Coulter to GOP: stop ‘Constantly Sucking Up’ to Latino Voters

Yep, Repubs need to focus on their core voters :up: white xenophobes who, ironically, stole this land from the native americans who, ironically, vote Repub like Katzndogz.

Seriously though, Repubs need to stop wasting their secret money $$$ on trying to get non-white people to embrace their "let them die" party platform.

So, through your Democrat Liberal Zeal to put that "theft" right you're leaving later today for the land of your people, who or whatever they might have been?

Um, no. We just think that HIspanics, whites and blacks are mostly in the same boat- working for a living against the 1%ers who own half the wealth and are afraid we might still have some of it.

what you have a mouse in your pocket?

We We We just think we are so superior over the rest in this country
Yeah, I get paid a little more than the Hispanic Chicks on the floor, but we all get cheated by the rich people who pay our salaries if they think they can get away with it.

How exactly does your employer prevent you from quitting for another job? So if you're underpaid, find a better employer rather than whining about it all day on message boards.

1) I'm already in the process of doing so.
2) Since i haven't worked yet for an employer who didn't try to pull a fast one, i'm really not hopeful that they won't in the future.

Tell you how you prevent that. You have strong labor laws, strong unions, and stop worshipping rich assholes who take more than their fair share.

Simpler solution. Find a better job on your own. There are lots of them out there. You obviously have issues that are stopping you. Maybe you should appreciate your current job more. Despite your bad attitude and poor work ethic, they don't fire you.

I worked with a guy at GE Capital Corporate in 2001 who kept saying his job sucked and he should quit. When the economy turned bad after 9/11, he said openly he didn't care if he was laid off. Then GE Capital broke into four businesses and we all lost our jobs because we were corporate for an organization that no longer existed. We had to find a new one at GE in a short period of time or get let go. And every division had a hiring freeze other than from within their own division other than in extreme cases.

You guessed it, he got laid off in the first wave. He was going around like, what! How can they do that! We were all laughing at him, literally, he was such a clueless douche.

I got a job at GE Consumer Finance. I lived in Connecticut, the job was in Ohio. I had to fly there every week and fly home for the weekend. It sucked. It was a clear step down. But it was a job and with the economy I thought that was a good thing. It worked out, I bounced back.

Attitude is everything. Are you seeing a psychiatrist? Your attitude is a job killer. It probably makes the rest of your life suck too. I'd be sure to see someone who can prescribe meds, you're clearly not going to cure that attitude with just counseling.

There are so many jobs out there. If you can't get one, take a step down like I did and have a good attitude about it, and work your way back, like I did. Attitude is everything.
Well, we can't all be dumb. White, working class funditards who keep voting Republican and then wonder why the Rich have sent their jobs to China.

True, only you have put a period in the middle of a sentence and capitalized an adjective and improper noun.

Yes, playing Grammar Nazi is the last resort of someone who understood the point but can't answer it, thanks.

You guys aren't paying me enough to spell check.
McCain and Romney both let the Dems run their campaign and they both lost big time. In 2010 we ran a Conservative message and won -- big time.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to be a Republican running with a Dem message?
Well, we can't all be dumb. White, working class funditards who keep voting Republican and then wonder why the Rich have sent their jobs to China.

True, only you have put a period in the middle of a sentence and capitalized an adjective and improper noun.

Yes, playing Grammar Nazi is the last resort of someone who understood the point but can't answer it, thanks.

You guys aren't paying me enough to spell check.

If you're going to call other people stupid you might want to try not looking it yourself.
The risk of winning or losing an election is NOT a wholesome benchmark for deciding whether or not to enforce our laws.

Well, you can't enforce the laws if you don't win the election.

and the problem with you wingnuts on this issue is you can't seem to discuss it without sounding just a little bit racist.
It is not a 'wing-nut' position, to decry the despicable state of affairs that has yielded 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens in our midst; neither is it a 'wing-nut' position, to lambast political parties and administrations, past and present, for allowing such a state of affairs to develop, or to remedy the situation in a manner both advantageous to the Nation and its People and respecting and enforcing its laws.

We would not be in a position in which either party risked anything in enforcing our laws, if the scum leading both parties were not willing to Whore themselves out to the Hispanic ethnic voting bloc, at the first sign of firmness on the subject from the other camp.
Simpler solution. Find a better job on your own. There are lots of them out there. You obviously have issues that are stopping you. Maybe you should appreciate your current job more. Despite your bad attitude and poor work ethic, they don't fire you.

