Counting Imaginary Chickens

He has to be ready, everyone has to be up to speed. The Biden administration will need to hit the ground running as a unit because every unqualified, corrupt, tRumpling has to go on DAY ONE.
I'm confident November 4th will be a no-good very bad day for you.
Even if it is a good day and Biden wins, it'll STILL be a bad day, Bill!
While Trump spent his life in private industry making billions of dollars in real estate and a 14 year successful TV show, what has Joe done? He took up law in college, graduated near the bottom of his class caught faking his work, and a year after becoming a 2-bit lawyer, went into politics and has been living on the public dole ever since! That's his entire life!

Democrats may celebrate Joe winning just because their party is back in the WH, but the guy has never done a thing, never done anything well, and the nation will be the ones who pay the price.
tRump spent his life living off his father's money and reputation. His reality TV show was based on abusing fake employees (as opposed to.the real ones he practiced on to prepay for the role) and did appeal to a certain lowbrow segment of the population. Mostly that group of bottom-feeders now known as tRumplings.

He didn't live off of his fathers money, he took that money and made it grow tenfold.
Very much in doubt.

Why is that? The man owned or operated 500 companies. He turned a couple million into billions.

why won't he show his tax returns? could it be because he isn't as wealthy as he claims? hmmmmm ray ray - what cheer will you be leading 'bout that?

Do you do your taxes or have them done by somebody? Can you tell me where on your tax form your worth is listed?

Why should President Trump show his tax returns? What good would that do him? The only reason the left wants them is so they can bash him more, so why should he give you that satisfaction? I'm sure anytime somebody throws this at him, he knows it's like stabbing you with a knife and twisting it sideways; He's probably enjoying it too.

Career politicians prepare their taxes in case they have an opportunity at becoming the President and may have to show them someday. Donald Trump is a businessman that took a shot at being President, so he took all the legal deductions he had coming, and perhaps paid little taxes some years. He never expected to actually become President.
The only reason for him to hide the taxes is he lied about what they say.

Which is a given. I mean he said it, right?

So what did he lie about? What do you on the left know that our IRS doesn't?
If we knew that we wouldn't need to see his taxes now would we?


So in other words you as a liar are calling Trump a liar. Fascinating.

View attachment 326249
PolitiFact | Donald Trump
What your "scorecard" also shows is that half the time, there IS some truth, a lot of truth, or total truth to what Trump says. Of course, we don't know if your falsies are accurate. Now show us the scorecard on Obama and Hillary so we can compare.

ummmm.... did you flunk math? ' 1/2 the time ' ???? no.
Actually, I've even tutored math! Apparently far better than you. Assuming your "scorecards" are even accurate, only two categories, false and Pants on fire show total untruthfulness, 34% and 14%, which adds up to 48%! Which means that the other half of the time, 52%, there was at least SOME, a little, a lot to total truth to what he said! And that is from YOUR source!

Your scorecards don't even come close to adding up to 100% on Obama! How can an accurate scorecard not equal 100%? Where did all those other percent go? And Hillary was only Pants on Fire 2% of the time? THE WOMAN LIED THROUGH HER TEETH! What was the CONTENT of that 2? What was the CONTENT of her 10% FALSE? What was the CONTENT of Obama's 23% FALSE or MOSTLY FALSE? What was the CONTENT of Trump's lies? See, that is the thing you never answer. The GREAT WHITE ELEPHANT behind all your BULLSHIT.

Show me where you were jumping mad like this all the times Obama told HUGE lies nearly 1 out of every 4 times he opened his mouth? You're own data proves it.


but but but OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

suck it up - your boy can't tell the truth even when it would suit him better. look at the filthy lies JUST about this virus! if he were just HONEST & told the american public the truth about what was heading our way, we would have much less death, let alone infections.

Trump, Trump, Trump. Trump should have known earlier. Well if Trump did know earlier, and didn't do anything, why did the Democrats do the exact same? Why did Dr Fauci in late January assure America that this virus was no threat to the US whatsoever?

I know your motto is never let a good crisis go to waste, but if you can be honest with yourself for once, and take note how nobody in this country, Democrat or Republican, could foresee this problem, how did you expect the President to?

On January 30th, the WHO issued an alert this virus was going to be a big problem. The President took action the very next day. A month later, during the first two weeks of March, the Democrats were going to pass a bill to strip the President of exclusive power over travel bans, and reverse his original ban.

Were the Democrats asking for more ventilators, to speed up the manufacturing of gowns and masks, to start producing a vaccine for Covid-19? No, and why not? Because nobody knew it would be a serious issue of any kind.
Is dOnald tRump the president or not?

Is he is, what does that have to do with anything? The point is, nobody knew. It was kind of like 911. It's something you would never dream of happening in our country.
But that's not true. Experts of all sorts were warning him as far back as November.

He knew, and he failed to act.

With the authority comes the responsibility.

The buck stops there.

That's such utter bull. Do you need me to post when China made this virus outbreak public? Do you need the timeline on when WHO released their alert to the world, and what the President did in response? Do you need the video of Dr. Fauci stating in later January that the virus was nothing for us to worry about; go on with our lives as normal?

Nobody knew anything because China kept this hidden for as long as possible. For crying out loud, could you imagine how bad of shape our country would have been in if we had a total shutdown over SARS, Ebola, West Niles, just to name a few?

You armchair quarterbacks can sit back and criticize, but nearly every country in the world is now dealing with this, and it's not President Trump's fault.

Yeah I got it. He's your guy and there's nothing anyone can say to convince you otherwise. Makes me a little sad to have to resort to, "then we'll see you in November. Majority rules, and to the victor the spoils". Only problem is, we're likely to be left in much the same position as we are now. Hopelessly divided. But, this guy needs to go.

You would want to see him go if he managed to accomplish world peace and led efforts to cure cancer. I'm sorry, but in spite of all the accomplishments Trump has made during this tragic time, I can't see handing the country over to a senile hair sniffer that can't figure out which way audience is on stage.

If pivoting to Biden's all you got, unfortunately, you've got nothing...except your own political bias. Trump hasn't accomplished anything in the last three months, let alone most of the last three years. The one that I'll give him is the prison sentencing reform guidelines. Zero idea who convinced him to sign on to that one but job well done either way. Beyond that, it's been one hot mess after another.
He has to be ready, everyone has to be up to speed. The Biden administration will need to hit the ground running as a unit because every unqualified, corrupt, tRumpling has to go on DAY ONE.
I'm confident November 4th will be a no-good very bad day for you.
Even if it is a good day and Biden wins, it'll STILL be a bad day, Bill!
While Trump spent his life in private industry making billions of dollars in real estate and a 14 year successful TV show, what has Joe done? He took up law in college, graduated near the bottom of his class caught faking his work, and a year after becoming a 2-bit lawyer, went into politics and has been living on the public dole ever since! That's his entire life!

