Couple computer questions


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
I just got a new gateway notebook with Windows 8. Is there a reason I always have to refresh everything? Like I could click back on a post and it does not load the new ones. I have to refresh. The same with my messages. I wil get a notification, click at the top, and just my old ones are shown. I hit refresh, and they pop up

Another one. My backspace will go back once, then it stops
Any ideas?
After searching for a couple hours, I fixed my problem. It was a function key issue.. Just for future reference
Besides F5...

... you can also refresh by right-clicking on a tab...

... and choosing the reload tab option.
Well yea. I know how to refresh. My problem is why I am having to refresh. When I saw you commented, I clicked on the link and had to refresh. My post yesterday afternoon was not even there. Kinda annoying.. GEEK SQUAD!
I got a new Gateway laptop with window 8 a few weeks ago....i'm still learning how to use it!! Although i haven't had the problem you describe. I'm still not sure if i like it!
I got a new Gateway laptop with window 8 a few weeks ago....i'm still learning how to use it!! Although i haven't had the problem you describe. I'm still not sure if i like it!

It is definately different. Will take some getting used to.. Once that happens, I think it will be pretty good can basically look up almost every problem with google.

ProTip! :thup:

I tried man. I couldnt get any info on Windows 8. And the info from a couple others, didn't roll well with my computer. can basically look up almost every problem with google.

ProTip! :thup:

I tried man. I couldnt get any info on Windows 8. And the info from a couple others, didn't roll well with my computer.

I just got a new Gateway laptop too. Don't really like Eight but guess it will get easier. Put on a regular key board and mouse, when I use it as a backup to the desktop. So far so good. can basically look up almost every problem with google.

ProTip! :thup:

I tried man. I couldnt get any info on Windows 8. And the info from a couple others, didn't roll well with my computer.

I just got a new Gateway laptop too. Don't really like Eight but guess it will get easier. Put on a regular key board and mouse, when I use it as a backup to the desktop. So far so good.

Oh, I love the thing, except for this problem. The more I get used to it, the more I don't mind it
Which browser ya usin'?...

... sounds like the auto-refresh option is turned off.
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Yeah it sounds more like a browser issue than a W8 issue.
I tried to find it before I left the house.. I will pull out the manual when I get home. Maybe this will work!

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