Counting Imaginary Chickens

Joe follows in Hillary's footsteps, just as prematurely.

Joe Biden is already assembling a White House transition team, an unprecedented move for a presumptive major party candidate six months before the general election and before the party convention.

Joe Biden Already Preparing White House Transition Team - Big League Politics

Uhh..he's the party's presumptive nominee (no one currently running against him) and given the state that the government is in now with 3+ years of incompetence destroying it, probably a good idea to be prepared in the event he wins. At this point in 2016, Hillary was still in a primary battle with Bernie. Apples and Oranges.

The guy who hasn’t filed the papers to run yet has an idea about transition. He doesn’t announce it.

This was almost as dumb as Warren taking the DNA test.

Joe follows in Hillary's footsteps, just as prematurely.

Joe Biden is already assembling a White House transition team, an unprecedented move for a presumptive major party candidate six months before the general election and before the party convention.

Joe Biden Already Preparing White House Transition Team - Big League Politics
He has to be ready, everyone has to be up to speed. The Biden administration will need to hit the ground running as a unit because every unqualified, corrupt, tRumpling has to go on DAY ONE.

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Honestly, after all the praise that Trump has heaped on Xin and China, you want to post photoshopped bullshit?
Yeah, as I've said, I like Biden's chances. You guys have nothing.

Trump is playing up to them because they are providing us with supplies and information we need for this virus. I think that may change once we are able to get our hands around this thing to defeat it.
tRump is "playing up" to them on what planet?
Joe follows in Hillary's footsteps, just as prematurely.

Joe Biden is already assembling a White House transition team, an unprecedented move for a presumptive major party candidate six months before the general election and before the party convention.

Joe Biden Already Preparing White House Transition Team - Big League Politics
He has to be ready, everyone has to be up to speed. The Biden administration will need to hit the ground running as a unit because every unqualified, corrupt, tRumpling has to go on DAY ONE.

I'm confident November 4th will be a no-good very bad day for you.
Your confidence is badly misplaced.

That's what I was told 4 years ago. :auiqs.jpg:
Joe follows in Hillary's footsteps, just as prematurely.

Joe Biden is already assembling a White House transition team, an unprecedented move for a presumptive major party candidate six months before the general election and before the party convention.

Joe Biden Already Preparing White House Transition Team - Big League Politics
He has to be ready, everyone has to be up to speed. The Biden administration will need to hit the ground running as a unit because every unqualified, corrupt, tRumpling has to go on DAY ONE.

Either that or he's bored in that basement bunker of his and needs something to do.
It's more constructive that watching faux "news" and twittering like a demented teenager.
Joe follows in Hillary's footsteps, just as prematurely.

Joe Biden is already assembling a White House transition team, an unprecedented move for a presumptive major party candidate six months before the general election and before the party convention.

Joe Biden Already Preparing White House Transition Team - Big League Politics

Uhh..he's the party's presumptive nominee (no one currently running against him) and given the state that the government is in now with 3+ years of incompetence destroying it, probably a good idea to be prepared in the event he wins. At this point in 2016, Hillary was still in a primary battle with Bernie. Apples and Oranges.

We are in an entirely different environment than when Hillary was running. Remember just because we are in lockdown doesn't mean the Durham investigation stopped. Nobody has any idea what will be revealed come summer. The Democrats just may use that as an excuse to choose somebody else.
He has to be ready, everyone has to be up to speed. The Biden administration will need to hit the ground running as a unit because every unqualified, corrupt, tRumpling has to go on DAY ONE.
I'm confident November 4th will be a no-good very bad day for you.
Even if it is a good day and Biden wins, it'll STILL be a bad day, Bill!
While Trump spent his life in private industry making billions of dollars in real estate and a 14 year successful TV show, what has Joe done? He took up law in college, graduated near the bottom of his class caught faking his work, and a year after becoming a 2-bit lawyer, went into politics and has been living on the public dole ever since! That's his entire life!

Democrats may celebrate Joe winning just because their party is back in the WH, but the guy has never done a thing, never done anything well, and the nation will be the ones who pay the price.
tRump spent his life living off his father's money and reputation. His reality TV show was based on abusing fake employees (as opposed to.the real ones he practiced on to prepay for the role) and did appeal to a certain lowbrow segment of the population. Mostly that group of bottom-feeders now known as tRumplings.
Joe follows in Hillary's footsteps, just as prematurely.

Joe Biden is already assembling a White House transition team, an unprecedented move for a presumptive major party candidate six months before the general election and before the party convention.