Democrats may celebrate Joe winning just because their party is back in the WH, but the guy has never done a thing, never done anything well, and the nation will be the ones who pay the price.
tRump spent his life living off his father's money and reputation. His reality TV show was based on abusing fake employees (as opposed to.the real ones he practiced on to prepay for the role) and did appeal to a certain lowbrow segment of the population. Mostly that group of bottom-feeders now known as tRumplings.

He didn't live off of his fathers money, he took that money and made it grow tenfold.
Very much in doubt.

Why is that? The man owned or operated 500 companies. He turned a couple million into billions.

why won't he show his tax returns? could it be because he isn't as wealthy as he claims? hmmmmm ray ray - what cheer will you be leading 'bout that?

Do you do your taxes or have them done by somebody? Can you tell me where on your tax form your worth is listed?

Why should President Trump show his tax returns? What good would that do him? The only reason the left wants them is so they can bash him more, so why should he give you that satisfaction? I'm sure anytime somebody throws this at him, he knows it's like stabbing you with a knife and twisting it sideways; He's probably enjoying it too.

Career politicians prepare their taxes in case they have an opportunity at becoming the President and may have to show them someday. Donald Trump is a businessman that took a shot at being President, so he took all the legal deductions he had coming, and perhaps paid little taxes some years. He never expected to actually become President.
The only reason for him to hide the taxes is he lied about what they say.

Which is a given. I mean he said it, right?

So what did he lie about? What do you on the left know that our IRS doesn't?
If we knew that we wouldn't need to see his taxes now would we?


So in other words you as a liar are calling Trump a liar. Fascinating.

View attachment 326249
PolitiFact | Donald Trump
What your "scorecard" also shows is that half the time, there IS some truth, a lot of truth, or total truth to what Trump says. Of course, we don't know if your falsies are accurate. Now show us the scorecard on Obama and Hillary so we can compare.

ummmm.... did you flunk math? ' 1/2 the time ' ???? no.
Actually, I've even tutored math! Apparently far better than you. Assuming your "scorecards" are even accurate, only two categories, false and Pants on fire show total untruthfulness, 34% and 14%, which adds up to 48%! Which means that the other half of the time, 52%, there was at least SOME, a little, a lot to total truth to what he said! And that is from YOUR source!

Your scorecards don't even come close to adding up to 100% on Obama! How can an accurate scorecard not equal 100%? Where did all those other percent go? And Hillary was only Pants on Fire 2% of the time? THE WOMAN LIED THROUGH HER TEETH! What was the CONTENT of that 2? What was the CONTENT of her 10% FALSE? What was the CONTENT of Obama's 23% FALSE or MOSTLY FALSE? What was the CONTENT of Trump's lies? See, that is the thing you never answer. The GREAT WHITE ELEPHANT behind all your BULLSHIT.

Show me where you were jumping mad like this all the times Obama told HUGE lies nearly 1 out of every 4 times he opened his mouth? You're own data proves it.


but but but OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

suck it up - your boy can't tell the truth even when it would suit him better. look at the filthy lies JUST about this virus! if he were just HONEST & told the american public the truth about what was heading our way, we would have much less death, let alone infections.

Trump, Trump, Trump. Trump should have known earlier. Well if Trump did know earlier, and didn't do anything, why did the Democrats do the exact same? Why did Dr Fauci in late January assure America that this virus was no threat to the US whatsoever?

I know your motto is never let a good crisis go to waste, but if you can be honest with yourself for once, and take note how nobody in this country, Democrat or Republican, could foresee this problem, how did you expect the President to?

On January 30th, the WHO issued an alert this virus was going to be a big problem. The President took action the very next day. A month later, during the first two weeks of March, the Democrats were going to pass a bill to strip the President of exclusive power over travel bans, and reverse his original ban.

Were the Democrats asking for more ventilators, to speed up the manufacturing of gowns and masks, to start producing a vaccine for Covid-19? No, and why not? Because nobody knew it would be a serious issue of any kind.
Is dOnald tRump the president or not?

Is he is, what does that have to do with anything? The point is, nobody knew. It was kind of like 911. It's something you would never dream of happening in our country.
But that's not true. Experts of all sorts were warning him as far back as November.

He knew, and he failed to act.

With the authority comes the responsibility.

The buck stops there.

That's such utter bull. Do you need me to post when China made this virus outbreak public? Do you need the timeline on when WHO released their alert to the world, and what the President did in response? Do you need the video of Dr. Fauci stating in later January that the virus was nothing for us to worry about; go on with our lives as normal?

Nobody knew anything because China kept this hidden for as long as possible. For crying out loud, could you imagine how bad of shape our country would have been in if we had a total shutdown over SARS, Ebola, West Niles, just to name a few?

You armchair quarterbacks can sit back and criticize, but nearly every country in the world is now dealing with this, and it's not President Trump's fault.

Yeah I got it. He's your guy and there's nothing anyone can say to convince you otherwise. Makes me a little sad to have to resort to, "then we'll see you in November. Majority rules, and to the victor the spoils". Only problem is, we're likely to be left in much the same position as we are now. Hopelessly divided. But, this guy needs to go.

You would want to see him go if he managed to accomplish world peace and led efforts to cure cancer. I'm sorry, but in spite of all the accomplishments Trump has made during this tragic time, I can't see handing the country over to a senile hair sniffer that can't figure out which way audience is on stage.

If pivoting to Biden's all you got, unfortunately, you've got nothing...except your own political bias. Trump hasn't accomplished anything in the last three months, let alone most of the last three years. The one that I'll give him is the prison sentencing reform guidelines. Zero idea who convinced him to sign on to that one but job well done either way. Beyond that, it's been one hot mess after another.

He got the military to create new hospital facilities in record time on land and sea. He used every manufacturer possible to manufacture new ventilators. He got Congress to act on the stimulus package. He recently stopped all immigration to this country except only necessary help. He got additional funding for food stamps and WIC. He enacted the Defense Production Act. He guaranteed health facilities payment to treat anybody with the virus that was uninsured. He got additional companies to produce more N-95 masks. He ordered 3-M to stop exporting the masks they were making, and sell them exclusively to the US.
He has to be ready, everyone has to be up to speed. The Biden administration will need to hit the ground running as a unit because every unqualified, corrupt, tRumpling has to go on DAY ONE.
I'm confident November 4th will be a no-good very bad day for you.
Even if it is a good day and Biden wins, it'll STILL be a bad day, Bill!
While Trump spent his life in private industry making billions of dollars in real estate and a 14 year successful TV show, what has Joe done? He took up law in college, graduated near the bottom of his class caught faking his work, and a year after becoming a 2-bit lawyer, went into politics and has been living on the public dole ever since! That's his entire life!

Democrats may celebrate Joe winning just because their party is back in the WH, but the guy has never done a thing, never done anything well, and the nation will be the ones who pay the price.
tRump spent his life living off his father's money and reputation. His reality TV show was based on abusing fake employees (as opposed to.the real ones he practiced on to prepay for the role) and did appeal to a certain lowbrow segment of the population. Mostly that group of bottom-feeders now known as tRumplings.

