Court upholds Connecticut's transgender athlete policy

No one to date has ever done such extensive studies, but you have the right to your opinion.

Oh, we know you degenerates will defend anything from a fellow pervert. You mean no one else has ever lied so blatantly before, is all.
Oh, we know you degenerates will defend anything for a fellow pervert.
You seem to be hung up on perversion. Do you even know anything about sexual perversion at all, or do you personally know too much about it ?
You seem to be hung up on perversion. Do you even know anything about sexual perversion at all, or do you personally know too much about it ?

You seem to be obsessed with spreading groomer propaganda. Do you know Kinsey has been discredited for a long time now? You don't know squat, or you're a liar. Only you know which one. And we have yet another gimp who thinks the reverse psychobabble gimmick will shut people up; typical of losers with no real responses and rely on strawmen.
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You seem to be hung up on perversion. Do you even know anything about sexual perversion at all, or do you personally know too much about it ?
Yes. See it all the time in 'Frisco. Or Wellesley College.
Yes. See it all the time in 'Frisco. Or Wellesley College.
There are 3 sexual orientations; heterosexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality. Sexual orientation occurs before puberty. Sexual perversions occur after puberty. Just thought it would help you to know the facts.
You seem to be obsessed with spreading groomer propaganda. Do you know Kinsey has been discredited for a long time now? You don't know squat, or you're a liar. Only you know which one. And we have yet another gimp who thinks the reverse psychobabble gimmick will shut people up; typical of losers with no real responses and rely on strawmen.
Sorry I took so long, had to look up the information. I found no studies that discredited Kinsey's research. In fact, modern studies are based on his work and his findings have only been modified a little since then. As I've already said, it was the first major study on human sexual relationships. His work helped lead the nation and the world out of the dark ages. Helping start the sexual revolution and women's liberation movement. Sex became " healthier " for everyone. No more shame or guilt like what the churches wrongfully taught.
Most of these girls are very muscular and physical. In my day they were called " tomboys ".
I was the quintessential tom boy, could kick a football farther than any boy in town, out run them all, was in every sport available to me and was in peak physical condition. I still couldn't beat Michael Phelps in the water, or Jesse Owens on the track, or stop Mean Joe Green, or last 5 seconds in a ring with Ali.
Men and woman are not equal in sports. That is why, until we lost our minds, there were 2 distinct faces in sports, men's and women's.
Sorry I took so long, had to look up the information. I found no studies that discredited Kinsey's research. In fact, modern studies are based on his work and his findings have only been modified a little since then. As I've already said, it was the first major study on human sexual relationships. His work helped lead the nation and the world out of the dark ages. Helping start the sexual revolution and women's liberation movement. Sex became " healthier " for everyone. No more shame or guilt like what the churches wrongfully taught.

And of course you're full of crap. lol nobody has ever been able to reproduce his fake numbers, and even homosexual fetishists admit they make up less than 2% of the population in urban areas and only around 10% of those who claim to be faggots are exclusiviely homosexual.

I was the quintessential tom boy, could kick a football farther than any boy in town, out run them all, was in every sport available to me and was in peak physical condition. I still couldn't beat Michael Phelps in the water, or Jesse Owens on the track, or stop Mean Joe Green, or last 5 seconds in a ring with Ali.
Men and woman are not equal in sports. That is why, until we lost our minds, there were 2 distinct faces in sports, men's and women's.
The only people losing their minds over this are the bigots.
And of course you're full of crap. lol nobody has ever been able to reproduce his fake numbers, and even homosexual fetishists admit they make up less than 2% of the population in urban areas and only around 10% of those who claim to be faggots are exclusiviely homosexual.

I could quote numerous articles that prove the opposite. NBC recently noted that the number of adults who identify as LGBTQ has doubled in the past decade. Or the Gallup poll that said U.S. LGBTQ identification ticks up to 7.1%. Or the Washington Post survey that says 1 in 6 ( 20% ) of Gen Z adults are LGBTQ and that number continues to grow. However wrong, you can still believe whatever you wish. Thank GOD it's a free country. Please don't feel afraid, I'm very certain LGBTQ people will never become the majority.
I could quote numerous articles that prove the opposite. NBC recently noted that the number of adults who identify as LGBTQ has doubled in the past decade. Or the Gallup poll that said U.S. LGBTQ identification ticks up to 7.1%. Or the Washington Post survey that says 1 in 6 ( 20% ) of Gen Z adults are LGBTQ and that number continues to grow. However wrong, you can still believe whatever you wish. Thank GOD it's a free country. Please don't feel afraid, I'm very certain LGBTQ people will never become the majority.

You could only post fake news, which is why you have to rely on a fraudster like Kinsey. As for those 'polls', what we find is the younest demograhic self-identifies as faggots and perverts at much higher rates than any other, while the rest all have the same low percentages, around 1-2%, because faggots and commies have targeted children in schools for grooming and peddling sex changes, which of course is just more evidence they aren't 'born that way', but you and your deranged peers are just too obsessed with kiddie sex and extreme mutilations to ever accept facts.
I think what's important is what she believes about herself. And as far as any cutting goes,that's up to her too.
Actually, the young are teaching us. They are defining themselves in ever increasing ways. Humanity has always been diverse: we just didn't realize just how diverse we really are.
In 20 years when these young who know nothing, lack perspective, the ability to look into the future and understand how decisions made today have effects that cascade into that future come looking for the morons who didn’t have the backbone to be actual adults and guide them, those of us who fought against this will point them in the direction of the idiots who were cheering this shit on.
You could only post fake news, which is why you have to rely on a fraudster like Kinsey. As for those 'polls', what we find is the younest demograhic self-identifies as faggots and perverts at much higher rates than any other, while the rest all have the same low percentages, around 1-2%, because faggots and commies have targeted children in schools for grooming and peddling sex changes, which of course is just more evidence they aren't 'born that way', but you and your deranged peers are just too obsessed with kiddie sex and extreme mutilations to ever accept facts.
The only thing I get from all your posts is that you are a hateful bigot. People are people, they come in all flavors and varieties, thank GOD. Sorry, you can't / won't let yourself enjoy and celebrate life with the rest of humanity. Hate is a total waste, it hurts you more than anyone else.
There are 3 sexual orientations; heterosexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality. Sexual orientation occurs before puberty. Sexual perversions occur after puberty. Just thought it would help you to know the facts.
No. There is Male and Female. Anything else is a perversion. Besides ,fudge packing and pillow biting caused AIDS. Filthy habits. No such thing as an "orientation". There are only biological FACTS.
If I was in a sport, if I was a woman and a biological male was taking part, I would bow out before the game starts.

If I was in a sport, if I was a man and a biological female was taking part, I would bow out before the game starts.
I can live with it, I'm not into sports.
So, when they finally get around to insisting on you doing something you ABSOLUTELY cannot comply with, will you then be able to just "live with it"? You are representative of a group that cannot seem to see beyond the immediate issue and look at the risks associated with legal precedents. *SPOILER ALERT* They'll get around to putting a boot on everyone's neck, eventually. This is about power and control.

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