Court upholds Connecticut's transgender athlete policy

Most women are a lot stronger than most men. And they're always a lot more welcoming to newcomers.
Stupid comment from a complete moron Can you name ONE Transgender MALE who competed with BIOLOGICAL MEN in ANY sport ?
Stupid comment from a complete moron Can you name ONE Transgender MALE who competed with BIOLOGICAL MEN in ANY sport ?
I'm really not into the subject. I can't answer your question, but I bet you can. I'm only interested with equality and justice. Hate and discrimination have no place in our country.
Actually, the young are teaching us. They are defining themselves in ever increasing ways. Humanity has always been diverse: we just didn't realize just how diverse we really are.
Not so. Even a 5 year can tell the difference between a boy and a girl. No 9 year old is going to tell you he is a genderexpresser unless you train him or her to believe there is such a thing. No child is going to tell his mother he is also a crow unless someone in authority told him he could actually be a crow.
Humanity always trusted biology and until the leftist agenda showed up, not one of us thought we were a spirit animal, or a cis, or a Z.
It is bullshit. And the proof is that when a young child decides to "transition" to one of the ninety different genders that they were indoctrinated into believing are real, there becomes only 2 options, boy or girl.
We are brainwashing instead of educating. We are destroying our youth....
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Trying to normalize Fagism is NOT funny.
Fagism ? You're making up words to go along with your hatred and prejudice. I don't believe it'll catch on, it's too stupid. A reflection on you, no doubt.
It's not a " leftist " issue ; it's a human rights issue and being such a concerns everyone. I tend to side with the Leftists on most issues, but I'm still on the fence on this one. I see both sides have legitimate concerns. This the courts will have to decide and they did in this case. I can live with it, I'm not into sports.
Do you really think because this woman
identifies as a man that she should get into the ring with this man?
Fagism ? You're making up words to go along with your hatred and prejudice. I don't believe it'll catch on, it's too stupid. A reflection on you, no doubt.
Fagism--Definition--Any behavior that deviates from biological Facts . ie--Trannies , queers ,Lesbos ,and switch hitters. B. Believing one is something they are not. See "Lycanthropy".
Fagism ? You're making up words to go along with your hatred and prejudice. I don't believe it'll catch on, it's too stupid. A reflection on you, no doubt.
Besides ,if people keep trending this way ,we will not have a Democracy. The USA will become a big Fagdom. With a REAL "Queen". (snicker)
Fagism--Definition--Any behavior that deviates from biological Facts . ie--Trannies , queers ,Lesbos ,and switch hitters. B. Believing one is something they are not. See "Lycanthropy".
Hate to burst your bubble but way back in the 40's Kinsey's sex studies proved 4% of men were gay. 10% of men said they were bisexual and 37% of men had a homosexual experience/ period in their lifetimes. That adds up to 51% of men. The rates for women is even higher. Today's rates are so high that in a recent survey involving youth less than half said they were exclusively heterosexual.
Besides ,if people keep trending this way ,we will not have a Democracy. The USA will become a big Fagdom. With a REAL "Queen". (snicker)
No, trump had her chance to be queen but she turned out to be the evil witch instead.
Hate to burst your bubble but way back in the 40's Kinsey's sex studies proved 4% of men were gay. 10% of men said they were bisexual and 37% of men had a homosexual experience/ period in their lifetimes. That adds up to 51% of men. The rates for women is even higher. Today's rates are so high that in a recent survey involving youth less than half said they were exclusively heterosexual.
Fake Study. Men usta be MEN back then. And the few swishes got arrested by the Vice Squads or moved to 'Frisco. A practice that should be brought back.
But, but, but, the left is the party of women's equality! Of course that is sarcasm, and they only care about votes, and how they can make another demographic, while assuring women they care! Smart women see through their B.S, Leftist women do not
The left pretends to be the party of women’s equality but it sure looks like they want to keep women pregnant and in the kitchen.

Liberals sure don’t seem to want to give women a fair chance to win competitions as soon woman’s sports will all be dominated by guys morphing into girls.
How about now:
Woman's championship on the line. View attachment 740915 She has trained her whole life for this and is favored to take the title,until
View attachment 740919decided to identify as a woman and wants the title...

Now what?
That's not for us to decide. Here in Nebraska we now have girls on the high school football teams. I'd call that another step in the right direction.
Hate to burst your bubble but way back in the 40's Kinsey's sex studies proved 4% of men were gay. 10% of men said they were bisexual and 37% of men had a homosexual experience/ period in their lifetimes. That adds up to 51% of men. The rates for women is even higher. Today's rates are so high that in a recent survey involving youth less than half said they were exclusively heterosexual.

Kinsey was a fraud and pervert.

Groomers love the con artist, though.

The criminal aspect of Kinsey’s sordid enterprise involves hisactive collaboration with child molesters to obtain data that he published about 317 pre-adolescents -- including subjects as youngas 2 months old. It is gut-wrenching to hear Dr. Paul Gebhard,former head of the Kinsey Institute, admit that some of Kinsey’s"trained observers” were nothing more than pedophiles with stopwatches.

One of these “observers,” called “Mr. X,” was later discovered to be Rex King, a man who raped more than 800 children. These heinous crimes, some related to Kinsey in graphic detail, were transformed into “scientific” data by the demented doctor.
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