He didn't live off of his fathers money, he took that money and made it grow tenfold.
Very much in doubt.

Why is that? The man owned or operated 500 companies. He turned a couple million into billions.

why won't he show his tax returns? could it be because he isn't as wealthy as he claims? hmmmmm ray ray - what cheer will you be leading 'bout that?

Do you do your taxes or have them done by somebody? Can you tell me where on your tax form your worth is listed?

Why should President Trump show his tax returns? What good would that do him? The only reason the left wants them is so they can bash him more, so why should he give you that satisfaction? I'm sure anytime somebody throws this at him, he knows it's like stabbing you with a knife and twisting it sideways; He's probably enjoying it too.

Career politicians prepare their taxes in case they have an opportunity at becoming the President and may have to show them someday. Donald Trump is a businessman that took a shot at being President, so he took all the legal deductions he had coming, and perhaps paid little taxes some years. He never expected to actually become President.
The only reason for him to hide the taxes is he lied about what they say.

Which is a given. I mean he said it, right?

So what did he lie about? What do you on the left know that our IRS doesn't?
If we knew that we wouldn't need to see his taxes now would we?


So in other words you as a liar are calling Trump a liar. Fascinating.

View attachment 326249
PolitiFact | Donald Trump
What your "scorecard" also shows is that half the time, there IS some truth, a lot of truth, or total truth to what Trump says. Of course, we don't know if your falsies are accurate. Now show us the scorecard on Obama and Hillary so we can compare.

ummmm.... did you flunk math? ' 1/2 the time ' ???? no.
Actually, I've even tutored math! Apparently far better than you. Assuming your "scorecards" are even accurate, only two categories, false and Pants on fire show total untruthfulness, 34% and 14%, which adds up to 48%! Which means that the other half of the time, 52%, there was at least SOME, a little, a lot to total truth to what he said! And that is from YOUR source!

Your scorecards don't even come close to adding up to 100% on Obama! How can an accurate scorecard not equal 100%? Where did all those other percent go? And Hillary was only Pants on Fire 2% of the time? THE WOMAN LIED THROUGH HER TEETH! What was the CONTENT of that 2? What was the CONTENT of her 10% FALSE? What was the CONTENT of Obama's 23% FALSE or MOSTLY FALSE? What was the CONTENT of Trump's lies? See, that is the thing you never answer. The GREAT WHITE ELEPHANT behind all your BULLSHIT.

Show me where you were jumping mad like this all the times Obama told HUGE lies nearly 1 out of every 4 times he opened his mouth? You're own data proves it.


but but but OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

suck it up - your boy can't tell the truth even when it would suit him better. look at the filthy lies JUST about this virus! if he were just HONEST & told the american public the truth about what was heading our way, we would have much less death, let alone infections.

Trump, Trump, Trump. Trump should have known earlier. Well if Trump did know earlier, and didn't do anything, why did the Democrats do the exact same? Why did Dr Fauci in late January assure America that this virus was no threat to the US whatsoever?

I know your motto is never let a good crisis go to waste, but if you can be honest with yourself for once, and take note how nobody in this country, Democrat or Republican, could foresee this problem, how did you expect the President to?

On January 30th, the WHO issued an alert this virus was going to be a big problem. The President took action the very next day. A month later, during the first two weeks of March, the Democrats were going to pass a bill to strip the President of exclusive power over travel bans, and reverse his original ban.

Were the Democrats asking for more ventilators, to speed up the manufacturing of gowns and masks, to start producing a vaccine for Covid-19? No, and why not? Because nobody knew it would be a serious issue of any kind.
Is dOnald tRump the president or not?

Is he is, what does that have to do with anything? The point is, nobody knew. It was kind of like 911. It's something you would never dream of happening in our country.
But that's not true. Experts of all sorts were warning him as far back as November.

He knew, and he failed to act.

With the authority comes the responsibility.

The buck stops there.

That's such utter bull. Do you need me to post when China made this virus outbreak public? Do you need the timeline on when WHO released their alert to the world, and what the President did in response? Do you need the video of Dr. Fauci stating in later January that the virus was nothing for us to worry about; go on with our lives as normal?

Nobody knew anything because China kept this hidden for as long as possible. For crying out loud, could you imagine how bad of shape our country would have been in if we had a total shutdown over SARS, Ebola, West Niles, just to name a few?

You armchair quarterbacks can sit back and criticize, but nearly every country in the world is now dealing with this, and it's not President Trump's fault.

Yeah I got it. He's your guy and there's nothing anyone can say to convince you otherwise. Makes me a little sad to have to resort to, "then we'll see you in November. Majority rules, and to the victor the spoils". Only problem is, we're likely to be left in much the same position as we are now. Hopelessly divided. But, this guy needs to go.

You would want to see him go if he managed to accomplish world peace and led efforts to cure cancer. I'm sorry, but in spite of all the accomplishments Trump has made during this tragic time, I can't see handing the country over to a senile hair sniffer that can't figure out which way audience is on stage.

If pivoting to Biden's all you got, unfortunately, you've got nothing...except your own political bias. Trump hasn't accomplished anything in the last three months, let alone most of the last three years. The one that I'll give him is the prison sentencing reform guidelines. Zero idea who convinced him to sign on to that one but job well done either way. Beyond that, it's been one hot mess after another.

He got the military to create new hospital facilities in record time on land and sea. He used every manufacturer possible to manufacture new ventilators. He got Congress to act on the stimulus package. He recently stopped all immigration to this country except only necessary help. He got additional funding for food stamps and WIC. He enacted the Defense Production Act. He guaranteed health facilities payment to treat anybody with the virus that was uninsured. He got additional companies to produce more N-95 masks. He ordered 3-M to stop exporting the masks they were making, and sell them exclusively to the US.
The US military does that on a regular basis, just not usually here where it's easy for you to see.
He has to be ready, everyone has to be up to speed. The Biden administration will need to hit the ground running as a unit because every unqualified, corrupt, tRumpling has to go on DAY ONE.
I'm confident November 4th will be a no-good very bad day for you.
Even if it is a good day and Biden wins, it'll STILL be a bad day, Bill!
While Trump spent his life in private industry making billions of dollars in real estate and a 14 year successful TV show, what has Joe done? He took up law in college, graduated near the bottom of his class caught faking his work, and a year after becoming a 2-bit lawyer, went into politics and has been living on the public dole ever since! That's his entire life!

Democrats may celebrate Joe winning just because their party is back in the WH, but the guy has never done a thing, never done anything well, and the nation will be the ones who pay the price.
tRump spent his life living off his father's money and reputation. His reality TV show was based on abusing fake employees (as opposed to.the real ones he practiced on to prepay for the role) and did appeal to a certain lowbrow segment of the population. Mostly that group of bottom-feeders now known as tRumplings.

