Covid hospitalizations on the rise

We now order everything online to go against local businesses. It's fulfilling.
Some of those otherwise unemployed cashiers are kept busy shopping for you when you pick it up at the store. Perhaps some previous small business owning moms, pops, their kids, or even grandkids. Plus it puts a bite in those reported bands of roving organized crime attacking Dick's.
Ya, we know, everyone who disagrees with you is 'anti or pseudo' intellectual. What arrogance.
LOL you think Joe Rogan is smart. He admits he does no research before hosting a guest. He's lazy and dumb. Two traits you obviously admire.
Bill Maher got his stardom from bashing Bush 2. He has very clever writers, that often come up with witty jokes (when his writers are on strike Bill is not very funny.) But it seems he has taken to a new schtick which is aimed at the insanity of the Left. But a far left comedian can not be allowed to make fun of the now Bill Maher must be dismissed by all his loyal fans.
It is a pandemic that has killed 7,000,000 worldwide. You're a moron and have no place in a civilized society.


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