If the Kenyan spent $10T and you loved it..Don’t you want Trump to spend at least that?

We’ve all read numerous posts and editorials from folks telling us how great their lives were during the Super Negro’s eight year reign of terror....It’s no secret that he spent like an 18 year old sailor would in a whorehouse full of virgin Playboy models.

Ironically, many of the authors of said posts are now bitching about the spending under this Trump Administration. Why are these same people so sure their lives won’t continue to improve?

NO!!! What Obama did was stupid because I cannot even tell where the $10Trn went. I at least know that many of the monies DJT is spending is going toward our military.

Really now. How much of the deficit do you think increased military spending accounts for?

25%? If I were to guess.
We’ve all read numerous posts and editorials from folks telling us how great their lives were during the Super Negro’s eight year reign of terror....It’s no secret that he spent like an 18 year old sailor would in a whorehouse full of virgin Playboy models.

Ironically, many of the authors of said posts are now bitching about the spending under this Trump Administration. Why are these same people so sure their lives won’t continue to improve?
Do you remember when Trump signed the first budget that was 'Huge' in spending and when he caught flack from the right about it, said he wouldn't sign another one with huge spending?

Guess what he has gone and done twice more since then?

I had a huge problem with Obama's signing massive spending bills.

I have a huge problem with Trump signing massive spending bills.

I hold them both responsible for this out of control spending.
I provided facts.

You linked to right wing articles.

My point, proven yet again.
Bwaaaahhhhaaaaaaa...….I showed exactly what Oblummer did during his 8 years of crap. Never got over 3% gdp, never in the history before that , real unemployment blacks 15% , Latino's 12%. College kids having to be baristas at Starbucks. It was a great time during the brown turds reign. Yes a moderate is a liberal too ashamed to call himself a liberal......I rest my case.
I realize that this is how you're taught. You really believe this stuff. I get it.
Wow, I fucking lived through those 8 years, saw it first hand. The only think the brown turd did great?

Obama is the greatest gun salesman in America

Without that, his GDP would been even lower..
Good for you. This is my profession. You don't know what you're talking about. You've been conned. By a buffoon.

Let me know when you think you can communicate like an intelligent adult.

I won't hold my breath.
How many billions of dollars do you have again? I would love to compare his fortune against yours, since you are saying HE is a buffoon.
He is a buffoon.

Daddy started him with millions and a name.

And here you are, defending this embarrassing man-child.

You've been conned. By a buffoon.
We’ve all read numerous posts and editorials from folks telling us how great their lives were during the Super Negro’s eight year reign of terror....It’s no secret that he spent like an 18 year old sailor would in a whorehouse full of virgin Playboy models.

Ironically, many of the authors of said posts are now bitching about the spending under this Trump Administration. Why are these same people so sure their lives won’t continue to improve?

NO!!! What Obama did was stupid because I cannot even tell where the $10Trn went. I at least know that many of the monies DJT is spending is going toward our military.

Really now. How much of the deficit do you think increased military spending accounts for?
Not as much as fucking welfare where shit fuck dirt bags like you dont do shit for the EBT cards then moan and groan how unfair your lives are. Get a fucking job, like in the military at least you earn the money..

I have a job, no doubt making far more than you plus a nice retirement check from the Marine Corps each month. Interviewing for a promotion next week which would pump up my salary another 11 grand a year.
Obama did spend a lot of money to get this country back on a firm finical setting that trump is doing his best to screw up. Dec 15 is coming and trump will have to kiss china's ass or it could crash the whole economy if he ups the tariffs like he said he would. But then he lies about what he is going to do all the time so I think he may chicken out on the china deal. But on the deficit you forgot to mention that when Obama left office with a strong and stable economy the deficit was heading down to just about I/2 trillion. Then the orange blob gave the deficit reduction away to the top percent of rich people including himself. Check all the goodies he wrote in for real estate that will benefit him and his crooked children. But this is why I seldom come here as those on the radical right will never bring truth to he board only their made up shit they get off he internet from Putin making up conspiracy theories like it was the Ukrainians not him who screwed with our elections. Now we have proof and know it was Putin himself pushing these lies. and your wonderful orange blob keeps kissing Putins ass and you like it. Go figure.
You racism and hatred keep you ignorant of actual facts.

I was waiting for your predictably inane response. It's OK to refer to President Trump as an orange clown (or worse), but any reference to our First Black President in other than glowing terms is racism.

