Counters to these allegations of Ron Paul and white supremecy


Diamond Member
May 19, 2007
The campaign's official statement about the Free Republic piece
Some good insight into the ridiculous allegations by the kid on Tucker Carlson
"Rights belong to individuals, not groups"
Ron Paul categorically DENIES white supremecy
[ame=""]Ron Paul: "I don't want white supremecists' support"[/ame]
[ame=""]Is Ron Paul a RACIST?[/ame]

These should get you started on deciding whether or not Ron Paul is a racist. Frankly, there's WAY MORE evidence to deny the racist label, then there is to support it.

But some people, like Kathianne, already have their minds made up based on loose circumstantial evidence, and nothing Ron Paul could do would change her mind. If only you had some better supporting evidence Kathianne, maybe you would have a case.

Either way though, start with those links I posted.
The campaign's official statement about the Free Republic piece
Some good insight into the ridiculous allegations by the kid on Tucker Carlson
"Rights belong to individuals, not groups"
Ron Paul categorically DENIES white supremecy
Ron Paul: "I don't want white supremecists' support"
Is Ron Paul a RACIST?

These should get you started on deciding whether or not Ron Paul is a racist. Frankly, there's WAY MORE evidence to deny the racist label, then there is to support it.

But some people, like Kathianne, already have their minds made up based on loose circumstantial evidence, and nothing Ron Paul could do would change her mind. If only you had some better supporting evidence Kathianne, maybe you would have a case.

Either way though, start with those links I posted.

See Paulitics, I really do not like racism or discrimination in general. Do we all have some prejudices, sure. Most of us though acknowledge, are aware of them, and try to be fair in spite of them, at least with the individuals.

In someone though I'm voting for, I want to make sure they don't have a bunch of junk in the closet. I could handle stuff like Clinton liking the ladies, if not for the lying and intimidation.

Those newsletters though, only 2 choices it seems to me:
1. He wrote them and is trying to blame others.
2. He allowed his name to be attached to hate literature and never bothered to even know it.

Either way, undeserving of representing the people of the US.
Those newsletters though, only 2 choices it seems to me:
1. He wrote them and is trying to blame others.
2. He allowed his name to be attached to hate literature and never bothered to even know it.

Either way, undeserving of representing the people of the US.

I specifically like your point #2. How many people in congress don't read the bills they endorse? PLENTY.

I challenge you to find out specifically if your candidate, or candidate(s), have entirely read the bills they have endorsed and voted YES on. You see, to ME, that's more important than some obscure newsletter written years ago that someone did or didn't read before they signed on to it. We're talking about people doing something that actually affects this whole country immediately. You're talking about something that you don't even have any solid proof of, you're just going on your convictions.

You don't have to vote for Ron Paul, but the way you're going about trying to make people believe he's a racist is disheartening. You just BELIEVE he is, because the loosely connecting, circumstantial evidence tells you in your OWN mind that he MUST be. It's actually getting to the point now, where some of this crap coming out can be considered SLANDER. If you don't have rock solid proof that Ron Paul panders to the W/N crowd, than you (not you, just people in general) really shouldn't as a journalist be printing these kinds of allegorical articles.

I'm more than open to the possibility, but I just need to see more than an article taken out of context, and a random picture which is one of THOUSANDS that Ron Paul takes with people.

Right NOW, Ron Paul has denied the allegations. The only thing you aren't satisfied with is him not giving back $500. His principles that he's adhered to his entire career, entire LIFE really, don't allow for him to do such a thing. And that, to me, is commendable. We haven't seen a man as principled as Ron Paul running for president with this much attention, probably EVER. And people want to pick him apart about something they can't even PROVE.

It's sad.
Here's another quick 1 minute video here, of Ron talking to Wolf Blitzer about the Rosa Parks vote on funding a memorial. Ron offered to chip in $100 of HIS OWN MONEY, with a match from other congressmembers, rather than use OUR tax money, and none agreed. Instead, they wanted to TAX US for it. I can't imagine many people having less money in their own personal pockets than Ron does, considering he doesn't deal with lobbyists. That's pretty sad, if you ask me.

Someone who's a racist wouldn't make this kind of offer. I'd say that the other congress members who DIDN'T want to pitch in $100 are more racist than Ron, if you like looking at circumstantial things.


