COVID-Infected Children In Arkansas Arriving At Hospitals With ‘Wrecked Lungs’

The most likely people to be unvaccinated in this country are black and brown folks like you.

View attachment 524484

by choice... it's red-voting Medieval RepubliQans

Nobody is white or black, nearly everyone is brown... so your comment is inane.

The virus is spreading rampantly now thanks to red states' irresponsibility. I'm vaccinated. But many children will die. SHAME on you Medieval misfits!
by choice... it's red-voting Medieval RepubliQans

Nobody is white or black, nearly everyone is brown... so your comment is inane.

The virus is spreading rampantly now thanks to red states' irresponsibility. I'm vaccinated. But many children will die. SHAME on you Medieval misfits!
The people refusing to take the vaccine are people who know how to think for themselves and not trust the lying media.
According to The Atlantic???? a newspaper??? "she’s now seeing roughly three times as many children at a time in her hospital"...
Three times from what number?....4??? this is just what they did to us a year and a half ago....scare tactics and BS numbers without proper background information....the CDC and Fauci are lying as well...wake up...before your freedom is history....

Yes, it's 3 times 4.
The most likely people to be unvaccinated in this country are black and brown folks like you.

View attachment 524484
You idiots keep posting this same lie.

Black and brown people are more likely to get the vaccine than Republicans ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN FUCKING SOURCE.


Of course it is. That's why I ask, because they can never provide specifics. Just the hysteria.
I remember the millions of bodies and the thousands of refrigerator trucks! They were absolutely convinced that those trucks were full of rotting corpses! Pure theatre! It was very entertaining. Very near the beginning of the debacle, I was riding the bus and overheard a couple of twenty-something soiboiz parroting the "trucks full of bodies" drama and, as these two kids were getting off the bus, I widened my eyes and told them "It's worse than you know -- ten times worse", and the expressions on their faces told me that they absolutely believed me.

Pure theatre. It's been a year and a half of great entertainment!
Yes, it's 3 times 4.
More kids than that are hospitalized in that hospital by the seasonal flu every year....
You can not lead a society without perspective on issues....and that's what's happening...we are being led by emotional fear....
Children are being affected by this new form of the virus.

They are filling hospitals quickly.

COVID-infected children in Arkansas arriving at hospitals with ‘wrecked lungs’: report | Philadelphia News

From the article:

“Many of Arkansas Children’s new COVID-19 patients are also much more ill than before,” said the report. “They’re coming in with wrecked lungs, struggling to breathe; they’re not bouncing back with typical youthful resilience, despite having been very healthy before … It’s become common for more than half of the kids in the ICU to be on ventilators. A few have been in the hospital for more than a month

So the new variants, in their search for new victims, have lowered their age of attack. Until the kiddies are exposed and develop an immunity they will continue to be the target victims. Gee it is almost like it would have been better not to have closed shit down and allowed the kids to be exposed to the original kung flu so they would have developed an immunity against the strain that wasn't deadly to them. The Kung flu is likely to be the deadilies longest killing virus in history, and its all thanks to "our response" not to the actual virus.
So the new variants, in their search for new victims, have lowered their age of attack. Until the kiddies are exposed and develop an immunity they will continue to be the target victims. Gee it is almost like it would have been better not to have closed shit down and allowed the kids to be exposed to the original kung flu so they would have developed an immunity against the strain that wasn't deadly to them. The Kung flu is likely to be the deadilies longest killing virus in history, and its all thanks to "our response" not to the actual virus.
Or perhaps everyone should have welcomed the opportunity for free vaccinations
Everywhere. When you know how to read between the lies it's not too hard...... unless the lies are what you want to hear as in your case.
But I never did like the easy way out.

Ok, so get you get all your information from random people on the internet, confirmed.
by choice... it's red-voting Medieval RepubliQans

Nobody is white or black, nearly everyone is brown... so your comment is inane.

The virus is spreading rampantly now thanks to red states' irresponsibility. I'm vaccinated. But many children will die. SHAME on you Medieval misfits!

Yes, I get it. Those black lives don't matter to you.
So the new variants, in their search for new victims, have lowered their age of attack. Until the kiddies are exposed and develop an immunity they will continue to be the target victims. Gee it is almost like it would have been better not to have closed shit down and allowed the kids to be exposed to the original kung flu so they would have developed an immunity against the strain that wasn't deadly to them. The Kung flu is likely to be the deadilies longest killing virus in history, and its all thanks to "our response" not to the actual virus.

Clear example of when conspiracy theorists turn into full blown nazis. I'd like to know what world you think we live in where you can force parents to intentionally expose their children to a virus no one knew much about and was actively killing hundreds of thousands of ppl around the globe. All rational thought has escaped you.
If you want to get the vaccine go for it.
Get 20 shots for all I care.
That poster can have mine. Hell, I was going to get 40 or 50 shots, so now that poster can get one shot a week ON ME for almost a year! Good health to that poster!
Oh, what a quaintly unoriginal term with which to assail someone with whom you can't hold up your side of an actual argument.

Hey if the shoe fits......

That poster can have mine. Hell, I was going to get 40 or 50 shots, so now that poster can get one shot a week ON ME for almost a year! Good health to that poster!

I had mine a long time ago. It feels great to be on the side of ppl who also believed in the polio vaccine, smallpox vaccine, measles vaccine, etc. You can belong to the flat earth people, the people who think we never landed on the moon and the people who confused medicine and science with witchcraft. Be proud!

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