country music star Jason Aldean sparks controversy with his anti blm song

I didnt say it was.
I will also say that i looked up the lyrics and it isnt even what the freakish leftists are claiming. The outrage is nonsensical. As usual.

It's not nonsensical, they understand that they have to silence any and all "wrong think." The reason the democrats have unleashed their blm and antifa brown shirts only in primarily black neighborhoods in the cities they control is mentioned in this song........the democrats have made their cities gun free zones for the law abiding, and when they turn loose their blm and antifa brownshirts to burn, loot and kill in these black neighborhoods, the democrat mayors also tell the police to do nothing......there is no one to stop the blm and antifa brown shirts......

In the suburbs and the small towns....people have guns....which is why the democrats haven't sent their blm and antifa brown shirts into those communities.....

This was the reason back in the day the democrats enacted the Sullivan Laws....because the gang members working for the democrat party, beating up people and vandalizing their businesses.....would shoot the democrats disarmed the people....

The strange birth of NYâs gun laws

Problem was the gangs worked for Tammany. The Democratic machine used them asshtarkers (sluggers), enforcing discipline at the polls and intimidating the opposition. Gang leaders like Monk Eastman were even employed as informal “sheriffs,” keeping their turf under Tammany control.

The Tammany Tiger needed to rein in the gangs without completely crippling them. Enter Big Tim with the perfect solution: Ostensibly disarm the gangs — and ordinary citizens, too — while still keeping them on the streets.

In fact, he gave the game away during the debate on the bill, which flew through Albany: “I want to make it so the young thugs in my district will get three years for carrying dangerous weapons instead of getting a sentence in the electric chair a year from now.”

Sullivan knew the gangs would flout the law, but appearances were more important than results. Young toughs took to sewing the pockets of their coats shut, so that cops couldn’t plant firearms on them, and many gangsters stashed their weapons inside their girlfriends’ “bird cages” — wire-mesh fashion contraptions around which women would wind their hair.

----Ordinary citizens, on the other hand, were disarmed, which solved another problem: Gangsters had been bitterly complaining to Tammany that their victims sometimes shot back at them.

So gang violence didn’t drop under the Sullivan Act — and really took off after the passage of Prohibition in 1920. Spectacular gangland rubouts — like the 1932 machine-gunning of “Mad Dog” Coll in a drugstore phone booth on 23rd Street — became the norm.

Well he is right. America is sick of blm's left wing terrorist shit. The have no right to do the crap they do.
The most ridiculous attack on Aldean is their claim he used an old court house as a backdrop that allegedly was the site of a lynching. Once again, the Woke Mob digging up 100 year old history to bash a White guy.
The most ridiculous attack on Aldean is their claim he used an old court house as a backdrop that allegedly was the site of a lynching. Once again, the Woke Mob digging up 100 year old history to bash a White guy.
yep more racism from the left. the video is fine.
The most ridiculous attack on Aldean is their claim he used an old court house as a backdrop that allegedly was the site of a lynching. Once again, the Woke Mob digging up 100 year old history to bash a White guy.
To me, if something really bad happened where the video was filmed, maybe bringing a better memory to the area was just the thing to do. After all, time never stops marching on now, does it? Perhaps the people who live there should be telling Jason, "Thank you." What could be better than making a video there for a song that's about small-town defense anyway?

God bless you and Jason and those who appreciate him always!!!

So we don't have to worry about folks like you coming into our towns to commit your crimes.
That's good to know at least you're too stupid to leave the decaying cities
You commit enough. At least we have things like schools and hospitals and people younger than ninety.
To me, if something really bad happened where the video was filmed, maybe bringing a better memory to the area was just the thing to do. After all, time never stops marching on now, does it? Perhaps the people who live there should be telling Jason, "Thank you." What could be better than making a video there for a song that's about small-town defense anyway?

God bless you and Jason and those who appreciate him always!!!

What is sad is that this Woke Mob endlessly screams about injustices played out 100, 200, or 300 years ago but they COMPLETELY IGNORE the injustices against Afghanistan women and African children and Muslim Uighurs. THAT is oppression. THAT is slavery. And not 200 years ago. RIGHT NOW.
My bad none of that ever happens in small white towns, it's just like Mayberry with Barney Fife.
I know you're being sarcastic, but you're right.

Never been a carjacking in my town. No old white or oriental ladies have ever gotten hit in the back of the head by a low life thug in my town.
What is sad is that this Woke Mob endlessly screams about injustices played out 100, 200, or 300 years ago but they COMPLETELY IGNORE the injustices against Afghanistan women and African children and Muslim Uighurs. THAT is oppression. THAT is slavery. And not 200 years ago. RIGHT NOW.
Amen to this. Sadly, nothing can be done about things that happened decades ago, but maybe something can be done about things that are going on now.

God bless you always!!!

No, there has just been child molesting and incest among other things.

But can you say the same in your black city.

Incest is COMMON in the black "community". People just like to pretend it doesn't happen


But can you say the same in your black city.

Incest is COMMON in the black "community". People just like to pretend it doesn't happen

Take a look at Table 43.


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