Coulter to GOP: stop ‘Constantly Sucking Up’ to Latino Voters

A lot of republicans stayed home and did not vote for Romney.

They did??? You mean all of the enthusiasm the Repubs were ginning up to get the Marxist usurper out of the White House didn't work???

I find that very hard to believe.
A lot of republicans stayed home and did not vote for Romney.
I agree with the notion that blacks and hispanics are locekd into the democrat party.
Fuck em they are NOT going to vote republican so don't pander to them.

Why do you guys keep repeating this shit?

Romney got the maximum number of AVAILABLE republican votes. In fact, 92% of self-identified republicans voted for him, which was an improvement on the 90% of Republicans who voted for McCain. Bush-43 only got 93% of self-identified Republicans in 2004, and 91% of them in 2000. RONALD REAGAN only got 93% of the Republican vote.

If you want to go raw numbers,
Bush 43 got 61.8 million votes in 2004
McCain got 60 million votes in 2008
Romney got 59 million votes in 2012.

the reason Bush got SLIGHTLY more votes than Romney or McCain was because 1) people were really still scared after 9/11 and 2) Bush actually took the time to reach out to Hispanics.

So what is telling is looking at the percentages of Hispanics both as voters and what the candidates won.

In 2004, Hispanics made up 8% of the electorate, and Bush got 44% of them.
In 2008, Hispanics made up 9% of the electorate, and McCain got 31% of them after he repudiated his own immigration reform plan and pandered to the Tancredo wing of the party in the primaries.
In 2012, Hispanics made up 10% of the electorate and Romney only got 27% of them.

So you can draw a straight line between the growth of the Hispanic vote and the inability of the GOP to connect with them.
You'll have to forgive Rozman for being his hack self.

As top the OP, Latino's know that Repub basers hate them so why would they vote for that?
Yeah, I get paid a little more than the Hispanic Chicks on the floor, but we all get cheated by the rich people who pay our salaries if they think they can get away with it.

How exactly does your employer prevent you from quitting for another job? So if you're underpaid, find a better employer rather than whining about it all day on message boards.
for sure since they will soon be your all's new masters you all should start bowing now
You're being sarcastic......right?

No. We keep having that thrown in our face. so to me it says get ready for your new masters in the country
Imagine what America will be like when people coming from a shithole country apply the same goverance here when they become the majority. We already see what happens when a self-proclaimed Kenyan is in charge.
Do you subscribe to the notion that north American Latino's are not capable of assimilation the same way European Latino's have?

I'm not assuming anything. it's the liberals on here who assumes we all need to PANDER to any group, race or color. If they didn't use class warfare they wouldn't have anything
Obama did not win by using class warfare.

Obama did not win because Romney didn't have a clear message. Americans heard it loud and clear after dozens of debates.

There are more Democrats in this country than Republicans, and Obama's strategists did a better job of mobilizing them to vote.

You're right that the GOP shouldn't pander to minorities and women. Their platform will turn off those voters anyway. It's better to go down while being true to yourselves.
A lot of republicans stayed home and did not vote for Romney.

They did??? You mean all of the enthusiasm the Repubs were ginning up to get the Marxist usurper out of the White House didn't work???

I find that very hard to believe.

Then you didn't read anything about voter turnout. Republicans are Democrats best friend. They keep nominating guys like Dole, McCain and Romney when they should win elections. W only won because you decided to go with even bigger nut jobs. The lunatic Al Gore. And let's be serious, Kerry was a gag candidate.

Adios Democrats! Hispanics Bolting Party
Michael Barone' href="James S. Robbins Author at Radix News" rel="nofollow" abp="39">Michael Barone | October 19, 2014 | Commentary | 1 Comment
It’s looking like a tough offyear election for Democrats, with their Senate majority at serious risk and their chances of gaining House seats down toward zero.
Every party has a bad offyear sometimes; Republicans did in 2006. Sooner or later they recover. But in the crosstabs of polls and in party strategists’ moves I see evidence that one group Democrats have been counting on is moving away from them: Hispanics.
Hispanics voted 71 percent for Barack Obama in 2012, 20 points above his national average of 51 percent. According to Gallup, Hispanics’ latest Obama job approval has sunk to 44 percent, just 3 points above the national average.
You probably haven’t heard much about this because Hispanics are scarce in all but one of the states with serious Senate races this year.
The one exception is Colorado, where the 2012 exit poll said 14 percent of voters were Hispanic. Non-Hispanic whites there voted 54 to 44 percent for Mitt Romney. But Hispanics voted 75 to 23 percent for Barack Obama, providing all of his popular vote margin and more.

