COVID-19’s Biological Politics

In video #2, Malone gives a lymph node time window if 60 days, which is twice the Danish report for circulating bloodstream spike up to 28 days. The force-produced dose of spike is more toxic than the natural infection.
I'll get these read through and watched asap. Thank you
The message is clear:
Demand Vax Death Transparency of Decedents

My mom took the vax and she's got a bad cold so praying it doesn't go any further for her health now. She was previous more active at 83 than many 40 year olds are today. Sad so many are losing family all about them.
My mom took the vax and she's got a bad cold so praying it doesn't go any further for her health now. She was previous more active at 83 than many 40 year olds are today. Sad so many are losing family all about them.
We still can't pin it down: Does the mRNA keep being produced in the cell? Dr. Malone says mRNA spike stays in the lymph for 60 days. What happens after that?
We still can't pin it down: Does the mRNA keep being produced in the cell? Dr. Malone says mRNA spike stays in the lymph for 60 days. What happens after that?
No clue but I'm sure someone will get'r figured out at some point. For the moment though lots of vax covid victims in these hospitals throughout. A big win for those who invested in hospital systems but tragedy for those who have been unawares.
No clue but I'm sure someone will get'r figured out at some point. For the moment though lots of vax covid victims in these hospitals throughout. A big win for those who invested in hospital systems but tragedy for those who have been unawares.
Dr. Malone's Twitter page is experiencing critique from scientists regarding the menstrual issue. Huazhong has published on this, though it was Mind Wars who first pointed to the communists at Huazhong U., Wuhan. What happened to Mind Wars?
As usual, Jikky's controversial tweets. Now linking to Ukraine, though we don't think Jikky has made the Lyme disease connection yet. We have already mentioned the bird flu lab at Kharkiv (USMB search):

Stem-Cell Harvesting in Ukraine
'....mothers from Kharkiv....In 2003, authorities agreed to exhume around 30 bodies of foetuses and full-term babies from a cemetery used by Maternity Hospital #6....It could possibly be a result of harvesting stem-cells from bone marrow.'

The same cemetery scenario plays out for The Elf, in post # 5:
'....Gate of Heaven Cemetery....'

We next make the stem-cell connection to the RGD motif of the communist virus, SARS-CoV-2.
As usual, Jikky's controversial tweets. Now linking to Ukraine, though we don't think Jikky has made the Lyme disease connection yet. We have already mentioned the bird flu lab at Kharkiv (USMB search):

Stem-Cell Harvesting in Ukraine
'....mothers from Kharkiv....In 2003, authorities agreed to exhume around 30 bodies of foetuses and full-term babies from a cemetery used by Maternity Hospital #6....It could possibly be a result of harvesting stem-cells from bone marrow.'

The same cemetery scenario plays out for The Elf, in post # 5:
'....Gate of Heaven Cemetery....'

We next make the stem-cell connection to the RGD motif of the communist virus, SARS-CoV-2.
The BBC article can be retrieved at Jikky's:
RGD motif: position 403-5, SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

One stem-cell link to Lyme disease is here:

Ap 2018 Embryonic Stem Cells / Lyme

Next an RGD motif linked to Lyme disease:
Oct 2020 RGD Motif / BBB07 Protein / Lyme Disease
1. Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
2. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
3. Anderson Cancer Center, UT Houston
4. Cardiovascular Research Foundation, New York, N.Y.

And not far from the Cardiovascular Research Center in NYC, was the RGD motif on Long Island circa 2008, from the black-legged Lyme disease tick, Ixodes scapularis:

Post #1,798
'....I. scapularis, Line #20: 'RGD.'
Breaking Cheese, Jikky finds an anomaly #Spraygate linked to the UNC bat lab:


'....Who is Dr. Kirsty Ainslie? '
We don't think that Jikky has made the RGD motif connection to Dr. Kirsty Ainslie yet. We do so, here:
18 Oct 2022 Post #62
'....aorta....ACE2....mechano-receptors....RGD motif....'

Aug 2004 Dr. Kirsty Ainslie, et al / Rat Aorta Mechanotransduction in Smooth Muscle Cells
'....rat aortic....heparan sulfate....sheer stress....'
And it will be this week (8 Feb 2023) that will establish whether or not medical nazis in Wisconsin are singling out those for more coercion of the type seen in post #1,833. If this is proven to be so, a newsletter will be produced and handed out (at random [italics]) in Dane County, Wisconsin, so that archives can document biological opportunist politics.
The Pentagon's black marionette, Lloyd Austin, is included in the list:

We'll now track the connections to the furin cleavage site (FCS) found on Long Island, New York, well before the SARS2 epidemic.
Rixey names Gallaher as the first to notice the SARS2 FCS:

Rixey: "You see, Gallaher was the mentor/partner of R. Garry at Tulane for 30 years. He was also the first scientist in the West to point out the FCS."
Jan '20 "Both the new furin site and the O-linked glycans are unique features of NCoV and important. Haven't seen this picked up yet by anyone else."
The Gallaher-Garry Trajectory

Yong-Zhen Zhang was first to sequence SARS2. Next, Zhang sent the sequences to E.C. Holmes.

Holmes and Garry teamed up for an article, "After the Pandemic," which is referenced here:

Reference #7 Holmes, Garry, et al

Table 1 in the above report shows the chemistry that docks to Mpro of SARS2. The fungal Chetomin is a compound from Chaetomium globosum, known in toe-nail fungus disorders (onychomycosis).

Garry and Gallaher, were busy with HIV-1, ebola, and the furin cleavage site:

Jan 2005 Garry, Gallaher, et al
'....At the N-terminal region of all three fusion proteins a region of high interfacial hydrophobicity was detected. For HIV-1 and EBOV, this region corresponds to the viral fusion peptide....The location of this region is 9 amino acids downstream of the minimum furin cleavage site (residues 758-761). Therefore, it should be considered as a possible fusion domain of the SARS-CoV S protein.'

Then Garry and Gallaher go with feline leukemia virus and Grave's disease:

Nov 2005 Autoimmune Grave's Disease / Feline Leukemia Virus

It is at this point we can link the human body louse, Pediculus humanus subsp. corporis to autoimmune Grave's disease, which in turn will link to E.C. Holmes's Australia for the PINK1 gene of Parkinson's disease. Having done that, it's a matter of comparing the RGD link to Parkinson's disease with the RGD sequence of the Chinese military bat virus, ZC45 spike as shown by Dr. Quay (Twitter, 24 Aug 2022).

Beautifully as will be shown, the onychomycosis of Chaetomium globosum links to the peritonitis of the deadly feline infectious peritonitis coronavirus (FIPV), famous for ADE (antibody dependent enhancement), a vaccine phenomenon.

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