Could You Imagine A Debate Between Hillary& Sarah?, Would Palin Be Comparing Her Body Parts?

Women don't have to stoop to such adolescent topics. Not funny. Not clever. Go measure your pee-pee and leave us alone.
rexx is a sad, lonely, immature loser. All of the asshole's post are juvenile.
this thread is not breakfast material
more like late afternoon?
Im not sure.
maybe at an over eaters function or something.
with the picture of hillarys legs in my mind, Im not sure I can eat at all today.
Not much in the way of education for you was there? I'm thinking high school dropout?
I asked my friends 4th grader if she knew the difference between preference and knowledge, she did.
Maybe you should go back and start over again in the third grade.
I know its not fair of me to respond to you like this, however, if there are any small children around, it is possible that they will explain it to you.
However I do thank you for your concern over my educational levels. Very nice.
this thread is not breakfast material
more like late afternoon?
Im not sure.
maybe at an over eaters function or something.
with the picture of hillarys legs in my mind, Im not sure I can eat at all today.
Not much in the way of education for you was there? I'm thinking high school dropout?
I asked my friends 4th grader if she knew the difference between preference and knowledge, she did.
Maybe you should go back and start over again in the third grade.
I know its not fair of me to respond to you like this, however, if there are any small children around, it is possible that they will explain it to you.
However I do thank you for your concern over my educational levels. Very nice.
the responses i get from angry liberals who think Hillary is God, is proof that Liberals/Democrats dont have a sense of humor. why do they even bother responding to our humorous threads/replies?

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