COVID19 - No Big Deal - Breathe Through Your Nose


Every election year has a disease

SARS 2004
AVIAN 2008
SWINE 2010
MERS 2012
EBOLA 2014
ZIKA 2016
EBOLA 2018


Coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2. Sars was 4. Measles is 18.
Coronavirus has a cure rate of 99.7% for those under 50 it infects.
Coronavirus spread is leveling off.

This is a viral pneumonia being hyped as the Black Plague before an election.
Pretty much but you will be vilified for questioning your leftist world overlords.
Pretty much but you will be vilified for questioning your leftist world overlords.

That's all they have been doing for thirty years is vilifying. So what's new?
They offer no constructive ideas, only condemnation for anything you or I do.

Democrats Big Lies

I'm not a Democrat. I'm an Independent that believes any asshole who starts to take on conspiracy theory is all out of ideas. It's no longer critical thinking when you delve into fantasy.
Pretty much but you will be vilified for questioning your leftist world overlords.

That's all they have been doing for thirty years is vilifying. So what's new?
They offer no constructive ideas, only condemnation for anything you or I do.

Democrats Big Lies

I'm not a Democrat. I'm an Independent that believes any asshole who starts to take on conspiracy theory is all out of ideas. It's no longer critical thinking when you delve into fantasy.
Yah, sure you are an "Independent". You come on here every day since The President was elected, and even promoted Russian Propaganda just like your Leftist Buddies on here. Why are we supposed to believe anything you say?
Yah, sure you are an "Independent". You come on here every day since The President was elected, and even promoted Russian Propaganda just like your Leftist Buddies on here. Why are we supposed to believe anything you say?

God Bless you, Friend. Use your Ignore List. That's what it's there for.
God Hating Baby Killing On your way To Hell DemNazi LibTard.

99.7% recovery rate in the US.

Corona Virus is The Cold Virus.

View attachment 312235

Ask God what his definition is of Infanticide. You have innocent blood on your hands, and so does America.

I see you've turn up the volume.

Say, didn't this God you speak of murder, in cold blood, the First Born sons of Egypt once upon a time?

It sounds like a very angry God to me.

I did ask Mother Nature once though. She laugh and said "I'll leave those human definitions up to you humans"
God does get angry, or did you ever hear the verse "Woe to those who shed innocent blood."?

Below is a perfect description of you and your friends.

The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood

"These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren" (Proverbs 6:16-19).

"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good" (Proverbs 15:3).

The whole world is polluted, drenched with innocent blood. How are people with blood on their hands to be punished? How can evil be overcome?

Yeah he did, back before he got laid by Mary and had a Son, he was a very Angry and Vengeful God.
After he came down to earth, and in Mary, they had a baby. He sort of mellowed out and stopped all the slaughtering of men, women and children. Jesus was the first Love Child!

Jeebus could not have been a love child, no sex, remember?

You don't mind if I defer to science on this one do ya?

Science or not, I'm going to make a little prediction here:

When you're laying feverishly and confused on your deathbed dying of the Chinese Wuhan virus and struggling for your last breath of air, you will beg that Christian God for one more breath of air, and for forgiveness of your worldly sins.
The Latest: Sen. Lindsey Graham goes into self-quarantine
The office of Sen. Lindsey Graham says he has decided to self-quarantine himself and work remotely because he was in Florida at an event attended by a top Brazilian government official who tested positive for the new coronavirus

The Latest: Sen. Lindsey Graham goes into self-quarantine
Proper thing to do...........since he was near the guy............
So was trump and pence. They even took a picture with him.
God Hating Baby Killing On your way To Hell DemNazi LibTard.

99.7% recovery rate in the US.

Corona Virus is The Cold Virus.

View attachment 312235

I see you've turn up the volume.

Say, didn't this God you speak of murder, in cold blood, the First Born sons of Egypt once upon a time?

It sounds like a very angry God to me.

I did ask Mother Nature once though. She laugh and said "I'll leave those human definitions up to you humans"
God does get angry, or did you ever hear the verse "Woe to those who shed innocent blood."?

Below is a perfect description of you and your friends.

