Covid is a fake tool of Democrat Fear just like the KKK

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Trump is on tape telling Bob Woodward that covid is a serious thing. You just embarrassed yourself with this thread.
And no, getting approving stickers by conservatives in a right wing message board is not evidence of anything

It is often the case that two apparently conflicting statements are both substantially or partially true. In this case, Covid19 is serious for those with predisposing medical conditions, such as emphysema, asthma, pneumonia, cancer, morbid obesity, vitamin D deficiency, and panicked ignorance, such as your own.

In actuality, Leftists have abused their authority as Gruesome Newsom is doing today in California. Businesses and scores of millions of Americans are needlessly suffering financially, and emotionally, not that you give a damn.

Read the Great Barrington Declaration and the emphatic statements of medical doctors I have assembled at Covid Panic is Overblown
So all you baby-killing socialist Democrats, explain this::

  • Disease Burden of Influenza | CDC
  • While the impact of flu varies, it places a substantial burden on the health of people in the United States each year. CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.
FLU: between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.

Now tell us:
If masks and social distancing are all that you say they are, then why haven't we as a nation demanded masks and social distancing every year to try and cut down those 12,000 to 61,000 Flu deaths annually ?

Well Mrs Know-It-All?
Why haven't we?

Every year thousands and tens of thousands of people die from the Flu. Why don't we shut down schools and require masks and social distance every Flu season? Lives would be saved after all, so why don't we? Simple: We have come to accept these deaths as a normal part of life, just as we have with the many causes of death we live with.

The lockdown and the masks are all symbols of fear. From slavery, to the civil war, to the KKK, to Jim Crow, to police enforced segregation, all these Democrat abominations are the tools of fear the Democrats have used to keep a grip on power. Now its the masks and the fear of death from a virus that only has a 0.04% mortality rate. You have more chance of dying in a car accident.

Democrats care nothing about lives. Just as they have done since their slavery deaths, they see Covid as a tool of fear to gain power.

This post remains unrefuted
Apples and Oranges Fallacy.

Nice try.
You caught us

Democrats killed over a million people worldwide just to piss off Conservatives.
well folks, heres 1 moron that admits it finally

Dear WTF,
rightwinger (sick) has been on my Ignore List since I first discovered his habit of lying and spreading hate. But I clicked on POST REPLY and his B.S. above popped up. So I'll refute it in two disparate ways.

1. "Democrats" didn't kill "over a million people worldwide." A combination of old age and underlying health issues killed the overwhelming majority of them, probably on the order of 95%.

2. Democrats DID lie and pay Norma McCorvey to perjure herself in Roe v. Wade to legalize butchery of innocent, unborn babies, after the original concept of hateful racist Margaret Sanger who wanted to eliminate blacks from America through "Planned Parenthood" (sic). It's actually a planned baby killing army. Ninety million to date, based on the LIE of "rape." Norma McCorvey was NOT raped but if only women who were raped were permitted to get abortions, it would save hundreds of thousands every year. A disproportionate number of them are black, thanks to racist Democrats.
So all you baby-killing socialist Democrats, explain this::

  • Disease Burden of Influenza | CDC
  • While the impact of flu varies, it places a substantial burden on the health of people in the United States each year. CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.
FLU: between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.

Now tell us:
If masks and social distancing are all that you say they are, then why haven't we as a nation demanded masks and social distancing every year to try and cut down those 12,000 to 61,000 Flu deaths annually ?

Well Mrs Know-It-All?
Why haven't we?

Every year thousands and tens of thousands of people die from the Flu. Why don't we shut down schools and require masks and social distance every Flu season? Lives would be saved after all, so why don't we? Simple: We have come to accept these deaths as a normal part of life, just as we have with the many causes of death we live with.

The lockdown and the masks are all symbols of fear. From slavery, to the civil war, to the KKK, to Jim Crow, to police enforced segregation, all these Democrat abominations are the tools of fear the Democrats have used to keep a grip on power. Now its the masks and the fear of death from a virus that only has a 0.04% mortality rate. You have more chance of dying in a car accident.

Democrats care nothing about lives. Just as they have done since their slavery deaths, they see Covid as a tool of fear to gain power.

Apples and Oranges Fallacy. Nice try.

Once there is a widely available vaccine to all who want it, the annual death toll of Covid will be about the same as the flu.

Since there has not been a vaccine before now, the death toll of Covid is far, far, far higher than the flu.

If there was no vaccine for the flu, we would see high death rates from that virus as well. And measures would be taken similar to the measures we are taking with covid.

In fact, similar measures were taken during the flu epidemic of 1918.

All caught up now, tard?
Remember when Trump and the parroting rubes said we wouldn't be hearing about Covid after November 3?


What are the chances those dumbshits remember they said that?

