Couple rejected after video company says it doesn’t film gay weddings

Despite the courts disagree with me I believe all public accommodation laws are unconstitutional
I guess it has been a tough 56 years for you, then. Yes, please, regale us with your arguments that businesses should be allowed to refuse black people. I will try to book you spots on the morning talk shows. Lets see how it goes over.
If the Chinese restaurant we used to go to had that policy, they would have never been robbed.
By letting fat white people like you sit there for 5 hours and destroy the buffet? Right, they should have turned you away.
Hah! You stupid fucktard! That was well before the days of any Chinese Buffet, motherfucker!
Also none of us were fat.
I doubt that. You fatties don't live that long.
I'm just heavy enough to hurt you, and I picked up 255 lbs today, boy. All at once, goober.
Would an LGBT business owner have the right to refuse service to someone who is a member of an anti-gay religion? Everyone should have the same rights.
There are a couple of businesses in my town that fly the homo pride rainbow flag in front of their store.
I view it as a public service for people who want to avoid entering a store that caters to mentally deranged fudge packers. ... :gay:
I wouldnt enter such a business.
Which could only help their business.
If the Chinese restaurant we used to go to had that policy, they would have never been robbed.
By letting fat white people like you sit there for 5 hours and destroy the buffet? Right, they should have turned you away.
Hah! You stupid fucktard! That was well before the days of any Chinese Buffet, motherfucker!
Also none of us were fat.
I doubt that. You fatties don't live that long.
I'm just heavy enough to hurt you, and I picked up 255 lbs today, boy.
You are supposed to remove the ribs from the hog before eating them, Cletus.
One should be able to determine who one does business with. I just wish they would post it in the window or on their website so as to not waste people's time and I can avoid doing business with them also.

One of my biggest complaints about these business owners is that they hide their views and then spring them on would-be clients instead of being honest in their advertising. Two cases that I actually checked on were that crazy baker in Colorado and a wedding venue. They never said a word on their websites that they would refuse business. Instead, the message to the public was "come to my business." I do, however, support public-accommodation laws that are generally applicable to all business owners.

I also have a question as to whether these business owners would be in favor of all business owners having the right to refuse service on other grounds, such as religion. Would an LGBT business owner have the right to refuse service to someone who is a member of an anti-gay religion? Everyone should have the same rights.

The thing is these people don't want to deny point of sale transactions, or non-customized items, they just don't want to perform one contracted transaction, and even if "sprung" on people, it's not like finding another baker/photographer/florist is that hard.

Would you want to force an hard core Atheist photographer to work at a Christian Fundamentalist wedding?

Yes. Public-accommodation laws serve an important public interest. Allowing refusals of service is a recipe for complete chaos. The photographer is there to provide a service on a for-pay basis. S/he is not a part of the proceedings any more than a waiter at the reception is.

The thing is, you are trying to shift the burden onto an innocent would-be customer when it is the business owner who must shoulder the burden that he or she created for themselves. The business owner advertised that his/her goods or services were available and people came in response to the advertisement. They shouldn't have to be humiliated and then forced to drive around looking for something else. You seem to be expecting that would-be customers must have a crystal ball or something.

The false-advertising issue is separate. Even if we allowed discrimination to override our public-accommodation laws, this issue would remain.
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The irony in the libertarian-bent horseshit in this thread:

"The market will take care of that in 2020."

So, how do you guys think we got where we are today, with this prevailing attitude? Happy thoughts?

No. Laws.
What question? You asked me, a dood about jacking off.
Then you have a hard time paying attention, when masturbation comes up (get it). You said:

" Folks who don't serve coloreds or gay folks won't be an issue for long "

And I asked:

"And why, exactly, do you think that is? Why is it, do you think, that "no blacks allowed" was dandy 60 years ago, but not today?"

So ... happy thoughts? Boycotts?

I meant just what I said. The community will decide. It's not even news worthy.
One should be able to determine who one does business with. I just wish they would post it in the window or on their website so as to not waste people's time and I can avoid doing business with them also.

One of my biggest complaints about these business owners is that they hide their views and then spring them on would-be clients instead of being honest in their advertising. Two cases that I actually checked on were that crazy baker in Colorado and a wedding venue. They never said a word on their websites that they would refuse business. Instead, the message to the public was "come to my business." I do, however, support public-accommodation laws that are generally applicable to all business owners.

I also have a question as to whether these business owners would be in favor of all business owners having the right to refuse service on other grounds, such as religion. Would an LGBT business owner have the right to refuse service to someone who is a member of an anti-gay religion? Everyone should have the same rights.

The thing is these people don't want to deny point of sale transactions, or non-customized items, they just don't want to perform one contracted transaction, and even if "sprung" on people, it's not like finding another baker/photographer/florist is that hard.

Would you want to force an hard core Atheist photographer to work at a Christian Fundamentalist wedding?
Would an LGBT business owner have the right to refuse service to someone who is a member of an anti-gay religion? Everyone should have the same rights.
There are a couple of businesses in my town that fly the homo pride rainbow flag in front of their store.
I view it as a public service for people who want to avoid entering a store that caters to mentally deranged fudge packers. ... :gay:

You definitely don't want to eat at any food place run by faggots, given the list of epidemic diseases they lead the country in spreading.

Currently, the most spreaders of epidemic diseases in the U.S. seem to be right-wing assholes and their ignorant religious cults that have to assemble to do that wave-their-hands-at-God thing that they somehow can't do online.
Yes, it is, in fact, different and it is because of religion.
Thank you for making my point for me. We don't give them special treatment under laws, because that would be a law respecting religion. Will you be assisting me for the whole thread?

By the way...the racist pukes used the same religion based horseshit to argue for segregation and discrimination against blacks. Didn't work, in the end. So you are on not just the wrong side of morailty, but also of history.

Apparently, you have avoided reading the first amendment. Once again.


Please show us where Democrats used religion as a justification for segregation.


Please show us where Democrats used religion as a justification for segregation.
No should can look that up. There are extensive writings on this, going back to slavery.

Look at state supreme court rulings on segregation, like in pennsylvania. Look at why Burnett won the governorship of mississippi in 1960. It was at the heart of arguments on the senate floor in debate of the civil rights act.

What you want is special treatment for religion under a discrimination law. In other words, you want a law respecting religion.
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This is in Canada so I don’t know what the law is.

like you care what the law. You just dont care abiut liberty

The liberty to marry whom you please?


Nobody is forbidding you to love and live with whoever you want.

You can think whatever you want, and call it any way you want, but marriage is possible only between man and a woman.

Two nuts isn't gonna work, and two bolts neither.
I have no doubt there are many video companies who will be happy to take their money and film their wedding just go find one.
Currently, the most spreaders of epidemic diseases in the U.S. seem to be right-wing assholes and their ignorant religious cults that have to assemble to do that wave-their-hands-at-God thing that they somehow can't do online.

Well, then find someone else to film your wedding. And be sure to lodge your comments, opinions, and reviews on whatever website they frequent for their business. Let the public know their leanings. That's not cancel culture. The market can decide.
My personal opinion is why waste time getting offended and trying to make a point when it's easier to just go for the jugular...their wallets.
Or just go somewhere else and STFU.

Go somewhere where the photographer will try to show them as their most beautiful self.

They definitely going to need that.
Conservatives only have hatred. For America. For Americans. For our military. For our middle class. For our poor. For our minorities. For our disabled. For our elderly.

Nope, hate is only towards socialists and communists, which most of are not Americans.
The Revolution begins on the day the government shuts down a church for refusing to have same-sex weddings.

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