Coulter to GOP: stop ‘Constantly Sucking Up’ to Latino Voters

More excellent GOP minority voter outreach, this is sure to help!

Ann Coulter To GOP Stop Sucking Up To Hispanics

The link within that link:

Ann Coulter GOP Should Stop Constantly Sucking Up to Hispanic Voters Mediaite

...Coulter was quick to point to minority groups and immigrant voters being solid blocks for Democrats, not to mention election fraud, as a reason they’re doing better than they should...
...She told O’Reilly she’s getting tired of Republicans ducking on this issue and suggested “instead of constantly sucking up to a group of people who will never vote for you, how about appealing to the other voters who are just gonna go home and say ‘Screw you.’”

I want to thank Ann Coulter, among others, for making sure that the GOP becomes a relatively meaningless regional party over the next years.

Thank you, Ann.

Good plan Blondy.They're only the largest ethnic minority and soon to be ethnic majority. Go ahead and ignore them.

for sure since they will soon be your all's new masters you all should start bowing now
You're being sarcastic......right?

No. We keep having that thrown in our face. so to me it says get ready for your new masters in the country
Coulter is oftentimes (perhaps, with no small justification) laughed-at and denigrated, but she may have gotten this one right - at least on the macro level, if not the details.

It's entirely legitimate to campaign for the support of ethnic group A or B or C, within reason.

But jumping on-board the 'Let's Ignore Our Laws and Borders and Legitimize the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens' band-wagon, just to pimp-out more votes, is nothing more than Vote Whoring.of the worst kind.

Mainstream America wants this Illegal Immigration shit stopped, and do not want to reward illegal entry into our country with a path to citizenship, surrendering to the numbers involved.

It's about time that the goddamned GOP resume their firm stance against such Illegal entry and residence,and stop the Vote Whoring.

In that respect, Coulter may, indeed, have actually gotten it right.

Hell, even a broken (analog) clock is right, twice a day.
"Mainstream America"..."Real Americans"...hmmm.....

At any rate...both parties have their captive demographics, and until something changes, swing voters will get all the attention regardless of race
But jumping on-board the 'Let's Ignore Our Laws and Borders and Legitimize the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens' band-wagon, just to pimp-out more votes, is nothing more than Vote Whoring.of the worst kind.

Mainstream America wants this Illegal Immigration shit stopped, and do not want to reward illegal entry into our country with a path to citizenship, surrendering to the numbers involved.

It's about time that the goddamned GOP resume their firm stance against such Illegal entry and residence,and stop the Vote Whoring.

The problem with that stance is that we've Already signed the Faustian bargain.

Let's be honest WHY we have an illegal alien problem. Because we don't want to pay extra to have our toliets cleaned or our lettuce picked or to hire union carpenters to hang drywall in our home. we keep eating at those resturants, we keep going to the Home Depot and paying the Day Laborers $50.00 a crack for the day to hang that drywall.


"More Saving, More Doing. That's the Power of the Home Depot!"

We've all gone along with this concept of "undocumented" labor.

The reason why your stance costs you votes among Hispanic voters is not because they are illegals. Most of them are citizens, a lot of them were born here. And they really don't like seeing people who look like them demonized for the horrible crime of trying to make life better for their families.
Coulter is oftentimes (perhaps, with no small justification) laughed-at and denigrated, but she may have gotten this one right - at least on the macro level, if not the details.

It's entirely legitimate to campaign for the support of ethnic group A or B or C, within reason.

But jumping on-board the 'Let's Ignore Our Laws and Borders and Legitimize the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens' band-wagon, just to pimp-out more votes, is nothing more than Vote Whoring.of the worst kind.

Mainstream America wants this Illegal Immigration shit stopped, and do not want to reward illegal entry into our country with a path to citizenship, surrendering to the numbers involved.

It's about time that the goddamned GOP resume their firm stance against such Illegal entry and residence,and stop the Vote Whoring.

In that respect, Coulter may, indeed, have actually gotten it right.

Hell, even a broken (analog) clock is right, twice a day.
"Mainstream America"..."Real Americans"...hmmm.....

At any rate...both parties have their captive demographics, and until something changes, swing voters will get all the attention regardless of race

Hmmmm, does that make swing voters attention whores? ;)
Coulter is oftentimes (perhaps, with no small justification) laughed-at and denigrated, but she may have gotten this one right - at least on the macro level, if not the details.

It's entirely legitimate to campaign for the support of ethnic group A or B or C, within reason.

But jumping on-board the 'Let's Ignore Our Laws and Borders and Legitimize the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens' band-wagon, just to pimp-out more votes, is nothing more than Vote Whoring.of the worst kind.

Mainstream America wants this Illegal Immigration shit stopped, and do not want to reward illegal entry into our country with a path to citizenship, surrendering to the numbers involved.