Joe Biden Already Preparing White House Transition Team - Big League Politics

Uhh..he's the party's presumptive nominee (no one currently running against him) and given the state that the government is in now with 3+ years of incompetence destroying it, probably a good idea to be prepared in the event he wins. At this point in 2016, Hillary was still in a primary battle with Bernie. Apples and Oranges.

We are in an entirely different environment than when Hillary was running. Remember just because we are in lockdown doesn't mean the Durham investigation stopped. Nobody has any idea what will be revealed come summer. The Democrats just may use that as an excuse to choose somebody else.
The Durham "investigation" is a fantasy meant to keep low information tRumplings occupied so they don't start to think for themselves.

And it's working great on you.
He has to be ready, everyone has to be up to speed. The Biden administration will need to hit the ground running as a unit because every unqualified, corrupt, tRumpling has to go on DAY ONE.
I'm confident November 4th will be a no-good very bad day for you.
Even if it is a good day and Biden wins, it'll STILL be a bad day, Bill!
While Trump spent his life in private industry making billions of dollars in real estate and a 14 year successful TV show, what has Joe done? He took up law in college, graduated near the bottom of his class caught faking his work, and a year after becoming a 2-bit lawyer, went into politics and has been living on the public dole ever since! That's his entire life!

Democrats may celebrate Joe winning just because their party is back in the WH, but the guy has never done a thing, never done anything well, and the nation will be the ones who pay the price.
tRump spent his life living off his father's money and reputation. His reality TV show was based on abusing fake employees (as opposed to.the real ones he practiced on to prepay for the role) and did appeal to a certain lowbrow segment of the population. Mostly that group of bottom-feeders now known as tRumplings.

He didn't live off of his fathers money, he took that money and made it grow tenfold.
Joe follows in Hillary's footsteps, just as prematurely.

Joe Biden is already assembling a White House transition team, an unprecedented move for a presumptive major party candidate six months before the general election and before the party convention.

Joe Biden Already Preparing White House Transition Team - Big League Politics

Uhh..he's the party's presumptive nominee (no one currently running against him) and given the state that the government is in now with 3+ years of incompetence destroying it, probably a good idea to be prepared in the event he wins. At this point in 2016, Hillary was still in a primary battle with Bernie. Apples and Oranges.

We are in an entirely different environment than when Hillary was running. Remember just because we are in lockdown doesn't mean the Durham investigation stopped. Nobody has any idea what will be revealed come summer. The Democrats just may use that as an excuse to choose somebody else.

Any day now. Barr and Durham have had almost 6 months to manufacture produce evidence. So far, all they've come up with is an IG report that was critical of the FISA issue process, not the actual reasons for it. Sorry, if there was actual wrongdoing, you'd have already heard about it. All you have is the same right wing media klaxxons trying to keep hope alive while desperately divert attention away from the most incompetent administration to occupy the White House in almost 200 years.
Joe follows in Hillary's footsteps, just as prematurely.

Joe Biden is already assembling a White House transition team, an unprecedented move for a presumptive major party candidate six months before the general election and before the party convention.

Joe Biden Already Preparing White House Transition Team - Big League Politics

Uhh..he's the party's presumptive nominee (no one currently running against him) and given the state that the government is in now with 3+ years of incompetence destroying it, probably a good idea to be prepared in the event he wins. At this point in 2016, Hillary was still in a primary battle with Bernie. Apples and Oranges.

We are in an entirely different environment than when Hillary was running. Remember just because we are in lockdown doesn't mean the Durham investigation stopped. Nobody has any idea what will be revealed come summer. The Democrats just may use that as an excuse to choose somebody else.
The Durham "investigation" is a fantasy meant to keep low information tRumplings occupied so they don't start to think for themselves.

And it's working great on you.

Most of us on the right think for ourselves. It's you on the left that are like zombies. That's why a good portion of you still believe Trump called all Mexicans rapists and murderers, Trump said all white supremacists are good people, Trump said he was a white nationalist, Bush stole both elections.......

I don't know what the investigation will reveal. What I do know is there was so much shady things going on all coming from Chicago DC at the time, that something has to be there for Durham to find.
and given the state that the government is in now with 3+ years of incompetence destroying it

You live in an alternative universe. We were living in the strongest nation and economy in the world prior to this pandemic. We may even come out still tops given the downturn in the world. The left has been spoon fed so many lies by the MSM, they have lost touch with reality.