Adios Democrats Hispanics Bolting Party - Radix News
You're being sarcastic......right?

No. We keep having that thrown in our face. so to me it says get ready for your new masters in the country
Imagine what America will be like when people coming from a shithole country apply the same goverance here when they become the majority. We already see what happens when a self-proclaimed Kenyan is in charge.
Do you subscribe to the notion that north American Latino's are not capable of assimilation the same way European Latino's have?

I'm not assuming anything. it's the liberals on here who assumes we all need to PANDER to any group, race or color. If they didn't use class warfare they wouldn't have anything
Obama did not win by using class warfare.

Obama did not win because Romney didn't have a clear message. Americans heard it loud and clear after dozens of debates.

There are more Democrats in this country than Republicans, and Obama's strategists did a better job of mobilizing them to vote.

You're right that the GOP shouldn't pander to minorities and women. Their platform will turn off those voters anyway. It's better to go down while being true to yourselves.

Romney lost it in the second debate when after blowing Obama out of the water in the first one, he decided to agree with everything Obama said in the second. That is where so many of us us who really, really wanted Obama gone just lost interest in bothering to vote or we voted third party. WTF? You agree with Obama? On everything? He told us his administration would have zero zeal to change course. If Romney got the same # of votes as McCain, he would have won.
You're being sarcastic......right?

No. We keep having that thrown in our face. so to me it says get ready for your new masters in the country
Imagine what America will be like when people coming from a shithole country apply the same goverance here when they become the majority. We already see what happens when a self-proclaimed Kenyan is in charge.
Do you subscribe to the notion that north American Latino's are not capable of assimilation the same way European Latino's have?

I'm not assuming anything. it's the liberals on here who assumes we all need to PANDER to any group, race or color. If they didn't use class warfare they wouldn't have anything
Obama did not win by using class warfare.

Obama did not win because Romney didn't have a clear message. Americans heard it loud and clear after dozens of debates.

There are more Democrats in this country than Republicans, and Obama's strategists did a better job of mobilizing them to vote.

You're right that the GOP shouldn't pander to minorities and women. Their platform will turn off those voters anyway. It's better to go down while being true to yourselves.

you can't be living in reality
Romney's TAX RETURNS? The ad where Obama and Democrats had Republicans pushing grandma over a cliff in a wheelchair.
get real and get into real America
Latinos don't care about either republicans or democrats. They vote for whoever will promise them the most free stuff. Lacking a democrat or a republican, latinos will support whichever cartels gives them the most money. When they get their chance they vote for fellow latinos. It's called La Raza for a reason.
^ dopey post of the day. A lot of them, most of them, work harder than any injun Katzndogz has EVER worked. FACT!!!
No one ever said latinos didn't work. They certainly do. They are just far more loyal to other latinos than to either republicans or democrats. They have far more self interest than Americans. They follow the money, all the time, every time. That's one of the reasons the cartels have gotten so powerful. They pay off. Their money is always good.
Latinos don't care about either republicans or democrats. They vote for whoever will promise them the most free stuff. Lacking a democrat or a republican, latinos will support whichever cartels gives them the most money. When they get their chance they vote for fellow latinos. It's called La Raza for a reason.
^ dopey post of the day. A lot of them, most of them, work harder than any injun Katzndogz has EVER worked. FACT!!!
No one ever said latinos didn't work. They certainly do. They are just far more loyal to other latinos than to either republicans or democrats. They have far more self interest than Americans. They follow the money, all the time, every time. That's one of the reasons the cartels have gotten so powerful. They pay off. Their money is always good.
sterotype much :eusa_eh: :eusa_hand:

Most Latinos are Catholic so your above post is made-up, nonsense.
The risk of winning or losing an election is NOT a wholesome benchmark for deciding whether or not to enforce our laws.

Well, you can't enforce the laws if you don't win the election.

and the problem with you wingnuts on this issue is you can't seem to discuss it without sounding just a little bit racist.
Yeah, I get paid a little more than the Hispanic Chicks on the floor, but we all get cheated by the rich people who pay our salaries if they think they can get away with it.

