Covering up biden's senility


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Actually what is wrong with biden is actual brain damage as a result of brain aneurysms and the surgery to repair the aneuyrsyms.

The media when they comment at all will excuse his bizarre behavior as just gaffes and of course everyone makes gaffes....those who watch the alphabet media news will be and are easily able to go along with that if they hate Trlump enough and of course they do.

Not the first time that the media has covered up for Presidents with mental and or physical problems....goes all the way back to Woodrow Wilson and then of course Ronald Reagan's senility was also covered up for the most part by the msm even when Nancy was caught whispering to him and telling him what to say when his brain froze up

The media cover up of FDR's paralysis also was quite successful....most had no idea his legs were paralyzed.

Coulter: Media 'Will Protect Biden' from 'Senile Dementia' Criticism

When a secret president ran the country

Ronald Reagan, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease five years after he left the presidency, was actually suffering from the disease while he was in office.

FACT CHECK: Did Ronald Reagan Have Alzheimer's Disease While in Office?

Reagan's Reelection: How the Media Became

Joe Biden isnā€™t ā€˜gaffe-proneā€™, heā€™s losing his mind | Spectator USA
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Oh Coulter is boasting up Bernie, all of tramps voters want him over Biden.

Biden is not senile, in his worst enunciation failures as he is tongue tied (but she is probably unaware of it- she is so perfect :rolleyes:) , he is above and beyond Tramp. Who ever knew Colorado was on the Mexico border, or that India did not share a border with China??

'Itā€™s not like youā€™ve got China on your border'
: 'Itā€™s not like youā€™ve got China on your border': Trump geography error stunned Indian prime minister

I'm sorry, tramp is just plain ignorant or plays stupid. Biden is not ignorant.
The DNC badly wants Biden because he is mentally inept. They know they can easily control him. A ā€œBiden Administrationā€ would simply be a radical leftwing cabal that would run the country into the ground with their corruption.
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Oh Coulter is boasting up Bernie, all of tramps voters want him over Biden.

Biden is not senile, in his worst enunciation failures as he is tongue tied (but she is probably unaware of it- she is so perfect :rolleyes:) , he is above and beyond Tramp. Who ever knew Colorado was on the Mexico border, or that India did not share a border with China??

'Itā€™s not like youā€™ve got China on your border'
: 'Itā€™s not like youā€™ve got China on your border': Trump geography error stunned Indian prime minister

I'm sorry, tramp is just plain ignorant or plays stupid. Biden is not ignorant.

Biden is on the verge of being braindead. Some people age worse than others, he has gotten a lot worse in the last year alone. Heā€™ll be lucky to even make it through the summer and fall with all the non-stop campaigning he will need to do. When he does, he will scare the country with his gaffs and moments where he looks completely mentally retarded.
Oh Coulter is boasting up Bernie, all of tramps voters want him over Biden.

Biden is not senile, in his worst enunciation failures as he is tongue tied (but she is probably unaware of it- she is so perfect :rolleyes:) , he is above and beyond Tramp. Who ever knew Colorado was on the Mexico border, or that India did not share a border with China??

'Itā€™s not like youā€™ve got China on your border'
: 'Itā€™s not like youā€™ve got China on your border': Trump geography error stunned Indian prime minister

I'm sorry, tramp is just plain ignorant or plays stupid. Biden is not ignorant.

Biden is on the verge of being braindead. Some people age worse than others, he has gotten a lot worse in the last year alone. Heā€™ll be lucky to even make it through the summer and fall with all the non-stop campaigning he will need to do. When he does, he will scare the country with his gaffs and moments where he looks completely mentally retarded.

Say that sometime between now and the democratic convention that the democrats come to their senses and realize it is not good or desirable to nominate brain damaged moron....who would they select?

If biden's poll numbers go down and it appears even to the democrats that biden will not beat Trump I can definitely see them trot out someone else...perhaps someone rather young and with a good mind and stellar record....someone who might really have a chance of winning.

Is there a democrat around like that?
Sleepy Joe can hardly utter a coherent sentence these days... he's become a stuttering fuck that the marxist politburo will prop up as a lovable fucktard....

