Court upholds Connecticut's transgender athlete policy

The panel said the four cisgender athletes lacked standing to sue — in part because their claims that they were deprived of wins, state titles and athletic scholarship opportunities were speculative.

This is a piss poor argument. Using this argument no one could sue for much anything. If someone was spreading rumors that your business was using outdated meat in their sandwiches, it could be nothing more than speculative you lost business.

Every girl who’s spot was taken in her sport by the mentally I’ll is denied a chance to compete for all those things and more.

To destroy the unity everyone can find in the celebration of competition, excellence and victory ...
All you have to do is make victory meaningless ... They started this crap a long time ago with participation trophies.

The other important point. I'm sure when schools were desegregated, the whites felt very uncomfortable with blacks in their schools BUT the blacks felt a lot more uncomfortable and faced a lot more hardships.

You cannot be serious?
I'll bet that she's more uncomfortable. I assume that University of Pennsylvania values their principles over a little uncomfortableness.

If your principles include the desire to fight over bullshit instead of the desire to come together and celebrate honest competition,
the pursuit of excellence in your class, and victory ... Then your principles aren't worth a damn to start with.

Competiton, excellence and victory ...
Don't have a damn thing to do with whether or not one is comfortable with their gender.


This is such B.S, guys competing against girls, because the couldn't beat other guys, just so they can say they are state champions, the leftist pieces of garbage that support this crap, are probably upset they didn't think of it first. Give me one good reason this should be allowed, well that isn't just part of your feels.
There is no reason. There Trannys are just sick fucks. Real Women should just refuse to participate if one of these fags are allowed in.
It’s a he. Cut the damn thing off, then we will talk.

However one chooses to mutilate their own body ...
Will never actually grant them the power and authority necessary to change the meaning of a word.

They may change their name ... But they cannot change the meaning of pronouns ...
And the public is not necessarily genuinely compelled to play along with their desires.

There is no reason. There Trannys are just sick fucks. Real Women should just refuse to participate if one of these fags are allowed in.
That would be good, keep suggesting that; get rid of all the haters.
I think what's important is what she believes about herself. And as far as any cutting goes,that's up to her too.

What he believes about himself and what he does to himself ... Is entirely up to him.
However ... That does not actually require anyone else to play along with his desires.

It's not a " leftist " issue ; it's a human rights issue and being such a concerns everyone. I tend to side with the Leftists on most issues, but I'm still on the fence on this one. I see both sides have legitimate concerns. This the courts will have to decide and they did in this case. I can live with it, I'm not into sports.
Hardly a human rights issue, it's a mental health problem. These people need treatment, they do not need special benefits due to their mental illness.

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