He didn't live off of his fathers money, he took that money and made it grow tenfold.
Very much in doubt.

Why is that? The man owned or operated 500 companies. He turned a couple million into billions.

why won't he show his tax returns? could it be because he isn't as wealthy as he claims? hmmmmm ray ray - what cheer will you be leading 'bout that?

Do you do your taxes or have them done by somebody? Can you tell me where on your tax form your worth is listed?

Why should President Trump show his tax returns? What good would that do him? The only reason the left wants them is so they can bash him more, so why should he give you that satisfaction? I'm sure anytime somebody throws this at him, he knows it's like stabbing you with a knife and twisting it sideways; He's probably enjoying it too.

Career politicians prepare their taxes in case they have an opportunity at becoming the President and may have to show them someday. Donald Trump is a businessman that took a shot at being President, so he took all the legal deductions he had coming, and perhaps paid little taxes some years. He never expected to actually become President.
The only reason for him to hide the taxes is he lied about what they say.

Which is a given. I mean he said it, right?

So what did he lie about? What do you on the left know that our IRS doesn't?
If we knew that we wouldn't need to see his taxes now would we?


So in other words you as a liar are calling Trump a liar. Fascinating.

View attachment 326249
PolitiFact | Donald Trump
What your "scorecard" also shows is that half the time, there IS some truth, a lot of truth, or total truth to what Trump says. Of course, we don't know if your falsies are accurate. Now show us the scorecard on Obama and Hillary so we can compare.

ummmm.... did you flunk math? ' 1/2 the time ' ???? no.
Actually, I've even tutored math! Apparently far better than you. Assuming your "scorecards" are even accurate, only two categories, false and Pants on fire show total untruthfulness, 34% and 14%, which adds up to 48%! Which means that the other half of the time, 52%, there was at least SOME, a little, a lot to total truth to what he said! And that is from YOUR source!

Your scorecards don't even come close to adding up to 100% on Obama! How can an accurate scorecard not equal 100%? Where did all those other percent go? And Hillary was only Pants on Fire 2% of the time? THE WOMAN LIED THROUGH HER TEETH! What was the CONTENT of that 2? What was the CONTENT of her 10% FALSE? What was the CONTENT of Obama's 23% FALSE or MOSTLY FALSE? What was the CONTENT of Trump's lies? See, that is the thing you never answer. The GREAT WHITE ELEPHANT behind all your BULLSHIT.

Show me where you were jumping mad like this all the times Obama told HUGE lies nearly 1 out of every 4 times he opened his mouth? You're own data proves it.


but but but OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

suck it up - your boy can't tell the truth even when it would suit him better. look at the filthy lies JUST about this virus! if he were just HONEST & told the american public the truth about what was heading our way, we would have much less death, let alone infections.

Trump, Trump, Trump. Trump should have known earlier. Well if Trump did know earlier, and didn't do anything, why did the Democrats do the exact same? Why did Dr Fauci in late January assure America that this virus was no threat to the US whatsoever?

I know your motto is never let a good crisis go to waste, but if you can be honest with yourself for once, and take note how nobody in this country, Democrat or Republican, could foresee this problem, how did you expect the President to?

On January 30th, the WHO issued an alert this virus was going to be a big problem. The President took action the very next day. A month later, during the first two weeks of March, the Democrats were going to pass a bill to strip the President of exclusive power over travel bans, and reverse his original ban.

Were the Democrats asking for more ventilators, to speed up the manufacturing of gowns and masks, to start producing a vaccine for Covid-19? No, and why not? Because nobody knew it would be a serious issue of any kind.
Is dOnald tRump the president or not?

Is he is, what does that have to do with anything? The point is, nobody knew. It was kind of like 911. It's something you would never dream of happening in our country.
But that's not true. Experts of all sorts were warning him as far back as November.

He knew, and he failed to act.

With the authority comes the responsibility.

The buck stops there.

That's such utter bull. Do you need me to post when China made this virus outbreak public? Do you need the timeline on when WHO released their alert to the world, and what the President did in response? Do you need the video of Dr. Fauci stating in later January that the virus was nothing for us to worry about; go on with our lives as normal?

Nobody knew anything because China kept this hidden for as long as possible. For crying out loud, could you imagine how bad of shape our country would have been in if we had a total shutdown over SARS, Ebola, West Niles, just to name a few?

You armchair quarterbacks can sit back and criticize, but nearly every country in the world is now dealing with this, and it's not President Trump's fault.

Yeah I got it. He's your guy and there's nothing anyone can say to convince you otherwise. Makes me a little sad to have to resort to, "then we'll see you in November. Majority rules, and to the victor the spoils". Only problem is, we're likely to be left in much the same position as we are now. Hopelessly divided. But, this guy needs to go.

You would want to see him go if he managed to accomplish world peace and led efforts to cure cancer. I'm sorry, but in spite of all the accomplishments Trump has made during this tragic time, I can't see handing the country over to a senile hair sniffer that can't figure out which way audience is on stage.

If pivoting to Biden's all you got, unfortunately, you've got nothing...except your own political bias. Trump hasn't accomplished anything in the last three months, let alone most of the last three years. The one that I'll give him is the prison sentencing reform guidelines. Zero idea who convinced him to sign on to that one but job well done either way. Beyond that, it's been one hot mess after another.

He got the military to create new hospital facilities in record time on land and sea. He used every manufacturer possible to manufacture new ventilators. He got Congress to act on the stimulus package. He recently stopped all immigration to this country except only necessary help. He got additional funding for food stamps and WIC. He enacted the Defense Production Act. He guaranteed health facilities payment to treat anybody with the virus that was uninsured. He got additional companies to produce more N-95 masks. He ordered 3-M to stop exporting the masks they were making, and sell them exclusively to the US.
The US military does that on a regular basis, just not usually here where it's easy for you to see.

Oh, and they did that all on their own? Of course not. They acted on the orders of the Commander and Chief. That's the way it works in the military.
He has to be ready, everyone has to be up to speed. The Biden administration will need to hit the ground running as a unit because every unqualified, corrupt, tRumpling has to go on DAY ONE.
I'm confident November 4th will be a no-good very bad day for you.
Even if it is a good day and Biden wins, it'll STILL be a bad day, Bill!
While Trump spent his life in private industry making billions of dollars in real estate and a 14 year successful TV show, what has Joe done? He took up law in college, graduated near the bottom of his class caught faking his work, and a year after becoming a 2-bit lawyer, went into politics and has been living on the public dole ever since! That's his entire life!

Democrats may celebrate Joe winning just because their party is back in the WH, but the guy has never done a thing, never done anything well, and the nation will be the ones who pay the price.
tRump spent his life living off his father's money and reputation. His reality TV show was based on abusing fake employees (as opposed to.the real ones he practiced on to prepay for the role) and did appeal to a certain lowbrow segment of the population. Mostly that group of bottom-feeders now known as tRumplings.

He didn't live off of his fathers money, he took that money and made it grow tenfold.
Very much in doubt.