How exactly does your employer prevent you from quitting for another job? So if you're underpaid, find a better employer rather than whining about it all day on message boards.

1) I'm already in the process of doing so.
2) Since i haven't worked yet for an employer who didn't try to pull a fast one, i'm really not hopeful that they won't in the future.

Tell you how you prevent that. You have strong labor laws, strong unions, and stop worshipping rich assholes who take more than their fair share.
Romney lost it in the second debate when after blowing Obama out of the water in the first one, he decided to agree with everything Obama said in the second. That is where so many of us us who really, really wanted Obama gone just lost interest in bothering to vote or we voted third party. WTF? You agree with Obama? On everything? He told us his administration would have zero zeal to change course. If Romney got the same # of votes as McCain, he would have won.

The problem is, you put much too much stock in the "Debates".

Romney only won the first debate the reason ALL challengers win the first debate. They are up on an equal footing with the sitting president. All you need to do is show up on the same stage, and Romney did that.

By the second debate, Romney had to prove he was a viable alternative, and frankly, all he offered was "If we just did what we did when Bush was President, that'll work out well."

If Romney got the same # of votes as McCain, he would have won.

Not really. Romney got MORE votes than McCain did. He still lost. Even with Obama getting 3 milion less votes than he got in 2008, he STILL managed to beat Romney by five million votes.
Yep, Repubs need to focus on their core voters :up: white xenophobes who, ironically, stole this land from the native americans who, ironically, vote Repub like Katzndogz.

Seriously though, Repubs need to stop wasting their secret money $$$ on trying to get non-white people to embrace their "let them die" party platform.
Yep, Repubs need to focus on their core voters :up: white xenophobes who, ironically, stole this land from the native americans who, ironically, vote Repub like Katzndogz.

Seriously though, Repubs need to stop wasting their secret money $$$ on trying to get non-white people to embrace their "let them die" party platform.

So, through your Democrat Liberal Zeal to put that "theft" right you're leaving later today for the land of your people, who or whatever they might have been?
Yep, Repubs need to focus on their core voters :up: white xenophobes who, ironically, stole this land from the native americans who, ironically, vote Repub like Katzndogz.

Seriously though, Repubs need to stop wasting their secret money $$$ on trying to get non-white people to embrace their "let them die" party platform.

So, through your Democrat Liberal Zeal to put that "theft" right you're leaving later today for the land of your people, who or whatever they might have been?

Um, no. We just think that HIspanics, whites and blacks are mostly in the same boat- working for a living against the 1%ers who own half the wealth and are afraid we might still have some of it.
Yep, Repubs need to focus on their core voters :up: white xenophobes who, ironically, stole this land from the native americans who, ironically, vote Repub like Katzndogz.

Seriously though, Repubs need to stop wasting their secret money $$$ on trying to get non-white people to embrace their "let them die" party platform.

So, through your Democrat Liberal Zeal to put that "theft" right you're leaving later today for the land of your people, who or whatever they might have been?

Um, no. We just think that HIspanics, whites and blacks are mostly in the same boat- working for a living against the 1%ers who own half the wealth and are afraid we might still have some of it.
Following along w/ my previous post, the Hispanics used to own the 1/3 Western half of the country. No wonder they like it here. :eusa_whistle:
More excellent GOP minority voter outreach, this is sure to help!

Ann Coulter To GOP Stop Sucking Up To Hispanics

The link within that link:

Ann Coulter GOP Should Stop Constantly Sucking Up to Hispanic Voters Mediaite

...Coulter was quick to point to minority groups and immigrant voters being solid blocks for Democrats, not to mention election fraud, as a reason they’re doing better than they should...
...She told O’Reilly she’s getting tired of Republicans ducking on this issue and suggested “instead of constantly sucking up to a group of people who will never vote for you, how about appealing to the other voters who are just gonna go home and say ‘Screw you.’”

I want to thank Ann Coulter, among others, for making sure that the GOP becomes a relatively meaningless regional party over the next years.

Thank you, Ann.

That's an example of Ann Coulter sucking up to her niche audience of rightwing nuts.
Well, we can't all be dumb. White, working class funditards who keep voting Republican and then wonder why the Rich have sent their jobs to China.

True, only you have put a period in the middle of a sentence and capitalized an adjective and improper noun.
Repubs only vote for people who look like them for the most part. Who cares if those same people send their jobs to China.


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