Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

"yeah.......look it up for yourself.

You said it.
i didn't.
The onus to be clear is upon you.
Not my rules.
it's the way responsible adult discussions works.
i'm mildly sure you should know that.

So, when you say the DOJ "deferred" filing murder charges against the two MAGA criminals, well, what makes say such.?
Why the word 'defer'?...as if they were gonna bring up murder charges at a later date?
Say personified Simpleton of the first order.
I guess that explains it taking months or about a year +
to get even a few Videos of the actual Riots of January 6th.
Gee I wonder why.Because Pelosi and her silly Insurrection
Investigation was a plan.No need to probe with some Videos !?
Where originally there was about 14,ooo hrs. of J 6th
footage collected.Tucker Carlson was man enough to get
permission to show as proof Capitol Policer officer Brian
Sicknick actually performing duties on January 6 th.
To prove he was healthy and dismiss the notion that Trump
supporters were the cause of Sickniks death.
Sicknick died a day and half later after suffering two strokes.
Plus Tucker presents actual video showcasing how inside
the Capitol Bldg. were innocent as lambs " sighseers " just
strolling inside some carrying little U.S. flags admiring the place.
You are so fucked in the head and a traitor to this country! Who beat Capitol police with flagpoles, asshole? Who squished that cop at the front door, fuckhead? Who smeared human shit on the walls of Congress, mother-fucker? Who chanted "hang Mike Pence", you fucking bridge troll?

Fuck you, asshole! We all saw this occur as it happened.
You are so fucked in the head and a traitor to this country! Who beat Capitol police with flagpoles, asshole? Who squished that cop at the front door, fuckhead? Who smeared human shit on the walls of Congress, mother-fucker? Who chanted "hang Mike Pence", you fucking bridge troll?

Fuck you, asshole! We all saw this occur as it happened.
I get it.But I don't cotton.Yer being enamored with potty-mouth
excuses and filthy accusations as if some saving grace.
Maybe in some hellhole of a jail like in Cook County { Chicago }
you somehow pass muster.Like in the early scenes of
- The Green Mile - and/or - The Shawshank Redemption -.
Or most jailbird flicks.
But yer makin' as ass of yerself.Did or does your Mommy and Daddy
think well of your constant cussing-out.It got boring
long ago.
I get it.But I don't cotton.Yer being enamored with potty-mouth
excuses and filthy accusations as if some saving grace.
Maybe in some hellhole of a jail like in Cook County { Chicago }
you somehow pass muster.Like in the early scenes of
- The Green Mile - and/or - The Shawshank Redemption -.
Or most jailbird flicks.
But yer makin' as ass of yerself.Did or does your Mommy and Daddy
think well of your constant cussing-out.It got boring
long ago.
I used to read this clown’s ridiculous posts thinking that there might be something in them that should be debunked

I no longer bother

There never is
I used to read this clown’s ridiculous posts thinking that there might be something in them that should be debunked

I no longer bother

There never is
Why are you quoting it then?
Why are you quoting it then?
Um .. Maybe on account quoting Dr.Seuss while
on the toilet got too regular.Some guys are like that
Desperately seeking to seem original while being
a pretty regular bore.
A Henny Youngman he'll never come close.
" While playing golf today I hit two good balls.
I stepped on a rake. "
I used to read this clown’s ridiculous posts thinking that there might be something in them that should be debunked
I no longer bother
There never is
Lush, the only thing you do is offer a contradiction and insults, and being disingenuous.
You are so fucked in the head and a traitor to this country! Who beat Capitol police with flagpoles, asshole? Who squished that cop at the front door, fuckhead? Who smeared human shit on the walls of Congress, mother-fucker? Who chanted "hang Mike Pence", you fucking bridge troll?

Fuck you, asshole! We all saw this occur as it happened.
Light weights compared to the Summer of Love, the BLM riots, the fleecing of American's, the stealing of the money, the pandering, the usery, the indoctrination, the lies, the agenda's, the murders, the loss of privacy in girl's locker rooms and bathrooms, drag queen story hour for children, abortions wanted up to 9 month's due to irresponsible sex craving spontaneous knuckleheads who haven't been raised any better. On and on it all goes, but you get the point.
You are so fucked in the head and a traitor to this country! Who beat Capitol police with flagpoles, asshole? Who squished that cop at the front door, fuckhead? Who smeared human shit on the walls of Congress, mother-fucker? Who chanted "hang Mike Pence", you fucking bridge troll?

Fuck you, asshole! We all saw this occur as it happened.
post the pics and video, I want to see the BLM and ANTIFA assholes that did what you describe
So now it is 300k?

That is the most amazing amorphous crowd of rioters we've ever seen, if we can believe the various numbers thrown about on this chatroom. We've read that it was a "a million" strong. We've read it was 100,000. And it was 200,000. Now earnest poster Elektra has come up with yet another number.....in his newest telling it is "300,000"..

it is sorta like going to a cattle auction....where the fast talking auctioneer keeps pressing for an ever higher number.
Please forgive my poor avatar for offering another number
as you said the numbers are reported different everywhere

it is not my avatar that is responsible for counting the people on jan 6th
my avatar does the best it can
All the law you posted is basically policy and procedures to be followed.
profound, especially the to be followed part, and what about the precedents I posted? Or the Rules of the House, or the House Practice, offer more wisdom, please.
profound, especially the to be followed part, and what about the precedents I posted? Or the Rules of the House, or the House Practice, offer more wisdom, please.
Everything you provided has absolutely no basis on the daily ops at both houses...........it is only guide lines for the people who are charged with defending both house and the DC metro areas.
Everything you provided has absolutely no basis on the daily ops at both houses...........it is only guide lines for the people who are charged with defending both house and the DC metro areas.
The law is not a guideline.
A big crowd of over 250k is not a daily op.
Only ones that can directly request would be Mayor Bowser and USCP.
Mayor Browser has nothing to do with the Capitol Grounds.

Speaker of the House can directly request Federal Troops. This is proven by precident, quoted and linked.
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