COVID-19 now killing healthy people by forming blood clots.

A fairly young Broadway actor with Coronavirus had to have his leg amputated because of clots.

But, at some point we have to get people back to work, or this country is going to completely implode.
A fairly young Broadway actor with Coronavirus had to have his leg amputated because of clots.

But, at some point we have to get people back to work, or this country is going to completely implode.

He has other complications that caused him to be compromised, and they could have dealt with the blood clots with thinners if is digestion system has not reacted. His case is no model of anything for anyone else.
"Why are so many COVID-19 patients also seeing blood clots?

As the COVID-19 pandemic ravages a world still grappling with vast uncertainty over the virus, a new and unnerving pattern has emerged in some patients.

Though novel coronavirus symptoms thus far have presented chiefly within the respiratory system, the infection is swiftly showing to be an all-out, system-wide assault that reaches far past the lungs. Doctors in hot spots across the globe have begun to report an unexpected prevalence of blood clotting among COVID cases, in what could pose a perfect storm of potentially fatal risk factors.

In New Orleans, a man in his 30s was admitted to the hospital a week into treatment for the flu, severely sick. Developing shortness of breath, chest pain and an abnormally rapid heart rate -- he was tested for coronavirus -- doctors realized those symptoms also are typical of a pulmonary embolism: a potentially deadly blood clot that can move from the legs to the lungs and damage the heart.

The man's blood work already showed heart damage, THOUGH HE HAD NO KNOWN UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS, no recent travel, no recent surgeries. His chest scans, shown first to ABC News, revealed a massive clot. Termed a "saddle embolus" because it hooks over branches of both pulmonary arteries, it was severely stressing the right side of the heart, unable to push blood against the clot already in its strained state.

The patient's system, riddled with inflammation -- increasingly a pattern among patients with COVID-19 -- in such a heightened state may have been doing more harm than good because inflammation -- a defensive mechanism in the body -- can increase clotting.

The body's response creates a domino effect that may cause further harm, doctors told ABC News. Patients' systems are strained by numerous factors triggered by the virus -- stressed lungs, severe inflammation -- that set in motion the clotting effect."

So any idiot who thinks that only old people or people with underlying health issues are at risk, THINK AGAIN!

Lockdown and isolation are a must until the number of virus cases is heavily reduced and can be contained, or a vaccine finally becomes available. Until then EVERYONE IS AT RISK FOR THE WORST THINGS THIS VIRUS CAN DO REGARDLESS OF AGE OR HEALTH STATUS! States that are planning or trying to reopen before they have reduced the virus to manageable levels are going to be KILLING PEOPLE and making this problem WORSE for the entire country!
Then by all means stay in your fucking bunker....Pussy.

Anyone not in an essential job should be isolating at home. Without even thinking about the risk to your own health, YOU HELP THE PATHOGEN TO SPREAD BY BEING A POTENTIAL HOSTS. IT CAN THEN SPREAD TO SOMEONE IT CAN KILL!


I agree, stay home and flatten the curve.
"Why are so many COVID-19 patients also seeing blood clots?

As the COVID-19 pandemic ravages a world still grappling with vast uncertainty over the virus, a new and unnerving pattern has emerged in some patients.

Though novel coronavirus symptoms thus far have presented chiefly within the respiratory system, the infection is swiftly showing to be an all-out, system-wide assault that reaches far past the lungs. Doctors in hot spots across the globe have begun to report an unexpected prevalence of blood clotting among COVID cases, in what could pose a perfect storm of potentially fatal risk factors.

In New Orleans, a man in his 30s was admitted to the hospital a week into treatment for the flu, severely sick. Developing shortness of breath, chest pain and an abnormally rapid heart rate -- he was tested for coronavirus -- doctors realized those symptoms also are typical of a pulmonary embolism: a potentially deadly blood clot that can move from the legs to the lungs and damage the heart.