To call our First Black President "Kenyan" and "Super Negro" is not only racist- but incredibly typical of Trump voters.

To call our first salesman and reality TV show President 'orange clown' is just typical politics.

I don't expect any Trumpkin to understand the difference. I do expect that you will be lecturing African Americans about why they are all stupid for voting Democrat.
So Michelle Obama is a racist for saying his husband was from Kenya and Joe Biden is a racist for calling Obama an articulate Blackman. Got it, you guys are racists for supporting racists.

Michelle Obama didn't call the President 'the Kenyan".

Nor did Biden call Obama 'Super Negro'

Those labels are claimed by Trump supporters.
We’ve all read numerous posts and editorials from folks telling us how great their lives were during the Super Negro’s eight year reign of terror....It’s no secret that he spent like an 18 year old sailor would in a whorehouse full of virgin Playboy models.

Ironically, many of the authors of said posts are now bitching about the spending under this Trump Administration. Why are these same people so sure their lives won’t continue to improve?

NO!!! What Obama did was stupid because I cannot even tell where the $10Trn went. I at least know that many of the monies DJT is spending is going toward our military.

Really now. How much of the deficit do you think increased military spending accounts for?

25%? If I were to guess.

FY 19 spending for the DOD was up 75 billion dollars, or 0.075 trillion.

FY-19 deficit was 1.113 trillion dollars.

The increase in military spending accounted for 6.7% of the deficit for FY19
Bwaaaahhhhaaaaaaa...….I showed exactly what Oblummer did during his 8 years of crap. Never got over 3% gdp, never in the history before that , real unemployment blacks 15% , Latino's 12%. College kids having to be baristas at Starbucks. It was a great time during the brown turds reign. Yes a moderate is a liberal too ashamed to call himself a liberal......I rest my case.
I realize that this is how you're taught. You really believe this stuff. I get it.
Wow, I fucking lived through those 8 years, saw it first hand. The only think the brown turd did great?

Obama is the greatest gun salesman in America

Without that, his GDP would been even lower..
Good for you. This is my profession. You don't know what you're talking about. You've been conned. By a buffoon.

Let me know when you think you can communicate like an intelligent adult.

I won't hold my breath.
How many billions of dollars do you have again? I would love to compare his fortune against yours, since you are saying HE is a buffoon.
He is a buffoon.

Daddy started him with millions and a name.

And here you are, defending this embarrassing man-child.

You've been conned. By a buffoon.
Done trying to reason with you, who once said you were a moderate. Ta ta...
I realize that this is how you're taught. You really believe this stuff. I get it.
Wow, I fucking lived through those 8 years, saw it first hand. The only think the brown turd did great?

Obama is the greatest gun salesman in America

Without that, his GDP would been even lower..
Good for you. This is my profession. You don't know what you're talking about. You've been conned. By a buffoon.

Let me know when you think you can communicate like an intelligent adult.

I won't hold my breath.
How many billions of dollars do you have again? I would love to compare his fortune against yours, since you are saying HE is a buffoon.
He is a buffoon.

Daddy started him with millions and a name.

And here you are, defending this embarrassing man-child.

You've been conned. By a buffoon.
Done trying to reason with you, who once said you were a moderate. Ta ta...
"Reason". Funny. I guess that's your level of "reason".

Oh, and the second line of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.

Ta Ta.
You racism and hatred keep you ignorant of actual facts.

I was waiting for your predictably inane response. It's OK to refer to President Trump as an orange clown (or worse), but any reference to our First Black President in other than glowing terms is racism.

To call our First Black President "Kenyan" and "Super Negro" is not only racist- but incredibly typical of Trump voters.

To call our first salesman and reality TV show President 'orange clown' is just typical politics.

I don't expect any Trumpkin to understand the difference. I do expect that you will be lecturing African Americans about why they are all stupid for voting Democrat.
So Michelle Obama is a racist for saying his husband was from Kenya and Joe Biden is a racist for calling Obama an articulate Blackman. Got it, you guys are racists for supporting racists.

Michelle Obama didn't call the President 'the Kenyan".

Nor did Biden call Obama 'Super Negro'

Those labels are claimed by Trump supporters.
By the way it wasn't Super Negro, it was Magic Negro..
We’ve all read numerous posts and editorials from folks telling us how great their lives were during the Super Negro’s eight year reign of terror....It’s no secret that he spent like an 18 year old sailor would in a whorehouse full of virgin Playboy models.