The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood

"These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren" (Proverbs 6:16-19).

"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good" (Proverbs 15:3).

The whole world is polluted, drenched with innocent blood. How are people with blood on their hands to be punished? How can evil be overcome?

Yeah he did, back before he got laid by Mary and had a Son, he was a very Angry and Vengeful God.
After he came down to earth, and in Mary, they had a baby. He sort of mellowed out and stopped all the slaughtering of men, women and children. Jesus was the first Love Child!

Jeebus could not have been a love child, no sex, remember?

You don't mind if I defer to science on this one do ya?

Science or not, I'm going to make a little prediction here:

When you're laying feverishly and confused on your deathbed dying of the Chinese Wuhan virus and struggling for your last breath of air, you will beg that Christian God for one more breath of air, and for forgiveness of your worldly sins.

This is called COVID19.
The Latest: Sen. Lindsey Graham goes into self-quarantine
The office of Sen. Lindsey Graham says he has decided to self-quarantine himself and work remotely because he was in Florida at an event attended by a top Brazilian government official who tested positive for the new coronavirus

The Latest: Sen. Lindsey Graham goes into self-quarantine

Would that be the same Brazilian gummint official who dined with Rump, and yet Rump won't get tested himself?

>> The White House says U.S. President Trump has no plans to be tested for the new coronavirus or go into self-quarantine after attending the same events last weekend.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s communications director tested positive days after traveling with Bolsonaro to the meeting with Trump and senior aides in Florida. Bolsonaro is also awaiting test results. <<​

Why yes, it would.

So what we know so far: Lindsey Graham self-quarantines. Ted Cruz self-quarantines. Various Congresscritters and staff have self-quarantined and tested. Congress is closed to the public. Justin Trudeau self-quarantined and tested. Matt Gaetz got exposed and flew on AF1 with Rump after, got tested, self-quarantined. Mark Meadows self-quarantined after exposure, but then broke it and walked into the West Wing yesterday. Bolsonaro tested after his aide came down positive, same aide Graham and Rump interacted with.

Of course test kits have been notoriously elusive, but what we're saying is the heads of state of Canada or Brazil can get tested, Congresscritters can get tested, but the President of the United States can't figure out where to get one. Then he wonders why the stock market plunges four thousand points.

Yes, trump is behaving quite irresponsibly.
God Hating Baby Killing On your way To Hell DemNazi LibTard.

99.7% recovery rate in the US.

Corona Virus is The Cold Virus.

View attachment 312235

I see you've turn up the volume.

Say, didn't this God you speak of murder, in cold blood, the First Born sons of Egypt once upon a time?

It sounds like a very angry God to me.

I did ask Mother Nature once though. She laugh and said "I'll leave those human definitions up to you humans"
God does get angry, or did you ever hear the verse "Woe to those who shed innocent blood."?

Below is a perfect description of you and your friends.

The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood

"These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren" (Proverbs 6:16-19).

"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good" (Proverbs 15:3).

The whole world is polluted, drenched with innocent blood. How are people with blood on their hands to be punished? How can evil be overcome?

Yeah he did, back before he got laid by Mary and had a Son, he was a very Angry and Vengeful God.
After he came down to earth, and in Mary, they had a baby. He sort of mellowed out and stopped all the slaughtering of men, women and children. Jesus was the first Love Child!

Jeebus could not have been a love child, no sex, remember?

You don't mind if I defer to science on this one do ya?

Science or not, I'm going to make a little prediction here:

When you're laying feverishly and confused on your deathbed dying of the Chinese Wuhan virus and struggling for your last breath of air, you will beg that Christian God for one more breath of air, and for forgiveness of your worldly sins.

I do not buy into this perceptual reality of a male dominator god. If you will, I have no issues with that whatsoever. I'm pretty live-let-live and live-let-die on that.
God Hating Baby Killing On your way To Hell DemNazi LibTard.

99.7% recovery rate in the US.

Corona Virus is The Cold Virus.

View attachment 312235

Ask God what his definition is of Infanticide. You have innocent blood on your hands, and so does America.

I see you've turn up the volume.

