Couple rejected after video company says it doesn’t film gay weddings

One should be able to determine who one does business with. I just wish they would post it in the window or on their website so as to not waste people's time and I can avoid doing business with them also.

One of my biggest complaints about these business owners is that they hide their views and then spring them on would-be clients instead of being honest in their advertising. Two cases that I actually checked on were that crazy baker in Colorado and a wedding venue. They never said a word on their websites that they would refuse business. Instead, the message to the public was "come to my business." I do, however, support public-accommodation laws that are generally applicable to all business owners.

I also have a question as to whether these business owners would be in favor of all business owners having the right to refuse service on other grounds, such as religion. Would an LGBT business owner have the right to refuse service to someone who is a member of an anti-gay religion? Everyone should have the same rights.

The thing is these people don't want to deny point of sale transactions, or non-customized items, they just don't want to perform one contracted transaction, and even if "sprung" on people, it's not like finding another baker/photographer/florist is that hard.

Would you want to force an hard core Atheist photographer to work at a Christian Fundamentalist wedding?

I wouldn't understand why they would turn it down.

Because in both cases they ceremony goes against their moral beliefs.

You aren't advocating for the beliefs. You are doing a job you advertise that you do. If you want to be an advocate for something, be an advocate. Don't be a photographer or baker.

Why deny a person what they want to do for a living over one transaction that is easily done by someone else?

I wouldn't. I'm stating my opinion. Nowhere did I say I wanted to make it law.

Well that is the issue with PA laws being enforced against them, with fines in the hundreds of thousands of dollars being applied.

It is. I disagree with them. I believe if they would state their bigoted beliefs where everyone can see them the markets would take care of it.
This is in Canada so I don’t know what the law is.


Find a different company.

No brainer

Is this your position on stores requiring masks?

I avoided several businesses that required masks so yes. What a dumb question.

Masks are now mandated by the government so I dunno wtf that has to do with this.

No they’re not. Which government? Not Georgia’s. Not Florida’s.
One should be able to determine who one does business with. I just wish they would post it in the window or on their website so as to not waste people's time and I can avoid doing business with them also.

One of my biggest complaints about these business owners is that they hide their views and then spring them on would-be clients instead of being honest in their advertising. Two cases that I actually checked on were that crazy baker in Colorado and a wedding venue. They never said a word on their websites that they would refuse business. Instead, the message to the public was "come to my business." I do, however, support public-accommodation laws that are generally applicable to all business owners.

I also have a question as to whether these business owners would be in favor of all business owners having the right to refuse service on other grounds, such as religion. Would an LGBT business owner have the right to refuse service to someone who is a member of an anti-gay religion? Everyone should have the same rights.

Why should they? Faggots are a very tiny demographic and aren't worth the time and cost of being specifically named in advertising. But I know that comes as a shock to you narcissists and sociopaths that your assorted sicko fetishes aren't Number One on everybody's priority list 24/7. Should they also list what dog breeds they like and don't like? How about their favorite brands of socks?
Would an LGBT business owner have the right to refuse service to someone who is a member of an anti-gay religion? Everyone should have the same rights.
There are a couple of businesses in my town that fly the homo pride rainbow flag in front of their store.
I view it as a public service for people who want to avoid entering a store that caters to mentally deranged fudge packers. ... :gay:
I wouldnt enter such a business.
This is in Canada so I don’t know what the law is.


Find a different company.

No brainer

Is this your position on stores requiring masks?

I avoided several businesses that required masks so yes. What a dumb question.

Masks are now mandated by the government so I dunno wtf that has to do with this.

No they’re not. Which government? Not Georgia’s. Not Florida’s.

There are more that two states tard. Not 57 tho

In Kansas City metro you can not enter ANY public facility be it a store or a government building without a mask because of government edicts
Well, then find someone else to film your wedding. And be sure to lodge your comments, opinions, and reviews on whatever website they frequent for their business. Let the public know their leanings. That's not cancel culture. The market can decide.
My personal opinion is why waste time getting offended and trying to make a point when it's easier to just go for the jugular...their wallets.
Why can't every leftist think like you?
Would an LGBT business owner have the right to refuse service to someone who is a member of an anti-gay religion? Everyone should have the same rights.
There are a couple of businesses in my town that fly the homo pride rainbow flag in front of their store.
I view it as a public service for people who want to avoid entering a store that caters to mentally deranged fudge packers. ... :gay:

You definitely don't want to eat at any food place run by faggots, given the list of epidemic diseases they lead the country in spreading.
I don't refuse homo customers. In fact I have a whole little circle of them in town.
2 hot blondes own one of the hottest night spots there, I have a stack of free entrance tickets. (will never use)
They're really cool, too.
I'm not a photographer or wedding planner, though.
Would an LGBT business owner have the right to refuse service to someone who is a member of an anti-gay religion? Everyone should have the same rights.
There are a couple of businesses in my town that fly the homo pride rainbow flag in front of their store.
I view it as a public service for people who want to avoid entering a store that caters to mentally deranged fudge packers. ... :gay:

You definitely don't want to eat at any food place run by faggots, given the list of epidemic diseases they lead the country in spreading.
I don't care if the Biff Burger ..dude is a tranny. They still get the food out like it should be. :dunno:
A little leary about that AIDS, though.
I like me some Biff Burger. They invented tater tot fries.
Folks who don't serve coloreds or gay folks won't be an issue for long.
And why, exactly, do you think that is? Why is it, do you think, that "no blacks allowed" was dandy 60 years ago, but not today?

Happy thoughts? The invisible jerk, hand?
If the Chinese restaurant we used to go to had that policy, they would have never been robbed.
Yes, it is, in fact, different and it is because of religion.
Thank you for making my point for me. We don't give them special treatment under laws, because that would be a law respecting religion. Will you be assisting me for the whole thread?

By the way...the racist pukes used the same religion based horseshit to argue for segregation and discrimination against blacks. Didn't work, in the end. So you are on not just the wrong side of morailty, but also of history.
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You WILL do business with X people or we will fine you/shut you down/imprison you..." - is not freedom, it's authoritarianism. This is indisputable

It is the law, and not authoritarianism, as passed by due democratic process. So you sound utterly insane and detached from reality.
If the Chinese restaurant we used to go to had that policy, they would have never been robbed.
By letting fat white people like you sit there for 5 hours and destroy the buffet? Right, they should have turned you away.
Hah! You stupid fucktard! That was well before the days of any Chinese Buffet, motherfucker!
Also none of us were fat.
Jim Crow laws mandating the segregation of businesses isn't what I would call the free market
Irrelevant. The "no blacks allowed" signs were not mandated by law. They were the choice of the business owners. And now that is illegal. Even without the signs.
If the Chinese restaurant we used to go to had that policy, they would have never been robbed.
By letting fat white people like you sit there for 5 hours and destroy the buffet? Right, they should have turned you away.
Hah! You stupid fucktard! That was well before the days of any Chinese Buffet, motherfucker!
Also none of us were fat.
I doubt that. You fatties don't live that long.

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