Couple rejected after video company says it doesn’t film gay weddings

Well, then find someone else to film your wedding. And be sure to lodge your comments, opinions, and reviews on whatever website they frequent for their business. Let the public know their leanings. That's not cancel culture. The market can decide.
My personal opinion is why waste time getting offended and trying to make a point when it's easier to just go for the jugular...their wallets.
Or just go somewhere else and STFU.

Go somewhere where the photographer will try to show them as their most beautiful self.

They definitely going to need that.
Conservatives only have hatred. For America. For Americans. For our military. For our middle class. For our poor. For our minorities. For our disabled. For our elderly.
The only people I hate are liberals.
This is in Canada so I don’t know what the law is.

I found a real picture of the lovely couple. :) I'm sure they'll have a beautiful wedding. :thup:


One would think they'd be smiling instead of scowling. I sense trouble in paradise in the near future for them.

Oh come on they'll have whales of happiness

Yes of course.
Well, then find someone else to film your wedding. And be sure to lodge your comments, opinions, and reviews on whatever website they frequent for their business. Let the public know their leanings. That's not cancel culture. The market can decide.
My personal opinion is why waste time getting offended and trying to make a point when it's easier to just go for the jugular...their wallets.
Ok, but we allow them this discrimination...why? Because it is religious? Discrimination like this should not be legal.
Good for them. Nobody should be force to do business or associate with someone against their wishes.
So, cool to hang a "No Blacks!" sign?
Well, then find someone else to film your wedding. And be sure to lodge your comments, opinions, and reviews on whatever website they frequent for their business. Let the public know their leanings. That's not cancel culture. The market can decide.
My personal opinion is why waste time getting offended and trying to make a point when it's easier to just go for the jugular...their wallets.
Ok, but we allow them this discrimination...why? Because it is religious? Discrimination like this should not be legal.
Good for them. Nobody should be force to do business or associate with someone against their wishes.
So, cool to hang a "No Blacks!" sign?

I think so.
Well, then find someone else to film your wedding. And be sure to lodge your comments, opinions, and reviews on whatever website they frequent for their business. Let the public know their leanings. That's not cancel culture. The market can decide.
My personal opinion is why waste time getting offended and trying to make a point when it's easier to just go for the jugular...their wallets.
Ok, but we allow them this discrimination...why? Because it is religious? Discrimination like this should not be legal.
Good for them. Nobody should be force to do business or associate with someone against their wishes.
So, cool to hang a "No Blacks!" sign?

I think so.
We know.
I once had gay clients.

They had a fight in their hotel room after getting "married" in the Wedding Chapel (wasn't real marriage at the time) and the cops said -- break it up you guys and were about to leave.

Then the gays told the cops they just got "married" and the cops said -- in that case this is domestic violence and we have no choice but to arrest you both.
mdk takes the extreme view we should not have Civil Rights laws. He has expressed this view many times, and I'm not sure what his angle is. Does he really believe what he's saying, or is he playing a game?
Well, then find someone else to film your wedding. And be sure to lodge your comments, opinions, and reviews on whatever website they frequent for their business. Let the public know their leanings. That's not cancel culture. The market can decide.
My personal opinion is why waste time getting offended and trying to make a point when it's easier to just go for the jugular...their wallets.
Ok, but we allow them this discrimination...why? Because it is religious? Discrimination like this should not be legal.
Good for them. Nobody should be force to do business or associate with someone against their wishes.
So, cool to hang a "No Blacks!" sign?

For my business? No.

For your business? It should be your choice.

The market will decide which one of us will succeed or not. As it should be.
Well, then find someone else to film your wedding. And be sure to lodge your comments, opinions, and reviews on whatever website they frequent for their business. Let the public know their leanings. That's not cancel culture. The market can decide.
My personal opinion is why waste time getting offended and trying to make a point when it's easier to just go for the jugular...their wallets.
Ok, but we allow them this discrimination...why? Because it is religious? Discrimination like this should not be legal.
Good for them. Nobody should be force to do business or associate with someone against their wishes.
So, cool to hang a "No Blacks!" sign?

