If the Kenyan spent $10T and you loved it..Don’t you want Trump to spend at least that?

We’ve all read numerous posts and editorials from folks telling us how great their lives were during the Super Negro’s eight year reign of terror....It’s no secret that he spent like an 18 year old sailor would in a whorehouse full of virgin Playboy models.

Ironically, many of the authors of said posts are now bitching about the spending under this Trump Administration. Why are these same people so sure their lives won’t continue to improve?
"Super negro"? "Kenyan"? "Eight year reign of terror"?

And you want to be taken seriously?

I don't think so.

Not by pussies...I try to weed you right out by using scary words. It almost works with Golfing Gator and it definitely works with Mac1958 and Slade3200

More likely, you expose yourself as a babbling idiot by use of those words, and they don't see much need in dealing with a babbling idiot.

That’s my excuse when my ass gets owned and I’m outclassed.
You can't use that as an excuse dingbat, we already know you're a babbling idiot.
During Oblummers 2 terms you were all elated when he got a stagnant 1% growth while putting the most in poverty since the War on Poverty started.

"One percent growth"? After digging us out of the Meltdown, his worst GDP was 1.6%. We're at only 1.9% now. See the ACTUAL, FACTUAL, REAL WORLD CHART, below.

"Putting the most people in poverty"? Unemployment dropped like a rock. See the ACTUAL, FACTUAL, REAL WORLD CHART, below.

In what universe do you get these "facts"? You guys are kept in a bizarre talk radio fantasy world. You really, truly believe the crap you spray.

Your mix of ignorance and arrogance is amusing, but maybe you should back up your words, Trumpster.

Last edited:
During Oblummers 2 terms you were all elated when he got a stagnant 1% growth while putting the most in poverty since the War on Poverty started.

"One percent growth"? After digging us out of the Meltdown, his worst GDP was 1.6%. We're at only 1.9% now. See the ACTUAL, FACTUAL, REAL WORLD CHART, below.

"Putting the most people in poverty"? Unemployment dropped like a rock. See the ACTUAL, FACTUAL, REAL WORLD CHART, below.

In what universe do you get these "facts"? You guys are kept in a bizarre talk radio fantasy world. You really, truly believe the crap you spray.

Your mix of ignorance and arrogance is amusing, but maybe you should back up your words, Trumpster.

This lying sack of shit Mac, is showing his true liberal Democrat colors again by saying that Oblummer didnt keep US in a recession longer than we should of been. Remember cash for clunkers? Obamacare? Taxes on medical devises? Energy taxes that must necessarily skyrocket? College education take over? GM takeover?
Worst. President. Ever: Obama First President EVER to Not Reach 3% GDP Growth
That’s rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record

During Oblummers 2 terms you were all elated when he got a stagnant 1% growth while putting the most in poverty since the War on Poverty started.

"One percent growth"? After digging us out of the Meltdown, his worst GDP was 1.6%. We're at only 1.9% now. See the ACTUAL, FACTUAL, REAL WORLD CHART, below.

"Putting the most people in poverty"? Unemployment dropped like a rock. See the ACTUAL, FACTUAL, REAL WORLD CHART, below.

In what universe do you get these "facts"? You guys are kept in a bizarre talk radio fantasy world. You really, truly believe the crap you spray.

Your mix of ignorance and arrogance is amusing, but maybe you should back up your words, Trumpster.

This lying sack of shit Mac, is showing his true liberal Democrat colors again by saying that Oblummer didnt keep US in a recession longer than we should of been. Remember cash for clunkers? Obamacare? Taxes on medical devises? Energy taxes that must necessarily skyrocket? College education take over? GM takeover?
Worst. President. Ever: Obama First President EVER to Not Reach 3% GDP Growth
That’s rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record

I provided facts.

You linked to right wing articles.

My point, proven yet again.
We’ve all read numerous posts and editorials from folks telling us how great their lives were during the Super Negro’s eight year reign of terror....It’s no secret that he spent like an 18 year old sailor would in a whorehouse full of virgin Playboy models.

