a chance to testify under oath and prove their innocence to We,the People. After all,the Patriarch of the Biden Clan wants to lead this great nation.
Great, so investigate him and find out. But also impeach Trump for breaking the law by soliciting a foreign national to help him with his campaign.
When did that happen, DOTARD? Never happened.
Only in your and Adolph Schiffler's minds did it happen.

Trump is an Existential Threat!
Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance

The United States and other Western nations had for months called for the ousting of Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corrupt practices and for defending the interests of a venal and entrenched elite. He was one of several political figures in Kiev whom reformers and Western diplomats saw as a worrying indicator of a return to past corrupt practices, two years after a revolution that was supposed to put a stop to self-dealing by those in power.

As the problems festered, Kiev drew increasingly sharp criticism from Western diplomats and leaders. In a visit in December, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said corruption was eating Ukraine “like a cancer.” Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, which props up Ukraine financially, said last month that progress was so slow in fighting corruption that “it’s hard to see how the I.M.F.-supported program can continue.”
Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance
Hunter Biden 'did not violate anything,' former Ukrainian prosecutor says
Hunter Biden 'did not violate anything,' former Ukrainian prosecutor says

A former Ukrainian prosecutor who investigated a gas company tied to Hunter Biden said Thursday that there was no evidence the former vice president's son engaged in illegal activity.

"From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Yuriy Lutsenko told The Washington Post.
Debunking 4 Viral Rumors About the Bidens and Ukraine

At the time of his board appointment, the younger Mr. Biden had just been discharged from the Navy Reserve for drug use. He had no apparent experience in Ukraine or natural gas. And while accepting the board position was legal, it reportedly raised some eyebrows in the Obama administration. The Burisma board position was lucrative: Mr. Biden received payments that reached up to $50,000 per month.

A year later, Viktor Shokin became Ukraine’s prosecutor general, a job similar to the attorney general in the United States. He vowed to keep investigating Burisma amid an international push to root out corruption in Ukraine.

But the investigation went dormant under Mr. Shokin. In the fall of 2015, Joe Biden joined the chorus of Western officials calling for Mr. Shokin’s ouster. The next March, Mr. Shokin was fired. A subsequent prosecutor cleared Mr. Zlochevsky.
Debunking 4 Viral Rumors About the Bidens and Ukraine
Is there any evidence Old Joe pushed to have Shokin removed because of his kid's involvement with Burisma? No. How could there be since Shokin was not investigating Burisma? A fact that contributed to Shokin's dismissal demanded by the EU and the IMF for NOT adequately investigating corruption in Ukraine.

All the facts in evidence point to Trump's demand that an announcement be made the Bidens were being investigated by Ukraine had nothing to do with a realistic expectation anything nefarious would be found. Rather, Ukraine's acquiescence to conduct an investigation was what Don wanted because he knew it was enough to smear Biden.

Trump's belief has been borne out. Even though no investigation was launched and no evidence of wrongdoing exists millions of gullible rubes have it in their easily manipulated heads Biden is guilty of something............based on unsubstantiated innuendo.

Lol, unsubstantiated! "Nothing to see here folks, move along, move along, lol.

Could concerns about a primary challenger be behind Nadler’s impeachment posturing?
Liar, Shokin wasn't investigating Hunter Biden. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you brain-dead cultists?

Isn't it apparent to you that Joe and Hunter Biden were engaged in corrupt activities in Ukraine?
Why would it be when no one on the right has been able to establish any such claims of corruption? Y'all keep playing the video of Biden bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired as evidence, but since Shokin wasn't actively investigating Hunter Biden or Burisma when that happened, and since there were several international bodies (Ukraine included) who wanted Shokin fired, that video doesn't implicate Biden thd way you think it does.

And I'm no Biden fan. I think he's an idiot and I don't plan on voting for him. Nor do I care if he's investigated over getting Shokin fired.

The main problem with Biden is how did his son get such a sweet deal working for Burisma in the first place. He was paid an awful lot of money considering the fact that he had no experience whatsoever in oil and/or gas. It certainly LOOKS like Burisma's goal was to buy influence.

Maybe it was all on the up-and-up for all I know. But that's why we need an investigation. Give Hunter Biden and his pa a chance to testify under oath and prove their innocence to We,the People. After all,the Patriarch of the Biden Clan wants to lead this great nation.
Great, so investigate him and find out. But also impeach Trump for breaking the law by soliciting a foreign national to help him with his campaign.
when you care the DNC did this also, i'll listen more. til then, WAH.
Liar, Shokin wasn't investigating Hunter Biden. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you brain-dead cultists?

Isn't it apparent to you that Joe and Hunter Biden were engaged in corrupt activities in Ukraine?
Why would it be when no one on the right has been able to establish any such claims of corruption? Y'all keep playing the video of Biden bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired as evidence, but since Shokin wasn't actively investigating Hunter Biden or Burisma when that happened, and since there were several international bodies (Ukraine included) who wanted Shokin fired, that video doesn't implicate Biden thd way you think it does.