OK, again, not trying to pick a fight. But does the state consider it a direct violation of EEOC?
My opinion is that it is much better to expose their views and hurt them where it the pocketbook.
And my guess is that if you made it public record, you'd have other companies lining up to take their place.
Well, then find someone else to film your wedding. And be sure to lodge your comments, opinions, and reviews on whatever website they frequent for their business. Let the public know their leanings. That's not cancel culture. The market can decide.
My personal opinion is why waste time getting offended and trying to make a point when it's easier to just go for the jugular...their wallets.
Ok, but we allow them this discrimination...why? Because it is religious? Discrimination like this should not be legal.
Good for them. Nobody should be force to do business or associate with someone against their wishes.
So, cool to hang a "No Blacks!" sign?

OK, again, not trying to pick a fight. But does the state consider it a direct violation of EEOC?
My opinion is that it is much better to expose their views and hurt them where it the pocketbook.
And my guess is that if you made it public record, you'd have other companies lining up to take their place.

I don't know Canadian law but in Colorado it didn't play out well for the gays.

SCOTUS shouldn't have punted and ended this nonsense
Well, since this case is in Canada, I don't know the actual laws but the videographer will likely lose their case knowing the situation up there.

In the USA Congress actually has no legal authority as this is what the 14th Amendment says:

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

So the Amendment applies only to sates and their political subdivisions, and in specific legal matters. Yet the courts have perpetrated this hoax on us by enforcing this against individuals and businesses and compelling serving anyone.
Well, then find someone else to film your wedding. And be sure to lodge your comments, opinions, and reviews on whatever website they frequent for their business. Let the public know their leanings. That's not cancel culture. The market can decide.
My personal opinion is why waste time getting offended and trying to make a point when it's easier to just go for the jugular...their wallets.
Ok, but we allow them this discrimination...why? Because it is religious? Discrimination like this should not be legal.
Good for them. Nobody should be force to do business or associate with someone against their wishes.
So, cool to hang a "No Blacks!" sign?

OK, again, not trying to pick a fight. But does the state consider it a direct violation of EEOC?
My opinion is that it is much better to expose their views and hurt them where it the pocketbook.
And my guess is that if you made it public record, you'd have other companies lining up to take their place.

I don't know Canadian law but in Colorado it didn't play out well for the gays.

SCOTUS shouldn't have punted and ended this nonsense

Why would the courts need to intervene? This can be decided by the market. It's what conservatives believe in. I got no problem with that.
For your business? It should be your choice.

The market will decide which one of us will succeed or not. As it should be.
No, it shouldn't always be. The market decided that was just fine, 60 years ago. And that is not okay. What do you think changed? Hint: It wasn't the free market. It wasn't happy thoughts, or boycotts.
But does the state consider it a direct violation of EEOC?
States kind of make their own laws on this. I am not arguing whether or not it is legal. I am saying it should not be legal.
My opinion is that it is much better to expose their views and hurt them where it the pocketbook.

And if their pocketbooks are not really hurt at all? Or, even rewarded? Then ... oh well?
For your business? It should be your choice.

The market will decide which one of us will succeed or not. As it should be.
No, it shouldn't always be. The market decided that was just fine, 60 years ago. And that is not okay. What do you think changed? Hint: It wasn't the free market. It wasn't happy thoughts, or boycotts.

Was it brain addled, hippy drippy, drug adicts turning old enough to run for office?
This is in Canada so I don’t know what the law is.

Rut Roh

Cue the province human rights council

Friggin Canadian human rights council filled with inclusive loved filled progressives that have some power ...these people are about to go through an orwellion nightmare

Fuckin progressives

Be it the USA or Canada
The only good progressive is one that has assumed room temperature.
Well, then find someone else to film your wedding. And be sure to lodge your comments, opinions, and reviews on whatever website they frequent for their business. Let the public know their leanings. That's not cancel culture. The market can decide.
My personal opinion is why waste time getting offended and trying to make a point when it's easier to just go for the jugular...their wallets.
Or just go somewhere else and STFU.

Go somewhere where the photographer will try to show them as their most beautiful self.

They definitely going to need that.
Conservatives only have hatred. For America. For Americans. For our military. For our middle class. For our poor. For our minorities. For our disabled. For our elderly.

You really need to stop mixing your booze and your causes you to get your thinking backwards......everything you listed is what the democrat party we can see as they unleashed black lives matter and antifa loose to burn, loot and kill in primarily Black neighborhoods right before an election.
Putin thanks you for your complicit silence while he pays his bounties.

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