CDZ COVID Polling shows Democrats are very wrong on COVID

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020

First, here's the statistic: The Chances somebody with COVID must be hospitalized is 1-5%. That's factual data.

Now, let's look at what Democrats, Republicans, and independent people think

Those who are correct in thinking it is 1-5%?
26% Republicans
20% Independents
10% Democrats

And those who are WAYYYY off and think 50% or more of people with COVID end up hospitalized?
Democrats 41%
Independents 35%
Republicans 28%

That's an incredible stat. Despite reality being 1-5%, 41% of Democrats think it's 50% or above. 69% of Democrats think 20% or more who get COVID are hospitalized.

Of course, this is because the US Media has terrorized the populace with non-stop fear porn, blaring that if you get COVID, you're gonna die. From the same article, 90% of US Major media outlet stories about COVID are negative in tone compared to 54% for non-US major sources, and 65% of scientific journals.

The US Media is in the business of scaring you, and clearly out of all of us the Democrats have been conned the most.. hook, line, and sinker.

So, to Democrats on here.. why do your ilk have this so catastrophically wrong? I would assume it's because those who are consoled and supported on a nightly basis by the major media outlets become far less likely to question them when they say bold proclamations.

If we want to talk about "disinformation", as leftist news outlets often do, pointing the finger at the few right wing outlets... well, this takes the cake, and it's just one of many mainstream instances of the leftist media institution peddling false reality.

First, here's the statistic: The Chances somebody with COVID must be hospitalized is 1-5%. That's factual data.

Now, let's look at what Democrats, Republicans, and independent people think

Those who are correct in thinking it is 1-5%?
26% Republicans
20% Independents
10% Democrats

And those who are WAYYYY off and think 50% or more of people with COVID end up hospitalized?
Democrats 41%
Independents 35%
Republicans 28%

That's an incredible stat. Despite reality being 1-5%, 41% of Democrats think it's 50% or above. 69% of Democrats think 20% or more who get COVID are hospitalized.

Of course, this is because the US Media has terrorized the populace with non-stop fear porn, blaring that if you get COVID, you're gonna die. From the same article, 90% of US Major media outlet stories about COVID are negative in tone compared to 54% for non-US major sources, and 65% of scientific journals.

The US Media is in the business of scaring you, and clearly out of all of us the Democrats have been conned the most.. hook, line, and sinker.

So, to Democrats on here.. why do your ilk have this so catastrophically wrong? I would assume it's because those who are consoled and supported on a nightly basis by the major media outlets become far less likely to question them when they say bold proclamations.

If we want to talk about "disinformation", as leftist news outlets often do, pointing the finger at the few right wing outlets... well, this takes the cake, and it's just one of many mainstream instances of the leftist media institution peddling false reality.
Only 4% of covid recorded deaths were of Covid alone.
The news coverage has been abysmal and the government guidance has been even worse. But even so, all those numbers, especially the Democrats, simply defy common sense.
Don't swallow any info just because it fits your bias. Open your minds and get answers from the real experts, not some no-name doctor on a random website.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
The Biden's visiting the 2nd worse US president slot under the Magic Kenyan...with no mask but when he leaves and sees the cameras he and Dr Jill mask you need anymore evidence to learn that you are being played?....

First, here's the statistic: The Chances somebody with COVID must be hospitalized is 1-5%. That's factual data.

Now, let's look at what Democrats, Republicans, and independent people think

Those who are correct in thinking it is 1-5%?
26% Republicans
20% Independents
10% Democrats

And those who are WAYYYY off and think 50% or more of people with COVID end up hospitalized?
Democrats 41%
Independents 35%
Republicans 28%

That's an incredible stat. Despite reality being 1-5%, 41% of Democrats think it's 50% or above. 69% of Democrats think 20% or more who get COVID are hospitalized.

Of course, this is because the US Media has terrorized the populace with non-stop fear porn, blaring that if you get COVID, you're gonna die. From the same article, 90% of US Major media outlet stories about COVID are negative in tone compared to 54% for non-US major sources, and 65% of scientific journals.

The US Media is in the business of scaring you, and clearly out of all of us the Democrats have been conned the most.. hook, line, and sinker.

So, to Democrats on here.. why do your ilk have this so catastrophically wrong? I would assume it's because those who are consoled and supported on a nightly basis by the major media outlets become far less likely to question them when they say bold proclamations.