Why is that? The man owned or operated 500 companies. He turned a couple million into billions.

why won't he show his tax returns? could it be because he isn't as wealthy as he claims? hmmmmm ray ray - what cheer will you be leading 'bout that?

Do you do your taxes or have them done by somebody? Can you tell me where on your tax form your worth is listed?

Why should President Trump show his tax returns? What good would that do him? The only reason the left wants them is so they can bash him more, so why should he give you that satisfaction? I'm sure anytime somebody throws this at him, he knows it's like stabbing you with a knife and twisting it sideways; He's probably enjoying it too.

Career politicians prepare their taxes in case they have an opportunity at becoming the President and may have to show them someday. Donald Trump is a businessman that took a shot at being President, so he took all the legal deductions he had coming, and perhaps paid little taxes some years. He never expected to actually become President.
The only reason for him to hide the taxes is he lied about what they say.

Which is a given. I mean he said it, right?

So what did he lie about? What do you on the left know that our IRS doesn't?
If we knew that we wouldn't need to see his taxes now would we?


So in other words you as a liar are calling Trump a liar. Fascinating.

View attachment 326249
PolitiFact | Donald Trump
What your "scorecard" also shows is that half the time, there IS some truth, a lot of truth, or total truth to what Trump says. Of course, we don't know if your falsies are accurate. Now show us the scorecard on Obama and Hillary so we can compare.

ummmm.... did you flunk math? ' 1/2 the time ' ???? no.
Actually, I've even tutored math! Apparently far better than you. Assuming your "scorecards" are even accurate, only two categories, false and Pants on fire show total untruthfulness, 34% and 14%, which adds up to 48%! Which means that the other half of the time, 52%, there was at least SOME, a little, a lot to total truth to what he said! And that is from YOUR source!

Your scorecards don't even come close to adding up to 100% on Obama! How can an accurate scorecard not equal 100%? Where did all those other percent go? And Hillary was only Pants on Fire 2% of the time? THE WOMAN LIED THROUGH HER TEETH! What was the CONTENT of that 2? What was the CONTENT of her 10% FALSE? What was the CONTENT of Obama's 23% FALSE or MOSTLY FALSE? What was the CONTENT of Trump's lies? See, that is the thing you never answer. The GREAT WHITE ELEPHANT behind all your BULLSHIT.

Show me where you were jumping mad like this all the times Obama told HUGE lies nearly 1 out of every 4 times he opened his mouth? You're own data proves it.


but but but OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

suck it up - your boy can't tell the truth even when it would suit him better. look at the filthy lies JUST about this virus! if he were just HONEST & told the american public the truth about what was heading our way, we would have much less death, let alone infections.

Trump, Trump, Trump. Trump should have known earlier. Well if Trump did know earlier, and didn't do anything, why did the Democrats do the exact same? Why did Dr Fauci in late January assure America that this virus was no threat to the US whatsoever?

I know your motto is never let a good crisis go to waste, but if you can be honest with yourself for once, and take note how nobody in this country, Democrat or Republican, could foresee this problem, how did you expect the President to?

On January 30th, the WHO issued an alert this virus was going to be a big problem. The President took action the very next day. A month later, during the first two weeks of March, the Democrats were going to pass a bill to strip the President of exclusive power over travel bans, and reverse his original ban.

Were the Democrats asking for more ventilators, to speed up the manufacturing of gowns and masks, to start producing a vaccine for Covid-19? No, and why not? Because nobody knew it would be a serious issue of any kind.
Is dOnald tRump the president or not?

Is he is, what does that have to do with anything? The point is, nobody knew. It was kind of like 911. It's something you would never dream of happening in our country.
But that's not true. Experts of all sorts were warning him as far back as November.

He knew, and he failed to act.

With the authority comes the responsibility.

The buck stops there.

That's such utter bull. Do you need me to post when China made this virus outbreak public? Do you need the timeline on when WHO released their alert to the world, and what the President did in response? Do you need the video of Dr. Fauci stating in later January that the virus was nothing for us to worry about; go on with our lives as normal?

Nobody knew anything because China kept this hidden for as long as possible. For crying out loud, could you imagine how bad of shape our country would have been in if we had a total shutdown over SARS, Ebola, West Niles, just to name a few?

You armchair quarterbacks can sit back and criticize, but nearly every country in the world is now dealing with this, and it's not President Trump's fault.

Yeah I got it. He's your guy and there's nothing anyone can say to convince you otherwise. Makes me a little sad to have to resort to, "then we'll see you in November. Majority rules, and to the victor the spoils". Only problem is, we're likely to be left in much the same position as we are now. Hopelessly divided. But, this guy needs to go.

You would want to see him go if he managed to accomplish world peace and led efforts to cure cancer. I'm sorry, but in spite of all the accomplishments Trump has made during this tragic time, I can't see handing the country over to a senile hair sniffer that can't figure out which way audience is on stage.

If pivoting to Biden's all you got, unfortunately, you've got nothing...except your own political bias. Trump hasn't accomplished anything in the last three months, let alone most of the last three years. The one that I'll give him is the prison sentencing reform guidelines. Zero idea who convinced him to sign on to that one but job well done either way. Beyond that, it's been one hot mess after another.

He got the military to create new hospital facilities in record time on land and sea. He used every manufacturer possible to manufacture new ventilators. He got Congress to act on the stimulus package. He recently stopped all immigration to this country except only necessary help. He got additional funding for food stamps and WIC. He enacted the Defense Production Act. He guaranteed health facilities payment to treat anybody with the virus that was uninsured. He got additional companies to produce more N-95 masks. He ordered 3-M to stop exporting the masks they were making, and sell them exclusively to the US.
The US military does that on a regular basis, just not usually here where it's easy for you to see.

Oh, and they did that all on their own? Of course not. They acted on the orders of the Commander and Chief. That's the way it works in the military.
Lol, so you want me to give him credit for taking at least one obvious step?

Fine. He was late, but he eventually did get around to it.

But they could have been set up before things got desperate in New York and possibly saved some lives.
He has to be ready, everyone has to be up to speed. The Biden administration will need to hit the ground running as a unit because every unqualified, corrupt, tRumpling has to go on DAY ONE.
I'm confident November 4th will be a no-good very bad day for you.
Even if it is a good day and Biden wins, it'll STILL be a bad day, Bill!
While Trump spent his life in private industry making billions of dollars in real estate and a 14 year successful TV show, what has Joe done? He took up law in college, graduated near the bottom of his class caught faking his work, and a year after becoming a 2-bit lawyer, went into politics and has been living on the public dole ever since! That's his entire life!

Democrats may celebrate Joe winning just because their party is back in the WH, but the guy has never done a thing, never done anything well, and the nation will be the ones who pay the price.
tRump spent his life living off his father's money and reputation. His reality TV show was based on abusing fake employees (as opposed to.the real ones he practiced on to prepay for the role) and did appeal to a certain lowbrow segment of the population. Mostly that group of bottom-feeders now known as tRumplings.

