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Do you see what happens when you stoop to name-calling? Real issues get tossed out the window. “You called him this.” “I did not but you guys call me that.” Gosh. This seems to be so childish.

I agree. which is why this is so dumb.

It was a stupid comment by her. doesnt justify people vilifying her with even worse insults.
This seems fair, links at site:


Anatomy of a Botched Joke
Remember when John Kerry made disparaging comments about the U.S. military and then claimed, with an absurd self-righteousness, that it was all a "botched joke"? Now, thanks to Ann Coulter, we know what an actual botched joke looks like.

Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference last week, Coulter said:

I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word "faggot," so I--so kind of an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards.
This joke failed, for three reasons:

* The pop culture reference is too obscure for most people to get. We knew about it only because Kathryn Lopez linked to an article about it: It seems Isaiah Washington, a TV actor, checked into a "residential treatment facility" after a dispute with a fellow cast member in which Washington used the word "faggot."

* Although Edwards has what people back in 2003 used to call a "metrosexual" demeanor, as well as a history of gay-baiting, it is not clear why implying that he is gay would be funny.

* "Faggot" is an ugly word, redolent of hatred even if employed without hateful intent.
Of course, every time Coulter says something outrageous, the reaction is Pavlovian all around: Liberals get outraged, conservatives get outraged, and liberals get outraged that conservatives aren't outraged, even though they are. Our favorite conservative reaction came from blogger Rick Moran, who wrote:

I urge everyone--right and left--to take the following actions:

1. Never write another blog post about Ann Coulter no matter how outrageous, cruel, or bigoted her language. . . .

I will no longer be a willing cog in her publicity machine.
Well, OK, I will write this 700-word post, and I will update it twice, to the tune of more than 500 words. But once I'm done with that, I will no longer be a willing cog in her publicity machine! Really!

Our favorite liberal response came from the Edwards campaign itself, which sent out a ridiculously over-the-top email attributed to pro-Saddam ex-Rep. David Bonior:

Did you hear about Anne [sic] Coulter's speech this afternoon attacking John? A friend just forwarded me the video and it's one of the worst moments in American politics I've seen. I can't bring myself to even repeat her comments. Her shameless display of bigotry is so outrageous you actually have to see for yourself to believe it. This is just a taste of the filth that the right-wing machine is gearing up to throw at us.
So it's both "one of the worst moments in American politics" and "just a taste of the filth" to come? The Associated Press reports that Edwards himself "said a remark about him by conservative author Ann Coulter reminded him of hateful speech against blacks he heard while growing up in the segregated South." And if you want to show your disgust with Coulter, go here to donate "Coulter cash" to the Edwards campaign.

Edwards seems to be striking a self-pitying tone similar to the one Kerry struck last year when he was the one who gave offense. It's funny how liberal politicians are always the victims, whether someone else says something outrageous about them or they say something outrageous about others.

In any case, you can tell Coulter's botched joke really was a botched joke by the light touch she used when the New York Times asked her about it:

Ms. Coulter, asked for a reaction to the Republican criticism, said in an e-mail message: "C'mon, it was a joke. I would never insult gays by suggesting that they are like John Edwards. That would be mean."​

Now that gave us a chuckle.
I agree. which is why this is so dumb.

It was a stupid comment by her. doesnt justify people vilifying her with even worse insults.

I notice the liberal media is ignoring the comments made by Bill Maher and Barney Frank.

Maher expressed his disappointment the attempt on the life of VP Cheney failed

Then Marble Mouth Frank said "it was a wasted bomb"

The morons in the audience laughed

Nothing like liberal love, compassion, and understanding

Then libs have the nerve to act insulted when their patriotism is questioned

The Rude Pundit was going to have a few comments about Ann Coulter today, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you say, "Ann Coulter ought to be dragged into an alley by her grey roots and sodomized repeatedly by lesbians wielding spiked baseball bats, empty bottles of L'Oreal Blonde #34, and a giant red octopus with Edwards for President buttons on its tentacles before being tossed into Sadr City nude while on a potent mixture of Spanish fly and roofies."
Hey, only joking. Even an octopus knows better than to fuck Ann Coulter.

Edwards capitalizes on Coulter slur

Mon Mar 5, 7:30 PM ET

SUMMARY: After right-winger Ann Coulter used the "f-word" to slam John Edwards, the candidate put the video on his Web site and used it to raise money.

Prominently featured on John Edwards' presidential campaign Web site is a video of conservative commentator Ann Coulter insulting him. And with just a mouse click you can hear the invective and get a chance to donate at the same time.

On Friday, Coulter, a writer and columnist known for provocative remarks, told an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington: "I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,' so I -- so kind of an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards."

The Edwards camp is now seeking to capitalize on the slur by soliciting $100,000 in "Coulter Cash" to "show that inflaming prejudice to attack progressive leaders will only backfire."