Ironically, many of the authors of said posts are now bitching about the spending under this Trump Administration. Why are these same people so sure their lives won’t continue to improve?

NO!!! What Obama did was stupid because I cannot even tell where the $10Trn went. I at least know that many of the monies DJT is spending is going toward our military.

Really now. How much of the deficit do you think increased military spending accounts for?
Not as much as fucking welfare where shit fuck dirt bags like you dont do shit for the EBT cards then moan and groan how unfair your lives are. Get a fucking job, like in the military at least you earn the money..

I have a job, no doubt making far more than you plus a nice retirement check from the Marine Corps each month. Interviewing for a promotion next week which would pump up my salary another 11 grand a year.
Careful, JoeB will want half of that as part of his Communist meritocracy
We’ve all read numerous posts and editorials from folks telling us how great their lives were during the Super Negro’s eight year reign of terror....It’s no secret that he spent like an 18 year old sailor would in a whorehouse full of virgin Playboy models.

Ironically, many of the authors of said posts are now bitching about the spending under this Trump Administration. Why are these same people so sure their lives won’t continue to improve?

NO!!! What Obama did was stupid because I cannot even tell where the $10Trn went. I at least know that many of the monies DJT is spending is going toward our military.

Really now. How much of the deficit do you think increased military spending accounts for?

25%? If I were to guess.

FY 19 spending for the DOD was up 75 billion dollars, or 0.075 trillion.

FY-19 deficit was 1.113 trillion dollars.

The increase in military spending accounted for 6.7% of the deficit for FY19
I was off but still 7% more than BHO was spending. I do know that the major problem is entitlements.
We’ve all read numerous posts and editorials from folks telling us how great their lives were during the Super Negro’s eight year reign of terror....It’s no secret that he spent like an 18 year old sailor would in a whorehouse full of virgin Playboy models.

Ironically, many of the authors of said posts are now bitching about the spending under this Trump Administration. Why are these same people so sure their lives won’t continue to improve?

NO!!! What Obama did was stupid because I cannot even tell where the $10Trn went. I at least know that many of the monies DJT is spending is going toward our military.

Really now. How much of the deficit do you think increased military spending accounts for?

25%? If I were to guess.

FY 19 spending for the DOD was up 75 billion dollars, or 0.075 trillion.

FY-19 deficit was 1.113 trillion dollars.

The increase in military spending accounted for 6.7% of the deficit for FY19
I was off but still 7% more than BHO was spending. I do know that the major problem is entitlements.

Bullshit. Social Security, and Medicare are paid for through payroll taxes, and by law can't add to the debt.

The major problem is tax cuts for the rich, and military spending.

Before Reagans tax cuts, the debt was 967 billion. Every dime of that $23 trillion is directly tied to tax cuts for the rich, and military spending, that has led to the borrowing of money and the interest tied to those loans.

Just as soon as the tax cuts under Trump, Bush Jr., and Reagan are rolled back, and military spending is frozen, the national debt will begin to decline overnight.

Fortunately, the younger generations have grown wise to this through education, through internet mass media, and can no longer be bullshitted by right wing media sources.

Trickle down is getting ready to go the way of coal.
NO!!! What Obama did was stupid because I cannot even tell where the $10Trn went. I at least know that many of the monies DJT is spending is going toward our military.

Really now. How much of the deficit do you think increased military spending accounts for?

25%? If I were to guess.

FY 19 spending for the DOD was up 75 billion dollars, or 0.075 trillion.

FY-19 deficit was 1.113 trillion dollars.

The increase in military spending accounted for 6.7% of the deficit for FY19
I was off but still 7% more than BHO was spending. I do know that the major problem is entitlements.

Bullshit. Social Security, and Medicare are paid for through payroll taxes, and by law can't add to the debt.

The major problem is tax cuts for the rich, and military spending.

Before Reagans tax cuts, the debt was 967 billion. Every dime of that $23 trillion is directly tied to tax cuts for the rich, and military spending, that has led to the borrowing of money and the interest tied to those loans.

Just as soon as the tax cuts under Trump, Bush Jr., and Reagan are rolled back, and military spending is frozen, the national debt will begin to decline overnight.

Fortunately, the younger generations have grown wise to this through education, through internet mass media, and can no longer be bullshitted by right wing media sources.

