Stormy Daniels Changes Her Story AGAIN?

President Donald Trump and one of his new attorneys admit he reimbursed his longtime fixer for a payment made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, a striking reversal from what the president said just a few weeks ago. But team Trump’s attempts to clear up the matter is full of contradictions.

This is kind of the point. The "fixer" has done this before, prior to Trump's presidential campaign to help avoid negative publicity.

The proof of the purpose is 2 fold. one was witnesses testifying that Trump tried to stall paying her until after the election to then not pay her at all. The other is the timing of the payment which was about 2 weeks before an election to cover up an affair alleged to have occurred a decade earlier.

Not sure about the first point. I haven't heard the testimony nor know who the witnesses are. As for the second, Daniels threatened to release the information just prior to the election. The timing was on her part, not his. Nothing is to say that he wouldn't have paid her off, like he has done others in the past, had she done the same just prior to his campaign. Trump didn't want this information out, presidential campaign or not.

Why do I have a feeling that this is the work of the media twisting around these words and taking them out of the original context and putting them into their new made up one?
Prosecutors are making the case, that the payoff were done, concealed in business transactions, sheltered on corporate accounts as business legal expenses, instead of personal expenses, and that they were made to hide his indiscretions from the voters, to affect the campaign and presidential election of 2016. In doing so, it represented a large non-campaign finance violation, and an organized conspiracy. Like so many payoffs, it is not the payoff or the act that prompted, but the conspiracy cover up, that is the felony. It will be up to the Jury to decide, if they make their case. Tell you what, though, I will go with the Jury, and if they say he is innocent, I will congratulate him on here.
That's a total farce. He wrote the checks himself to the lawyer as legal fees. Even if you can manufacture a claim of a false business expense, the statute of limitations expired years ago. The convoluted claim that it somehow constitutes a felony because it violated campaign finance law is simply laughable, as many liberal legal experts have stated. The state prosecutor cannot enforce federal campaign law violations as they were already investigated by the DOJ and FEC, declining to prosecute.

There was no fucking coverup! You need to get your head out of your ass, or Biden's dick out of your mouth and you might make some sense.
Nah, I think I will stay and keep telling it how it is, no matter what rightwing trump trolls crawl out of their holes. You see, trump is getting what trump calls for, by word, deed and action. If it were a democrat that did the same actions, you would be clamoring for action, wondering what took so long. So, here we are, another day in court and more of the true trump character coming to the surface, along with the background on how his miscalculations and desire to be above the law (along with his usual desires) brings him to another day in court, not even supported by any wife or family, as they all know he fucked her, authorized the payoff, attempted to launder the money through corporate accounts as a business expense, was aware of every facet of the attempted coverup, and now facing what normal people would face if they committed the same and tried to blame it on his lawyer, who served time for his conspiracy to cover up Don's peter track to hide his cheating on his marriage from the voters. The cover up hush money was effective in the time frame it was needed, to secure the religious vote, but it all came out later, anyway.
Just because you are ignorant does not mean you ar e not lying. His family lives in Florida, and his sons have attended the trial also. Who else did you have in mind?

Making a payoff is not illegal, so why would he hide it? No coverup existed. Also, his lawyer was convicted of other crimes, and nothing to do with Stormy Daniels payoff, which he did on his own to keep her quiet. That is perfectly legal so he could not be convicted for that. You can just color yourself wrong on so many levels. Why do you lie if you know the truth?
That's a total farce. He wrote the checks himself to the lawyer as legal fees. Even if you can manufacture a claim of a false business expense, the statute of limitations expired years ago. The convoluted claim that it somehow constitutes a felony because it violated campaign finance law is simply laughable, as many liberal legal experts have stated. The state prosecutor cannot enforce federal campaign law violations as they were already investigated by the DOJ and FEC, declining to prosecute.

There was no fucking coverup! You need to get your head out of your ass, or Biden's dick out of your mouth and you might make some sense.
you're confused
Trump has changed his story so many times.
huh? you claimed "We are seeing evidence presented that that is a lie."

What is that evidence?

Stormy Daniels, and Michael Cohen have changed their stories a lot.

Trump has maintained he entered the NDA to protest his wife, the State just presented evidence, from Hope Hicks (someone who isn't a convicted liar) supporing what Trump has said.
Donald Deny Deny Deny Trump's word is worthless and everybody knows it. He denied sticking a finger in E Jean Carroll against her will, but the jury didn't buy it.
The funny thing about that case is that there was absolutely no evidence that the so-called assault ever took place. You and the jurors all missed that part, didn't you?
Prosecutors are making the case, that the payoff were done, concealed in business transactions, sheltered on corporate accounts as business legal expenses, instead of personal expenses, and that they were made to hide his indiscretions from the voters, to affect the campaign and presidential election of 2016. In doing so, it represented a large non-campaign finance violation, and an organized conspiracy. Like so many payoffs, it is not the payoff or the act that prompted, but the conspiracy cover up, that is the felony. It will be up to the Jury to decide, if they make their case. Tell you what, though, I will go with the Jury, and if they say he is innocent, I will congratulate him on here.
None of that was illegal depending on your legal opinion and the statute of limitations has long since expired, so what have you got? NDAs are always secret. That is simply what they are to prevent disclosing harmful information. I signed an NDA with the military and in private business on numerous occasions. Perfectly legal.

Even your liberal legal experts will say that this entire case is a travesty. Even they know the only reason Trump is being prosecuted now is to keep him off the campaign trail.
I sure hope he said "SKANK"! :laugh2:
What Kind of relationship does she have with her husband?

"Don't worry dear Even though all the guys I have sex with on film with are 10 times bigger than you are it doesn't really make any difference to me."
She has two signed statements that she never had sex with Trump. Was she lying then or is she lying now? She is a liar either way!
Geezus.... It looks like all of Trump's court cases are going to fall through. Now I hear ENGO-MORON did some improper communication about the case prior to his judgment.
Geezus.... It looks like all of Trump's court cases are going to fall through. Now I hear ENGO-MORON did some improper communication about the case prior to his judgment.

None of them survive an appeal.
We have always known that.
Some won't get that far.

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