The Newsletters: Since at least 1978, Ron Paul has attached his name to a series of newsletters--Ron Paul's Freedom Report, Ron Paul Political Report, The Ron Paul Survival Report, and The Ron Paul Investment Letter--that frequently made outrageous statements:

In an undated solicitation letter for The Ron Paul Investment Letter and the Ron Paul Political Report, Paul writes: "I've been told not to talk, but these stooges don't scare me. Threats or no threats, I've laid bare the coming race war in our big cities. The federal-homosexual cover-up on AIDS (my training as a physician helps me see through this one.) The Bohemian Grove--perverted, pagan playground of the powerful. Skull & Bones: the demonic fraternity that includes George Bush and leftist Senator John Kerry, Congress's Mr. New Money. The Israeli lobby, which plays Congress like a cheap harmonica."
I specifically like your point #2. How many people in congress don't read the bills they endorse? PLENTY. agreed. That is their reasoning for 'being against it, when before they were for it.' But HE is NOW running for President.

I challenge you to find out specifically if your candidate, or candidate(s), have entirely read the bills they have endorsed and voted YES on. You see, to ME, that's more important than some obscure newsletter written years ago that someone did or didn't read before they signed on to it. We're talking about people doing something that actually affects this whole country immediately. You're talking about something that you don't even have any solid proof of, you're just going on your convictions. I don't have to prove jack for you! Get off that soapbox now. Diversion won't work in that venue. Who made those letters 'disappear' off the net? Oh wait, you have the truthers for that.

You don't have to vote for Ron Paul, but the way you're going about trying to make people believe he's a racist is disheartening. You just BELIEVE he is, because the loosely connecting, circumstantial evidence tells you in your OWN mind that he MUST be. It's actually getting to the point now, where some of this crap coming out can be considered SLANDER. If you don't have rock solid proof that Ron Paul panders to the W/N crowd, than you (not you, just people in general) really shouldn't as a journalist be printing these kinds of allegorical articles. Slander? Get a life. Those newsletters carried HIS NAME for YEARS. It's not like it was a few, then he went after those writing such under his name. Oh, since you are so 'inside' the Paul campaign, did he go after those ghost writers?

I'm more than open to the possibility, but I just need to see more than an article taken out of context, and a random picture which is one of THOUSANDS that Ron Paul takes with people.

Right NOW, Ron Paul has denied the allegations. The only thing you aren't satisfied with is him not giving back $500. His principles that he's adhered to his entire career, entire LIFE really, don't allow for him to do such a thing. And that, to me, is commendable. We haven't seen a man as principled as Ron Paul running for president with this much attention, probably EVER. And people want to pick him apart about something they can't even PROVE.

It's sad.
Again, BS, as I made clear weeks ago with the Stormfront and Don Black, it would take more than the token $500, some explanation would have to be given regarding such widespread support and Paul's convincing denial of such ideas. But it doesn't matter, as he hasn't and won't.
Again, BS, as I made clear weeks ago with the Stormfront and Don Black, it would take more than the token $500, some explanation would have to be given regarding such widespread support and Paul's convincing denial of such ideas. But it doesn't matter, as he hasn't and won't.

Kathianne don't bullshit me. You know damn right well that nothing Ron can say or do will change your mind. Quit trying to make it seem like you're fence sitting and waiting for the proper explanation, you've already made up your mind.

I'll sit idly by however, and wait for your proof.
Kathianne don't bullshit me. You know damn right well that nothing Ron can say or do will change your mind. Quit trying to make it seem like you're fence sitting and waiting for the proper explanation, you've already made up your mind.

I'll sit idly by however, and wait for your proof.

Oh you are right there, enough information that I could find it without much trouble. Now that the MSM has picked up on it, not going to work to try and tar the messenger.

Oh, did Paul go after those writing under those newsletters under his name? :eusa_think:
Kathianne don't bullshit me. You know damn right well that nothing Ron can say or do will change your mind. Quit trying to make it seem like you're fence sitting and waiting for the proper explanation, you've already made up your mind.

I'll sit idly by however, and wait for your proof.

So? What if nothing he says could change her mind? There's enough wrong with him and the people who support him that she's justified. And even if she weren't... it's her perogative. We vote not only based on issues. We vote on visceral responses to people. Paul has his proponents... among the white supremacists, xenophobics, people who feel disenfranchised... that's their perogative, too.

But all the argument in the world won't make him anything but fringe candidate.
So? What if nothing he says could change her mind? There's enough wrong with him and the people who support him that she's justified. And even if she weren't... it's her perogative. We vote not only based on issues. We vote on visceral responses to people. Paul has his proponents... among the white supremacists, xenophobics, people who feel disenfranchised... that's their perogative, too.

