Court Rules--LEGAL To Fire Homo's!

That's it. Prove you're getting weaker by the moment.

Your sullen tears taste delicious.
What they really fear is that gay marriage will have a lower divorce rate as heterosexuals...

That you think I fear any faggot is hilarious.

When it comes to divorce rates, there isn't but one situation that I can control. To use divorce as an example is laughable much like faggots thinking their marriages will ever be to the same level as my heterosexual one. They're still 2nd class no matter what.
Sounds to me like gay people scare you half to death, sounds like you're a terribly judgmental human, cocky, insecure and probably has zero friends or the wherewithall to navigate society.

Paraphrasing: being dropped on your head did ya no good ya angry twit.

I have plenty of friends and they're all normal in the sense of this topic.

Scare in what sense?

Wasn't dropped on my head. Seems faggots that chose to be abnormal were and it fucked up their thinking.
No, you are abnormal.

America supports gay marriage. You lost, get over it.

You lost on several fronts, too. Here is a couple....

Much like racist pricks - aka the KKK - proved their cowardice over and over by way of wearing hoods to hide their identities...

You drool YOUR bigotry on a messageboard, remaining anonymous from the people in the society which has embraced the shunning of your failed ideas

And if youre not only biggoting your anti gay wahwah anonymously here, on a messageboard, but DO PREACH your anti gay sloppy bullshit in real life?

Well you are a big fat fucking failure on that front as well because scoreboard bitch: gay marriage is legal.

Whoops. youre the loser, case and point made.

Roll the end credits.
You seem upset. Good.

You're still a 2nd class faggot and will always be. That's where you belong. Deep down you're upset knowing that.

Good thing you can't do anything about it except whining on the web.

You can have the last word now. We both know you desperately want it. Cheers!

Sad thing is you'll never be anything better than 2nd class.
^ another Drumpf minion speaking Drumpf-like things.

^ another freak that thinks choosing to be attracted to someone of the same sex is normal.
Jesus loved both men and women.....
Your sullen tears taste delicious.
What they really fear is that gay marriage will have a lower divorce rate as heterosexuals...

That you think I fear any faggot is hilarious.

When it comes to divorce rates, there isn't but one situation that I can control. To use divorce as an example is laughable much like faggots thinking their marriages will ever be to the same level as my heterosexual one. They're still 2nd class no matter what.
Sounds to me like gay people scare you half to death, sounds like you're a terribly judgmental human, cocky, insecure and probably has zero friends or the wherewithall to navigate society.

Paraphrasing: being dropped on your head did ya no good ya angry twit.

I have plenty of friends and they're all normal in the sense of this topic.

Scare in what sense?

Wasn't dropped on my head. Seems faggots that chose to be abnormal were and it fucked up their thinking.
No, you are abnormal.

America supports gay marriage. You lost, get over it.

You lost on several fronts, too. Here is a couple....

Much like racist pricks - aka the KKK - proved their cowardice over and over by way of wearing hoods to hide their identities...

You drool YOUR bigotry on a messageboard, remaining anonymous from the people in the society which has embraced the shunning of your failed ideas

And if youre not only biggoting your anti gay wahwah anonymously here, on a messageboard, but DO PREACH your anti gay sloppy bullshit in real life?

Well you are a big fat fucking failure on that front as well because scoreboard bitch: gay marriage is legal.

Whoops. youre the loser, case and point made.

Roll the end credits.

No, America doesn't. For that to be true, ALL Americans would have to do so.

I married a female. That's makes me normal and a winner. Nothing you can do to change that except wallow in your 2nd class status.
You're still a 2nd class faggot and will always be. That's where you belong. Deep down you're upset knowing that.

Good thing you can't do anything about it except whining on the web.

You can have the last word now. We both know you desperately want it. Cheers!

Sad thing is you'll never be anything better than 2nd class.
^ another Drumpf minion speaking Drumpf-like things.

^ another freak that thinks choosing to be attracted to someone of the same sex is normal.
Jesus loved both men and women.....