The man's blood work already showed heart damage, THOUGH HE HAD NO KNOWN UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS, no recent travel, no recent surgeries. His chest scans, shown first to ABC News, revealed a massive clot. Termed a "saddle embolus" because it hooks over branches of both pulmonary arteries, it was severely stressing the right side of the heart, unable to push blood against the clot already in its strained state.

The patient's system, riddled with inflammation -- increasingly a pattern among patients with COVID-19 -- in such a heightened state may have been doing more harm than good because inflammation -- a defensive mechanism in the body -- can increase clotting.

The body's response creates a domino effect that may cause further harm, doctors told ABC News. Patients' systems are strained by numerous factors triggered by the virus -- stressed lungs, severe inflammation -- that set in motion the clotting effect."

So any idiot who thinks that only old people or people with underlying health issues are at risk, THINK AGAIN!

Lockdown and isolation are a must until the number of virus cases is heavily reduced and can be contained, or a vaccine finally becomes available. Until then EVERYONE IS AT RISK FOR THE WORST THINGS THIS VIRUS CAN DO REGARDLESS OF AGE OR HEALTH STATUS! States that are planning or trying to reopen before they have reduced the virus to manageable levels are going to be KILLING PEOPLE and making this problem WORSE for the entire country!
Never gave a % or did I miss it? What is "so many"?
One is so many, too many.
"Why are so many COVID-19 patients also seeing blood clots?

As the COVID-19 pandemic ravages a world still grappling with vast uncertainty over the virus, a new and unnerving pattern has emerged in some patients.

Though novel coronavirus symptoms thus far have presented chiefly within the respiratory system, the infection is swiftly showing to be an all-out, system-wide assault that reaches far past the lungs. Doctors in hot spots across the globe have begun to report an unexpected prevalence of blood clotting among COVID cases, in what could pose a perfect storm of potentially fatal risk factors.

In New Orleans, a man in his 30s was admitted to the hospital a week into treatment for the flu, severely sick. Developing shortness of breath, chest pain and an abnormally rapid heart rate -- he was tested for coronavirus -- doctors realized those symptoms also are typical of a pulmonary embolism: a potentially deadly blood clot that can move from the legs to the lungs and damage the heart.

The man's blood work already showed heart damage, THOUGH HE HAD NO KNOWN UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS, no recent travel, no recent surgeries. His chest scans, shown first to ABC News, revealed a massive clot. Termed a "saddle embolus" because it hooks over branches of both pulmonary arteries, it was severely stressing the right side of the heart, unable to push blood against the clot already in its strained state.

The patient's system, riddled with inflammation -- increasingly a pattern among patients with COVID-19 -- in such a heightened state may have been doing more harm than good because inflammation -- a defensive mechanism in the body -- can increase clotting.

The body's response creates a domino effect that may cause further harm, doctors told ABC News. Patients' systems are strained by numerous factors triggered by the virus -- stressed lungs, severe inflammation -- that set in motion the clotting effect."

So any idiot who thinks that only old people or people with underlying health issues are at risk, THINK AGAIN!

Lockdown and isolation are a must until the number of virus cases is heavily reduced and can be contained, or a vaccine finally becomes available. Until then EVERYONE IS AT RISK FOR THE WORST THINGS THIS VIRUS CAN DO REGARDLESS OF AGE OR HEALTH STATUS! States that are planning or trying to reopen before they have reduced the virus to manageable levels are going to be KILLING PEOPLE and making this problem WORSE for the entire country!

Lockdown is not viable and that is the reality.

Citizens and Illegals must work and also you have not even addressed the Homeless Population which is at risk.

So sorry your wish complete shutdown is never happening.
So any idiot who thinks that only old people or people with underlying health issues are at risk, THINK AGAIN!

Apparently, the idiot who thought only old people or people with underlying health issues are at risk is YOU! However, the risk to healthy young people is less than being struck by lightning. Not much of a statistician, are you?