More troubling, his mild case of pedophilia seems to be increasing at an alarming rate as his relatively simple mind continues to deteriorate. The sniffing and the grabbing are on a concerning upward trend. His handlers need to put a shock collar on that pedo... like a fucking animal that's shitting on the carpet.
Actually what is wrong with biden is actual brain damage as a result of brain aneurysms and the surgery to repair the aneuyrsyms.

The media when they comment at all will excuse his bizarre behavior as just gaffes and of course everyone makes gaffes....those who watch the alphabet media news will be and are easily able to go along with that if they hate Trlump enough and of course they do.

Not the first time that the media has covered up for Presidents with mental and or physical problems....goes all the way back to Woodrow Wilson and then of course Ronald Reagan's senility was also covered up for the most part by the msm even when Nancy was caught whispering to him and telling him what to say when his brain froze up

The media cover up of FDR's paralysis also was quite successful....most had no idea his legs were paralyzed.

Coulter: Media 'Will Protect Biden' from 'Senile Dementia' Criticism

When a secret president ran the country

Ronald Reagan, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease five years after he left the presidency, was actually suffering from the disease while he was in office.

FACT CHECK: Did Ronald Reagan Have Alzheimer's Disease While in Office?

Reagan's Reelection: How the Media Became

Joe Biden isnā€™t ā€˜gaffe-proneā€™, heā€™s losing his mind | Spectator USA
More lies from the desperate, dishonest right.
Actually what is wrong with biden is actual brain damage as a result of brain aneurysms and the surgery to repair the aneuyrsyms.

The media when they comment at all will excuse his bizarre behavior as just gaffes and of course everyone makes gaffes....those who watch the alphabet media news will be and are easily able to go along with that if they hate Trlump enough and of course they do.

Not the first time that the media has covered up for Presidents with mental and or physical problems....goes all the way back to Woodrow Wilson and then of course Ronald Reagan's senility was also covered up for the most part by the msm even when Nancy was caught whispering to him and telling him what to say when his brain froze up

The media cover up of FDR's paralysis also was quite successful....most had no idea his legs were paralyzed.

Coulter: Media 'Will Protect Biden' from 'Senile Dementia' Criticism

When a secret president ran the country

Ronald Reagan, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease five years after he left the presidency, was actually suffering from the disease while he was in office.

FACT CHECK: Did Ronald Reagan Have Alzheimer's Disease While in Office?

Reagan's Reelection: How the Media Became

Joe Biden isnā€™t ā€˜gaffe-proneā€™, heā€™s losing his mind | Spectator USA

It's pretty clear Biden requires close handling. When that protester got on stage the other night, Biden was clearly confused and you could hear Jill assuring him that he was ok. That assurance wouldn't be required for someone with all their wits.


Moderator Question: "What is your policy on [basically anything] going forward?"

Trump: "My policy is a very good one, it is fantastic..better than any other easy and it will work very, very well".
Biden: "When I was a child, I remember my father always said to me ...what a country is, it needs to stand for something...I have worked hard all my life, my record on this is very clear... I have sent bills to others to make and wrong the rights and check balances.... we must return to the bipartisan working of way with others to get jobs for all and make it fair for minorities and LBGTs."

(From an earlier thread I made)
Actually what is wrong with biden is actual brain damage as a result of brain aneurysms and the surgery to repair the aneuyrsyms.

The media when they comment at all will excuse his bizarre behavior as just gaffes and of course everyone makes gaffes....those who watch the alphabet media news will be and are easily able to go along with that if they hate Trlump enough and of course they do.

Not the first time that the media has covered up for Presidents with mental and or physical problems....goes all the way back to Woodrow Wilson and then of course Ronald Reagan's senility was also covered up for the most part by the msm even when Nancy was caught whispering to him and telling him what to say when his brain froze up

The media cover up of FDR's paralysis also was quite successful....most had no idea his legs were paralyzed.