Jesus didn't tolerate sin by either one of them.
Good thing you can't do anything about it except whining on the web.

You can have the last word now. We both know you desperately want it. Cheers!

Sad thing is you'll never be anything better than 2nd class.
^ another Drumpf minion speaking Drumpf-like things.

^ another freak that thinks choosing to be attracted to someone of the same sex is normal.
Jesus loved both men and women.....

Jesus didn't tolerate sin by either one of them.
he must have, he hung with sinners instead of crying with the saints...
What they really fear is that gay marriage will have a lower divorce rate as heterosexuals...

That you think I fear any faggot is hilarious.

When it comes to divorce rates, there isn't but one situation that I can control. To use divorce as an example is laughable much like faggots thinking their marriages will ever be to the same level as my heterosexual one. They're still 2nd class no matter what.
Sounds to me like gay people scare you half to death, sounds like you're a terribly judgmental human, cocky, insecure and probably has zero friends or the wherewithall to navigate society.

Paraphrasing: being dropped on your head did ya no good ya angry twit.

I have plenty of friends and they're all normal in the sense of this topic.

Scare in what sense?

Wasn't dropped on my head. Seems faggots that chose to be abnormal were and it fucked up their thinking.
No, you are abnormal.

America supports gay marriage. You lost, get over it.

You lost on several fronts, too. Here is a couple....

Much like racist pricks - aka the KKK - proved their cowardice over and over by way of wearing hoods to hide their identities...

You drool YOUR bigotry on a messageboard, remaining anonymous from the people in the society which has embraced the shunning of your failed ideas

And if youre not only biggoting your anti gay wahwah anonymously here, on a messageboard, but DO PREACH your anti gay sloppy bullshit in real life?

Well you are a big fat fucking failure on that front as well because scoreboard bitch: gay marriage is legal.

Whoops. youre the loser, case and point made.

Roll the end credits.

No, America doesn't. For that to be true, ALL Americans would have to do so.

I married a female. That's makes me normal and a winner. Nothing you can do to change that except wallow in your 2nd class status.
That you think I fear any faggot is hilarious.

When it comes to divorce rates, there isn't but one situation that I can control. To use divorce as an example is laughable much like faggots thinking their marriages will ever be to the same level as my heterosexual one. They're still 2nd class no matter what.
Sounds to me like gay people scare you half to death, sounds like you're a terribly judgmental human, cocky, insecure and probably has zero friends or the wherewithall to navigate society.

Paraphrasing: being dropped on your head did ya no good ya angry twit.

I have plenty of friends and they're all normal in the sense of this topic.

Scare in what sense?

Wasn't dropped on my head. Seems faggots that chose to be abnormal were and it fucked up their thinking.
No, you are abnormal.

America supports gay marriage. You lost, get over it.

You lost on several fronts, too. Here is a couple....

Much like racist pricks - aka the KKK - proved their cowardice over and over by way of wearing hoods to hide their identities...

You drool YOUR bigotry on a messageboard, remaining anonymous from the people in the society which has embraced the shunning of your failed ideas

And if youre not only biggoting your anti gay wahwah anonymously here, on a messageboard, but DO PREACH your anti gay sloppy bullshit in real life?

Well you are a big fat fucking failure on that front as well because scoreboard bitch: gay marriage is legal.

Whoops. youre the loser, case and point made.

Roll the end credits.

No, America doesn't. For that to be true, ALL Americans would have to do so.

I married a female. That's makes me normal and a winner. Nothing you can do to change that except wallow in your 2nd class status.

Sad you think being what you are is funny.
Sounds to me like gay people scare you half to death, sounds like you're a terribly judgmental human, cocky, insecure and probably has zero friends or the wherewithall to navigate society.

Paraphrasing: being dropped on your head did ya no good ya angry twit.

I have plenty of friends and they're all normal in the sense of this topic.

Scare in what sense?

Wasn't dropped on my head. Seems faggots that chose to be abnormal were and it fucked up their thinking.
No, you are abnormal.