I'm mentioning this because of how many times of read on this forum that this is nothing to worry about unless your over the age of 65. I sited a new source that is discussing a new worrying condition that the medical community has found with this virus.

More than 40% of the people in ICU beds and on ventilators right now are between the ages of 20 and 50.

Just as important is that anyone of any age or health status has the potential to spread the disease which is why ISOLATION is important to defeating this pathogen. So your not at risk of dying eh? Well, your still at risk of HELPING THE PATHOGEN spread to someone it can KILL!

Spreading may risk no one if high risk people are quarantined themselves already.
The health and financial risks of quarantining healthy people is far more destructive than 40,000 deaths.
Unhealthy eating is linked to 400,000 US deaths per year — study
Experts say Americans are eating too much salty, fatty and sugary fare, and not enough fruit

"Why are so many COVID-19 patients also seeing blood clots?

As the COVID-19 pandemic ravages a world still grappling with vast uncertainty over the virus, a new and unnerving pattern has emerged in some patients.

Though novel coronavirus symptoms thus far have presented chiefly within the respiratory system, the infection is swiftly showing to be an all-out, system-wide assault that reaches far past the lungs. Doctors in hot spots across the globe have begun to report an unexpected prevalence of blood clotting among COVID cases, in what could pose a perfect storm of potentially fatal risk factors.

In New Orleans, a man in his 30s was admitted to the hospital a week into treatment for the flu, severely sick. Developing shortness of breath, chest pain and an abnormally rapid heart rate -- he was tested for coronavirus -- doctors realized those symptoms also are typical of a pulmonary embolism: a potentially deadly blood clot that can move from the legs to the lungs and damage the heart.

The man's blood work already showed heart damage, THOUGH HE HAD NO KNOWN UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS, no recent travel, no recent surgeries. His chest scans, shown first to ABC News, revealed a massive clot. Termed a "saddle embolus" because it hooks over branches of both pulmonary arteries, it was severely stressing the right side of the heart, unable to push blood against the clot already in its strained state.

The patient's system, riddled with inflammation -- increasingly a pattern among patients with COVID-19 -- in such a heightened state may have been doing more harm than good because inflammation -- a defensive mechanism in the body -- can increase clotting.

The body's response creates a domino effect that may cause further harm, doctors told ABC News. Patients' systems are strained by numerous factors triggered by the virus -- stressed lungs, severe inflammation -- that set in motion the clotting effect."

So any idiot who thinks that only old people or people with underlying health issues are at risk, THINK AGAIN!

Lockdown and isolation are a must until the number of virus cases is heavily reduced and can be contained, or a vaccine finally becomes available. Until then EVERYONE IS AT RISK FOR THE WORST THINGS THIS VIRUS CAN DO REGARDLESS OF AGE OR HEALTH STATUS! States that are planning or trying to reopen before they have reduced the virus to manageable levels are going to be KILLING PEOPLE and making this problem WORSE for the entire country!
Oh boy!!!
Our red state tea bagger trumpoholic Georgia will begin showing results in about two weeks.

Somebody has to test the waters first!

And, it sure as hell wouldn't be a blue state pussy Commie haven.
Good luck, Georgia!!
"Why are so many COVID-19 patients also seeing blood clots?

As the COVID-19 pandemic ravages a world still grappling with vast uncertainty over the virus, a new and unnerving pattern has emerged in some patients.

Though novel coronavirus symptoms thus far have presented chiefly within the respiratory system, the infection is swiftly showing to be an all-out, system-wide assault that reaches far past the lungs. Doctors in hot spots across the globe have begun to report an unexpected prevalence of blood clotting among COVID cases, in what could pose a perfect storm of potentially fatal risk factors.

In New Orleans, a man in his 30s was admitted to the hospital a week into treatment for the flu, severely sick. Developing shortness of breath, chest pain and an abnormally rapid heart rate -- he was tested for coronavirus -- doctors realized those symptoms also are typical of a pulmonary embolism: a potentially deadly blood clot that can move from the legs to the lungs and damage the heart.

