Courts shove Trumps Tranny ban up his arse.

Here are some great americans.

These Are the Transgender Troops and Veterans Trump Wants to Ban

They would lay down their lives to defend your right to abuse them.
On to Tehran, boys!

Should they wear veils or not? Questions the Islamic world will have to ponder also.
Iranians will pay money just to go look at them.
Americans used to.
View attachment 168714
Now the carnival freak show is "normal" behavior.
The Iranians haven't seen a girl in a bikini since Carter was in office.
Here are some great americans.

These Are the Transgender Troops and Veterans Trump Wants to Ban

They would lay down their lives to defend your right to abuse them.
On to Tehran, boys!

Should they wear veils or not? Questions the Islamic world will have to ponder also.
Iranians will pay money just to go look at them.
Americans used to.
View attachment 168714
Now the carnival freak show is "normal" behavior.
True, a shit show is a Normal thing now. Lol

Keyword: FOR NOW. He has better things to deal with right now, but can you imagine all the poor trannys out there that wish the court had shoved the ban up THEIR arse!
The clock is ticking on his Presidency.Lets hope he cant do more harm in his limited time.

If its a clock, it is a Stratum 2 Cesium atomic clock. If its a harm, then its a very good harm. Time to realign our values. MAGA.
"Courts shove Trumps Tranny ban up his arse"

Well, Good Ole Vladimir will just have to learn to share.

Being the ultimate authority for all things military in this country the CINC can likely comeback and tell the courts to go fuck themselves. The Military is not a Democracy and its not the place for social experimentation that will hurt readiness.

I can't wait to see the report on the issue given what we know about the mental state of some of these people also the accommodations that have to be made I'm betting its not going to be a kind one.
Here are some great americans.

These Are the Transgender Troops and Veterans Trump Wants to Ban

They would lay down their lives to defend your right to abuse them.
On to Tehran, boys!

Should they wear veils or not? Questions the Islamic world will have to ponder also.
Iranians will pay money just to go look at them.
Americans used to.
View attachment 168714
Now the carnival freak show is "normal" behavior.
The Iranians haven't seen a girl in a bikini since Carter was in office.
They won't know how to react to this on the front (4).jpeg
Or maybe ...
download (5).jpeg
Shit, maybe the culture shock and confusion alone will kill them.
Or they might get turned on, been a bit constrained sexually over there for a few decades.
Why don't you worry about the UK's Islamization we will handle Trump.

Tommy's just happy that he'll meet his tranny soulmate when we have to send our soldiers over there to pull their asses out of the fire, like we did in WW2. A couple more years of Islamization and they'll be begging us to help them.
Cocksuck, the Brits held off the Nazis for years before we went over their. Their young men and women paid for our, and every other free nations freedoms, with their lives. We and every other free nation owe them a debt of gratitude.
How did they fight for so many years ? Maybe it was the supplies we sent across the Atlantic ?
Why don't you worry about the UK's Islamization we will handle Trump.

Tommy's just happy that he'll meet his tranny soulmate when we have to send our soldiers over there to pull their asses out of the fire, like we did in WW2. A couple more years of Islamization and they'll be begging us to help them.
Cocksuck, the Brits held off the Nazis for years before we went over their. Their young men and women paid for our, and every other free nations freedoms, with their lives. We and every other free nation owe them a debt of gratitude.
How did they fight for so many years ? Maybe it was the supplies we sent across the Atlantic ?

A shitload of metric tons worth of supplies we sent across the ocean, even before we got involved. We even had to manufacture rifles for the Brits and the Russians early on in the war, as they didn't have enough to arm themselves against the advancing Germans.

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