And I'm no Biden fan. I think he's an idiot and I don't plan on voting for him. Nor do I care if he's investigated over getting Shokin fired.

The main problem with Biden is how did his son get such a sweet deal working for Burisma in the first place. He was paid an awful lot of money considering the fact that he had no experience whatsoever in oil and/or gas. It certainly LOOKS like Burisma's goal was to buy influence.

Maybe it was all on the up-and-up for all I know. But that's why we need an investigation. Give Hunter Biden and his pa a chance to testify under oath and prove their innocence to We,the People. After all,the Patriarch of the Biden Clan wants to lead this great nation.
Great, so investigate him and find out. But also impeach Trump for breaking the law by soliciting a foreign national to help him with his campaign.
When did that happen, DOTARD? Never happened.
Only in your and Adolph Schiffler's minds did it happen.

Trump is an Existential Threat!
When he said...

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
So the House is a Grand Jury, only not?

Unless it's the same, then why do you imagine the same rules would be observed?

You morons keep trying to claim that Schiffferbrains is following due process, and then you admit he isn't. Is he following it or not? If the later, then it's a show trial.
Learn the word, "akin," ya mentally lazy lying fucking moron. :eusa_doh:
It means "not the same," dumbass.
It means, similar, lying fucking moron . :eusa_doh:
Which means "not the same." you fucking douchebag. It doesn't matter if it has a few features in common if it doesn't share the most important features.
I never said it was the same, ya lying fucking moron. I said it was similar. What part of that is too difficult for your underdeveloped brain to comprehend?
If it's not the same as a Grand Jury, then why bring it up?
Nah, The Trump Administration had
To back off of Ukraine Corruption Investigations due to Fake Impeaxhment.

That was the whole purpose of Fake Russian Collusion and Fake Impeachment to Obstruct The Trump Administration from Investigations in to Democrat Corruption in the 2016 Election and in The Ukraine.

Presumption of Innocence so Flipping Adolph Schiffler, Nazi Nadler and Propaganda Pelosi accomplished nothing.

Sure you did, asshole:

"That's in a trial, ya lying fucking moron. Not in a Grand Jury, which is akin to the impeachment inquiry."
I don't see a lot of presumption of innocence about the Bidens.
really? then let me get out of the way lest i get crushed from the stampede of people going to investigate how they got millions out of the ukraine.

That’s the thing. Y’all don’t want investigations into the Biden’s. You just want the appearance of it. An investigation would actually demonstrate how little there is here.
That's evident by Trump not involving Barr after telling Zelensky Barr would contact him to discuss working together to get to the bottom of Biden getting Shokin fired.
Gun Grabber Bloomberg?


Liar, Shokin wasn't investigating Hunter Biden. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you brain-dead cultists?

Isn't it apparent to you that Joe and Hunter Biden were engaged in corrupt activities in Ukraine?
Why would it be when no one on the right has been able to establish any such claims of corruption? Y'all keep playing the video of Biden bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired as evidence, but since Shokin wasn't actively investigating Hunter Biden or Burisma when that happened, and since there were several international bodies (Ukraine included) who wanted Shokin fired, that video doesn't implicate Biden thd way you think it does.

And I'm no Biden fan. I think he's an idiot and I don't plan on voting for him. Nor do I care if he's investigated over getting Shokin fired.
My wife feels the same as you about Biden BUT I can't come up with another name that can beat Trump Can you? I certainly have had more than my fill of Trump and his dotard followers BTW really enjoy your posts Very informative with some humor
Thanks, but I can't take the credit for rightards being such flaming imbeciles.

And I'm planning on voting for Bloomberg. He's the most moderate Democrat running, imo.
Nah, The Trump Administration had
To back off of Ukraine Corruption Investigations due to Fake Impeaxhment.

That was the whole purpose of Fake Russian Collusion and Fake Impeachment to Obstruct The Trump Administration from Investigations in to Democrat Corruption in the 2016 Election and in The Ukraine.

Presumption of Innocence so Flipping Adolph Schiffler, Nazi Nadler and Propaganda Pelosi accomplished nothing.
I don't see a lot of presumption of innocence about the Bidens.
really? then let me get out of the way lest i get crushed from the stampede of people going to investigate how they got millions out of the ukraine.

That’s the thing. Y’all don’t want investigations into the Biden’s. You just want the appearance of it. An investigation would actually demonstrate how little there is here.
That's evident by Trump not involving Barr after telling Zelensky Barr would contact him to discuss working together to get to the bottom of Biden getting Shokin fired.
There never was any corruption investigation from the Trump administration. That's not the purpose. They just wanted the appearance of one.
It’s nothing even close To a Grand Jury. Grand Jury standards are much much higher than this clown show.

