Coverup: Why Is All the Evidence of the Paul Pelosi Case Hidden?


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
But not for long. Several news agencies have banded together to file a court order to gain access to body cam footage and more. Gosh, could it be that the story we were fed wasn't on the up-and-up?

So what if that is true? Why do you care? Are you jealous?

Yet you just did. Ain't free speech great

No, I just resent this being blamed on the "Right wing". Hey, if Nancy's husband is into freaky stuff, whatever. It's San Francisco.

Do you want quotes of board Leftists hyperventilating as to why we can't say this?
He doesn't. I only care because it's just more lies of the Left. He had a gay lover there, things got sketchy.


But you have no lies....

Paul Pelosi isn't stopping them getting it.. Prosecutors are. Why? Because they are trying to try a case..

They don't give you Nuclear codes either and that isn't a cover up either...
That is what "they" do.

Dems blame Repubs for everything.

Repubs blame Dems for everything.

Then both sides sit back and tell themselves how different they are from the evil "other side"
Your post is entirely off topic, though true.

This keeping information from the public to protect the elite is so very common. For but one example, think Jeffrey Epstein. Whatever happened to all his video tapes of elites raping little girls?
Why does anyone give a fuck?

How does Paul Pelosi impact your life?

Just another area that the Deep State are using to ensure that the Dumbos will be put right out of power for some time .

This incident was a particularly poor False Flag and full public facts will wreck this Dumbo Pelosi Cabal forever .

Will not win the war by itself but it will decimate several battalions .
Just another area that the Deep State are using to ensure that the Dumbos will be put right out of power for some time .

This incident was a particularly poor False Flag and full public facts will wreck this Dumbo Pelosi Cabal forever .

Will not win the war by itself but it will decimate several battalions .

Damn, could you repost that in English? I do not speak Partisan sheeptalk.
The vicious attacks on Trump since even before he decided to run for President and never let up even as President was the low of the lows of how far we have fallen in the United States. If Paul Pelosi is corrupted and privileged, you can be damn sure Nancy is also. And we have seen her having questionable personal ways and hypocrisy in pushing dictatorship ways on others while she does what she wants.
This poster mamooth is really good at hyperventilating all over the place. Start with this thread
That's bizarre. For some reason, you suddenly started whimpering about me for no apparent reason at all. I didn't realize I was living rent-free in your little cult head, but now everyone can see that's clearly the case.

So precisely what did I do to trigger you so hard?

I'm guessing you're enraged because I call you out on your consistently disgusting behavior. There's no evidence Paul Pelosi is gay or perverted, but you're still showing your devotion to the Lord of Lies by pushing such crazy lies. Unless you repent of your evil ways, there's going to be Hell to pay for that.

And remember, _you_ decided that an unprovoked personal attack on me was the topic the needed to be discussed, so me talking about what sort of moral defects drove you to that is totally on-topic. If you didn't want me responding, you shouldn't have poked me.

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