Coulter to GOP: stop ‘Constantly Sucking Up’ to Latino Voters


Coulter's priority is not political victory, it's Coulter.

I wonder if the party will ever learn the significance of messaging.

No sign of that yet.


Is that different from anyone else in the political arena?

Coulter's priority is not political victory, it's Coulter.

I wonder if the party will ever learn the significance of messaging.

No sign of that yet.


Is that different from anyone else in the political arena?

Of course not. They get into politics for the same reason everyone else does, power and wealth.
Latinos don't care about either republicans or democrats. They vote for whoever will promise them the most free stuff. Lacking a democrat or a republican, latinos will support whichever cartels gives them the most money. When they get their chance they vote for fellow latinos. It's called La Raza for a reason.
This is exactly the kind of mindless, bigoted shit that is killing the GOP in the Latino vote.

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The way to win Hispanics is to point out obamacare hurt their medical insurance, Obama has cost many of them full-time jobs with his policies/obamacare, liberals are counter to the Catholic church teachings that many Hispanics follow, liberals cater to the latest minority group so Hispanics will be dumped for Asians or another group in due time just ask blacks...
What a bunch of horseshit.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
More excellent GOP minority voter outreach, this is sure to help!

Ann Coulter To GOP Stop Sucking Up To Hispanics

The link within that link:

Ann Coulter GOP Should Stop Constantly Sucking Up to Hispanic Voters Mediaite

...Coulter was quick to point to minority groups and immigrant voters being solid blocks for Democrats, not to mention election fraud, as a reason they’re doing better than they should...
...She told O’Reilly she’s getting tired of Republicans ducking on this issue and suggested “instead of constantly sucking up to a group of people who will never vote for you, how about appealing to the other voters who are just gonna go home and say ‘Screw you.’”

I want to thank Ann Coulter, among others, for making sure that the GOP becomes a relatively meaningless regional party over the next years.

Thank you, Ann.
The GOP is poised for the biggest take over in Congress in history.
Remind me what elected position or what postion in the GOP Coulter holds.

You are an ignorant ass-clown posting crap so everyone can laugh at you.
More excellent GOP minority voter outreach, this is sure to help!

Ann Coulter To GOP Stop Sucking Up To Hispanics

The link within that link:

Ann Coulter GOP Should Stop Constantly Sucking Up to Hispanic Voters Mediaite

...Coulter was quick to point to minority groups and immigrant voters being solid blocks for Democrats, not to mention election fraud, as a reason they’re doing better than they should...
...She told O’Reilly she’s getting tired of Republicans ducking on this issue and suggested “instead of constantly sucking up to a group of people who will never vote for you, how about appealing to the other voters who are just gonna go home and say ‘Screw you.’”

I want to thank Ann Coulter, among others, for making sure that the GOP becomes a relatively meaningless regional party over the next years.

Thank you, Ann.

We'll see how meaningless the GOP will be in a few weeks.

As for Coulter, she's 100% correct. The GOP can never out-Democrat the Democrats in terms of offering race-based spoils and if they did go that route, they'd alienate their anti-racist conservative base.

Better to build the base with solid anti-racist policy proposals. There's a vast white middle and working class which is theirs for the taking because the Democrats offer no white-based racial spoils (because that would leave no one to pay for the black and Hispanic spoils.)
The general direction in which you are going is good, but the national electoral stats you wrote are wrong:

Actually, I'm getting different sources with different numbers.

For instance, THIS source has Romney with 59,134,475 million.

2012 US Presidential Election

While this source puts him at 60,933,657

Meanwhile, THIS source had him at 60,589,084

President Elect - 2012

I would happily defer to any definitive source that lists what Romney's vote total was.

So while I generally agree with you when we aren't talking about Israel, I think there's a bit of quibbling when we are both making the same point. Romney did very well with White, Republican voters, that isn't enough these days to put you over the top.
What has the GOP done for us? You're full of crap. The Tea Party are libertarians lite, and they are demogogued by the party establishment just like the liberals do to them.

The GOP is spending too much time sucking up to you, even though you are a joke. The Teabaggers are even more pathetic, because frankly, you can smell the racism.
Seriously, you don't know the answer to that question? You know nothing about business or economics or common sense. Let's start with the common sense. It saves you $$$. Why do you like that? Why do you like spending less for the same thing? And what do you do with that money you saved? You spend it, which creates ... what?

It doesn't save me money. It reduces my choices and makes me drive further.

Guy, you fools don't get to argue economics anymore after 2008.
Two of the businesses I bought I spun off. The other three I combined. I've gotten with the businesses obviously good and bad employees. I decided spring of last year it was time to deal with the bad ones. I cut a third of my staff in one day.

Yup. And you have a 12" dick and Lexus. Got it.
Latinos don't care about either republicans or democrats. They vote for whoever will promise them the most free stuff. Lacking a democrat or a republican, latinos will support whichever cartels gives them the most money. When they get their chance they vote for fellow latinos. It's called La Raza for a reason.
This is exactly the kind of mindless, bigoted shit that is killing the GOP in the Latino vote.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
What kills the GOP with latinos is that the GOP doesn't promise enough free shit.
A lot of republicans stayed home and did not vote for Romney.

They did??? You mean all of the enthusiasm the Repubs were ginning up to get the Marxist usurper out of the White House didn't work???

I find that very hard to believe.

Then you didn't read anything about voter turnout. Republicans are Democrats best friend. They keep nominating guys like Dole, McCain and Romney when they should win elections. W only won because you decided to go with even bigger nut jobs. The lunatic Al Gore. And let's be serious, Kerry was a gag candidate.

Somehow, when it's coming from the likes of you, I just can't take any definition of who is a "bigger nut job" seriously.

If you're going to call other people stupid you might want to try not looking it yourself.

Well, no, everyone understood what I said and no one could answer the point other than personal insults, which means I won the argument.

No, it doesn't necessarily mean that at all. You see Mark Twain once said, "Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
so why is it that the Libertarian party never gets one percent of the vote if what you are selling is so awesome?

The Libertarian Party almost always gets more than 1% of the vote when they run a candidate.
Small government is not the problem. Government controlled by the wealthy is.

You'll never have a government that isn't.

If you don't think you libertarians are being played by the rich, ask yourself one question. Why are the Koch Brothers spending so much trouble being your sugar daddies?

Which libertarian candidate have the Koch Bros. pumped money into?

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