Covid Mask Foolishness Exposed by Never Trumper

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015

There are so many valid arguments against government mandated covid masks and really only media whipped up fear and government intervention to support wearing these virtue signaling devices.

So why do we do it?

Because as a nation we are spoiled, divided and weak. The perfect recipe for loss of liberty at the hands of a few tyrants.

How long will we have to do it?

As long as tyrants tell us we must. Again, we lack the fortitude to protect our rights and this is the result. More to come.

And will masks become seasonally mandatory from here unto infinity due to government fiat rule?

Yes. And MUCH more. This is just the beginning. Once they can mandate that you must buy Insurance (ACA) and what you MUST wear, there is no limit.

There are so many valid arguments against government mandated covid masks and really only media whipped up fear and government intervention to support wearing these virtue signaling devices.

So why do we do it? How long will we have to do it? And will masks become seasonally mandatory from here unto infinity due to government fiat rule?

You, as well as trump and other of his fellow travelers, are a serious danger to humanity!

There are so many valid arguments against government mandated covid masks and really only media whipped up fear and government intervention to support wearing these virtue signaling devices.

So why do we do it? How long will we have to do it? And will masks become seasonally mandatory from here unto infinity due to government fiat rule?
Yeah, who wants to stop covid spreading. It's a no brainer.
Yeh, right! Ha ha ha ha! It seems to me that the people who refuse to wear masks and social distance don't care about other people, and/or who they put at risk for contracting the Covid-19 virus, which is way deadlier and more contagious than the regular seasonal flu(s) that hit us every fall and winter. Moreover, not only is Covid-19 more deadly for older adults (i. e. 65 years of age and over), as well as people of all ages with underlying medical conditions, but even younger, healthy people without medical conditions have become severely ill, died from, or have permanent lung, heart, and neurological problems as a result of having contracted the Covid-19 virus.

Not only do people who refuse to wear masks and social distance put their friends, neighbors, colleagues and families at risk, but they put themselves at risk, as well.

There are so many valid arguments against government mandated covid masks and really only media whipped up fear and government intervention to support wearing these virtue signaling devices.

So why do we do it? How long will we have to do it? And will masks become seasonally mandatory from here unto infinity due to government fiat rule?
Yeah, who wants to stop covid spreading. It's a no brainer.

Social distancing works, masks don't. Especially out doors where the masks protect the virus from the Sun.

But that's science, and we all know, you don't do science.

There are so many valid arguments against government mandated covid masks and really only media whipped up fear and government intervention to support wearing these virtue signaling devices.

So why do we do it? How long will we have to do it? And will masks become seasonally mandatory from here unto infinity due to government fiat rule?

You, as well as trump and other of his fellow travelers, are a serious danger to humanity!

You are projecting again.
Hey, if it makes these fools feel more comfortable that I visibly wear the same unwashed mask for the last three months into a store, so be it. That sucker comes off as soon as I hit the exit.
The minute anyone tells me to wear it at all times outside can simply kiss my well washed white ass.

Wuhan flu is at the bottom of my list of shit to be concerned about.

There are so many valid arguments against government mandated covid masks and really only media whipped up fear and government intervention to support wearing these virtue signaling devices.

So why do we do it? How long will we have to do it? And will masks become seasonally mandatory from here unto infinity due to government fiat rule?

You, as well as trump and other of his fellow travelers, are a serious danger to humanity!
No you're the danger and it's time to stamp you out and eliminate you and your kind from society.

There are so many valid arguments against government mandated covid masks and really only media whipped up fear and government intervention to support wearing these virtue signaling devices.

So why do we do it? How long will we have to do it? And will masks become seasonally mandatory from here unto infinity due to government fiat rule?
Yeah, who wants to stop covid spreading. It's a no brainer.
You are right... for once. 'We see no point in wearing a face mask,' Sweden's top virus expert says as he touts the country's improving COVID numbers

Give yourself a pat on the back.

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