Coulter: Media 'Will Protect Biden' from 'Senile Dementia' Criticism

Iranian State Media: Joe Biden Is ā€˜Feeble-Mindedā€™ and ā€˜Incoherentā€™

Iranian State Media: Joe Biden Is ā€˜Feeble-Mindedā€™ and ā€˜Incoherentā€™

When a secret president ran the country

Ronald Reagan, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease five years after he left the presidency, was actually suffering from the disease while he was in office.

FACT CHECK: Did Ronald Reagan Have Alzheimer's Disease While in Office?

Reagan's Reelection: How the Media Became

Joe Biden isnā€™t ā€˜gaffe-proneā€™, heā€™s losing his mind | Spectator USA

It's pretty clear Biden requires close handling. When that protester got on stage the other night, Biden was clearly confused and you could hear Jill assuring him that he was ok. That assurance wouldn't be required for someone with all their wits.


Yep....i noticed that also.

Nolte: Cenk Uygur Exposes Media's 'Biden Is Still Sharp' Gaslighting Campaign

Iranian State Media: Joe Biden Is ā€˜Feeble-Mindedā€™ and ā€˜Incoherentā€™
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Oh Coulter is boasting up Bernie, all of tramps voters want him over Biden.

Biden is not senile, in his worst enunciation failures as he is tongue tied (but she is probably unaware of it- she is so perfect :rolleyes:) , he is above and beyond Tramp. Who ever knew Colorado was on the Mexico border, or that India did not share a border with China??

'Itā€™s not like youā€™ve got China on your border'
: 'Itā€™s not like youā€™ve got China on your border': Trump geography error stunned Indian prime minister

I'm sorry, tramp is just plain ignorant or plays stupid. Biden is not ignorant.
I cannot wait for the debates. Trump will prove the idiot he is.
Oh Coulter is boasting up Bernie, all of tramps voters want him over Biden.

Biden is not senile, in his worst enunciation failures as he is tongue tied (but she is probably unaware of it- she is so perfect :rolleyes:) , he is above and beyond Tramp. Who ever knew Colorado was on the Mexico border, or that India did not share a border with China??

'Itā€™s not like youā€™ve got China on your border'
: 'Itā€™s not like youā€™ve got China on your border': Trump geography error stunned Indian prime minister

I'm sorry, tramp is just plain ignorant or plays stupid. Biden is not ignorant.
I cannot wait for the debates. Trump will prove the idiot he is.

i hope you are a Afro-American....I would hate to think any white man could be so ignorant.

Biden lost every single debate and none of those democratic clowns he went up against were exactly top notch to say the least boyo.

If you were old enough to watch Trump debate hillary last time you would know that Trump beat her every time even though hillary was much more skilled of a debater than biden ever has been....not even to mention donna brazille helped hillary cheat by giving her the questions to be asked in advance...brazille even admitted it. Alas it did not help hillary....she still lost the debates and the election. hehheh
Oh Coulter is boasting up Bernie, all of tramps voters want him over Biden.

Biden is not senile, in his worst enunciation failures as he is tongue tied (but she is probably unaware of it- she is so perfect :rolleyes:) , he is above and beyond Tramp. Who ever knew Colorado was on the Mexico border, or that India did not share a border with China??

'Itā€™s not like youā€™ve got China on your border'
: 'Itā€™s not like youā€™ve got China on your border': Trump geography error stunned Indian prime minister

I'm sorry, tramp is just plain ignorant or plays stupid. Biden is not ignorant.

Biden is on the verge of being braindead. Some people age worse than others, he has gotten a lot worse in the last year alone. Heā€™ll be lucky to even make it through the summer and fall with all the non-stop campaigning he will need to do. When he does, he will scare the country with his gaffs and moments where he looks completely mentally retarded.

Say that sometime between now and the democratic convention that the democrats come to their senses and realize it is not good or desirable to nominate brain damaged moron....who would they select?

If biden's poll numbers go down and it appears even to the democrats that biden will not beat Trump I can definitely see them trot out someone else...perhaps someone rather young and with a good mind and stellar record....someone who might really have a chance of winning.