It's about time that the goddamned GOP resume their firm stance against such Illegal entry and residence,and stop the Vote Whoring.

In that respect, Coulter may, indeed, have actually gotten it right.

Hell, even a broken (analog) clock is right, twice a day.
"Mainstream America"..."Real Americans"...hmmm.....

At any rate...both parties have their captive demographics, and until something changes, swing voters will get all the attention regardless of race
The implied point being, that accommodating Illegal Aliens, just to obtain more votes, is tantamount to acting against the best interests of the Nation and its People.
...The reason why your stance costs you votes among Hispanic voters is not because they are illegals. Most of them are citizens, a lot of them were born here. And they really don't like seeing people who look like them demonized for the horrible crime of trying to make life better for their families.
All the more reason to enforce the laws of the Nation without regard to political fortunes.
Latinos don't care about either republicans or democrats. They vote for whoever will promise them the most free stuff. Lacking a democrat or a republican, latinos will support whichever cartels gives them the most money. When they get their chance they vote for fellow latinos. It's called La Raza for a reason.
The implied point being, that accommodating Illegal Aliens, just to obtain more votes, is tantamount to acting against the best interests of the Nation and its People.

Really? Frankly, I look at Hispanics and I see folks who are in the same boat I'm in. Yeah, I get paid a little more than the Hispanic Chicks on the floor, but we all get cheated by the rich people who pay our salaries if they think they can get away with it.

The real chumps are the White Folks who vote Republican and then wonder why their job gets shipped to China or their health care benefits get stripped.
...The reason why your stance costs you votes among Hispanic voters is not because they are illegals. Most of them are citizens, a lot of them were born here. And they really don't like seeing people who look like them demonized for the horrible crime of trying to make life better for their families.
All the more reason to enforce the laws of the Nation without regard to political fortunes.

Guy, you can't win with just white people anymore.

What Defines ‘Hispanic’?
In a racially diverse America, we have no discernible rules for what determines one’s race.

By Victor Davis Hanson


From left: Bill Richardson, Susana Martinez, and Ted Cruz
Victor Davis Hanson
Once upon a time, the liberal position was to reject the old discriminatory branding of people by the color of their skins rather than by the content of their characters.
Not now. Political and career advantage is found in trumpeting — or occasionally making up — genealogies.
Take the inexact category of Latino or Hispanic — an often constructed identity that increasingly no one quite knows how to define. Almost anyone can be a Latino or Hispanic, from a fourth-generation American with one-quarter Mexican ancestry, to a first-generation Cuban, to a youth who recently arrived illegally from Central America, to someone whose great-grandparents emigrated from the Portuguese Azores.

What ties them together? Not necessarily appearance, their names, knowledge of Spanish, or proximity of their ancestral homelands.

New Mexico governor Susana Martinez is Latina — her parents were Mexican-American. But her now-desperate Democratic challenger for the governorship, Gary King, claims that Martinez “does not have a Latino heart.” Apparently for King, a self-appointed genealogist, if you do not share his liberal agenda, then you are, de facto, not Latino.

Senate majority leader Harry Reid made a similar statement in 2010, when he defined ancestry by political ideology: “I don’t know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican, okay?”

Last year, former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, a liberal who is of mixed Mexican and Spanish ancestry, claimed that Texas senator Ted Cruz, a conservative who is half-Cuban, should not “be defined as a Hispanic” because Cruz opposes comprehensive immigration reform.

But imagine if Richardson were conservative, had taken his mother’s name, and went by Bill Marquez, and if Cruz were liberal, also took his mother’s name, and went by Ted Wilson. Who would be the more authentic Hispanic/Latino?

The New York Times made up an absurd category for George Zimmerman, classifying him as a “white Hispanic” when it wished to gin up the Zimmerman–Trayvon Martin controversy along racial fault lines.

But had Zimmerman taken his mother’s last name, Mesa, or Latinized his first name to become Jorge Zimmerman, then the New York Times might have had more trouble pulling off its racial gymnastics.

all of it here:
What Defines Hispanic National Review Online
More excellent GOP minority voter outreach, this is sure to help!

Ann Coulter To GOP Stop Sucking Up To Hispanics

The link within that link:

Ann Coulter GOP Should Stop Constantly Sucking Up to Hispanic Voters Mediaite

...Coulter was quick to point to minority groups and immigrant voters being solid blocks for Democrats, not to mention election fraud, as a reason they’re doing better than they should...
...She told O’Reilly she’s getting tired of Republicans ducking on this issue and suggested “instead of constantly sucking up to a group of people who will never vote for you, how about appealing to the other voters who are just gonna go home and say ‘Screw you.’”

