Court upholds Connecticut's transgender athlete policy

The doctor announces the sex of the baby, not the gender. If people would stop using these words interchangeably it would really help stop this sort of thing in the OP
Sex and gender are the same thing.

Where it changes is when the brainwashing starts. Parent's engaging or allowing their children to think that they are born as anything other than what God had appointed them to be (even before they began developing as flesh within the womb), uhhhh I feel is an evil and rebellious act against the natural order of things, against a CIVILIZED SOCIETY that believes in the natural order of things, and against God himself.
Yes, gender is a language thing, sex is a biology thing. Which makes them not the same thing.

The current trope is making gender a biology thing, which is a complete and utter construct.

That's the whole argument.

That's the doublethink of someone saying with a straight face a woman can have a penis.
Except if it's hatred of religious or traditional people, that's acceptable now.
I'm sorry but if religious institutions embody hatred of any kind, judging minorities with total prejudice, adversely affecting entire groups, then they should be prosecuted like any other criminal entity.
I agree. And we need to quit using the words interchangeably to help stop that.

When trans people say gender, they mean sex, but they want to use gender as an equivalent term to make it seem a person's sex isn't a biological reality, but instead a mental state.
I'm sorry but if religious institutions embody hatred of any kind, judging minorities with total prejudice, adversely affecting entire groups, then they should be prosecuted like any other criminal entity.

So Catholic Churches should be forced to host and officiate Same Sex Weddings?
Do you really think because this woman View attachment 740903 identifies as a man that she should get into the ring with this man?
View attachment 740904
They are being exposed in their idiocy, and why ? Because they are idiot's pushing a false agenda on the people of these United States of America. What's worse is they could bring the world down on us in what it thinks would be justified now because of, and I think that that's exactly what is happening now. We could now be becoming the most disrespected in the world, because we are falling from the highest peak of being highly respected in the world after world war two.
And how does a mental state become altered ?

A mental state can be altered at will. What can't be altered is reality, at least to those who believe in reality outside the construct of the human mind.

Every time I get into this debate all I can think of is O'Brien's rant to Winston Smith in 1984, about reality only existing in the collective mind of The Party.
When trans people say gender, they mean sex, but they want to use gender as an equivalent term to make it seem a person's sex isn't a biological reality, but instead a mental state.

And we need to quit going along with it. Gender and sex are not the same thing. Let them talk about gender all the want. Base sports on sex and not gender and BOOM this problem is fixed
When trans people say gender, they mean sex, but they want to use gender as an equivalent term to make it seem a person's sex isn't a biological reality, but instead a mental state.
Definitions: Sex-caregorized as male or female but there is variation in the biological attributes that comprise sex and how those attributes are expressed. Gender-refers to the socially constructed roles, behavior expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men and gender diverse people. Both apply to ALL of us, it's who we are.Just as there are lovers and haters. You have to choose who / what you are.
A mental state can be altered at will. What can't be altered is reality, at least to those who believe in reality outside the construct of the human mind.

Every time I get into this debate all I can think of is O'Brien's rant to Winston Smith in 1984, about reality only existing in the collective mind of The Party.
The mental state can be altered by outside influences upon that mental state, and so much so that it can make a person abandon their biological construct in which they were born with.
And we need to quit going along with it. Gender and sex are not the same thing. Let them talk about gender all the want. Base sports on sex and not gender and BOOM this problem is fixed
And here I thought sports was based on one's ability.

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