Coultergeist Compares Wall St Protesters To...Wait For It...Nazis

I think it's pretty funny that Hank Williams Jr. got about 100 times more publicity for himself out of his Nazi card than Coulter did. Somebody tell her it's over.

She didn't play it. Your moronic gene pool did. The fucking left and their inability to keep words in context. You make yourselves look ridiculous. How the fuck you are not embarrassed by it amazes me.
You're the one dodging, fool. You are deliberately taking part of her comment, instead of the whole comment... just to create some faux outrage. You may think that's intelligent... but it isn't. Taking shit out of context in order to be offended is ridiculous. And it makes you look stupid. Are you stupid?
no, but you sure as hell are.
only the truly ignorant with an ax to grind and swimmers in the shallow end of the gene pool, take anything Annie bones pontificates on as gospel..

Nope. You took part of what she said and accused her of something she did not say. That is dishonest.... it is lies.... it is bullshit.

You are a lying little turd.

And, apparently, you're really fucking dumb too.... since you don't understand the context of the Russian and French Revolutions.

OK ..dumb ass the French revolution and the Russian revolution were in short: fought to replace corrupt monarchies with a more in( France democratic form of government) ...they were inspired by our revolution 10 years earlier.
the Russian revolution was acually a series of smaller revolutions that ended in 1917
with the dismantling Tsarist autocracy: (that's all the power held by one person) or as in France and Russia a family.

The Tsar was deposed and replaced by a provisional government in the first revolution of February 1917 . In the second revolution, during October, the Provisional Government was removed and replaced with a Bolshevik (Communist) government. anything else?
no, but you sure as hell are.
only the truly ignorant with an ax to grind and swimmers in the shallow end of the gene pool, take anything Annie bones pontificates on as gospel..

Nope. You took part of what she said and accused her of something she did not say. That is dishonest.... it is lies.... it is bullshit.

You are a lying little turd.

And, apparently, you're really fucking dumb too.... since you don't understand the context of the Russian and French Revolutions.

OK ..dumb ass the French revolution and the Russian revolution were in short: fought to replace corrupt monarchies with a more in( France democratic form of government) ...they were inspired by our revolution 10 years earlier.
the Russian revolution was acually a series of smaller revolutions that ended in 1917
with the dismantling Tsarist autocracy: (that's all the power held by one person) or as in France and Russia a family.

The Tsar was deposed and replaced by a provisional government in the first revolution of February 1917 . In the second revolution, during October, the Provisional Government was removed and replaced with a Bolshevik (Communist) government. anything else?

Sweetie, I already know about the French and Russian Revolutions. My point - which I apparently need to explain for the dumb kid at the back - is that she mentioned both these and the Nazis.... so latching onto one of the three in order to pretend that she called anyone 'Nazis' is, in short, bullshit.

Nope. You took part of what she said and accused her of something she did not say. That is dishonest.... it is lies.... it is bullshit.

You are a lying little turd.

And, apparently, you're really fucking dumb too.... since you don't understand the context of the Russian and French Revolutions.

OK ..dumb ass the French revolution and the Russian revolution were in short: fought to replace corrupt monarchies with a more in( France democratic form of government) ...they were inspired by our revolution 10 years earlier.
the Russian revolution was acually a series of smaller revolutions that ended in 1917
with the dismantling Tsarist autocracy: (that's all the power held by one person) or as in France and Russia a family.

The Tsar was deposed and replaced by a provisional government in the first revolution of February 1917 . In the second revolution, during October, the Provisional Government was removed and replaced with a Bolshevik (Communist) government. anything else?

Sweetie, I already know about the French and Russian Revolutions. My point - which I apparently need to explain for the dumb kid at the back - is that she mentioned both these and the Nazis.... so latching onto one of the three in order to pretend that she called anyone 'Nazis' is, in short, bullshit.

i guess i have to say this again for the girl in the helmet who rides in the little bus, the first two revolutions were, in the context of Annie bones speech "set dressing"they have nothing in common with the rise of Nazism ,except that they are revolutions, the reasons ,the goals and the outcomes were completely different.
she used them to make a false connection to the Nazis and the protesters in New York and L.A.
It's the oldest propganda trick there is.
Nope. You took part of what she said and accused her of something she did not say. That is dishonest.... it is lies.... it is bullshit.

You are a lying little turd.

And, apparently, you're really fucking dumb too.... since you don't understand the context of the Russian and French Revolutions.

OK ..dumb ass the French revolution and the Russian revolution were in short: fought to replace corrupt monarchies with a more in( France democratic form of government) ...they were inspired by our revolution 10 years earlier.
the Russian revolution was acually a series of smaller revolutions that ended in 1917
with the dismantling Tsarist autocracy: (that's all the power held by one person) or as in France and Russia a family.

The Tsar was deposed and replaced by a provisional government in the first revolution of February 1917 . In the second revolution, during October, the Provisional Government was removed and replaced with a Bolshevik (Communist) government. anything else?

Sweetie, I already know about the French and Russian Revolutions. My point - which I apparently need to explain for the dumb kid at the back - is that she mentioned both these and the Nazis.... so latching onto one of the three in order to pretend that she called anyone 'Nazis' is, in short, bullshit.