Only people living in an alternate universe are Trump supporters. I've never seen a group of people that live in their own little bubble of reality. Nothing penetrates it. Not reason, not common sense, not integrity. It will literally take years to recover from this. That unfortunately, IS reality.
Too funny, Jack. What alternative universe do we live in?
  • Were WE the ones that laughed hysterically when it was suggested Trump would beat Hillary?
  • Were WE the delusional ones when we said you'd never see Trump's tax returns?
  • Did TRUMP ever say he's have to sign a bill into law in order to find out what was in it?
  • Was TRUMP the one who said we'd all save $2500 a year only to end up costing us even $5,000 more?
  • Weren't WE the ones that maintained that you'd never prove Trump was a Russian agent?
  • And wasn't it US who said that the impeachment was a total waste of time and money that had no legs and wasn't going anywhere?
I take that back-- -- -- Nancy, Adam, Jerry and a few others got a $15,000 gold pen out of the deal.

And if there is ever anything we'll never recover from, it will be the 9 TRILLION dollars Obama spent.
Joe follows in Hillary's footsteps, just as prematurely.

Joe Biden is already assembling a White House transition team, an unprecedented move for a presumptive major party candidate six months before the general election and before the party convention.

Joe Biden Already Preparing White House Transition Team - Big League Politics

Uhh..he's the party's presumptive nominee (no one currently running against him) and given the state that the government is in now with 3+ years of incompetence destroying it, probably a good idea to be prepared in the event he wins. At this point in 2016, Hillary was still in a primary battle with Bernie. Apples and Oranges.

We are in an entirely different environment than when Hillary was running. Remember just because we are in lockdown doesn't mean the Durham investigation stopped. Nobody has any idea what will be revealed come summer. The Democrats just may use that as an excuse to choose somebody else.

Any day now. Barr and Durham have had almost 6 months to manufacture produce evidence. So far, all they've come up with is an IG report that was critical of the FISA issue process, not the actual reasons for it. Sorry, if there was actual wrongdoing, you'd have already heard about it. All you have is the same right wing media klaxxons trying to keep hope alive while desperately divert attention away from the most incompetent administration to occupy the White House in almost 200 years.

People on the right generally don't leak things to the media. They can't be trusted for one. Mueller went on for two years leaving no stone unturned, and he found nothing. These investigations take a lot of time. But late last year, Barr stated nobody would know anything until late spring or early summer, which I'm sure is a little delayed because of this virus.

The best thing that can happen for your party IS for Barr to find something criminal in the Creepy Joe circle. That would take him out as your nominee and you would't have to worry about the slaughter that's going to take place in the Trump/ Biden debates.
and given the state that the government is in now with 3+ years of incompetence destroying it

You live in an alternative universe. We were living in the strongest nation and economy in the world prior to this pandemic. We may even come out still tops given the downturn in the world. The left has been spoon fed so many lies by the MSM, they have lost touch with reality.

Only people living in an alternate universe are Trump supporters. I've never seen a group of people that live in their own little bubble of reality. Nothing penetrates it. Not reason, not common sense, not integrity. It will literally take years to recover from this. That unfortunately, IS reality.
Too funny, Jack. What alternative universe do we live in?
  • Were WE the ones that laughed hysterically when it was suggested Trump would beat Hillary?
  • Were WE the delusional ones when we said you'd never see Trump's tax returns?
  • Did TRUMP ever say he's have to sign a bill into law in order to find out what was in it?
  • Was TRUMP the one who said we'd all save $2500 a year only to end up costing us even $5,000 more?
  • Weren't WE the ones that maintained that you'd never prove Trump was a Russian agent?
  • And wasn't it US who said that the impeachment was a total waste of time and money that had no legs and wasn't going anywhere?
I take that back-- -- -- Nancy, Adam, Jerry and a few others got a $15,000 gold pen out of the deal.

And if there is ever anything we'll never recover from, it will be the 9 TRILLION dollars Obama spent.

Keep digging. Trump's deficit was up to 1.2 trillion before the pandemic stimulus. A pretty accomplished feat seeing as how it was coming down during the last few years of the Obama administration. But that's the MO for the last couple of decades. Republicans drive up the deficit and debt and the Democrats have to come in to fix the messes created. Your points here are just recycled right wing talking points. If your boy ran a clean ship, it wouldn't have been necessary to go through the Special Counsel and then impeachment. But since you and the rest of his supporters sold out any credibility you had, you get what you get.
Ah, Russia again. After years of Russia, Russia, Russia from the anti-American left scum I’d almost forgotten about the place lately.

