Courts shove Trumps Tranny ban up his arse.

Here are some great americans.

These Are the Transgender Troops and Veterans Trump Wants to Ban

They would lay down their lives to defend your right to abuse them.
On to Tehran, boys!

Amazing how cons are obsessed with transexuals.
Not that all you sorry liar! They have NO business in the military if they ain't got their head screwed straight! So many of those people commit suicide and the last thing we need in the military is some freak who don't know whether they are a man or a woman.
Why don't you worry about the UK's Islamization we will handle Trump.

Tommy's just happy that he'll meet his tranny soulmate when we have to send our soldiers over there to pull their asses out of the fire, like we did in WW2. A couple more years of Islamization and they'll be begging us to help them.
Cocksuck, the Brits held off the Nazis for years before we went over their. Their young men and women paid for our, and every other free nations freedoms, with their lives. We and every other free nation owe them a debt of gratitude.
Why does the US military accept anyone that applies to join?
Most other countries have minimum standards for applicants.
(1) "transgendered people" cannot be banned from military service, because there is no such thing. If you have a cock & balls, you can enlist and serve, just like anyone else with the same plumbing. Same if you have the opposite plumbing. Any judge claiming that the military services are required to allow such people to serve as the opposite gender is a liar or a fool. There is nothing in law or the Constitution that mandates, or even allows, such a ridiculous result.

(2) the mission of the Armed Forces is to kill people and break stuff. Any new initiative that fails to make them better at killing people or breaking stuff should be rejected. Allowing boys to wear dresses, or girls to pretend they are men fails on all counts.

(3) with the passing on of Barry Soetoro, we should have been OVER the phase when we use the Armed Forces as a laboratory where we can test our bullshit Leftist social theories. The truth will out.
Here are some great americans.

These Are the Transgender Troops and Veterans Trump Wants to Ban

They would lay down their lives to defend your right to abuse them.
On to Tehran, boys!

Should they wear veils or not? Questions the Islamic world will have to ponder also.
Iranians will pay money just to go look at them.
Americans used to.
images (18).jpeg
Now the carnival freak show is "normal" behavior.

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