Covid hospitalizations on the rise

The effect COVID had on the economy was way overblown and fake news.

It wasn't COVID that affected the economy, and yes, it is fake news to blame that, or anything else, on the actual virus or disease.

It was the corrupt acts of corrupt politicians, exaggerating, exploiting, and weaponizing a routine cold/flu outbreak for malevolent political purposes, that did nearly all the harm, including, but not limited to, the economic damage.
I suspect that the way we tried to “flatten the curve”, to prolong the initial outbreak, aside from making the initial outbreak much worse than it would have been if it had been allowed to run its natural course; may have helped to evolve strains that are more harmful than they otherwise would have been.

In just about every way, the measures that we were told to take to mitigate this outbreak have, instead greatly aggravated it.

As with every other cold/flu outbreak, I remain unalterably convinced that if we had just let it run its course, as we have with nearly every other such outbreak, it would have been over in weeks or month, rather than having been prolonged, now, for years.
The pandemic was Democrat created to thwart their 'Orange Man Bad' psychosis. True, Covid is a real virus however, CDC over counted deaths and lied about children being more vulnerable when healthy children were hardly affected. Adults under 65 were also less affected. The virus was most deadly to the infirm and the elderly. Especially the elderly infirm as is ANY virus or pathogen. There was never any need for masking, shut-downs and economic killing mandates other than to take down the economy. Democrats should pay a heavy price for lying. People died prematurely because of their pathological actions such as shutting down proven treatments.
It wasn't COVID that affected the economy, and yes, it is fake news to blame that, or anything else, on the actual virus or disease.

It was the corrupt acts of corrupt politicians, exaggerating, exploiting, and weaponizing a routine cold/flu outbreak for malevolent political purposes, that did nearly all the harm, including, but not limited to, the economic damage.
You dont live in reality.
The pandemic was Democrat created to thwart their 'Orange Man Bad' psychosis. True, Covid is a real virus however, CDC over counted deaths and lied about children being more vulnerable when healthy children were hardly affected. Adults under 65 were also less affected. The virus was most deadly to the infirm and the elderly. Especially the elderly infirm as is ANY virus or pathogen. There was never any need for masking, shut-downs and economic killing mandates other than to take down the economy. Democrats should pay a heavy price for lying.
more idle threats. YOu'll sit there and do nothing.
It wasn't COVID that affected the economy, and yes, it is fake news to blame that, or anything else, on the actual virus or disease.

It was the corrupt acts of corrupt politicians, exaggerating, exploiting, and weaponizing a routine cold/flu outbreak for malevolent political purposes, that did nearly all the harm, including, but not limited to, the economic damage.
The harm to the economy was way overblown. And now we have idiots saying since COVID they can't find workers. Liars all of them.
There are those of us senior citizens who you hate with a passion, and want to see suffer who need to avoid it.
The vax is most effective for senior citizens and should have been saved for them instead of jabbing every human being on the face of the Earth and exposing children to a useless vaccine.
There are those of us senior citizens who you hate with a passion, and want to see suffer who need to avoid it.

I'm one of those senior citizens that you falsely accuse me of hating, and wanting to suffer. At the dawn of the #CoronoaHoax2020, I was fifty-eight years old, and my immune system was greatly weakened by the fallout from a recent injury. I'm also diabetic. Exactly an example of someone who you would say should have been most afraid of this hoax, if I was stupid enough to fall for it.

But unlike you, I am not, and never have been, anywhere near that stupid.
How many healthy young mothers lost their unborn children, because they were encouraged (or forced) to needlessly get injected with an experimental drug? The billionaires that are selling this poison knew full well that thousands of pregnant women would lose the child. But hey, money is money...right???? Now idiots, will go out again and do what they are told to do by big Pharma. Sure, go ahead let them inject your pregnant wife so she can keep her job.
You dont [sic] live in reality.

The vax is most effective for senior citizens and should have been saved for them instead of jabbing every human being on the face of the Earth and exposing children to a useless vaccine.

The VAX is an obsolete computer platform, first created in the 1970s by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) as a successor to their PDP-11 line. DEC was bought out by Compaq, which, in turn, was bought out by Hewlett Packard, which ended production of the VAX in 2005.
The VAX is an obsolete computer platform, first created in the 1970s by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) as a successor to their PDP-11 line. DEC was bought out by Compaq, which, in turn, was bought out by Hewlett Packard, which ended production of the VAX in 2005.
Remember CP/M, DOS, AIX......LOL

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