COVID-Infected Children In Arkansas Arriving At Hospitals With ‘Wrecked Lungs’

Sassy caught in her "garden" this morning :lol:

I think that's too young for Sassy.
God bless ya my friend. Just one for me - daughter. She was THE highlight of my life. No trouble whatsoever. Raised an adopted girl from marriage two from age 7-14. She was a pain in the ass.

But we're best of friends now. Either way, they are EXPENSIVE. ;)
Same here. One daughter....who is now married and pregnant with our first grandchild.
Same here. One daughter....who is now married and pregnant with our first grandchild.

Lucky bastard ^ My adoptive daughter has a 2 year old. But my own informs me at least once a year: "Dad, hate to tell ya, but you're never gonna be a grandfather". :(
According to The Atlantic???? a newspaper??? "she’s now seeing roughly three times as many children at a time in her hospital"...
Three times from what number?....4??? this is just what they did to us a year and a half ago....scare tactics and BS numbers without proper background information....the CDC and Fauci are lying as well...wake up...before your freedom is history....
The hospitals in certain RED states are filling with children, and you think the appropriate response is to call it a hoax and continue to deny deny deny the truth?

YOU and all RepubliQans like you are guilty for those children's suffering AND deaths. YOU caused it with your criminal negligence, childish irresponsibility. None of you could pass a 5th-grade science test and with your ignorance you are killing your own and other peoples' children.

Deplorables? Hillary was being FAR too nice.
OMG the JAB spin is mind-blowing!!! Group of JABBED adults and their un-JABBED children go on vacation, 1 adults gets the BREAKTHROUGH-RONA, and then in a weeks time 6 of the 8 kids come down with COVID...and this is touted as proof the JAB works!!! WTF
How much science do you know? What was the last grade in which you passed a science test? You are presuming to pontificate about epidemiology, while I'm quite sure that, unlike me, you know nothing about it.

There is a mountain of evidence confirming that the vaccines work. Look who's infected now... the adults are virtually all un-vaccinated halfwits, whose loss, frankly, is not a problem for the nation, but a benefit. But the children? They are innocent. Unlike you, they don't deserve this.
Your LIES are costing LIVES!

The Delta variant did not come over the border. And it is spreading, not because of immigrants, but because of braindead Faux-News-watching Trump-supporting traitors. Did you go to Sturgis? Do you have children?

The children from unvaccinated homes are the ones now stuffing the hospitals in red states. How proud all you infanticidal cretins must be!
Children are being affected by this new form of the virus.

They are filling hospitals quickly.

COVID-infected children in Arkansas arriving at hospitals with ‘wrecked lungs’: report | Philadelphia News

From the article:

“Many of Arkansas Children’s new COVID-19 patients are also much more ill than before,” said the report. “They’re coming in with wrecked lungs, struggling to breathe; they’re not bouncing back with typical youthful resilience, despite having been very healthy before … It’s become common for more than half of the kids in the ICU to be on ventilators. A few have been in the hospital for more than a month.”
What they won't tell you is that these are mostly cases of the common flu --- people who don't have doctors showing up at the emergency room----all to push the vaccines
Omfg, you are a leftist loon.

The Atlantic is a Huffpo, Slate, NY Times, etc

No wonder you come across as an indoctrinated sheep
Oh sure, EVERYTHING is a joke except for your white-right racist treasonous sources, right?

For you under-educated Trumpoids, the Atlantic has FAR too many long words and long sentences for you to be able to enjoy it. THAT is your problem, just admit it. You don't disagree with liberals... you just are insufficiently educated to understand us? And so, you respond to simplistic slogans and mob mentality.

You are NOT good for this country. Don't pretend otherwise. Now call me the usual litany of insults, automaton boy.
What they won't tell you is that these are mostly cases of the common flu --- people who don't have doctors showing up at the emergency room----all to push the vaccines
That is a lie, and your lies are killing people, so shut your vile mouth.

COVID is real and is killing people. Are you not vaccinated? Then you're sociopathic. STAY AWAY from all children, including your own if you unfortunately have any.
Children are being affected by this new form of the virus.

They are filling hospitals quickly.

COVID-infected children in Arkansas arriving at hospitals with ‘wrecked lungs’: report | Philadelphia News

From the article:

“Many of Arkansas Children’s new COVID-19 patients are also much more ill than before,” said the report. “They’re coming in with wrecked lungs, struggling to breathe; they’re not bouncing back with typical youthful resilience, despite having been very healthy before … It’s become common for more than half of the kids in the ICU to be on ventilators. A few have been in the hospital for more than a month.”