The man's blood work already showed heart damage, THOUGH HE HAD NO KNOWN UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS, no recent travel, no recent surgeries. His chest scans, shown first to ABC News, revealed a massive clot. Termed a "saddle embolus" because it hooks over branches of both pulmonary arteries, it was severely stressing the right side of the heart, unable to push blood against the clot already in its strained state.

The patient's system, riddled with inflammation -- increasingly a pattern among patients with COVID-19 -- in such a heightened state may have been doing more harm than good because inflammation -- a defensive mechanism in the body -- can increase clotting.

The body's response creates a domino effect that may cause further harm, doctors told ABC News. Patients' systems are strained by numerous factors triggered by the virus -- stressed lungs, severe inflammation -- that set in motion the clotting effect."

So any idiot who thinks that only old people or people with underlying health issues are at risk, THINK AGAIN!

Lockdown and isolation are a must until the number of virus cases is heavily reduced and can be contained, or a vaccine finally becomes available. Until then EVERYONE IS AT RISK FOR THE WORST THINGS THIS VIRUS CAN DO REGARDLESS OF AGE OR HEALTH STATUS! States that are planning or trying to reopen before they have reduced the virus to manageable levels are going to be KILLING PEOPLE and making this problem WORSE for the entire country!
Then by all means stay in your fucking bunker....Pussy.

Anyone not in an essential job should be isolating at home. Without even thinking about the risk to your own health, YOU HELP THE PATHOGEN TO SPREAD BY BEING A POTENTIAL HOSTS. IT CAN THEN SPREAD TO SOMEONE IT CAN KILL!

Stuff it up your ass.

You don't give a flying fuck about the people suffering because they can't get "elective" surgeries like hip and knee replacements...You don't give a flying fuck about the skyrocketing rates for suicide, domestic abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, and poverty, which- according to virtue signalling liberoidal peckerheads like you - KILLS PEOPLE!!!

Fuck you up the ass with a red hot poker, cocksucker.


I agree he's a dick.

But, wow.
Our red state tea bagger trumpoholic Georgia will begin showing results in about two weeks.

What kind of results.

Please spell them out before then so we'll know.

That way you won't be crowing if some dog pound gets infested and you get the urge to say "I told you so".

What kind of results do you expect.

Spell it out.
Our red state tea bagger trumpoholic Georgia will begin showing results in about two weeks.

What kind of results.

Please spell them out before then so we'll know.

That way you won't be crowing if some dog pound gets infested and you get the urge to say "I told you so".

What kind of results do you expect.

Spell it out.
If cases of COVID-19 go up and numbers of deaths go up we will know the Georgia governor fucked up and is responsible. If the numbers remain the same we will know he was right. Hopefully, the numbers will not show significant increases and the experts will be proven wrong.
Our red state tea bagger trumpoholic Georgia will begin showing results in about two weeks.

What kind of results.

Please spell them out before then so we'll know.

That way you won't be crowing if some dog pound gets infested and you get the urge to say "I told you so".

What kind of results do you expect.

Spell it out.
If cases of COVID-19 go up and numbers of deaths go up we will know the Georgia governor fucked up and is responsible. If the numbers remain the same we will know he was right. Hopefully, the numbers will not show significant increases and the experts will be proven wrong.

Over how much time.

One or two days does not make a trend.

What does it look like now. You wouldn't want to not be able to shit your drawers, would you ?


You might be able to pull a trend from this...could be tricky.
With all due respects this is an unverified anecdotal account. Is it possible that the patient had hypertension or was a diabetic or was taking medication that lowered his resistance? Meanwhile there are millions of people out of work because of the virus scare..
Covid 19 is apparently much more deadly than we thought...

New York is including "probable" cases in their death counts...

Since one of the prerequisites for being tested is for the doctor to at least suspect that you have the disease, and the vast majority of the tests come back NEGATIVE, New York is apparently now claiming that Covid 19 has killed thousands who didn't even catch it!!!