He didn't live off of his fathers money, he took that money and made it grow tenfold.
Very much in doubt.

Why is that? The man owned or operated 500 companies. He turned a couple million into billions.

why won't he show his tax returns? could it be because he isn't as wealthy as he claims? hmmmmm ray ray - what cheer will you be leading 'bout that?

Do you do your taxes or have them done by somebody? Can you tell me where on your tax form your worth is listed?

Why should President Trump show his tax returns? What good would that do him? The only reason the left wants them is so they can bash him more, so why should he give you that satisfaction? I'm sure anytime somebody throws this at him, he knows it's like stabbing you with a knife and twisting it sideways; He's probably enjoying it too.

Career politicians prepare their taxes in case they have an opportunity at becoming the President and may have to show them someday. Donald Trump is a businessman that took a shot at being President, so he took all the legal deductions he had coming, and perhaps paid little taxes some years. He never expected to actually become President.
The only reason for him to hide the taxes is he lied about what they say.

Which is a given. I mean he said it, right?

So what did he lie about? What do you on the left know that our IRS doesn't?
If we knew that we wouldn't need to see his taxes now would we?


So in other words you as a liar are calling Trump a liar. Fascinating.

View attachment 326249
PolitiFact | Donald Trump
What your "scorecard" also shows is that half the time, there IS some truth, a lot of truth, or total truth to what Trump says. Of course, we don't know if your falsies are accurate. Now show us the scorecard on Obama and Hillary so we can compare.

ummmm.... did you flunk math? ' 1/2 the time ' ???? no.
Actually, I've even tutored math! Apparently far better than you. Assuming your "scorecards" are even accurate, only two categories, false and Pants on fire show total untruthfulness, 34% and 14%, which adds up to 48%! Which means that the other half of the time, 52%, there was at least SOME, a little, a lot to total truth to what he said! And that is from YOUR source!

Your scorecards don't even come close to adding up to 100% on Obama! How can an accurate scorecard not equal 100%? Where did all those other percent go? And Hillary was only Pants on Fire 2% of the time? THE WOMAN LIED THROUGH HER TEETH! What was the CONTENT of that 2? What was the CONTENT of her 10% FALSE? What was the CONTENT of Obama's 23% FALSE or MOSTLY FALSE? What was the CONTENT of Trump's lies? See, that is the thing you never answer. The GREAT WHITE ELEPHANT behind all your BULLSHIT.

Show me where you were jumping mad like this all the times Obama told HUGE lies nearly 1 out of every 4 times he opened his mouth? You're own data proves it.


but but but OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

suck it up - your boy can't tell the truth even when it would suit him better. look at the filthy lies JUST about this virus! if he were just HONEST & told the american public the truth about what was heading our way, we would have much less death, let alone infections.

Trump, Trump, Trump. Trump should have known earlier. Well if Trump did know earlier, and didn't do anything, why did the Democrats do the exact same? Why did Dr Fauci in late January assure America that this virus was no threat to the US whatsoever?

I know your motto is never let a good crisis go to waste, but if you can be honest with yourself for once, and take note how nobody in this country, Democrat or Republican, could foresee this problem, how did you expect the President to?

On January 30th, the WHO issued an alert this virus was going to be a big problem. The President took action the very next day. A month later, during the first two weeks of March, the Democrats were going to pass a bill to strip the President of exclusive power over travel bans, and reverse his original ban.

Were the Democrats asking for more ventilators, to speed up the manufacturing of gowns and masks, to start producing a vaccine for Covid-19? No, and why not? Because nobody knew it would be a serious issue of any kind.
Is dOnald tRump the president or not?

Is he is, what does that have to do with anything? The point is, nobody knew. It was kind of like 911. It's something you would never dream of happening in our country.
But that's not true. Experts of all sorts were warning him as far back as November.

He knew, and he failed to act.

With the authority comes the responsibility.

The buck stops there.

That's such utter bull. Do you need me to post when China made this virus outbreak public? Do you need the timeline on when WHO released their alert to the world, and what the President did in response? Do you need the video of Dr. Fauci stating in later January that the virus was nothing for us to worry about; go on with our lives as normal?

Nobody knew anything because China kept this hidden for as long as possible. For crying out loud, could you imagine how bad of shape our country would have been in if we had a total shutdown over SARS, Ebola, West Niles, just to name a few?

You armchair quarterbacks can sit back and criticize, but nearly every country in the world is now dealing with this, and it's not President Trump's fault.

Yeah I got it. He's your guy and there's nothing anyone can say to convince you otherwise. Makes me a little sad to have to resort to, "then we'll see you in November. Majority rules, and to the victor the spoils". Only problem is, we're likely to be left in much the same position as we are now. Hopelessly divided. But, this guy needs to go.

You would want to see him go if he managed to accomplish world peace and led efforts to cure cancer. I'm sorry, but in spite of all the accomplishments Trump has made during this tragic time, I can't see handing the country over to a senile hair sniffer that can't figure out which way audience is on stage.

If pivoting to Biden's all you got, unfortunately, you've got nothing...except your own political bias. Trump hasn't accomplished anything in the last three months, let alone most of the last three years. The one that I'll give him is the prison sentencing reform guidelines. Zero idea who convinced him to sign on to that one but job well done either way. Beyond that, it's been one hot mess after another.

He got the military to create new hospital facilities in record time on land and sea. He used every manufacturer possible to manufacture new ventilators. He got Congress to act on the stimulus package. He recently stopped all immigration to this country except only necessary help. He got additional funding for food stamps and WIC. He enacted the Defense Production Act. He guaranteed health facilities payment to treat anybody with the virus that was uninsured. He got additional companies to produce more N-95 masks. He ordered 3-M to stop exporting the masks they were making, and sell them exclusively to the US.

Let's review shall we? First two (and DPA) only occurred because a theoretical gun was held to his head. Stimulus??..C'mon, that was going to happen either way. You think Representatives and Senators are going to watch their constituency burn to the ground without acting? He didn't guarantee anything. And the masks???..I'm sorry, but since when did states have to compete with the government for bids to PPE?? Food Stamps?..WIC???..DEMOCRATS fought for those!!

He has to be ready, everyone has to be up to speed. The Biden administration will need to hit the ground running as a unit because every unqualified, corrupt, tRumpling has to go on DAY ONE.
I'm confident November 4th will be a no-good very bad day for you.
Even if it is a good day and Biden wins, it'll STILL be a bad day, Bill!
While Trump spent his life in private industry making billions of dollars in real estate and a 14 year successful TV show, what has Joe done? He took up law in college, graduated near the bottom of his class caught faking his work, and a year after becoming a 2-bit lawyer, went into politics and has been living on the public dole ever since! That's his entire life!