Ironically, many of the authors of said posts are now bitching about the spending under this Trump Administration. Why are these same people so sure their lives won’t continue to improve?
I typically don't respond to the posts of racists but I thought I'd make an exception this time.

Let's see if we can identify a difference in circumstance between Obama's presidency and the Orange Fraud's. Hmmmmmm, what could it be? Perhaps it's the fact that Trump inherited an economy growing a trend growth of around 2%, one that had been growing, unabated, for the longest period of time in US history. Obama, he got the shit Shrub left him. An economy losing 600K jobs a months, with frozen credit markets, hundreds of thousands of private home foreclosures, all of which would plunge the US and the global economy in to a deep recession. Oh, and there were unfunded wars in Afghanistan and Iraq too. Consequently, tax receipts plummeted and social safety net spending ballooned as Obama tried to keep the country from falling in to a depression. All the while congressional Repubs tried to sabotage any recovery by feigning concern over budget deficits and blocking the kind of stimulative deficit spending Trump is now taking credit for. A concern that miraculously disappeared when Don decided he wanted to give the economy a sugar high by passing a tax cut for the rich which he promised would pay for itself but, as predicted by Dems, has instead caused the annual budget deficit to grow to over $1T.
Debt is bad no matter who does it. Bad Orange Man for putting us in debt! Bad Negro for Obama putting us in debt!

However, there is a difference between Trump's debt and Obama's debt.

All we got for Obama's debt was increased poverty, decreased family income and dismal economic growth. Typical Democrat incompetency. Kind of like Democrat controlled California with the most debt and the most poverty, most homelesness and the worst schools.

With Trump we are getting a booming economy. Just like we got when Reagan was President and went in debt.
During Oblummers 2 terms you were all elated when he got a stagnant 1% growth while putting the most in poverty since the War on Poverty started.

"One percent growth"? After digging us out of the Meltdown, his worst GDP was 1.6%. We're at only 1.9% now. See the ACTUAL, FACTUAL, REAL WORLD CHART, below.

"Putting the most people in poverty"? Unemployment dropped like a rock. See the ACTUAL, FACTUAL, REAL WORLD CHART, below.

In what universe do you get these "facts"? You guys are kept in a bizarre talk radio fantasy world. You really, truly believe the crap you spray.

Your mix of ignorance and arrogance is amusing, but maybe you should back up your words, Trumpster.

This lying sack of shit Mac, is showing his true liberal Democrat colors again by saying that Oblummer didnt keep US in a recession longer than we should of been. Remember cash for clunkers? Obamacare? Taxes on medical devises? Energy taxes that must necessarily skyrocket? College education take over? GM takeover?
Worst. President. Ever: Obama First President EVER to Not Reach 3% GDP Growth
That’s rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record

How Republicans Sabotaged the Recovery
How Republicans Sabotaged the Recovery

Sorry to drag you, kicking and screaming, in to the world of reality.
We’ve all read numerous posts and editorials from folks telling us how great their lives were during the Super Negro’s eight year reign of terror....It’s no secret that he spent like an 18 year old sailor would in a whorehouse full of virgin Playboy models.

Ironically, many of the authors of said posts are now bitching about the spending under this Trump Administration. Why are these same people so sure their lives won’t continue to improve?

If you make an OP like this, you might be a redneck.
We’ve all read numerous posts and editorials from folks telling us how great their lives were during the Super Negro’s eight year reign of terror....It’s no secret that he spent like an 18 year old sailor would in a whorehouse full of virgin Playboy models.

Ironically, many of the authors of said posts are now bitching about the spending under this Trump Administration. Why are these same people so sure their lives won’t continue to improve?

Try again numbnuts.

How much did the total deficit rise by each President since Reagan

Again using data from the St. Louis Federal Reserve, these are starting and ending federal debt numbers since President Reagan. I’ve computed the total percentage increase and the compounded yearly rate.

