Couple rejected after video company says it doesn’t film gay weddings

That was a restaurant open to the public. Services like videographer are personal services. Personal services should always be discretionary.
So, any job not performed in the public storefront? In other words... most "jobs"? Every single internet service? Every ... landscaper? Every housepainter? Roofer? Housebuilder?

Hmm, no, sorry. That's not going to work.

It's one's right to refuse service for whatever reason they want. Folks who don't serve coloreds or gay folks won't be an issue for long.
Folks who don't serve coloreds or gay folks won't be an issue for long.
And why, exactly, do you think that is? Why is it, do you think, that "no blacks allowed" was dandy 60 years ago, but not today?

Happy thoughts? The invisible jerk, hand?
Folks who don't serve coloreds or gay folks won't be an issue for long.
And why, exactly, do you think that is? Why is it, do you think, that "no blacks allowed" was dandy 60 years ago, but not today?

Happy thoughts? The invisible jerk, hand?

Put down the bag. Sniffing glue is bad for you.
Wow, pussied out after one question.

What question? You asked me, a dood about jacking off. This is a politics message board not gay porn chat.
What question? You asked me, a dood about jacking off.
Then you have a hard time paying attention, when masturbation comes up (get it). You said:

" Folks who don't serve coloreds or gay folks won't be an issue for long "

And I asked:

"And why, exactly, do you think that is? Why is it, do you think, that "no blacks allowed" was dandy 60 years ago, but not today?"

So ... happy thoughts? Boycotts?
This is in Canada so I don’t know what the law is.

Hate crime charges are always bogus.
No. It's the intent.
No, it's bullshit. Next!
No, you're simple. It's an aggravating factor that deserves extra punishment.

Soooo...thought crimes are punishable.

In my opinion, charging and punishing for a "hate crime" does nothing but push the issue further underground. What is the benefit to anyone in pushing the issue out of sight?

If someone sticks me up and robs me, they don't care what race, nationality, or gender. They care about how much money I have.

If someone beats the stew out of me, I'm probably not on their Christmas Card list. If someone murders me, I know darn well I wasn't on their Christmas Card list, and does it really matter why?
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Maybe Canucks aren't on the gay train.
..Like Trudeau.
They're definitely on the gay train with Justin Trudeau.
This is in Canada so I don’t know what the law is.
Some of the Finnish and Norwegian immigrants to the U.S. have moved to British Columbia in Canada ostensibly for better or more culturally appropriate healthcare, but that is extremely dubious, because U.S.-born citizens are not really permitted to move permanently to Canada on an arbitrary or at-will basis.
One day, it will be a crime to refuse to have homosexual sex.
That's what a "civil commitment" process for mental health treatment in a psychiatric ward is for. There's a gay partner who is "just friends" and "won't commit" to an actual homosexual relationship.
Well, then find someone else to film your wedding. And be sure to lodge your comments, opinions, and reviews on whatever website they frequent for their business. Let the public know their leanings. That's not cancel culture. The market can decide.
My personal opinion is why waste time getting offended and trying to make a point when it's easier to just go for the jugular...their wallets.
Or just go somewhere else and STFU.

Go somewhere where the photographer will try to show them as their most beautiful self.

They definitely going to need that.
Conservatives only have hatred. For America. For Americans. For our military. For our middle class. For our poor. For our minorities. For our disabled. For our elderly.

This is in Canada so I don’t know what the law is.

Canada will probably send the photographer to a re-education camp, or to prison. I’m sure a little fascist like you would love that. Just like how Dems here believe a black baker should be forced to bake a cake for the KKK.
Soooo...thought crimes are punishable
Is that what you call refusing to serve blacks? If so, then yes, by your definition, they are. Or is it different for gays? Why? religion?

I don't think that's a thought crime. I think it is a crime against the very freedoms we have in America. Gay people should not be limited in where they can shop for services. Such discrimination should be illegal.
Is that what you call refusing to serve blacks? If so, then yes, by your definition, they are. Or is it different for gays? Why? religion?

I don't think that's a thought crime. I think it is a crime against the very freedoms we have in America. Gay people should not be limited in where they can shop for services. Such discrimination should be illegal.

Yes, it is, in fact, different and it is because of religion.

I'd have no issues photographing this.

I would expect that there are an abundance of qualified photographers/videographers that would be willing to take the gig which is all the more reason not to penalize this one company that will not do it.
Soooo...thought crimes are punishable
Is that what you call refusing to serve blacks? If so, then yes, by your definition, they are. Or is it different for gays? Why? religion?

I don't think that's a thought crime. I think it is a crime against the very freedoms we have in America. Gay people should not be limited in where they can shop for services. Such discrimination should be illegal.

Do you not understand the irony of your own statement? How can it be "a crime against freedom" to for someone to determine who they want to do business with and who they don't? Freedom is a 2 way street, brainlet.

"You WILL do business with X people or we will fine you/shut you down/imprison you..." - is not freedom, it's authoritarianism. This is indisputable.

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