But all the argument in the world won't make him anything but fringe candidate.

or the mad doctor, crazy uncle. ;)

The Newsletters: Since at least 1978, Ron Paul has attached his name to a series of newsletters--Ron Paul's Freedom Report, Ron Paul Political Report, The Ron Paul Survival Report, and The Ron Paul Investment Letter--that frequently made outrageous statements:

In an undated solicitation letter for The Ron Paul Investment Letter and the Ron Paul Political Report, Paul writes: "I've been told not to talk, but these stooges don't scare me. Threats or no threats, I've laid bare the coming race war in our big cities. The federal-homosexual cover-up on AIDS (my training as a physician helps me see through this one.) The Bohemian Grove--perverted, pagan playground of the powerful. Skull & Bones: the demonic fraternity that includes George Bush and leftist Senator John Kerry, Congress's Mr. New Money. The Israeli lobby, which plays Congress like a cheap harmonica."

I don't understand what your trying to say that there was no aids cover up ?
that there is not a Bohemian grove full of perverted pagan Evangelical Christan's ?its very well documented ,or that skull and bones is not real?and that something is not seriously wrong when the two candidates a election are both members of a elite secret society or there is not the potential for race wars with the problem of illegal immigration ? I mean every word of this is true.... whats your point ?????

Bush and Kerry in Skull and Bones

Nixon Tape Discusses Homosexuals at Bohemian Grove

1981 News report about Bohemian grove


Alex Jones asks David Gergen about Bohemian Grove Rituals


AIDS: What the Government
Isn't Telling You
What you really need to know about AIDS

'Aztlan' spurs pride in Latinos, fear in others
But all the argument in the world won't make him anything but fringe candidate.

I would not be too confident about this.

The bald truth is that many white advocates, like myself, do support Ron Paul. Some of our grayer heads, like this one, say "don't be silly, ye Ron Paul supporters" (no direct link, see piece by 'Hereward Lindsay'):

The white advocate support for Ron Paul should not be underestimated, Don Black's (probably correct) assertion that he is 'not one of us' notwithstanding. There are any number of whites in America who see their impending minority status, and do not like it. I don't know numbers, because nobody takes a poll to find out how many whites in America are pissed off about affirmative action, open borders, wars for Israel, Spanish as our new first language, and so on. The "pro-white" movement has for the past quarter century been marginal, beset by (even by my standards) crazies, federal investigations and break-ups, collapses, lawsuits by Morris Dees, etc. Yet there is frustration out there that is untold. In Ron Paul, they see a candidate who would at least allow freedom, which may include the absence of government coercion with respect to forced racial integration. They also recognize that Ron Paul sees the Iraq War for what it is: a Jewish project that does not advance America's interests, but actually HARMS them. Hence the support.

At RP meetups I have heard about, these issues are broached.

Racially conscious whites are a group that is increasing in number, not shrinking. I do not know what the future holds for us specifically, or our race generally. I do know that I cannot turn away from these issues, even at risk of being fired from my job or scorned. It just strikes me as far too cowardly to remain silent while my race is murdered. For the past seven years of my life, this issue has animated me totally. I see it everywhere I look.

Today I was at McDonald's, wolfing down some bad food because I had to work late. There were no whites in the store, or working there. There was a job offer display, and the brochures were all in Spanish. I sat there crunching my fries in disbelief. This is not even my country anymore. My language is not even spoken here.

I am not a bad person. And I resent the FUCKING HELL out of the notion that I am for thinking the thoughts I do.

My race has a right to exist. My children have a right not to be told they can't have the job because they're white. I should not have to watch parades of Mexicans burning the American flag and saying "gringo go back to Europe."

Giuliani does not see this. Certainly not McCain, Romney, Thompson. But Ron Paul might, so I hold out hope.

You can call me a racist, Nazi, bigot, etc. etc. But these terms are wearing thin. It is not a bad thing to want your people to survive and do well. Jews want this, blacks, Hispanics. When they want a better life for their people, they are called "civil rights activists" and get awards, plaudits, money. When we do, we are called "racists, bigots, white supremacists."


And the media will not report so.

And the pundits will not say so.

NOBODY SPEAKS FOR US. We are shut out in the cold.

But I pray to Go we can find our voice, our way, and some justice.

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