I'd Their master depends on the tards not remembering all his bullshit.
You caught us

Democrats killed over a million people worldwide just to piss off Conservatives.
well folks, heres 1 moron that admits it finally

Dear WTF,
rightwinger (sick) has been on my Ignore List since I first discovered his habit of lying and spreading hate. But I clicked on POST REPLY and his B.S. above popped up. So I'll refute it in two disparate ways.

1. "Democrats" didn't kill "over a million people worldwide." A combination of old age and underlying health issues killed the overwhelming majority of them, probably on the order of 95%.

2. Democrats DID lie and pay Norma McCorvey to perjure herself in Roe v. Wade to legalize butchery of innocent, unborn babies, after the original concept of hateful racist Margaret Sanger who wanted to eliminate blacks from America through "Planned Parenthood" (sic). It's actually a planned baby killing army. Ninety million to date, based on the LIE of "rape." Norma McCorvey was NOT raped but if only women who were raped were permitted to get abortions, it would save hundreds of thousands every year. A disproportionate number of them are black, thanks to racist Democrats.
Guess what?

Abortion has been legal for 50 years and is supported by most Americans.
You caught us

Democrats killed over a million people worldwide just to piss off Conservatives.
well folks, heres 1 moron that admits it finally

Dear WTF,
rightwinger (sick) has been on my Ignore List since I first discovered his habit of lying and spreading hate. But I clicked on POST REPLY and his B.S. above popped up. So I'll refute it in two disparate ways.

1. "Democrats" didn't kill "over a million people worldwide." A combination of old age and underlying health issues killed the overwhelming majority of them, probably on the order of 95%.

2. Democrats DID lie and pay Norma McCorvey to perjure herself in Roe v. Wade to legalize butchery of innocent, unborn babies, after the original concept of hateful racist Margaret Sanger who wanted to eliminate blacks from America through "Planned Parenthood" (sic). It's actually a planned baby killing army. Ninety million to date, based on the LIE of "rape." Norma McCorvey was NOT raped but if only women who were raped were permitted to get abortions, it would save hundreds of thousands every year. A disproportionate number of them are black, thanks to racist Democrats.
Guess what?

Abortion has been legal for 50 years and is supported by most Americans.
Abortion is opposed by half of Americans. And 2/3 of Americans oppose second trimester abortions, which is in direct conflict with Roe v. Wade.
Six in 10 U.S. adults think abortion should generally be legal in the first three months of pregnancy. However, support drops by about half, to 28%, for abortions conducted in the second three months, and by half again, to 13%, in the final three months.

This means 72 percent of Americans are opposed to abortions beyond the first trimester.
You caught us

Democrats killed over a million people worldwide just to piss off Conservatives.
well folks, heres 1 moron that admits it finally

Dear WTF,
rightwinger (sick) has been on my Ignore List since I first discovered his habit of lying and spreading hate. But I clicked on POST REPLY and his B.S. above popped up. So I'll refute it in two disparate ways.

1. "Democrats" didn't kill "over a million people worldwide." A combination of old age and underlying health issues killed the overwhelming majority of them, probably on the order of 95%.

2. Democrats DID lie and pay Norma McCorvey to perjure herself in Roe v. Wade to legalize butchery of innocent, unborn babies, after the original concept of hateful racist Margaret Sanger who wanted to eliminate blacks from America through "Planned Parenthood" (sic). It's actually a planned baby killing army. Ninety million to date, based on the LIE of "rape." Norma McCorvey was NOT raped but if only women who were raped were permitted to get abortions, it would save hundreds of thousands every year. A disproportionate number of them are black, thanks to racist Democrats.
Guess what?

Abortion has been legal for 50 years and is supported by most Americans.
Abortion is opposed by half of Americans. And 2/3 of Americans oppose second trimester abortions, which is in direct conflict with Roe v. Wade.
if it isnt your body--its none of your business
Now tell us: If masks and social distancing are all that you say they are, then why haven't we as a nation demanded masks and social distancing every year to try and cut down those 12,000 to 61,000 Flu deaths annually ?

Well Mrs Know-It-All?
Why haven't we?
Because 12,000 to 60,000 deaths in a year is FAR different from 300,000 in nine months?
if it isnt your body--its none of your business

So you could care less if a child is drowning five feet from you.
"It's none of your business."

A young girl is smashed in the face right in front of you and then dragged off into the bushes to be raped. You are much bigger than the cowardly male and could squash him like a bug, but.."It's none of your business" because he is not attacking YOUR body.

Your daughter is being assaulted by two thugs and five decorated Marines are nearby but they..... run right over and destroy the two cowards because they don't begin to think in the ignorant, cowardly, Leftist way you do.

You just earned a spot on my Ignore List with your inane comment.
"Go from the presence of a foolish man."

ciao brutto
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