Court Packing Does NOT Address Constitutionality of Roe-V-Wade Reversal

Meh. I could give a shit about your guns. But if what I described happened you’d resist, right?

Get ready for a historic amount of resistance if Roe is overturned. Just like you’d do to protect the right you’ve had since ‘08 with a 5-4 vote in Heller. Roe v Wade was 7-2 back in 73
I'm sure there will be a lot of screaming at the sky, but at some point, the loons on the left will start to realize that their blue states won't change even a little bit and they can still kill their babies. The lie that overturning Roe makes abortion illegal is just that, a lie.
They're supposed to be independent and able to make up their minds for each individual case. They're not supposed to be asked to commit to voting any particular way on anything. That just makes a mockery of judicial independence, and the Senators should know better. Of course, they're democrats, so they don't.
Is that why trump said he wouldn't nominate anyone who wasn't willing to overturn Roe v Wade?
No it doesn’t. My packed court will find that your state can have a military with guns but no protection for individuals is explicitly enumerated. Can’t wait. Heller is toast soon.

Heller is doing just fine.
Is that why trump said he wouldn't nominate anyone who wasn't willing to overturn Roe v Wade?
I don't know. I don't read minds. What I do know is that the Justices are supposed to be independent, and that means they should not be asked to commit to a particular stance on any issue.
I don't know. I don't read minds. What I do know is that the Justices are supposed to be independent, and that means they should not be asked to commit to a particular stance on any issue.
Yet Trump made it clear that no one would be considered for the position if they weren't willing to reverse Roe v Wade.
Yet Trump made it clear that no one would be considered for the position if they weren't willing to reverse Roe v Wade.
And Quid Pro made it clear that he would consider only black women for his choice. Both should have just put their best nominee forward and left it at that. The senators should never be trying to get a nominee to commit to any political stance because they should be independent.

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