She included the Nazis as one of her examples of totalitarianism. She is full of shit, actually. The French Revolution did not lead to totalitarianism.
OK ..dumb ass the French revolution and the Russian revolution were in short: fought to replace corrupt monarchies with a more in( France democratic form of government) ...they were inspired by our revolution 10 years earlier.
the Russian revolution was acually a series of smaller revolutions that ended in 1917
with the dismantling Tsarist autocracy: (that's all the power held by one person) or as in France and Russia a family.

The Tsar was deposed and replaced by a provisional government in the first revolution of February 1917 . In the second revolution, during October, the Provisional Government was removed and replaced with a Bolshevik (Communist) government. anything else?

Sweetie, I already know about the French and Russian Revolutions. My point - which I apparently need to explain for the dumb kid at the back - is that she mentioned both these and the Nazis.... so latching onto one of the three in order to pretend that she called anyone 'Nazis' is, in short, bullshit.


She included the Nazis as one of her examples of totalitarianism. She is full of shit, actually. The French Revolution did not lead to totalitarianism.
as I went to great lengths to explain.but hey?... some people?!
I think it's pretty funny that Hank Williams Jr. got about 100 times more publicity for himself out of his Nazi card than Coulter did. Somebody tell her it's over.

She didn't play it. Your moronic gene pool did. The fucking left and their inability to keep words in context. You make yourselves look ridiculous. How the fuck you are not embarrassed by it amazes me.

She didn't make a reference to the Nazis? Even if she included other references?

If I call you an idiot, a fool, and fat whore, does that mean I didn't call you a fat whore because it wasn't the only thing I said?
Sweetie, I already know about the French and Russian Revolutions. My point - which I apparently need to explain for the dumb kid at the back - is that she mentioned both these and the Nazis.... so latching onto one of the three in order to pretend that she called anyone 'Nazis' is, in short, bullshit.


She included the Nazis as one of her examples of totalitarianism. She is full of shit, actually. The French Revolution did not lead to totalitarianism.
as I went to great lengths to explain.but hey?... some people?!

The conservatives around here don't bear the burdens of logic and reason, nor will they allow themselves to be impeded by the facts.
as I went to great lengths to explain.but hey?... some people?!

You went to great lengths lie through your fucking teeth to smear an enemy of the party.

Hey, you serve your party, no room left over for integrity...
She didn't make a reference to the Nazis? Even if she included other references?

So fucking desperate, so fucking stupid.

If I call you an idiot, a fool, and fat whore, does that mean I didn't call you a fat whore because it wasn't the only thing I said?

Even for a mindless sycophant, utterly devoid of so much as a hint of integrity, you're pathetic.
I think it's pretty funny that Hank Williams Jr. got about 100 times more publicity for himself out of his Nazi card than Coulter did. Somebody tell her it's over.

She didn't play it. Your moronic gene pool did. The fucking left and their inability to keep words in context. You make yourselves look ridiculous. How the fuck you are not embarrassed by it amazes me.

She didn't make a reference to the Nazis? Even if she included other references?

If I call you an idiot, a fool, and fat whore, does that mean I didn't call you a fat whore because it wasn't the only thing I said?

I guess we can take the stunned silence from the California gargoyle as a 'no'.

So, I guess if Coulter compared them to the French, the Russians, AND the Nazis...


...she DID compare them to the Nazis.

Now you simpletons are 1 IQ point smarter. You're welcome.
as I went to great lengths to explain.but hey?... some people?!

You went to great lengths lie through your fucking teeth to smear an enemy of the party.

Hey, you serve your party, no room left over for integrity...
do all you people come from assumption land?
I did not lie, you assumed that. please point out where my posts were not factual.
I did not "smear" anyone..I presented the facts....
you have no Idea What if any party I'm in .
you just assume you do.
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She didn't make a reference to the Nazis? Even if she included other references?

So fucking desperate, so fucking stupid.

If I call you an idiot, a fool, and fat whore, does that mean I didn't call you a fat whore because it wasn't the only thing I said?

Even for a mindless sycophant, utterly devoid of so much as a hint of integrity, you're pathetic.
Ann colter + integrity= oxymoron
I guess we can take the stunned silence from the California gargoyle as a 'no'.

So, I guess if Coulter compared them to the French, the Russians, AND the Nazis...


...she DID compare them to the Nazis.

Now you simpletons are 1 IQ point smarter. You're welcome.

Even after being proven a liar, you continue to lie....

You have purged yourself of every hint of integrity and reached Clintonhood - the quest of every democrat.
do all you people come from assumption land?

When you lie, I call you a liar. When you lie to smear a political enemy, I call you a hack. The reason for that is because you ARE a lying hack.

I did not lie,

Of course you lied. You made a statement you knew to be false with the intent to deceive others in hopes of smearing an enemy of your shameful party.

you assumed that. please point out where my posts were not factual.

Coulter did not compare the demonstrators to Nazis, as you claimed. You lied.

I did not "smear" anyone..I presented the facts....

You did not present facts, you blatantly lied in order to smear an enemy of your shameful party.

you have no Idea What if any party I'm in .


you just assume you do.

You're a partisan hack, lying for the democrats. You don't do that because you're a Republican.

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