What the numbers show is that the total debt increased the most at 184% over 8 years and at the fastest rate under President Reagan at almost 14% per year. In fact, the three Republican presidents had the fastest growing debt on a yearly basis.


  • Started Presidency: $965 billion
  • Ended Presidency: $2.74 trillion
  • Increased 184% or 13.9% per year
H.W. Bush

  • Started Presidency: $2.74 trillion
  • Ended Presidency: $4.23 trillion
  • Increased 54% or 11.5% per year (only in office for four years)

  • Started Presidency: $4.23 trillion
  • Ended Presidency: $5.77 trillion
  • Increased 36% or 4.0% per year
W. Bush

  • Started Presidency: $5.77 trillion
  • Ended Presidency: $11.1 trillion
  • Increased 93% or 8.5% per year

  • Started Presidency: $11.1 trillion
  • Ended Presidency: $19.85 trillion
  • Increased 78% or 7.5% per year
President Obama’s debt actually grew at a slower annual rate than any of the Republican presidents even though there were events that negatively impacted the deficit that started before he became President. The Great Recession is probably the biggest of them as can be seen in the yearly deficit numbers. While all politicians use data to support their positions, the sound bite that the debt doubled under Obama is very misleading.

Conjobs lie as easily as they breath.
During Oblummers 2 terms you were all elated when he got a stagnant 1% growth while putting the most in poverty since the War on Poverty started.

"One percent growth"? After digging us out of the Meltdown, his worst GDP was 1.6%. We're at only 1.9% now. See the ACTUAL, FACTUAL, REAL WORLD CHART, below.

"Putting the most people in poverty"? Unemployment dropped like a rock. See the ACTUAL, FACTUAL, REAL WORLD CHART, below.

In what universe do you get these "facts"? You guys are kept in a bizarre talk radio fantasy world. You really, truly believe the crap you spray.

Your mix of ignorance and arrogance is amusing, but maybe you should back up your words, Trumpster.

This lying sack of shit Mac, is showing his true liberal Democrat colors again by saying that Oblummer didnt keep US in a recession longer than we should of been. Remember cash for clunkers? Obamacare? Taxes on medical devises? Energy taxes that must necessarily skyrocket? College education take over? GM takeover?
Worst. President. Ever: Obama First President EVER to Not Reach 3% GDP Growth
That’s rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record

I provided facts.

You linked to right wing articles.

My point, proven yet again.

Bwaaaahhhhaaaaaaa...….I showed exactly what Oblummer did during his 8 years of crap. Never got over 3% gdp, never in the history before that , real unemployment blacks 15% , Latino's 12%. College kids having to be baristas at Starbucks. It was a great time during the brown turds reign. Yes a moderate is a liberal too ashamed to call himself a liberal......I rest my case.
During Oblummers 2 terms you were all elated when he got a stagnant 1% growth while putting the most in poverty since the War on Poverty started.

"One percent growth"? After digging us out of the Meltdown, his worst GDP was 1.6%. We're at only 1.9% now. See the ACTUAL, FACTUAL, REAL WORLD CHART, below.

"Putting the most people in poverty"? Unemployment dropped like a rock. See the ACTUAL, FACTUAL, REAL WORLD CHART, below.

In what universe do you get these "facts"? You guys are kept in a bizarre talk radio fantasy world. You really, truly believe the crap you spray.

Your mix of ignorance and arrogance is amusing, but maybe you should back up your words, Trumpster.

This lying sack of shit Mac, is showing his true liberal Democrat colors again by saying that Oblummer didnt keep US in a recession longer than we should of been. Remember cash for clunkers? Obamacare? Taxes on medical devises? Energy taxes that must necessarily skyrocket? College education take over? GM takeover?
Worst. President. Ever: Obama First President EVER to Not Reach 3% GDP Growth
That’s rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record

I provided facts.

You linked to right wing articles.

My point, proven yet again.

Bwaaaahhhhaaaaaaa...….I showed exactly what Oblummer did during his 8 years of crap. Never got over 3% gdp, never in the history before that , real unemployment blacks 15% , Latino's 12%. College kids having to be baristas at Starbucks. It was a great time during the brown turds reign. Yes a moderate is a liberal too ashamed to call himself a liberal......I rest my case.

