COVID-19’s Biological Politics

The People's Liberation Army's virus ZC45 was collected from Zhoushan Island early in the year 2017. Helping to answer Brook Jackson's questions about Pfizer troponin studies is this report:

Mar 2017 17-Year-Old Male / Chest Pain / Thromboplastin-Troponin
'....history of deep venous thrombosis....mild thrombocytopenia, elevated troponin.'
The report for the 17-year-old states, 'Recent studies have found little diagnostic value of troponin measurements in pediatric patients presenting with chest data available in children regarding the correlation between elevated troponin levels and prognosis, but it has been found to correlate in adults.'
Questions for the new year will include Baric's RsSHC014 virus spike, which shows a D at position 22, though there may be a coronavirus sequence with a tryptophan (W) at or nearby position 22 of the spike. Position 442 is also questionable for W. Therefore, the troponin I inhibitory peptide being tryptophan labeled will be further studied in posts to this thread ~ 3 Jan 2023.

Rhinolophus sinicus / RsSHC014 Genome

U. of Iowa / Troponin I Inhibitory Peptide / Tryptophan Labeling
Twitterists apparently missed it, DRASTIC apparently missed it, and Chan and Ridley's "Viral" also missed it: the Fauci link to the Mojiang mine.

6 Oct 2021 Post #34

One good reason for Zheng-li Shi to deceptively toy with the naming of RaTG13 bat virus from the Mojiang mine would be to cover the tracks that lead to this coincidence.

Furthermore, Sharri Markson's "What Really Happened in Wuhan" also seems to have missed the connection.

Ironically, Chan and Ridley come super-close to making the connection, here:

'It is not clear if Dr. Hu's work, funded by the NIH, fell under the type of gain-of-function research for which the new US federal funding had been paused. Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the NIAID, had helpfully defined gain-of-function research back in 2012 in a speech: "What historically investigators have done is to actually create gain-of-function by making mutations, passage/adaption or other newer genetic techniques such as reverse genetics and genetic re-assortment." '
(Chan and Ridley, Viral, Gain of Function, p. 189)

Chan and Ridley do not give the citation for this speech in their book. It was from the 2012 conference "Gain-of-Function Research on HPAI H5N1 Viruses." Fau Chi's testimony to the US Senate occurred on 26 Ap 2012, the first ill Mojiang miner going into the hospital on 25 Ap 2012.
What we are suggesting is to align the 2012 chron. Musk also does not see the Fauci-Mojiang connection, which came before the one Musk mentions, here:

Musk @28 Dec
'....Musk: "Gain-of-function" in this context is just another way of saying "bioweapon"....important to note that Fauci authored 2012 paper arguing for GoF research." '

The paper Musk is referring to is dated 28 May 2012, whereas Fau had already addressed the US Senate on "dual use" on 26 Ap 2012, (as the Mojiang miners were going into hospital [italics]). The first ill miner went into Kunming Hospital on the 25th, when Fau was polishing what he would say to the US Senate the next day.
We mentioned Baric's RsSHC014 virus and tryptophan (W) in post #1,643. One reason Baric would set up and take notice about tryptophans in the spike of RsSHC014 would be because neither SARS1 nor SARS2 contains a tryptophan (W) at position 443 of the spike. Both are serines (S) for SARS1 &2. Tryptophans are not commonly found in coronavirus mutations.

In addition, there is a KGD motif that links to ticks, located at position 391-393 in the RsSHC014 spike. We mentioned the KGD motif for sialogenins and venoms in post #1,624 for tick disintegrins:
Post #1,624

RsSHC014 was found on the southern shore of Lake Dian, Yunnan Province, China, on 17 Ap 2011, by Zheng-li Shi, Peter Daszak, et al, and is the controversial virus (see Sorensen and Dalgleish) manipulated in Baric's North Carolina lab. The spike of this manipulated virus carries an increased electrical charge, according to Sorensen and Dalgleish, which claim has yet to be refuted.
Spikegate, 2023

Baric's RsSHC014 spike KGD motif mentioned in post # 1,647 will link to Spikegate via ticks and ovaries:

'....zebrafish injected with fragment 16-165....adverse effects on liver, kidney, ovary and brain tissues.'