If we want to talk about "disinformation", as leftist news outlets often do, pointing the finger at the few right wing outlets... well, this takes the cake, and it's just one of many mainstream instances of the leftist media institution peddling false reality.
Only 4% of covid recorded deaths were of Covid alone.
The news coverage has been abysmal and the government guidance has been even worse. But even so, all those numbers, especially the Democrats, simply defy common sense.
Don't swallow any info just because it fits your bias. Open your minds and get answers from the real experts, not some no-name doctor on a random website.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center

why would you need a doctor to determine how many people are hospitalized from COVID? That’s not a medical diagnosis

First, here's the statistic: The Chances somebody with COVID must be hospitalized is 1-5%. That's factual data.

Now, let's look at what Democrats, Republicans, and independent people think

Those who are correct in thinking it is 1-5%?
26% Republicans
20% Independents
10% Democrats

And those who are WAYYYY off and think 50% or more of people with COVID end up hospitalized?
Democrats 41%
Independents 35%
Republicans 28%

That's an incredible stat. Despite reality being 1-5%, 41% of Democrats think it's 50% or above. 69% of Democrats think 20% or more who get COVID are hospitalized.

Of course, this is because the US Media has terrorized the populace with non-stop fear porn, blaring that if you get COVID, you're gonna die. From the same article, 90% of US Major media outlet stories about COVID are negative in tone compared to 54% for non-US major sources, and 65% of scientific journals.

The US Media is in the business of scaring you, and clearly out of all of us the Democrats have been conned the most.. hook, line, and sinker.

So, to Democrats on here.. why do your ilk have this so catastrophically wrong? I would assume it's because those who are consoled and supported on a nightly basis by the major media outlets become far less likely to question them when they say bold proclamations.

If we want to talk about "disinformation", as leftist news outlets often do, pointing the finger at the few right wing outlets... well, this takes the cake, and it's just one of many mainstream instances of the leftist media institution peddling false reality.
Only 4% of covid recorded deaths were of Covid alone.
The news coverage has been abysmal and the government guidance has been even worse. But even so, all those numbers, especially the Democrats, simply defy common sense.
Don't swallow any info just because it fits your bias. Open your minds and get answers from the real experts, not some no-name doctor on a random website.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center

why would you need a doctor to determine how many people are hospitalized from COVID? That’s not a medical diagnosis
He is a lying piece of shit. Don't listen to a word he says.
Here's a fact for you. virtually EVERYONE dying from the Virus have one thing in common
Here's a fact for you. virtually EVERYONE dying from the Virus have one thing in common
Johnson & Johnson vaccine was reported to be 66% effective in preventing moderate and severe cases.
So, is 66% the same thing as 100%? Go ahead, dig out a calculator or ask someone with an education.
AstraZeneca is around 70% effective. So, is 70% the same thing as 100%?

Numbers, pesky things aren't they?

First, here's the statistic: The Chances somebody with COVID must be hospitalized is 1-5%. That's factual data.

Now, let's look at what Democrats, Republicans, and independent people think

Those who are correct in thinking it is 1-5%?
26% Republicans
20% Independents
10% Democrats

And those who are WAYYYY off and think 50% or more of people with COVID end up hospitalized?
Democrats 41%
Independents 35%
Republicans 28%

That's an incredible stat. Despite reality being 1-5%, 41% of Democrats think it's 50% or above. 69% of Democrats think 20% or more who get COVID are hospitalized.

Of course, this is because the US Media has terrorized the populace with non-stop fear porn, blaring that if you get COVID, you're gonna die. From the same article, 90% of US Major media outlet stories about COVID are negative in tone compared to 54% for non-US major sources, and 65% of scientific journals.

The US Media is in the business of scaring you, and clearly out of all of us the Democrats have been conned the most.. hook, line, and sinker.

So, to Democrats on here.. why do your ilk have this so catastrophically wrong? I would assume it's because those who are consoled and supported on a nightly basis by the major media outlets become far less likely to question them when they say bold proclamations.

If we want to talk about "disinformation", as leftist news outlets often do, pointing the finger at the few right wing outlets... well, this takes the cake, and it's just one of many mainstream instances of the leftist media institution peddling false reality.
You don't think the CDC spokeshole came out and gave the "all clear" as a matter of happenstance, didja?

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