Democrats may celebrate Joe winning just because their party is back in the WH, but the guy has never done a thing, never done anything well, and the nation will be the ones who pay the price.
tRump spent his life living off his father's money and reputation. His reality TV show was based on abusing fake employees (as opposed to.the real ones he practiced on to prepay for the role) and did appeal to a certain lowbrow segment of the population. Mostly that group of bottom-feeders now known as tRumplings.

He didn't live off of his fathers money, he took that money and made it grow tenfold.
Very much in doubt.

Why is that? The man owned or operated 500 companies. He turned a couple million into billions.

why won't he show his tax returns? could it be because he isn't as wealthy as he claims? hmmmmm ray ray - what cheer will you be leading 'bout that?

Do you do your taxes or have them done by somebody? Can you tell me where on your tax form your worth is listed?

Why should President Trump show his tax returns? What good would that do him? The only reason the left wants them is so they can bash him more, so why should he give you that satisfaction? I'm sure anytime somebody throws this at him, he knows it's like stabbing you with a knife and twisting it sideways; He's probably enjoying it too.

Career politicians prepare their taxes in case they have an opportunity at becoming the President and may have to show them someday. Donald Trump is a businessman that took a shot at being President, so he took all the legal deductions he had coming, and perhaps paid little taxes some years. He never expected to actually become President.
The only reason for him to hide the taxes is he lied about what they say.

Which is a given. I mean he said it, right?

So what did he lie about? What do you on the left know that our IRS doesn't?
If we knew that we wouldn't need to see his taxes now would we?


So in other words you as a liar are calling Trump a liar. Fascinating.

View attachment 326249
PolitiFact | Donald Trump
What your "scorecard" also shows is that half the time, there IS some truth, a lot of truth, or total truth to what Trump says. Of course, we don't know if your falsies are accurate. Now show us the scorecard on Obama and Hillary so we can compare.

ummmm.... did you flunk math? ' 1/2 the time ' ???? no.
Actually, I've even tutored math! Apparently far better than you. Assuming your "scorecards" are even accurate, only two categories, false and Pants on fire show total untruthfulness, 34% and 14%, which adds up to 48%! Which means that the other half of the time, 52%, there was at least SOME, a little, a lot to total truth to what he said! And that is from YOUR source!

Your scorecards don't even come close to adding up to 100% on Obama! How can an accurate scorecard not equal 100%? Where did all those other percent go? And Hillary was only Pants on Fire 2% of the time? THE WOMAN LIED THROUGH HER TEETH! What was the CONTENT of that 2? What was the CONTENT of her 10% FALSE? What was the CONTENT of Obama's 23% FALSE or MOSTLY FALSE? What was the CONTENT of Trump's lies? See, that is the thing you never answer. The GREAT WHITE ELEPHANT behind all your BULLSHIT.

Show me where you were jumping mad like this all the times Obama told HUGE lies nearly 1 out of every 4 times he opened his mouth? You're own data proves it.


but but but OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

suck it up - your boy can't tell the truth even when it would suit him better. look at the filthy lies JUST about this virus! if he were just HONEST & told the american public the truth about what was heading our way, we would have much less death, let alone infections.
I asked you for the CONTENT of those lies. A QUALITATIVE MEASURE. Not all potholes are the same. Some you barely feel, others will break your tie rod end and flatten your tire. An honest comparo of the SCOPE of lies between people. Instead, all I got from you was a HaHa and a deflection. Obviously, you would rather hide behind empty numbers than face facts because FIVE of Obama's biggest blatant, deliberate lies would equal 5,000 of Trump's ego-driven exaggerations.

follow the bouncing ball to the site that has each & every one of his lies written in lengthy detail that explains just how much donny is a filthy liar. someone who has been sued & forced to close down a 'university' for fraud & had to close a 'charitable' foundation due to fraud certainly qualifies as being a filthy liar. you gonna argue THAT fact too?
follow the bouncing ball to the site that has each & every one of his lies written in lengthy detail that explains just how much donny is a filthy liar.

Not arguing anything. Still asking the same question: WHERE IS THE QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS of the SIZE of lies Trump has told in office and their actual IMPACT ON AMERICAN SOCIETY compared to Obama?

The very fact that you ignore that, offer nothing on Obama to compare to and throw up that stupid university which affected no one but a few disgruntled business students who didn't feel they got their money's worth shows you again as a big bag of hot wind.
follow the bouncing ball to the site that has each & every one of his lies written in lengthy detail that explains just how much donny is a filthy liar.

Not arguing anything. Still asking the same question: WHERE IS THE QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS of the SIZE of lies Trump has told in office and their actual IMPACT ON AMERICAN SOCIETY compared to Obama?

The very fact that you ignore that, offer nothing on Obama to compare to and throw up that stupid university which affected no one but a few disgruntled business students who didn't feel they got their money's worth shows you again as a big bag of hot wind.

i gave stats from a fact checking website. you are free to do the same with obama & hillary & hold them to your imaginary standards.
follow the bouncing ball to the site that has each & every one of his lies written in lengthy detail that explains just how much donny is a filthy liar.

Not arguing anything. Still asking the same question: WHERE IS THE QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS of the SIZE of lies Trump has told in office and their actual IMPACT ON AMERICAN SOCIETY compared to Obama?

The very fact that you ignore that, offer nothing on Obama to compare to and throw up that stupid university which affected no one but a few disgruntled business students who didn't feel they got their money's worth shows you again as a big bag of hot wind.

i gave stats from a fact checking website. you are free to do the same with obama & hillary & hold them to your imaginary standards.
I have, and by all real and public accounts, they lose in a landslide. There can be no question of that. All you need to do is look at the 2010, 2014 and 2016 referendum elections to see that.
If your boy ran a clean ship, it wouldn't have been necessary to go through the Special Counsel and then impeachment.

If the Democrats ran a clean ship neither a Special Counsel nor impeachment proceedings would have occurred as they were both without merit. This is what you leftist fools seem to be missing.
If your boy ran a clean ship, it wouldn't have been necessary to go through the Special Counsel and then impeachment.

If the Democrats ran a clean ship neither a Special Counsel nor impeachment proceedings would have occurred as they were both without merit. This is what you leftist fools seem to be missing.

Let's see what their opinion is when the next Commie President is presiding under a Republican led House, and we do the exact same thing to him (her) that they are doing to Trump, because that's exactly what's going to happen. They started this impeachment war, and we're going to finish it.
If your boy ran a clean ship, it wouldn't have been necessary to go through the Special Counsel and then impeachment.

If the Democrats ran a clean ship neither a Special Counsel nor impeachment proceedings would have occurred as they were both without merit. This is what you leftist fools seem to be missing.

Let's see what their opinion is when the next Commie President is presiding under a Republican led House, and we do the exact same thing to him (her) that they are doing to Trump, because that's exactly what's going to happen. They started this impeachment war, and we're going to finish it.