America supports gay marriage. You lost, get over it.

You lost on several fronts, too. Here is a couple....

Much like racist pricks - aka the KKK - proved their cowardice over and over by way of wearing hoods to hide their identities...

You drool YOUR bigotry on a messageboard, remaining anonymous from the people in the society which has embraced the shunning of your failed ideas

And if youre not only biggoting your anti gay wahwah anonymously here, on a messageboard, but DO PREACH your anti gay sloppy bullshit in real life?

Well you are a big fat fucking failure on that front as well because scoreboard bitch: gay marriage is legal.

Whoops. youre the loser, case and point made.

Roll the end credits.

No, America doesn't. For that to be true, ALL Americans would have to do so.

I married a female. That's makes me normal and a winner. Nothing you can do to change that except wallow in your 2nd class status.

Sad you think being what you are is funny.
It's sad that in 2016 there's still people carrying around the bigoted ideas of yesterday while they're mocked into obscurity by the Win train.
I have plenty of friends and they're all normal in the sense of this topic.

Scare in what sense?

Wasn't dropped on my head. Seems faggots that chose to be abnormal were and it fucked up their thinking.
No, you are abnormal.

America supports gay marriage. You lost, get over it.

You lost on several fronts, too. Here is a couple....

Much like racist pricks - aka the KKK - proved their cowardice over and over by way of wearing hoods to hide their identities...

You drool YOUR bigotry on a messageboard, remaining anonymous from the people in the society which has embraced the shunning of your failed ideas

And if youre not only biggoting your anti gay wahwah anonymously here, on a messageboard, but DO PREACH your anti gay sloppy bullshit in real life?

Well you are a big fat fucking failure on that front as well because scoreboard bitch: gay marriage is legal.

Whoops. youre the loser, case and point made.

Roll the end credits.

No, America doesn't. For that to be true, ALL Americans would have to do so.

I married a female. That's makes me normal and a winner. Nothing you can do to change that except wallow in your 2nd class status.

Sad you think being what you are is funny.
It's sad that in 2016 there's still people carrying around the bigoted ideas of yesterday while they're mocked into obscurity by the Win train.

You can't mock someone that does things the normal way. You mock yourself by supporting abnormality.

How does the year change something that will be abnormal no matter when it occurs?
No, you are abnormal.

America supports gay marriage. You lost, get over it.

You lost on several fronts, too. Here is a couple....

Much like racist pricks - aka the KKK - proved their cowardice over and over by way of wearing hoods to hide their identities...

You drool YOUR bigotry on a messageboard, remaining anonymous from the people in the society which has embraced the shunning of your failed ideas

And if youre not only biggoting your anti gay wahwah anonymously here, on a messageboard, but DO PREACH your anti gay sloppy bullshit in real life?

Well you are a big fat fucking failure on that front as well because scoreboard bitch: gay marriage is legal.

Whoops. youre the loser, case and point made.

Roll the end credits.

No, America doesn't. For that to be true, ALL Americans would have to do so.

I married a female. That's makes me normal and a winner. Nothing you can do to change that except wallow in your 2nd class status.

Sad you think being what you are is funny.
It's sad that in 2016 there's still people carrying around the bigoted ideas of yesterday while they're mocked into obscurity by the Win train.

You can't mock someone that does things the normal way. You mock yourself by supporting abnormality.

How does the year change something that will be abnormal no matter when it occurs?
Worrying about living by some obscure guideline called "normal" is a projection of your insecurity and a failed, both in hypothetical and actual terms, reasoning to uphold the bigotry in your narrow mind.
The court explicitly limits its ruling to discrimination because of sex. It never includes sexual orientation, never cites it as protected, or any of your other pseudo-legal fiction.

Show me. Don't tell me. You're citing yourself because we both know the ruling doesn't say what you do....

