Counting Imaginary Chickens

If your boy ran a clean ship, it wouldn't have been necessary to go through the Special Counsel and then impeachment.

If the Democrats ran a clean ship neither a Special Counsel nor impeachment proceedings would have occurred as they were both without merit. This is what you leftist fools seem to be missing.

Let's see what their opinion is when the next Commie President is presiding under a Republican led House, and we do the exact same thing to him (her) that they are doing to Trump, because that's exactly what's going to happen. They started this impeachment war, and we're going to finish it.

The scariest part is that if the Democrats would have controlled the Senate, Trump would have been removed from office without an impeachment offense having been committed. This is the precedent they have set. If either Party controls both chambers of Congress they can overthrow a sitting President with no reasonable grounds other than he/she is from another Party. The founding fathers never imagined such a partisan divide would exists which would cause such an abuse of power.

No, it's not a simple majority in the Senate as it is in the House. To throw a President out, they need 2/3 of the vote. However a House impeachment is still a stain on their record even though they will remain in office. We've only had three impeachments in our history including Trump. I'm sure that number will double within the next 20 years thanks to the Democrats. They are already hinting at finding another cheap unauthorized reason to impeach him again.

The impeachment was a one-sided con job. The only stain is on them.

To the knowledgable voters, yes, but not to the uninformed voters. Once Trump has completed his two terms, watch how his presidency is portrayed by Hollywood and authors. After all, we are living amid a historic era in the Trump presidency. It will probably be the most controversial presidency for generations to come.

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