Covid Vaccines Mess Up Menstruation: MSM Takes Note


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
Both NBC and the NYT tweeted out this study in the last 24 hours. now they admit these "vaccines" affect men's sperm counts and women's menstrual cycles. Maybe we're getting closer to admitting all the other damage they've done with very little benefit? One can only hope.

BTW--why should a vaccine for a respiratory virus make women bleed heavily? Or affect a man's sperm count?

Oh well, don't ask questions. "Safe and effective". Sign up for that fourth booster!

I’ve had younger woman (I’m past that) tell me that their cycles are messed up. One young woman told me she’s been getting periods twice a month.
Both NBC and the NYT tweeted out this study in the last 24 hours. now they admit these "vaccines" affect men's sperm counts and women's menstrual cycles. Maybe we're getting closer to admitting all the other damage they've done with very little benefit? One can only hope.

BTW--why should a vaccine for a respiratory virus make women bleed heavily? Or affect a man's sperm count?

Oh well, don't ask questions. "Safe and effective". Sign up for that fourth booster!

Ha !

I'm old enough to remember that the vaxxx effecting men and womens reproduction parts in different ways were just a wild conspiracy theory not based on the current safe and effective truth...

Wonder what killed this guy

A cause of death was not made public
I’ve had younger woman (I’m past that) tell me that their cycles are messed up. One young woman told me she’s been getting periods twice a month.

A family member of mine had this happen to her--very very heavy bleeding just a day after the shot--in Feb 2021, just after they came out. Of course she was told she was crazy, incidental, etc etc.

Not so much, as it turns out. Wonder what else they'll discover about these "vaccines" (that some of us have known for a while now)?
Safe and effective truth is problematic when post-vax symptoms include myocarditis and thrombocytopenia.

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