Is there a democrat around like that?

Someone like that, couldn't be a Democrat.
Actually what is wrong with biden is actual brain damage as a result of brain aneurysms and the surgery to repair the aneuyrsyms.

The media when they comment at all will excuse his bizarre behavior as just gaffes and of course everyone makes gaffes....those who watch the alphabet media news will be and are easily able to go along with that if they hate Trlump enough and of course they do.

Not the first time that the media has covered up for Presidents with mental and or physical problems....goes all the way back to Woodrow Wilson and then of course Ronald Reagan's senility was also covered up for the most part by the msm even when Nancy was caught whispering to him and telling him what to say when his brain froze up

The media cover up of FDR's paralysis also was quite successful....most had no idea his legs were paralyzed.

Coulter: Media 'Will Protect Biden' from 'Senile Dementia' Criticism

When a secret president ran the country

Ronald Reagan, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease five years after he left the presidency, was actually suffering from the disease while he was in office.

FACT CHECK: Did Ronald Reagan Have Alzheimer's Disease While in Office?

Reagan's Reelection: How the Media Became

Joe Biden isnā€™t ā€˜gaffe-proneā€™, heā€™s losing his mind | Spectator USA
More lies from the desperate, dishonest right.

Actually, Biden has been a blooming idiot for YEARS...
It's gotten much worse, the guy routinely slurs his words, cannot relate dates, names, places, it's really bad now. Not even being able to recite the preamble to the Declaration of Independence????

ā€œWe hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created... by the go, you know, the, the thingā€¦ā€

This is a whole new level of bad.
Actually, Biden has been a blooming idiot for YEARS...
It's gotten much worse, the guy routinely slurs his words, cannot relate dates, names, places, it's really bad now. Not even being able to recite the preamble to the Declaration of Independence????

ā€œWe hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created... by the go, you know, the, the thingā€¦ā€

This is a whole new level of bad. mentioned already the media wants to play it off as just gaffes which of course most public speakers make occasionally.

But what we are really witnessing with biden is brain damage. Most folks do not even know he had brain surgery twice for brain anuresyms.

'A fully alert and sensible person would understand that oneā€™s past record is not favorable to his present ambition. He has been a mouthpiece for anti-social corporations and policies. His family has been involved in opportunistic activities. His brother was a lobbyist for the tobacco industry.

This is not a man for a troubled world. This is a troubled man who never really reflected on his actions and thoughts.'

Joe Biden unable to think clearly due to brain injury? | News, Sports, Jobs - Maui News
Actually, Biden has been a blooming idiot for YEARS...
It's gotten much worse, the guy routinely slurs his words, cannot relate dates, names, places, it's really bad now. Not even being able to recite the preamble to the Declaration of Independence????

ā€œWe hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created... by the go, you know, the, the thingā€¦ā€

This is a whole new level of bad.

He's a Democrat
He was afraid to mention a power higher than Government.
Oh Coulter is boasting up Bernie, all of tramps voters want him over Biden.

Biden is not senile, in his worst enunciation failures as he is tongue tied (but she is probably unaware of it- she is so perfect :rolleyes:) , he is above and beyond Tramp. Who ever knew Colorado was on the Mexico border, or that India did not share a border with China??

'Itā€™s not like youā€™ve got China on your border'
: 'Itā€™s not like youā€™ve got China on your border': Trump geography error stunned Indian prime minister

I'm sorry, tramp is just plain ignorant or plays stupid. Biden is not ignorant.
I cannot wait for the debates. Trump will prove the idiot he is.

i hope you are a Afro-American....I would hate to think any white man could be so ignorant.

Biden lost every single debate and none of those democratic clowns he went up against were exactly top notch to say the least boyo.

If you were old enough to watch Trump debate hillary last time you would know that Trump beat her every time even though hillary was much more skilled of a debater than biden ever has been....not even to mention donna brazille helped hillary cheat by giving her the questions to be asked in advance...brazille even admitted it. Alas it did not help hillary....she still lost the debates and the election. hehheh
I'm saying Trump will kill him in the debate.

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