Trickle down is getting ready to go the way of coal.
Payroll taxes aren’t high enough. Learn something before your criticize it. What about Medicaid? Want to put your status on this board on the line that entitlements are the primary reasons we have a budget deficit?
NO!!! What Obama did was stupid because I cannot even tell where the $10Trn went. I at least know that many of the monies DJT is spending is going toward our military.

Really now. How much of the deficit do you think increased military spending accounts for?

25%? If I were to guess.

FY 19 spending for the DOD was up 75 billion dollars, or 0.075 trillion.

FY-19 deficit was 1.113 trillion dollars.

The increase in military spending accounted for 6.7% of the deficit for FY19
I was off but still 7% more than BHO was spending. I do know that the major problem is entitlements.

Bullshit. Social Security, and Medicare are paid for through payroll taxes, and by law can't add to the debt.

The major problem is tax cuts for the rich, and military spending.

Before Reagans tax cuts, the debt was 967 billion. Every dime of that $23 trillion is directly tied to tax cuts for the rich, and military spending, that has led to the borrowing of money and the interest tied to those loans.

Just as soon as the tax cuts under Trump, Bush Jr., and Reagan are rolled back, and military spending is frozen, the national debt will begin to decline overnight.

Fortunately, the younger generations have grown wise to this through education, through internet mass media, and can no longer be bullshitted by right wing media sources.

Trickle down is getting ready to go the way of coal.
If you cut off welfare to everyone, everyone would either have to work or try to steal from those who have guns. Either way the debt would go down, because those working dont take, but give taxes, those that try to steal will save the world.

Really now. How much of the deficit do you think increased military spending accounts for?

25%? If I were to guess.

FY 19 spending for the DOD was up 75 billion dollars, or 0.075 trillion.

FY-19 deficit was 1.113 trillion dollars.

The increase in military spending accounted for 6.7% of the deficit for FY19
I was off but still 7% more than BHO was spending. I do know that the major problem is entitlements.

Bullshit. Social Security, and Medicare are paid for through payroll taxes, and by law can't add to the debt.

The major problem is tax cuts for the rich, and military spending.

Before Reagans tax cuts, the debt was 967 billion. Every dime of that $23 trillion is directly tied to tax cuts for the rich, and military spending, that has led to the borrowing of money and the interest tied to those loans.

Just as soon as the tax cuts under Trump, Bush Jr., and Reagan are rolled back, and military spending is frozen, the national debt will begin to decline overnight.

Fortunately, the younger generations have grown wise to this through education, through internet mass media, and can no longer be bullshitted by right wing media sources.

Trickle down is getting ready to go the way of coal.
If you cut off welfare to everyone, everyone would either have to work or try to steal from those who have guns. Either way the debt would go down, because those working dont take, but give taxes, those that try to steal will save the world.

View attachment 291631
Idk about full cut off but definitely need to revamp it
We’ve all read numerous posts and editorials from folks telling us how great their lives were during the Super Negro’s eight year reign of terror....It’s no secret that he spent like an 18 year old sailor would in a whorehouse full of virgin Playboy models.

Ironically, many of the authors of said posts are now bitching about the spending under this Trump Administration. Why are these same people so sure their lives won’t continue to improve?

NO!!! What Obama did was stupid because I cannot even tell where the $10Trn went. I at least know that many of the monies DJT is spending is going toward our military.

Really now. How much of the deficit do you think increased military spending accounts for?

25%? If I were to guess.

FY 19 spending for the DOD was up 75 billion dollars, or 0.075 trillion.

FY-19 deficit was 1.113 trillion dollars.

The increase in military spending accounted for 6.7% of the deficit for FY19
I was off but still 7% more than BHO was spending. I do know that the major problem is entitlements.

And Obama was spending more than Bush II was spending who was spending more than Bill was spending who was spending more than Bush I...and so forth and so on.

One thing that is for certain...our military is not underfunded.
We’ve all read numerous posts and editorials from folks telling us how great their lives were during the Super Negro’s eight year reign of terror....It’s no secret that he spent like an 18 year old sailor would in a whorehouse full of virgin Playboy models.

Ironically, many of the authors of said posts are now bitching about the spending under this Trump Administration. Why are these same people so sure their lives won’t continue to improve?

Yes but....but, the Super Negro spent 10 trillion because he was fixing what a white guy did. That makes it OK. More than OK, GREAT. But Trump is an Orange Guy who is spending 2 trillion to undo what Super Negro did. That makes it BAD. So bad, it makes my slide rule cry.

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