A comparative examination of a cattle tick that sports a KGD motif links to ovaries:

Rhipicephalus microplus KGD Motif
'....Submitted name: putative conserved secreted protein ovary overexpressed.'

Whatever the amino acid sequence involved for the Spikegate zebrafish example above, the KGD motif of Baric's RsSHC014 spike @391-3 link overexpression to ovary adverse effects.

We think this should be compared with Yong-Zhen Zhang's connection to surveillance of rural Yunnan women for cervical cancer, let alone Zhang's link to tick-vectored SFTSV (severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus). Indeed, it was Yong-Zhen Zhang who first gave the published genome of SARS2 to EC Holmes, who then gave it to the world.

'One was the paper that had been submitted to Nature on 7 Jan 2020 by Dr. Zhang Yongzhen's group, describing the first SARS-CoV-2 genome to be made public. Remember that his team had only obtained the sequence two days before submitting their manuscript to the journal, and Dr. Edward Holmes who was an author on the paper only had the genome for about an hour before posting it online on 11 Jan. Their paper had zoned right in on the spike receptor-binding domain, which continues to be the region of greatest interest....'
(Markson S, What Really Happened in Wuhan, pp. 223-4)
DeSantis Vaccine Investigation, continued

Jikky invokes T-cell exhaustion on 29 Dec:
'....You should know that miRNAs are involved in T-cell exhaustion.'

The RGD motif on the spike of SARS2 and other coronaviruses links precisely to T-cell differentiation:

Mar 2014 Yale University / RGD Motif-Driven T-Cell Differentiation
'....RGD motif to drive monocyte-to-DC differentiation with high density RGD substrates supporting 51.4% differentiation via alphaVbeta3 and alphaVbeta1 integrin signaling.'

So these mRNA "vaccines" are forcing the cells to produce RGD motifs? How stupid is that?
DeSantis "Vaccine" Investigation, continued

We'll now link Ralph Baric's UNC to epidermolysis bullosa and the RGD motif on the SARS2 spike @ position 403-5, "RGD."

Model, 24, with Rare Skin Disease Bares Scars
'....epidermolysis bullosa....'

SARS2 tissue tropism is reflected in the spike RGD motif, what tissues it adheres to via integrin binding:

Dec 1992 Department of Dermatology, UNC Chapel Hill / RGD Motif / Epidermolysis Bullosa
'....adherence in genetic and autoimmune forms of epidermolysis bullosa....'
Analyzing DEFUSE

Rossana says "Oh look, Wisconsin."
'@15 Dec 2022 'Dr. Tonie Rocke....Baric as first, should be interviewed too.'

So this wildlife center located in the capital of Wisconsin is linked to Daszak and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Rossana's deep-dive into the Wisconsin/Illinois vaping connection:

'....Jul 2019....Wisconsin, Illinois....exhibited lung ground-glass opacities....e-cigarette devices....a SARS-CoV-2 antibody test is considered necessary....'
Rossana's DEFUSE proposal is @ 15 Dec, which states, "We will structurally model and identify highly variable residue changes in the SARSr-CoV S RBD (receptor binding domain), use commercial gene blocks to introduce these changes singly or in combination into the S glycoprotein gene of the low risk parental strain and test ACE2 receptor usage."

So all of these researchers involved in the DEFUSE proposal now know that the SARS2 RGD motif, named at Uniprot the 'integrin binding motif' is located almost in the middle of the SARS2 RBD, @ positions 403-5. SARS2 RBD spans from position 319-541. Therefore, SARS1 RBD amino acid sequence requires a review.
DeSantis "Vaccine" Investigation, continued

4 Jan 2023 Vaccine Probe
'....Both Benjamin and Schaffner pushed back against DeSantis's suggestion, stating that the risk of myocarditis was in fact higher in COVID-19 infections than in coronavirus immunizations.'

That's easy for these psychopaths to say, especially when no one knows for sure just what is in the "vaccines." It's easy to see the RGD motif in the SARS-CoV-2 infection, though the question for Pharma is whether or not they have included this motif in their mRNA shot. If it's not there, why did they remove it? Questions such as these are part and parcel of the DeSantis investigation.

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