May as well warm it up as there ain’t nothing else for you clowns.
Joe follows in Hillary's footsteps, just as prematurely.

Joe Biden is already assembling a White House transition team, an unprecedented move for a presumptive major party candidate six months before the general election and before the party convention.

Joe Biden Already Preparing White House Transition Team - Big League Politics

Uhh..he's the party's presumptive nominee (no one currently running against him) and given the state that the government is in now with 3+ years of incompetence destroying it, probably a good idea to be prepared in the event he wins. At this point in 2016, Hillary was still in a primary battle with Bernie. Apples and Oranges.

We are in an entirely different environment than when Hillary was running. Remember just because we are in lockdown doesn't mean the Durham investigation stopped. Nobody has any idea what will be revealed come summer. The Democrats just may use that as an excuse to choose somebody else.

Any day now. Barr and Durham have had almost 6 months to manufacture produce evidence. So far, all they've come up with is an IG report that was critical of the FISA issue process, not the actual reasons for it. Sorry, if there was actual wrongdoing, you'd have already heard about it. All you have is the same right wing media klaxxons trying to keep hope alive while desperately divert attention away from the most incompetent administration to occupy the White House in almost 200 years.

People on the right generally don't leak things to the media. They can't be trusted for one. Mueller went on for two years leaving no stone unturned, and he found nothing. These investigations take a lot of time. But late last year, Barr stated nobody would know anything until late spring or early summer, which I'm sure is a little delayed because of this virus.

The best thing that can happen for your party IS for Barr to find something criminal in the Creepy Joe circle. That would take him out as your nominee and you would't have to worry about the slaughter that's going to take place in the Trump/ Biden debates.

Don't know what report you were reading but he found everything. He just decided that collusion wasn't a legal term they were going to use and decided there wasn't enough evidence to support investigating it. But sure, you go right on ahead and believe the Trump Tower meeting was about adoption. :) Obstruction of Justice? It was all over Part 2 of Mueller's report. He left it up to Congress to pursue that. Nancy was even a good sport about it and held most of her own party off. And it probably would have died right there in July of 2019....but your boy just couldn't help himself. He's a corrupt narcissist. Hell, even Bolton knew Trump had fucked up after he hung the phone up.

Sorry, after the BS of the last 3 years, I'll welcome a return to sanity. I might have the shakes and the chills while I decompress from the last few years but it'll pass.
I like Biden's chances and see nothing wrong with him putting a transition team together. Best to be prepared.
Joe follows in Hillary's footsteps, just as prematurely.

Joe Biden is already assembling a White House transition team, an unprecedented move for a presumptive major party candidate six months before the general election and before the party convention.

Joe Biden Already Preparing White House Transition Team - Big League Politics

Uhh..he's the party's presumptive nominee (no one currently running against him) and given the state that the government is in now with 3+ years of incompetence destroying it, probably a good idea to be prepared in the event he wins. At this point in 2016, Hillary was still in a primary battle with Bernie. Apples and Oranges.

We are in an entirely different environment than when Hillary was running. Remember just because we are in lockdown doesn't mean the Durham investigation stopped. Nobody has any idea what will be revealed come summer. The Democrats just may use that as an excuse to choose somebody else.

Any day now. Barr and Durham have had almost 6 months to manufacture produce evidence. So far, all they've come up with is an IG report that was critical of the FISA issue process, not the actual reasons for it. Sorry, if there was actual wrongdoing, you'd have already heard about it. All you have is the same right wing media klaxxons trying to keep hope alive while desperately divert attention away from the most incompetent administration to occupy the White House in almost 200 years.

People on the right generally don't leak things to the media. They can't be trusted for one. Mueller went on for two years leaving no stone unturned, and he found nothing. These investigations take a lot of time. But late last year, Barr stated nobody would know anything until late spring or early summer, which I'm sure is a little delayed because of this virus.

The best thing that can happen for your party IS for Barr to find something criminal in the Creepy Joe circle. That would take him out as your nominee and you would't have to worry about the slaughter that's going to take place in the Trump/ Biden debates.

Don't know what report you were reading but he found everything. He just decided that collusion wasn't a legal term they were going to use and decided there wasn't enough evidence to support investigating it. But sure, you go right on ahead and believe the Trump Tower meeting was about adoption. :) Obstruction of Justice? It was all over Part 2 of Mueller's report. He left it up to Congress to pursue that. Nancy was even a good sport about it and held most of her own party off. And it probably would have died right there in July of 2019....but your boy just couldn't help himself. He's a corrupt narcissist. Hell, even Bolton knew Trump had fucked up after he hung the phone up.