The scariest part is that if the Democrats would have controlled the Senate, Trump would have been removed from office without an impeachment offense having been committed. This is the precedent they have set. If either Party controls both chambers of Congress they can overthrow a sitting President with no reasonable grounds other than he/she is from another Party. The founding fathers never imagined such a partisan divide would exists which would cause such an abuse of power.
If your boy ran a clean ship, it wouldn't have been necessary to go through the Special Counsel and then impeachment.

If the Democrats ran a clean ship neither a Special Counsel nor impeachment proceedings would have occurred as they were both without merit. This is what you leftist fools seem to be missing.

Let's see what their opinion is when the next Commie President is presiding under a Republican led House, and we do the exact same thing to him (her) that they are doing to Trump, because that's exactly what's going to happen. They started this impeachment war, and we're going to finish it.

The scariest part is that if the Democrats would have controlled the Senate, Trump would have been removed from office without an impeachment offense having been committed. This is the precedent they have set. If either Party controls both chambers of Congress they can overthrow a sitting President with no reasonable grounds other than he/she is from another Party. The founding fathers never imagined such a partisan divide would exists which would cause such an abuse of power.

No, it's not a simple majority in the Senate as it is in the House. To throw a President out, they need 2/3 of the vote. However a House impeachment is still a stain on their record even though they will remain in office. We've only had three impeachments in our history including Trump. I'm sure that number will double within the next 20 years thanks to the Democrats. They are already hinting at finding another cheap unauthorized reason to impeach him again.
If your boy ran a clean ship, it wouldn't have been necessary to go through the Special Counsel and then impeachment.

If the Democrats ran a clean ship neither a Special Counsel nor impeachment proceedings would have occurred as they were both without merit. This is what you leftist fools seem to be missing.

Let's see what their opinion is when the next Commie President is presiding under a Republican led House, and we do the exact same thing to him (her) that they are doing to Trump, because that's exactly what's going to happen. They started this impeachment war, and we're going to finish it.

The scariest part is that if the Democrats would have controlled the Senate, Trump would have been removed from office without an impeachment offense having been committed. This is the precedent they have set. If either Party controls both chambers of Congress they can overthrow a sitting President with no reasonable grounds other than he/she is from another Party. The founding fathers never imagined such a partisan divide would exists which would cause such an abuse of power.

No, it's not a simple majority in the Senate as it is in the House. To throw a President out, they need 2/3 of the vote. However a House impeachment is still a stain on their record even though they will remain in office. We've only had three impeachments in our history including Trump. I'm sure that number will double within the next 20 years thanks to the Democrats. They are already hinting at finding another cheap unauthorized reason to impeach him again.

The impeachment was a one-sided con job. The only stain is on them.
If your boy ran a clean ship, it wouldn't have been necessary to go through the Special Counsel and then impeachment.

If the Democrats ran a clean ship neither a Special Counsel nor impeachment proceedings would have occurred as they were both without merit. This is what you leftist fools seem to be missing.

Let's see what their opinion is when the next Commie President is presiding under a Republican led House, and we do the exact same thing to him (her) that they are doing to Trump, because that's exactly what's going to happen. They started this impeachment war, and we're going to finish it.

Indeed, Democrat candidates should keep that in mind. It will be an ass-rape of metaphysical proportions, driven by justifiable vengeance.
If your boy ran a clean ship, it wouldn't have been necessary to go through the Special Counsel and then impeachment.

If the Democrats ran a clean ship neither a Special Counsel nor impeachment proceedings would have occurred as they were both without merit. This is what you leftist fools seem to be missing.

Let's see what their opinion is when the next Commie President is presiding under a Republican led House, and we do the exact same thing to him (her) that they are doing to Trump, because that's exactly what's going to happen. They started this impeachment war, and we're going to finish it.

The scariest part is that if the Democrats would have controlled the Senate, Trump would have been removed from office without an impeachment offense having been committed. This is the precedent they have set. If either Party controls both chambers of Congress they can overthrow a sitting President with no reasonable grounds other than he/she is from another Party. The founding fathers never imagined such a partisan divide would exists which would cause such an abuse of power.

No, it's not a simple majority in the Senate as it is in the House. To throw a President out, they need 2/3 of the vote. However a House impeachment is still a stain on their record even though they will remain in office. We've only had three impeachments in our history including Trump. I'm sure that number will double within the next 20 years thanks to the Democrats. They are already hinting at finding another cheap unauthorized reason to impeach him again.

The impeachment was a one-sided con job. The only stain is on them.


And every history book will say that.
If your boy ran a clean ship, it wouldn't have been necessary to go through the Special Counsel and then impeachment.

If the Democrats ran a clean ship neither a Special Counsel nor impeachment proceedings would have occurred as they were both without merit. This is what you leftist fools seem to be missing.

Let's see what their opinion is when the next Commie President is presiding under a Republican led House, and we do the exact same thing to him (her) that they are doing to Trump, because that's exactly what's going to happen. They started this impeachment war, and we're going to finish it.

The scariest part is that if the Democrats would have controlled the Senate, Trump would have been removed from office without an impeachment offense having been committed. This is the precedent they have set. If either Party controls both chambers of Congress they can overthrow a sitting President with no reasonable grounds other than he/she is from another Party. The founding fathers never imagined such a partisan divide would exists which would cause such an abuse of power.

No, it's not a simple majority in the Senate as it is in the House. To throw a President out, they need 2/3 of the vote. However a House impeachment is still a stain on their record even though they will remain in office. We've only had three impeachments in our history including Trump. I'm sure that number will double within the next 20 years thanks to the Democrats. They are already hinting at finding another cheap unauthorized reason to impeach him again.

The impeachment was a one-sided con job. The only stain is on them.


And every history book will say that.

The winners write the histories. We need to win first, and decisively.
Joe follows in Hillary's footsteps, just as prematurely.

Joe Biden is already assembling a White House transition team, an unprecedented move for a presumptive major party candidate six months before the general election and before the party convention.

Joe Biden Already Preparing White House Transition Team - Big League Politics

Uhh..he's the party's presumptive nominee (no one currently running against him) and given the state that the government is in now with 3+ years of incompetence destroying it, probably a good idea to be prepared in the event he wins. At this point in 2016, Hillary was still in a primary battle with Bernie. Apples and Oranges.

We are in an entirely different environment than when Hillary was running. Remember just because we are in lockdown doesn't mean the Durham investigation stopped. Nobody has any idea what will be revealed come summer. The Democrats just may use that as an excuse to choose somebody else.
The Durham "investigation" is a fantasy meant to keep low information tRumplings occupied so they don't start to think for themselves.

And it's working great on you.

Most of us on the right think for ourselves. It's you on the left that are like zombies. That's why a good portion of you still believe Trump called all Mexicans rapists and murderers, Trump said all white supremacists are good people, Trump said he was a white nationalist, Bush stole both elections.......

I don't know what the investigation will reveal. What I do know is there was so much shady things going on all coming from Chicago DC at the time, that something has to be there for Durham to find.
Probably the most unintentionally funny post this board has seen in a while

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