Court Packing Does NOT Address Constitutionality of Roe-V-Wade Reversal

Lie. The constitution declared/established the SCOTUS. Just because it doesn't fit in your narcississtic narrative does not make it a supremacist oligarchy. It has very clear guidelines that it must follow.
Yep, and destroying its credibility will strike deep at the heart of our separation of powers. Once that goes, the Left will have won their fight to destroy this nation. I think they aren't going to be too chuffed at the repercussions of their "victory", though.
Third, the usurpation was part of an obiter dictum, which is a non-binding commentary. So we, the people, don't have to respect their opinions unless we are peasants who like to be bossed around by an oligarchic clique.
Ultimately, this is true. But you need to take the idea to its natural conclusion. ALL authority in our government comes from the "consent of the governed". That seems to be a quaint notion for Leftists. To them it means we'll obey what we want to, but YOU MUST obey without question.

Here's another Latin term you might ponder -
Civicus Bellum. Ultimately, this nation is built on compromise and a willingness to be held to account under law. Remove that court's ability to act as an unbiased arbiter of whether laws are Constitutional or not and it all collapses. The Trump impeachments are a perfect example. The Dems did everything in their power to push him from office, the Rs wouldn't vote to have it happen and a couple of issues went to the court for clarification. Take away the ability to have a "referee" and the fight spirals out of control.
The SCROTUS With the Mostest

Only lowlife like you desperately need to be associated with a and self-described Higher Power.
Ahh... so we get down to the nut of it. Religion is to blame. Tell me, what evidence do you have that red states have attempted to take ANY action that would remove the rights to abortion outside of their state borders? They are content to manage their own territory but you lot want to compel obedience to your ideology across all the states. The court seems to have finally gotten around to giving you an emphatic "NO MORE".
The leaker has put SCOTUS in an unwinnable bind. If they change their votes they will be confirming that mobs can intimidate them into ruling against law and reason, all because of public opinion rather than a careful consideration of Constitutional merits.

If they publish this draft as official, all hell breaks loose in multiple cities across America. Hell, the violence will probably begin before anything official is handed down.
If it does, would you approve of it?
For the first time, constitutional scholars have a chance to research the reasons given for the ruling, and point out any inconsistancies before enactment of the ruling. The 9th ammendment overrides much of the reasoning used in the doccument. Hopefuly the Supremes have enough integrity to modify their ruling to match the constitution.
Any definition she might have given in that hearing would have been seen as the definition she would eventually use as a supreme court justice.
You are looking in the mirror. That is the whole idea of the confirmation hearings dumbfuck. She owed the people an explanation that demonstrated her qualifications to be a justice. She failed miserably and so did you.

It's being reported Democrats are reviving the idea of packing the courts as a result of the recent leaked draft copy of Roe-V-Wade reversal brief.

Court Packing does not address the Constitutionality of the potential decision. It is just another butt-hurt, emotional liberal extremist reaction to not getting their way.

What it addresses is the lying of potential Justices during their interviews. To offset the last 3, there needs to be 3 lying left judges appointed to the supreme court. The Supreme Court has become political for the first time since it's creation.
It was assumed that Roe v Wade was settled precident, and as such, not subject to reversal. That is what each of the current SC justices said in their confirmation hearings. The fault, if any would be expecting any trump nominee to have enough integrity to not lie about their goals.

So was Plessey, so Brown shouldn't have overturned that?

And did they specifically say "settled" precedent, or precedent when asked about it?
They do have that authority. However, they have to maintain a long standing reputation of fairness and logic. If they follow through with the leaked draft, as is, they can kiss all that goodby.
Affirmative Action Gets Called Out on Strikes

It is illogical to think equality is fairness. Since SCROTUS comprises nine justices, maybe they at least know something about baseball. Would it be fair for a team to play each regular an equal salary? Would it be fair if a player can't hit, he should be awarded the same number of bases the other players get on their batting ability?.
The leaker has put SCOTUS in an unwinnable bind. If they change their votes they will be confirming that mobs can intimidate them into ruling against law and reason, all because of public opinion rather than a careful consideration of Constitutional merits.

If they publish this draft as official, all hell breaks loose in multiple cities across America. Hell, the violence will probably begin before anything official is handed down.
If it does, would you approve of it?
click "watch on youtube"

College Education Is a Fraud and Should Not Be Rewarded

"Has your views changed"? @ 0:18. When will Americans realize that the Low-IQ grammar of the college-educated ruling class proves they had no right to get where they are?
Ultimately, this is true. But you need to take the idea to its natural conclusion. ALL authority in our government comes from the "consent of the governed". That seems to be a quaint notion for Leftists. To them it means we'll obey what we want to, but YOU MUST obey without question.

Here's another Latin term you might ponder -
Civicus Bellum. Ultimately, this nation is built on compromise and a willingness to be held to account under law. Remove that court's ability to act as an unbiased arbiter of whether laws are Constitutional or not and it all collapses. The Trump impeachments are a perfect example. The Dems did everything in their power to push him from office, the Rs wouldn't vote to have it happen and a couple of issues went to the court for clarification. Take away the ability to have a "referee" and the fight spirals out of control.
Checks and Balances Among Vultures at the Feeding Frenzy. Carry On, Carrion!

If you're referring to bellum civile, SCROTUS actually instigated the Civil War because of the Dred Scott case, which stated that slave-holders could build plantations in any state they wanted to move to. The Constitution itself failed in every respect mentioned in the Preamble.
SCROTUS is actually the third branch of the elitist tyranny than the public is lynched on.
College Education Is a Fraud and Should Not Be Rewarded

"Has your views changed"? @ 0:18. When will Americans realize that the Low-IQ grammar of the college-educated ruling class proves they had no right to get where they are?
Yes. The poor choice of words by one person is good reason to believe all higher education is uselss. You so smart.
It's Constitutional if the SC says it is...and they are blatantly political

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