Countries rejecting Oil ban on Iran


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Japanese government officials Thursday expressed their concern about the possible negative economic impact of increasing U.S. and European pressure on Iran over its nuclear development program.
"We are not considering banning imports," a Foreign Ministry official said, indicating the Japanese government is cautious of stepping up pressure on Iran in any coordinated action in the immediate future.
Japan alert to growing U.S., EU pressure on Iran - The Mainichi Daily News

Following Ankara and Seoul tries to continue importing Iran oil despite U.S. and EU pressures; Rome has resisted any immediate embargo on Iran oil, calling it as the oil supply shock.
In an interview with French daily Le Figaro, Mr Monti highlighted the significance of any ban on the Italian economy, noting that 13 percent of Italy’s total annual imports of crude come from Iran, leaving it highly exposed to any oil supply shock.
Mr Monti added: “An oil embargo will only be possible if it remains gradual and if there is an exclusion of deliveries that are aimed at reimbursing billions of euros of debt which Iran owes to our national oil company Eni.”
Italy refuses EU plan of Iran oil ban - Tehran Times
USA should lead as example and ban itself from Oil imports with Canada.
Why would Japan ban imports and fuck their economy even more?

If the US insists on going to war with Iran then we'll find our only ally will be Israel. China and Russia won't back it and they might even join Iran.

Or was that the "WWIII "plan all along?
India's biggest buyer of Iranian crude at about 150,000 barrels per day, has not cut purchases despite U.S. sanctions against Tehran, a top executive told Reuters on Friday.
India imports a hefty 400,000 barrels a day of crude - worth about $12 billion a year - from Iran, making it India's seventh largest trading partner, accounting for 3 percent of India's total trade volume.
MRPL not cutting back Iranian oil imports | Reuters
Only when the iranians renounce their depraved islimic cult and convert back to the peaceful zoroastrianism of the persian empire will iran be a good member of the international community.

Otherwise, let's bomb the muthafuckers into non-existence
Only when the iranians renounce their depraved islimic cult and convert back to the peaceful zoroastrianism of the persian empire will iran be a good member of the international community.

Otherwise, let's bomb the muthafuckers into non-existence

You are speaking of Israel or Canada I asssume. Bomb away !
Only when the iranians renounce their depraved islimic cult and convert back to the peaceful zoroastrianism of the persian empire will iran be a good member of the international community.

Otherwise, let's bomb the muthafuckers into non-existence

You are speaking of Israel or Canada I asssume. Bomb away !

Not adhering to your New Year's resolution to increase your IQ higher than your shoe size?
Why would Japan ban imports and fuck their economy even more?

If the US insists on going to war with Iran then we'll find our only ally will be Israel. China and Russia won't back it and they might even join Iran.

Or was that the "WWIII "plan all along?

I don't see China or Russia putting their Soldiers lives at risk to fight for Iran, they might give them logistical support and supplies but thats it.
Only when the iranians renounce their depraved islimic cult and convert back to the peaceful zoroastrianism of the persian empire will iran be a good member of the international community.

Otherwise, let's bomb the muthafuckers into non-existence

You are speaking of Israel or Canada I asssume. Bomb away !

Not adhering to your New Year's resolution to increase your IQ higher than your shoe size?

Israel isn't competant enough to handle it ?
If some countries stop importing Oil from Iran, Iran will seek new customers or sell more amount of Oil to existing customers.
It will offer the remaining Oil to these customers at reduced prices to get the Oil sold.
If some countries stop importing Oil from Iran, Iran will seek new customers or sell more amount of Oil to existing customers.
It will offer the remaining Oil to these customers at reduced prices to get the Oil sold.

But Israel wants the US to go to war for them.
If some countries stop importing Oil from Iran, Iran will seek new customers or sell more amount of Oil to existing customers.
It will offer the remaining Oil to these customers at reduced prices to get the Oil sold.

But Israel wants the US to go to war for them.

Dildo, the Arabs are on record calling for an attack on iran. The shiites are a threat to the sunnis and iran is a threat to arab oil

You really need to have an adult with a functioning brain read the newspaper for you
If some countries stop importing Oil from Iran, Iran will seek new customers or sell more amount of Oil to existing customers.
It will offer the remaining Oil to these customers at reduced prices to get the Oil sold.

But Israel wants the US to go to war for them.

Dildo, the Arabs are on record calling for an attack on iran. The shiites are a threat to the sunnis and iran is a threat to arab oil

You really need to have an adult with a functioning brain read the newspaper for you

No problemo then. Israel can help the Arabs by blowing the shit out of Iran. It will be a win win for everyone.
But Israel wants the US to go to war for them.

Dildo, the Arabs are on record calling for an attack on iran. The shiites are a threat to the sunnis and iran is a threat to arab oil

You really need to have an adult with a functioning brain read the newspaper for you

No problemo then. Israel can help the Arabs by blowing the shit out of Iran. It will be a win win for everyone.

Maybe, a child with a functioning brain can read the newspaper for you, given your obvious mental deficiencies.
The only sanctions which are binding are those of the UN.

Oil is either bought on open-market or bought through bilateral contracts.
You can not exit such bilateral contracts if the contract has not expired. There are commitments, and these contracts are legal documents.

If the USA wants to sanction international companies the USA should remember, that most of the companies who do business with Iran's ressource-sector are State companies.
In effect the USA would sanction (block them from doing business in USA) other states.

It's like countryX telling an US company to stop doing business in Canada or risk being blacklisted in countryX.
World doesn't function this way.
The only sanctions which are binding are those of the UN.

Oil is either bought on open-market or bought through bilateral contracts.
You can not exit such bilateral contracts if the contract has not expired. There are commitments, and these contracts are legal documents.

If the USA wants to sanction international companies the USA should remember, that most of the companies who do business with Iran's ressource-sector are State companies.
In effect the USA would sanction (block them from doing business in USA) other states.

It's like countryX telling an US company to stop doing business in Canada or risk being blacklisted in countryX.
World doesn't function this way.

Completely false. US sanctions on Iran are entirely lawful given Iran is a rogue state and state sponsor of terrorism.

The US blockaded Germany and Japan in WW II and has had a 50 year trade embargo on Cuba and a 30 year embargo on syria
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