That is just another DemNazi talking point aimed To attempt to give legitimacy to al illegitimate process.

Learn the word, "akin," ya mentally lazy lying fucking moron. :eusa_doh:
It means "not the same," dumbass.
It means, similar, lying fucking moron . :eusa_doh:
Which means "not the same." you fucking douchebag. It doesn't matter if it has a few features in common if it doesn't share the most important features.
I never said it was the same, ya lying fucking moron. I said it was similar. What part of that is too difficult for your underdeveloped brain to comprehend?
If it's not the same as a Grand Jury, then why bring it up?
Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance

The United States and other Western nations had for months called for the ousting of Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corrupt practices and for defending the interests of a venal and entrenched elite. He was one of several political figures in Kiev whom reformers and Western diplomats saw as a worrying indicator of a return to past corrupt practices, two years after a revolution that was supposed to put a stop to self-dealing by those in power.

As the problems festered, Kiev drew increasingly sharp criticism from Western diplomats and leaders. In a visit in December, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said corruption was eating Ukraine “like a cancer.” Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, which props up Ukraine financially, said last month that progress was so slow in fighting corruption that “it’s hard to see how the I.M.F.-supported program can continue.”
Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance
Hunter Biden 'did not violate anything,' former Ukrainian prosecutor says
Hunter Biden 'did not violate anything,' former Ukrainian prosecutor says

A former Ukrainian prosecutor who investigated a gas company tied to Hunter Biden said Thursday that there was no evidence the former vice president's son engaged in illegal activity.

"From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Yuriy Lutsenko told The Washington Post.
Debunking 4 Viral Rumors About the Bidens and Ukraine

At the time of his board appointment, the younger Mr. Biden had just been discharged from the Navy Reserve for drug use. He had no apparent experience in Ukraine or natural gas. And while accepting the board position was legal, it reportedly raised some eyebrows in the Obama administration. The Burisma board position was lucrative: Mr. Biden received payments that reached up to $50,000 per month.

A year later, Viktor Shokin became Ukraine’s prosecutor general, a job similar to the attorney general in the United States. He vowed to keep investigating Burisma amid an international push to root out corruption in Ukraine.

But the investigation went dormant under Mr. Shokin. In the fall of 2015, Joe Biden joined the chorus of Western officials calling for Mr. Shokin’s ouster. The next March, Mr. Shokin was fired. A subsequent prosecutor cleared Mr. Zlochevsky.
Debunking 4 Viral Rumors About the Bidens and Ukraine
Is there any evidence Old Joe pushed to have Shokin removed because of his kid's involvement with Burisma? No. How could there be since Shokin was not investigating Burisma? A fact that contributed to Shokin's dismissal demanded by the EU and the IMF for NOT adequately investigating corruption in Ukraine.

All the facts in evidence point to Trump's demand that an announcement be made the Bidens were being investigated by Ukraine had nothing to do with a realistic expectation anything nefarious would be found. Rather, Ukraine's acquiescence to conduct an investigation was what Don wanted because he knew it was enough to smear Biden.

Trump's belief has been borne out. Even though no investigation was launched and no evidence of wrongdoing exists millions of gullible rubes have it in their easily manipulated heads Biden is guilty of something............based on unsubstantiated innuendo.

Put them to bed?


I reckon.
Stop your transference. America knows you lies to them and created a hoax and abused your authority and committed treason and espionage in your attempts to overthrow our Democracy.

Nah, The Trump Administration had
To back off of Ukraine Corruption Investigations due to Fake Impeaxhment.

That was the whole purpose of Fake Russian Collusion and Fake Impeachment to Obstruct The Trump Administration from Investigations in to Democrat Corruption in the 2016 Election and in The Ukraine.

I don't see a lot of presumption of innocence about the Bidens.
really? then let me get out of the way lest i get crushed from the stampede of people going to investigate how they got millions out of the ukraine.

That’s the thing. Y’all don’t want investigations into the Biden’s. You just want the appearance of it. An investigation would actually demonstrate how little there is here.
That's evident by Trump not involving Barr after telling Zelensky Barr would contact him to discuss working together to get to the bottom of Biden getting Shokin fired.
There never was any corruption investigation from the Trump administration. That's not the purpose. They just wanted the appearance of one.
Maybe it was all on the up-and-up for all I know. But that's why we need an investigation.


You want an investigation because you want to use the specter of that politically against Biden...just like you and Trump used the e-mails "scandal and investigation" against Clinton in 2016

Trump's people have admitted that all he really wanted was the ANNOUNCEMENT of an investigation...because the "investigation of Clinton" worked the first time and Trump ALWAYS go back to the well for another drink.

He doesn't care a wit about corruption and there was no corruption to find. In fact no corruption is needed for Trump's purposes ...only the announcement...the appearance of "something".

Just out of curiosity...can anyone point to any other nation where Trump has gone after corruption? Is this the ONLY supposed corruption to be found in the world?

Of course not

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