Since we are not able to do wide spread testing, it could be half the population has had COVID-19 and did not even know it, so it could be much less deadly than predicted.
Our red state tea bagger trumpoholic Georgia will begin showing results in about two weeks.

What kind of results.

Please spell them out before then so we'll know.

That way you won't be crowing if some dog pound gets infested and you get the urge to say "I told you so".

What kind of results do you expect.

Spell it out.
If cases of COVID-19 go up and numbers of deaths go up we will know the Georgia governor fucked up and is responsible. If the numbers remain the same we will know he was right. Hopefully, the numbers will not show significant increases and the experts will be proven wrong.

Over how much time.

One or two days does not make a trend.

What does it look like now. You wouldn't want to not be able to shit your drawers, would you ?

View attachment 326258

You might be able to pull a trend from this...could be tricky.
It takes two weeks of lingering in your body for COVID-19 to show up. So, if you are in Georgia and you pick up the virus on your first day of going out for a haircut, game of bowling or going to a movie, you may have a couple of weeks of spreading the virus to your friends and family before you might discover how badly you fucked up if signs of the virus become visible right away. They may take longer to appear. so, you will have longer to spread your disease. This is why those dopey doctors want something called "contact tracing" before opening things up.
Covid 19 is apparently much more deadly than we thought...

New York is including "probable" cases in their death counts...

Since one of the prerequisites for being tested is for the doctor to at least suspect that you have the disease, and the vast majority of the tests come back NEGATIVE, New York is apparently now claiming that Covid 19 has killed thousands who didn't even catch it!!!

This coincides with Cuomo going to visit the WH today to beg Trump for mo' mony, mo' mony, mo' mony.
"Why are so many COVID-19 patients also seeing blood clots?

As the COVID-19 pandemic ravages a world still grappling with vast uncertainty over the virus, a new and unnerving pattern has emerged in some patients.

Though novel coronavirus symptoms thus far have presented chiefly within the respiratory system, the infection is swiftly showing to be an all-out, system-wide assault that reaches far past the lungs. Doctors in hot spots across the globe have begun to report an unexpected prevalence of blood clotting among COVID cases, in what could pose a perfect storm of potentially fatal risk factors.

In New Orleans, a man in his 30s was admitted to the hospital a week into treatment for the flu, severely sick. Developing shortness of breath, chest pain and an abnormally rapid heart rate -- he was tested for coronavirus -- doctors realized those symptoms also are typical of a pulmonary embolism: a potentially deadly blood clot that can move from the legs to the lungs and damage the heart.

The man's blood work already showed heart damage, THOUGH HE HAD NO KNOWN UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS, no recent travel, no recent surgeries. His chest scans, shown first to ABC News, revealed a massive clot. Termed a "saddle embolus" because it hooks over branches of both pulmonary arteries, it was severely stressing the right side of the heart, unable to push blood against the clot already in its strained state.

The patient's system, riddled with inflammation -- increasingly a pattern among patients with COVID-19 -- in such a heightened state may have been doing more harm than good because inflammation -- a defensive mechanism in the body -- can increase clotting.

The body's response creates a domino effect that may cause further harm, doctors told ABC News. Patients' systems are strained by numerous factors triggered by the virus -- stressed lungs, severe inflammation -- that set in motion the clotting effect."

So any idiot who thinks that only old people or people with underlying health issues are at risk, THINK AGAIN!

Lockdown and isolation are a must until the number of virus cases is heavily reduced and can be contained, or a vaccine finally becomes available. Until then EVERYONE IS AT RISK FOR THE WORST THINGS THIS VIRUS CAN DO REGARDLESS OF AGE OR HEALTH STATUS! States that are planning or trying to reopen before they have reduced the virus to manageable levels are going to be KILLING PEOPLE and making this problem WORSE for the entire country!
Get a life, shill.

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