Which hospitals?
Oh sure, EVERYTHING is a joke except for your white-right racist treasonous sources, right?

For you under-educated Trumpoids, the Atlantic has FAR too many long words and long sentences for you to be able to enjoy it. THAT is your problem, just admit it. You don't disagree with liberals... you just are insufficiently educated to understand us? And so, you respond to simplistic slogans and mob mentality.

You are NOT good for this country. Don't pretend otherwise. Now call me the usual litany of insults, automaton boy.

You voted for the guy who said he didn't want his kids to grow up in "a racial jungle" with black people, right?

"Arkansas kids are so much ill than before" according to a Philadelphia paper. Do they admit that the vaccinations don't work? Why Arkansas? Isn't that Clinton country?
Thanks for this shining example of the "thinking" of today's RepubliQans. Arkansas has all those COVID cases because they DID NOT get vaccinated, get it? Must I say it again? Got that, yet? Ok, next step... Clinton was Gov. of Arkansas when? 4 decades ago?

See how much sense you do NOT make?
Thanks for this shining example of the "thinking" of today's RepubliQans. Arkansas has all those COVID cases because they DID NOT get vaccinated, get it? Must I say it again? Got that, yet? Ok, next step... Clinton was Gov. of Arkansas when? 4 decades ago?

See how much sense you do NOT make?
How many of these cases in Arkansas will end up in deaths, about .0001 % ? You like the vaccine great .....take a hundred of them and shove them up your your know what.
One of the reasons Joe opened the border is to bring up covid numbers...the dems will stop at nothing and the media (enemy of the people) is right there with them...
You're beyond paranoid. I think the best word for it is EVIL.

COVID is not coming over the border, fool. It is being spread by unvaccinated treasonous Trump supporting MAGATS who are also infecting their own and others' children. That makes them guilty of negligent homicide. We are now poised at the brink of a massive die-off of children in red states, and as that is happening will you still be babbling sickening lies about Democrats?ç

I feel bad for the children who will suffer and die because of YOU. If you get it... no sympathy. You did it to yourself and to others. You deserve it.
You're beyond paranoid. I think the best word for it is EVIL.

COVID is not coming over the border, fool. It is being spread by unvaccinated treasonous Trump supporting MAGATS who are also infecting their own and others' children. That makes them guilty of negligent homicide. We are now poised at the brink of a massive die-off of children in red states, and as that is happening will you still be babbling sickening lies about Democrats?ç

I feel bad for the children who will suffer and die because of YOU. If you get it... no sympathy. You did it to yourself and to others. You deserve it.

The most likely people to be unvaccinated in this country are black and brown folks like you.

How many of these cases in Arkansas will end up in deaths, about .0001 % ? You like the vaccine great .....take a hundred of them and shove them up your your know what.
Your utterance is criminally negligent. Many will die, you fool. Over 600k so far in the USA, one of the worst rates in the world, thanks to that criminal idiot Trump. You are seriously deluded, and your delusion, shared by millions, is fostered by white-right media who will end up criminally responsible for the death they've caused.

They're guilty... but so are you. If I think Jesus told me to go shoot up the mall, that doesn't serve as a defense in court. NOR does listening to idiots like Carlson and Newsmaxx let YOU off the hook. YOU are responsible for your own criminal negligence... and you best believe we will HOLD all you miscreants responsible. Your little Reign of Error is quickly coming to an end.

Now log off, shut up, and go get vaccinated, duh.
Your utterance is criminally negligent. Many will die, you fool. Over 600k so far in the USA, one of the worst rates in the world, thanks to that criminal idiot Trump. You are seriously deluded, and your delusion, shared by millions, is fostered by white-right media who will end up criminally responsible for the death they've caused.

They're guilty... but so are you. If I think Jesus told me to go shoot up the mall, that doesn't serve as a defense in court. NOR does listening to idiots like Carlson and Newsmaxx let YOU off the hook. YOU are responsible for your own criminal negligence... and you best believe we will HOLD all you miscreants responsible. Your little Reign of Error is quickly coming to an end.

Now log off, shut up, and go get vaccinated, duh.

300,000 Americans died from Covid under Joe Biden, and he has NO plan to deal with it.

Go get vaccinated and do something useful with your life instead of preaching hate.

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