I've saved them half a million dollars and do the work that three people did in 2008. They absolutely crapped themselves when I cam to work wearing a suit one day (I had a wake to go to after work.) because they thought I was interviewing.

My main reluctance to quit this job is 1) They haven't engaged in any of the outright douchebaggery that previous employers have done. They haven't cheated me on health insurance or fired my friend because she was gay. They just underpay me, and 2) I really like most of the people I work with.

But the pay isn't very good and they've been systematically moving jobs to China and points east. so it's time to be proactive.

But no, I worked for this job for 6 years. The one that cured me of all conservative and libertarian and anti-government stupidity also lasted about six years. So really, 12 years with two employers, nothing wrong with my attitude. Everything wrong with corporatism, captialism and the greed of the 1%.

Again, 2008, everything you guys said was proven wrong.

If you're going to call other people stupid you might want to try not looking it yourself.

Well, no, everyone understood what I said and no one could answer the point other than personal insults, which means I won the argument.
It is not a 'wing-nut' position, to decry the despicable state of affairs that has yielded 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens in our midst; neither is it a 'wing-nut' position, to lambast political parties and administrations, past and present, for allowing such a state of affairs to develop, or to remedy the situation in a manner both advantageous to the Nation and its People and respecting and enforcing its laws.

We would not be in a position in which either party risked anything in enforcing our laws, if the scum leading both parties were not willing to Whore themselves out to the Hispanic ethnic voting bloc, at the first sign of firmness on the subject from the other camp.

Have you ever refused to deal with a business because you think they MIGHT be employing illegals?

We have 12,000,000 illegals in our midst because we support an economic system that wants cheap labor.

Oh, damn, they are demanding better working conditions and better pay and the right to vote... you know, things the rest of us take for granted (but probably shouldn't).

How dare they!
Coulter may very well be one of the greatest actresses of our time. I don't think she believes half of what she states. She is nothing more than a peddler of red meat. Coulter knows her audience well, tells them what they want to hear, and they in turn make very wealthy. Pretty sweet gig if you ask me.
You guessed it, he got laid off in the first wave. He was going around like, what! How can they do that! We were all laughing at him, literally, he was such a clueless douche.

Really, a douche is someone who laughs at the misfortune of others.

Or a libertarian. Same difference.
Coulter may very well be one of the greatest actresses of our time. I don't think she believes half of what she states. She is nothing more than a peddler of red meat. Coulter knows her audience well, tells them what they want to hear, and they in turn make very wealthy. Pretty sweet gig if you ask me.

You sound jealous
Coulter is just one of MANY out there like she's someone special. This is just Desperation on the part of the left wing sites like Hufferpuffer to drag up some good ole dirty politics.
Attitude is everything. Are you seeing a psychiatrist? Your attitude is a job killer. It probably makes the rest of your life suck too. I'd be sure to see someone who can prescribe meds, you're clearly not going to cure that attitude with just counseling.

There are so many jobs out there. If you can't get one, take a step down like I did and have a good attitude about it. Attitude is everything.

Guy, I lost both of my parents when I was 19. I've probably been through shit that would make you crack like an egg, because like most Libertarians, Batshit crazy is a default setting.

And, no I refuse to take a step down.

Because here's what's going to happen when I give these clowns notice. They will suddenly discover there is money to pay me more. (Because their usual plan of bringing in temps when someone leaves will be a lot more expensive.)

So on a personal level, I'm attending to it.

and on a political level, i'm going to vote for any left wing demagogue who promises me he'll fuck over rich people.
Simpler solution. Find a better job on your own. There are lots of them out there. You obviously have issues that are stopping you. Maybe you should appreciate your current job more. Despite your bad attitude and poor work ethic, they don't fire you.

I've saved them half a million dollars and do the work that three people did in 2008. They absolutely crapped themselves when I cam to work wearing a suit one day (I had a wake to go to after work.) because they thought I was interviewing.

My main reluctance to quit this job is 1) They haven't engaged in any of the outright douchebaggery that previous employers have done. They haven't cheated me on health insurance or fired my friend because she was gay. They just underpay me, and 2) I really like most of the people I work with.

But the pay isn't very good and they've been systematically moving jobs to China and points east. so it's time to be proactive.

But no, I worked for this job for 6 years. The one that cured me of all conservative and libertarian and anti-government stupidity also lasted about six years. So really, 12 years with two employers, nothing wrong with my attitude. Everything wrong with corporatism, captialism and the greed of the 1%.

Again, 2008, everything you guys said was proven wrong.

Corporatism is socialism, not capitalism.