Meanwhile, conservatives were none too pleased with Coulter, either. Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, said: "Frankly, I would have loved to have heard Ann expose and dissect the radical agenda of Sen. Edwards instead of restoring to cheap name-calling." (AP)

The Rude Pundit was going to have a few comments about Ann Coulter today, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you say, "Ann Coulter ought to be dragged into an alley by her grey roots and sodomized repeatedly by lesbians wielding spiked baseball bats, empty bottles of L'Oreal Blonde #34, and a giant red octopus with Edwards for President buttons on its tentacles before being tossed into Sadr City nude while on a potent mixture of Spanish fly and roofies."
Hey, only joking. Even an octopus knows better than to fuck Ann Coulter.

Gee Gab,
I'm curious, why did you leave this imbecile's headline off of your post? Even more ridiculous is the idea that you would even know this pathetic excuse for a "writer", one without even a hint of creative thought or intellect, has a blog. It is amazing to me that anyone would have the time to waste reading such childish garbage, how old is this twat.....13? But it says volumes that you, in response to Ann Coulter's actually funny joke, would quote such a pitiful waste of words.

This is this clowns headline the Gabosaurus conveniently left out.......

"Why Ann Coulter Is a **** (Faggot Edition), Part 1:"

Hypocricy anyone?:lol:
Where is the outrage when Dems slurs Republicans? The liberal media circles the wagons when Howie Dean bellowed the following. Howie Dean is in a leadership role, while Ann is not

Some of Howie's Greatest Hits.......

I hate Republicans and everything they stand for

Republicans are brain dead

You think people can work all day and then pick up their kids at child care or wherever and get home and still manage to sandwich in an eight-hour vote? Well Republicans, I guess can do that. Because a lot of them have never made an honest living in their lives

You know, the Republicans are not very friendly to different kinds of people. They're a pretty monolithic party. Pretty much, they all behave the same, and they all look the same. ... It's pretty much a white Christian party.

You think the Republican National Committee could get this many people of color in a single room? . . . Only if they had the hotel staff in here.
Kathianne's post stated it perfectly, the reference she used in her joke was not widely known enough for those that aren't "Grey's Anatomy" fans.

The word faggot had to be used in the joke about what a girly-boy John Edwards is. A month or so ago, Isaiah Washington, a black actor on Grey's Anatomy, called T.R. Night(homosexual actor that plays a straight married doctor on the show) a faggot on the set. He then repeated the word in an interview. The backlash was such that ABC nodoubt pressured Washington into publicly apologizing and checking himself into a "sensitivety" rehab retreat thing. Something ironic is the two's characters on the show have become good friends.

The fact of the matter is this....they are just words, nothing more and the more importance silly groups put on them the more powerful they become.....dimwits!:badgrin:
Another example of the selective ourtange from liberals and the liberal media is the comparison in coverage of Ann's comments and John Edwards bloggers

Edwards bloggers posted hate filled comments about Christians and the liberal media, for the most part, ignored the story

Their comments never would have been mentioned if not for Fox News and talk radio
When did "two wrongs make a right" become a plank in the conservative platform?
When did "two wrongs make a right" become a plank in the conservative platform?

It is not. I am saying the liberal media and the left has selective outage and a selective memory.

When they step up and tone down their comments - then I will listen to their hissy fits over what conservatives say about them
So Coulter is allowed to say whatever she wants, but her detractors are not allowed to say what they want? That certainly sounds fair minded to me.
So Coulter is allowed to say whatever she wants, but her detractors are not allowed to say what they want? That certainly sounds fair minded to me.

Last I saw, they all said whatever slipped into their teeny tiny craniums. From the right and left, there are no limits on stupid.
Kathianne's post stated it perfectly, the reference she used in her joke was not widely known enough for those that aren't "Grey's Anatomy" fans.

The word faggot had to be used in the joke about what a girly-boy John Edwards is. A month or so ago, Isaiah Washington, a black actor on Grey's Anatomy, called T.R. Night(homosexual actor that plays a straight married doctor on the show) a faggot on the set. He then repeated the word in an interview. The backlash was such that ABC nodoubt pressured Washington into publicly apologizing and checking himself into a "sensitivety" rehab retreat thing. Something ironic is the two's characters on the show have become good friends.

The fact of the matter is this....they are just words, nothing more and the more importance silly groups put on them the more powerful they become.....dimwits!:badgrin:

This is what is really scary about the Left. They actually push people into REHAB for something somebody says. Think communist soviet asylums and mental institutions.

Coulter is making this point about this Grey's Anatomy incident. She is deliberately stirring up the backlash from the Left (again:thup: ) in order to point out how intolerant the Left truly is. Think censorship and mind control…
When did "two wrongs make a right" become a plank in the conservative platform?

Who said anything about it being right?

What we have been pointing out is the absolute hypocrisy of those who continue to slur Ann in far worse ways than she has ever attacked anyone.

And unlike her, they weren't joking.
So Coulter is allowed to say whatever she wants, but her detractors are not allowed to say what they want? That certainly sounds fair minded to me.

No, they can say whatever the heck they want too Gabs. But don't expect much credibility for acting like complete hypocrites.
This is what is really scary about the Left. They actually push people into REHAB for something somebody says. Think communist soviet asylums and mental institutions.

Coulter is making this point about this Grey's Anatomy incident. She is deliberately stirring up the backlash from the Left (again:thup: ) in order to point out how intolerant the Left truly is. Think censorship and mind control…

and it's working too.

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