Sorry, after the BS of the last 3 years, I'll welcome a return to sanity. I might have the shakes and the chills while I decompress from the last few years but it'll pass.
I like Biden's chances and see nothing wrong with him putting a transition team together. Best to be prepared.

It's a PR stunt, and nothing more. While Trump is front and center in the media every day, the only time Joe is noticed is when he demonstrates his inability to think straight and read a teleprompter. Mind you, that is often, but still not to the level of Trump attention.

It's difficult to find a story not Covid-19 related when you scan the news. Even if Durham or Barr found something they were able to report to the media, it would be ignored except by those of us who tune into Fox.
Trump's deficit was up to 1.2 trillion before the pandemic stimulus.
Sure Jack. And I guess if an asteroid hit the planet and our economy crashed, you'd blame Trump for that too.
A pretty accomplished feat seeing as how it was coming down during the last few years of the Obama administration.
Yep. Obama doubled the national debt from 9-10 trillion to 19 trillion and you've got him saving us money.
Republicans drive up the deficit and debt and the Democrats have to come in to fix the messes created.
If your boy ran a clean ship, it wouldn't have been necessary to go through the Special Counsel and then impeachment.
:auiqs.jpg: Boy, now it was NECESSARY! :auiqs.jpg: Talk about Leftwing talking-point mindfuck rationalizations! :auiqs.jpg:
But since you and the rest of his supporters sold out any credibility you had, you get what you get.
NEWS FLASH for ya, son, nothing has been sold, no credibility has been lost, don't yank your own chain telling us Trump ever HAD any credibility with you; you are the folks that have no credibility, you went from -5 to about 10 floors below street level.

And yes, we got what we get: We have the Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court, and Trump will be winning reelection in the Fall and taking back the House again, too.

YOU know it, we all know it, that is the ONLY reason why Nancy ever tried to remove Trump from office. You thugs know you have no chance in an honest, straight-up election.
Joe follows in Hillary's footsteps, just as prematurely.

Joe Biden is already assembling a White House transition team, an unprecedented move for a presumptive major party candidate six months before the general election and before the party convention.

Joe Biden Already Preparing White House Transition Team - Big League Politics

Uhh..he's the party's presumptive nominee (no one currently running against him) and given the state that the government is in now with 3+ years of incompetence destroying it, probably a good idea to be prepared in the event he wins. At this point in 2016, Hillary was still in a primary battle with Bernie. Apples and Oranges.

We are in an entirely different environment than when Hillary was running. Remember just because we are in lockdown doesn't mean the Durham investigation stopped. Nobody has any idea what will be revealed come summer. The Democrats just may use that as an excuse to choose somebody else.

Any day now. Barr and Durham have had almost 6 months to manufacture produce evidence. So far, all they've come up with is an IG report that was critical of the FISA issue process, not the actual reasons for it. Sorry, if there was actual wrongdoing, you'd have already heard about it. All you have is the same right wing media klaxxons trying to keep hope alive while desperately divert attention away from the most incompetent administration to occupy the White House in almost 200 years.

People on the right generally don't leak things to the media. They can't be trusted for one. Mueller went on for two years leaving no stone unturned, and he found nothing. These investigations take a lot of time. But late last year, Barr stated nobody would know anything until late spring or early summer, which I'm sure is a little delayed because of this virus.

The best thing that can happen for your party IS for Barr to find something criminal in the Creepy Joe circle. That would take him out as your nominee and you would't have to worry about the slaughter that's going to take place in the Trump/ Biden debates.

Don't know what report you were reading but he found everything. He just decided that collusion wasn't a legal term they were going to use and decided there wasn't enough evidence to support investigating it. But sure, you go right on ahead and believe the Trump Tower meeting was about adoption. :) Obstruction of Justice? It was all over Part 2 of Mueller's report. He left it up to Congress to pursue that. Nancy was even a good sport about it and held most of her own party off. And it probably would have died right there in July of 2019....but your boy just couldn't help himself. He's a corrupt narcissist. Hell, even Bolton knew Trump had fucked up after he hung the phone up.

Sorry, after the BS of the last 3 years, I'll welcome a return to sanity. I might have the shakes and the chills while I decompress from the last few years but it'll pass.
I like Biden's chances and see nothing wrong with him putting a transition team together. Best to be prepared.

Mueller’s hidden evidence: Translator exonerated Don Jr. in Trump Tower meeting

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