Capitalism fixes greed by punishing the losers. It's government that enables greed because only they can pervert the market with guns.

You build a massive government, fund it with trillions of dollars, then you're surprised when the wealthy and powerful manipulate it for their own benefit. Jesus man, open your eyes. Small government is the solution. Yet you want more of what is broken?

And your employer isn't underpaying you. You show up for work every day. That's on you, not them.
You guessed it, he got laid off in the first wave. He was going around like, what! How can they do that! We were all laughing at him, literally, he was such a clueless douche.

Really, a douche is someone who laughs at the misfortune of others.

Or a libertarian. Same difference.

LOL, from the guy who doesn't give a shit about anyone else. And it wasn't "misfortune of others." He did it to himself. It was self inflicted. That you don't get my point is the point. You hate your employer, they know that, trust me. And that holds you back. Just like his attitude got him fired.
and on a political level, i'm going to vote for any left wing demagogue who promises me he'll fuck over rich people.

And that's where you're a tool. He takes our money and fucks over you. It doesn't matter which party they are in.

I'm the one who's actually interested in helping the middle class. Make government smaller. I'll compete. I want government to stop helping the big companies who pay them off. You don't want government to stop helping the rich people who pay them off. You're drinking the rhetoric policicians care about you. That's actually a classic example of a sucker. Someone who believes politicians, lawyers and used care salesmen. And you buy two of the three.
Coulter may very well be one of the greatest actresses of our time. I don't think she believes half of what she states. She is nothing more than a peddler of red meat. Coulter knows her audience well, tells them what they want to hear, and they in turn make very wealthy. Pretty sweet gig if you ask me.

You sound jealous
Coulter is just one of MANY out there like she's someone special. This is just Desperation on the part of the left wing sites like Hufferpuffer to drag up some good ole dirty politics.

Not hardly. Being jealous of blind partisans on either side isn't my style. She feeds you the red meat you so desperately crave, you willingly gobble it up, and then gleefully open your wallets to shower her with your money. A fool and their money are soon parted.

Corporatism is socialism, not capitalism.

Capitalism fixes greed by punishing the losers. It's government that enables greed because only they can pervert the market with guns.

Sigh. If you divide the world into "Winners" and "Losers", that's a pretty sad commentary, isn't it?

You build a massive government, fund it with trillions of dollars, then you're surprised when the wealthy and powerful manipulate it for their own benefit. Jesus man, open your eyes. Small government is the solution. Yet you want more of what is broken?

And your employer isn't underpaying you. You show up for work every day. That's on you, not them.

Guy, if Libertarianism was so fucking awesome, how come no country has tried it, ever?

Small government is not the problem. Government controlled by the wealthy is.

If you don't think you libertarians are being played by the rich, ask yourself one question. Why are the Koch Brothers spending so much trouble being your sugar daddies? I don't think it's their love for the writings of Ayn Rand.
And that's where you're a tool. He takes our money and fucks over you. It doesn't matter which party they are in.

I'm the one who's actually interested in helping the middle class. Make government smaller. I'll compete. I want government to stop helping the big companies who pay them off. You don't want government to stop helping the rich people who pay them off. You're drinking the rhetoric policicians care about you. That's actually a classic example of a sucker. Someone who believes politicians, lawyers and used care salesmen. And you buy two of the three.

so why is it that the Libertarian party never gets one percent of the vote if what you are selling is so awesome?

I don't think that the politician "cares" about me, but he does have a vested interest in keeping me happy as a voter.

Corporatism is socialism, not capitalism.

Capitalism fixes greed by punishing the losers. It's government that enables greed because only they can pervert the market with guns.

Sigh. If you divide the world into "Winners" and "Losers", that's a pretty sad commentary, isn't it?

Winners and losers in the market place, moron.

Guy, if Libertarianism was so fucking awesome, how come no country has tried it, ever?

The United States of America was extremely small government libertarian. They were nothing like your Marxist Democrats in any way.

Small government is not the problem. Government controlled by the wealthy is.
Ding, ding, ding. I keep telling you this. There is no solution, the more money that government controls, the more people with money will spend to control it. The more successful you are, the more you ensure your doom.

If you don't think you libertarians are being played by the rich, ask yourself one question. Why are the Koch Brothers spending so much trouble being your sugar daddies? I don't think it's their love for the writings of Ayn Rand.

The Koch Brothers are Republicans, not libertarians, dumb ass.

Typical liberal, we are Republicans or anarchists, you can't process anything in the middle. We are one or the other. And then you criticize Republicans for being black and white. Can't make up the shit you actually believe.

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