I realize that this is how you're taught. You really believe this stuff. I get it.
During Oblummers 2 terms you were all elated when he got a stagnant 1% growth while putting the most in poverty since the War on Poverty started.

"One percent growth"? After digging us out of the Meltdown, his worst GDP was 1.6%. We're at only 1.9% now. See the ACTUAL, FACTUAL, REAL WORLD CHART, below.

"Putting the most people in poverty"? Unemployment dropped like a rock. See the ACTUAL, FACTUAL, REAL WORLD CHART, below.

In what universe do you get these "facts"? You guys are kept in a bizarre talk radio fantasy world. You really, truly believe the crap you spray.

Your mix of ignorance and arrogance is amusing, but maybe you should back up your words, Trumpster.

This lying sack of shit Mac, is showing his true liberal Democrat colors again by saying that Oblummer didnt keep US in a recession longer than we should of been. Remember cash for clunkers? Obamacare? Taxes on medical devises? Energy taxes that must necessarily skyrocket? College education take over? GM takeover?
Worst. President. Ever: Obama First President EVER to Not Reach 3% GDP Growth
That’s rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record

I provided facts.

You linked to right wing articles.

My point, proven yet again.

Bwaaaahhhhaaaaaaa...….I showed exactly what Oblummer did during his 8 years of crap. Never got over 3% gdp, never in the history before that , real unemployment blacks 15% , Latino's 12%. College kids having to be baristas at Starbucks. It was a great time during the brown turds reign. Yes a moderate is a liberal too ashamed to call himself a liberal......I rest my case.

I realize that this is how you're taught. You really believe this stuff. I get it.

Wow, I fucking lived through those 8 years, saw it first hand. The only think the brown turd did great?

Obama is the greatest gun salesman in America

Without that, his GDP would been even lower..
Fourth quarter 2016 growth was 2.0%. Today it's 1.9%.

I know talk radio doesn't tell you this stuff, but there's nothing I can do about that.

This is my profession, and you're just another Trumpster.

Your profession is listening to talk radio? It figures.
I just exposed your ignorance and you get silly.


No, you didn't answer my questions about "upward trajectory" and if that also applied to the debt. Instead. you resorted to name calling and referring to your "profession" in a pathetic attempt to bolster your own credibility.

So 1% growth is an "upward trajectory?" Do you apply that "logic" to the debt?
We’ve all read numerous posts and editorials from folks telling us how great their lives were during the Super Negro’s eight year reign of terror....It’s no secret that he spent like an 18 year old sailor would in a whorehouse full of virgin Playboy models.

Ironically, many of the authors of said posts are now bitching about the spending under this Trump Administration. Why are these same people so sure their lives won’t continue to improve?

Kenyan? Negro?

Well I don't know who the hell you are talking about, but I can tell you are a true Trump supporter.
You racism and hatred keep you ignorant of actual facts.

I was waiting for your predictably inane response. It's OK to refer to President Trump as an orange clown (or worse), but any reference to our First Black President in other than glowing terms is racism.

To call our First Black President "Kenyan" and "Super Negro" is not only racist- but incredibly typical of Trump voters.

To call our first salesman and reality TV show President 'orange clown' is just typical politics.

I don't expect any Trumpkin to understand the difference. I do expect that you will be lecturing African Americans about why they are all stupid for voting Democrat.
We’ve all read numerous posts and editorials from folks telling us how great their lives were during the Super Negro’s eight year reign of terror....It’s no secret that he spent like an 18 year old sailor would in a whorehouse full of virgin Playboy models.

Ironically, many of the authors of said posts are now bitching about the spending under this Trump Administration. Why are these same people so sure their lives won’t continue to improve?

Kenyan? Negro?

Well I don't know who the hell you are talking about, but I can tell you are a true Trump supporter.

Is Hussein not a Kenyan negro?
How fragile are you?

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