Could You?

Stick your fingers in your ears if you don't want to hear about what goes on in the real world outside your own personal experiences. Once again, believe what you want. I'm just providing information.
Fantasy is somewhat informative. It's my favorite literary genre...
Fantasy is somewhat informative. It's my favorite literary genre...
Why is this upsetting you so much? I have repeatedly told you that you don't have to believe anything you don't want to.
Every day I see kids doing amazing work under terribly challenging circumstances. I often think that I could never have done what so many of my students do when I was in high school.

How many of you think you could do academic work in a second language, sometimes in a new country and culture? How many of you could have excelled in high school while working two full time jobs and paying all your own bills, including rent, food and utilities?

How many of you would have even bothered to try if you had to pass through two or more violent gang territories to and from school?

How many of you would do high level academic work while sleep deprived, suffering from hunger, and often dealing with traumatic home conditions (if you had a home)?

I am humbled and impressed at what so many of my students manage to accomplish despite all this.
I see every day in my school, the children of first gen immigrants who struggle with the curriculum and learning in a second language. I have often asked my peers, how would you like to move to China and three years later, take a high-stakes standardized test in Chinese.

Tells me two things I know for sure: We don't need to be subjecting children of any language status to "high stakes testing," and we don't have time to be teaching an unlimited number of genders.
I see every day in my school, the children of first gen immigrants who struggle with the curriculum and learning in a second language. I have often asked my peers, how would you like to move to China and three years later, take a high-stakes standardized test in Chinese.

Tells me two things I know for sure: We don't need to be subjecting children of any language status to "high stakes testing," and we don't have time to be teaching an unlimited number of genders.
A stupid statement, by any measure. One pronoun does not take any longer to say than any other. Just fundie religious horseshit creeping through in every comment. Compulsive.
A stupid statement, by any measure. One pronoun does not take any longer to say than any other. Just fundie religious horseshit creeping through in every comment. Compulsive.
Then why do teachers take so much time talking about their own "queerness" and crying about being mis-gendered?

Let the kids use the pronouns they learned when they learned to talk. If their parents taught them the whole "they," for everyone, so be it.
Every day I see kids doing amazing work under terribly challenging circumstances. I often think that I could never have done what so many of my students do when I was in high school.

How many of you think you could do academic work in a second language, sometimes in a new country and culture? How many of you could have excelled in high school while working two full time jobs and paying all your own bills, including rent, food and utilities?

How many of you would have even bothered to try if you had to pass through two or more violent gang territories to and from school?

How many of you would do high level academic work while sleep deprived, suffering from hunger, and often dealing with traumatic home conditions (if you had a home)?

I am humbled and impressed at what so many of my students manage to accomplish despite all this.

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