Actually I read the article on the ruling, one of them...unless it's misquoting the decision. And it is a lesbian claiming her sexual orientation is at issue. The court found that sexual orientation isn't covered under the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Here, let me give you the direct quotes from the article: Appeals court: Sexual-orientation discrimination is legal

On Thursday, a panel of judges with the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago upheld a lower court's dismissal of the suit filed by Kimberly Hively of South Bend, Ind., a former part-time instructor at Ivy Tech Community College, which has campuses around the state. Hively said the college did not hire her for full-time employment because she is a lesbian....The ruling highlights a gap in federal civil-rights protections in the workplace: Employees are protected from discrimination based on race, sex, religion, color and national origin, but not sexual orientation....

In so making the distinction between the words "sex" (the noun ie: "male" or "female") and "sexual orientation" (the behavior: verb "to orient"), they have laid bare the fallacy the church of LGBT has been hoodwinking judges and Justices with for close to a decade now.

There is no church of LGBT. That's your personal fantasy.

Nor was Title VII of the Civil Rights or the distinction between 'sex' and 'sexual orientation' act the basis of any of the major rulings regarding gays. Not Romer, not Lawerence, not Windsor, not Obergefell. But instead the 14th and 5th amendments were used as the bases. Making your 'hoodwinked' nonsense just another profound misunderstanding of a topic you clearly don't comprehend.

Which might explain why your legal predictions are always, always wrong.

I absolutely support the struggle that gay Americans have waged for equality in this nation. They are winning that struggle. Which makes you a loser.

Do you also support polygamist-Americans and their struggles for equality? How about cleptomaniac Americans? Bulimic Americans (why do we force them to practice their eating-orientation in a bathroom stall, they should have vomit urns on every table in every restaurant.)...

You understand the difference between habitual behaviors and a static class like race, right?

Religion is a behavior. Speech is a behavior. Assembly is a behavior. Yet their all protected.

Your 'behaviors aren't protected' nonsense is just more ignorant pseudo-legal gibberish signifying nothing.
Religion is a behavior. Speech is a behavior. Assembly is a behavior. Yet their all protected.

Your 'behaviors aren't protected' nonsense is just more ignorant pseudo-legal gibberish signifying nothing.

Don't forget a white man marrying a black woman is also a behavior.

Apparently someone was listening to "behaviors aren't a static class" argument and didn't consider that idea "delusion". Refer to the OP for details...

Sorry. The voices in your head don't count and nor can they be referred to.
I have plenty of friends and they're all normal in the sense of this topic.

Scare in what sense?

Wasn't dropped on my head. Seems faggots that chose to be abnormal were and it fucked up their thinking.
No, you are abnormal.

America supports gay marriage. You lost, get over it.

You lost on several fronts, too. Here is a couple....

Much like racist pricks - aka the KKK - proved their cowardice over and over by way of wearing hoods to hide their identities...

You drool YOUR bigotry on a messageboard, remaining anonymous from the people in the society which has embraced the shunning of your failed ideas

And if youre not only biggoting your anti gay wahwah anonymously here, on a messageboard, but DO PREACH your anti gay sloppy bullshit in real life?

Well you are a big fat fucking failure on that front as well because scoreboard bitch: gay marriage is legal.

Whoops. youre the loser, case and point made.

Roll the end credits.

No, America doesn't. For that to be true, ALL Americans would have to do so.

I married a female. That's makes me normal and a winner. Nothing you can do to change that except wallow in your 2nd class status.

Sad you think being what you are is funny.
It's sad that in 2016 there's still people carrying around the bigoted ideas of yesterday while they're mocked into obscurity by the Win train.

Don't bother. It's a fool's errand wasting your time on such a stupid twat. Let him pretend he's winning will queers marry all around him. lol
Religion is a behavior. Speech is a behavior. Assembly is a behavior. Yet their all protected.

Your 'behaviors aren't protected' nonsense is just more ignorant pseudo-legal gibberish signifying nothing.

Don't forget a white man marrying a black woman is also a behavior.


Huh? So what? What does that have to do with anything?

Sil is claiming that behaviors aren't constitutionally protected.

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