I want to thank Ann Coulter, among others, for making sure that the GOP becomes a relatively meaningless regional party over the next years.

Thank you, Ann.

Good plan Blondy.They're only the largest ethnic minority and soon to be ethnic majority. Go ahead and ignore them.

for sure since they will soon be your all's new masters you all should start bowing now
You're being sarcastic......right?

No. We keep having that thrown in our face. so to me it says get ready for your new masters in the country
Imagine what America will be like when people coming from a shithole country apply the same goverance here when they become the majority. We already see what happens when a self-proclaimed Kenyan is in charge.
...The reason why your stance costs you votes among Hispanic voters is not because they are illegals. Most of them are citizens, a lot of them were born here. And they really don't like seeing people who look like them demonized for the horrible crime of trying to make life better for their families.
All the more reason to enforce the laws of the Nation without regard to political fortunes.

Guy, you can't win with just white people anymore.
The risk of winning or losing an election is NOT a wholesome benchmark for deciding whether or not to enforce our laws.
...The reason why your stance costs you votes among Hispanic voters is not because they are illegals. Most of them are citizens, a lot of them were born here. And they really don't like seeing people who look like them demonized for the horrible crime of trying to make life better for their families.
All the more reason to enforce the laws of the Nation without regard to political fortunes.

Guy, you can't win with just white people anymore.
The risk of winning or losing an election is NOT a wholesome benchmark for deciding whether or not to enforce our laws.


The prior administration chose not to enforce SEC laws which resulted in the likes of Bernie Maddoff bilking millions of dollars and the 2008 economic meltdown.

The laws are on the books for a reason and it is malfeasance not to enforce them regardless of which party is in power.
More excellent GOP minority voter outreach, this is sure to help!

Ann Coulter To GOP Stop Sucking Up To Hispanics

The link within that link:

Ann Coulter GOP Should Stop Constantly Sucking Up to Hispanic Voters Mediaite

I want to thank Ann Coulter, among others, for making sure that the GOP becomes a relatively meaningless regional party over the next years.

Thank you, Ann.

Good plan Blondy.They're only the largest ethnic minority and soon to be ethnic majority. Go ahead and ignore them.

for sure since they will soon be your all's new masters you all should start bowing now
You're being sarcastic......right?

No. We keep having that thrown in our face. so to me it says get ready for your new masters in the country
Imagine what America will be like when people coming from a shithole country apply the same goverance here when they become the majority. We already see what happens when a self-proclaimed Kenyan is in charge.
Do you subscribe to the notion that north American Latino's are not capable of assimilation the same way European Latino's have?
...The reason why your stance costs you votes among Hispanic voters is not because they are illegals. Most of them are citizens, a lot of them were born here. And they really don't like seeing people who look like them demonized for the horrible crime of trying to make life better for their families.
All the more reason to enforce the laws of the Nation without regard to political fortunes.

Guy, you can't win with just white people anymore.
The risk of winning or losing an election is NOT a wholesome benchmark for deciding whether or not to enforce our laws.


The prior administration chose not to enforce SEC laws which resulted in the likes of Bernie Maddoff bilking millions of dollars and the 2008 economic meltdown.

The laws are on the books for a reason and it is malfeasance not to enforce them regardless of which party is in power.

The elected officials (and their bosom buddies) on BOTH sides of the aisle are full of shit when it comes to dealing with Illegal Aliens.

Republicans (not so much the rank-and-file) want them to stay, in order to continue taking advantage of lowball labor rates.

Democrats (but not all the rank-and-file) want them to stay, in order to plant the seeds for future generations of loyal and grateful voters.

Whores, both of them.
Good plan Blondy.They're only the largest ethnic minority and soon to be ethnic majority. Go ahead and ignore them.

for sure since they will soon be your all's new masters you all should start bowing now
You're being sarcastic......right?

No. We keep having that thrown in our face. so to me it says get ready for your new masters in the country
Imagine what America will be like when people coming from a shithole country apply the same goverance here when they become the majority. We already see what happens when a self-proclaimed Kenyan is in charge.
Do you subscribe to the notion that north American Latino's are not capable of assimilation the same way European Latino's have?

I'm not assuming anything. it's the liberals on here who assumes we all need to PANDER to any group, race or color. If they didn't use class warfare they wouldn't have anything
Last I checked Ann Coulter wasn't running for any office those who are know you have to pander to all sorts of groups to elected sad but true.
Latinos don't care about either republicans or democrats. They vote for whoever will promise them the most free stuff. Lacking a democrat or a republican, latinos will support whichever cartels gives them the most money. When they get their chance they vote for fellow latinos. It's called La Raza for a reason.
^ dopey post of the day. A lot of them, most of them, work harder than any injun Katzndogz has EVER worked. FACT!!!

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