Say, didn't this God you speak of murder, in cold blood, the First Born sons of Egypt once upon a time?

It sounds like a very angry God to me.

I did ask Mother Nature once though. She laugh and said "I'll leave those human definitions up to you humans"
God does get angry, or did you ever hear the verse "Woe to those who shed innocent blood."?

Below is a perfect description of you and your friends.

The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood

"These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren" (Proverbs 6:16-19).

"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good" (Proverbs 15:3).

The whole world is polluted, drenched with innocent blood. How are people with blood on their hands to be punished? How can evil be overcome?

Yeah he did, back before he got laid by Mary and had a Son, he was a very Angry and Vengeful God.
After he came down to earth, and in Mary, they had a baby. He sort of mellowed out and stopped all the slaughtering of men, women and children. Jesus was the first Love Child!

Jeebus could not have been a love child, no sex, remember?

You don't mind if I defer to science on this one do ya?

Hey look, most all the other Gods in Mythology got to come down and have sex with nubile human females. During one of the prudish era's they had to changed the mythical book is all. Immaculate conception? I'm just not willing to buy into that myth. Nope God came to earth to have sex with a young nubile human. His condom probably broke.......
The Latest: Sen. Lindsey Graham goes into self-quarantine
The office of Sen. Lindsey Graham says he has decided to self-quarantine himself and work remotely because he was in Florida at an event attended by a top Brazilian government official who tested positive for the new coronavirus

The Latest: Sen. Lindsey Graham goes into self-quarantine

Would that be the same Brazilian gummint official who dined with Rump, and yet Rump won't get tested himself?

>> The White House says U.S. President Trump has no plans to be tested for the new coronavirus or go into self-quarantine after attending the same events last weekend.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s communications director tested positive days after traveling with Bolsonaro to the meeting with Trump and senior aides in Florida. Bolsonaro is also awaiting test results. <<​

Why yes, it would.

So what we know so far: Lindsey Graham self-quarantines. Ted Cruz self-quarantines. Various Congresscritters and staff have self-quarantined and tested. Congress is closed to the public. Justin Trudeau self-quarantined and tested. Matt Gaetz got exposed and flew on AF1 with Rump after, got tested, self-quarantined. Mark Meadows self-quarantined after exposure, but then broke it and walked into the West Wing yesterday. Bolsonaro tested after his aide came down positive, same aide Graham and Rump interacted with.

Of course test kits have been notoriously elusive, but what we're saying is the heads of state of Canada or Brazil can get tested, Congresscritters can get tested, but the President of the United States can't figure out where to get one. Then he wonders why the stock market plunges four thousand points.

Yes, trump is behaving quite irresponsibly.

What would a rational hominid expect of a clownass who pays to fock a porn actress and doesn't use a condom?
God Hating Baby Killing On your way To Hell DemNazi LibTard.

99.7% recovery rate in the US.

Corona Virus is The Cold Virus.

View attachment 312235

God does get angry, or did you ever hear the verse "Woe to those who shed innocent blood."?

Below is a perfect description of you and your friends.

The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood

"These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren" (Proverbs 6:16-19).

"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good" (Proverbs 15:3).

The whole world is polluted, drenched with innocent blood. How are people with blood on their hands to be punished? How can evil be overcome?

Yeah he did, back before he got laid by Mary and had a Son, he was a very Angry and Vengeful God.
After he came down to earth, and in Mary, they had a baby. He sort of mellowed out and stopped all the slaughtering of men, women and children. Jesus was the first Love Child!

Jeebus could not have been a love child, no sex, remember?

You don't mind if I defer to science on this one do ya?

Science or not, I'm going to make a little prediction here:

When you're laying feverishly and confused on your deathbed dying of the Chinese Wuhan virus and struggling for your last breath of air, you will beg that Christian God for one more breath of air, and for forgiveness of your worldly sins.

This is called COVID19.

That's what it is called NOW. Before, they called it Covfefe
God Hating Baby Killing On your way To Hell DemNazi LibTard.

99.7% recovery rate in the US.

Corona Virus is The Cold Virus.

View attachment 312235

I see you've turn up the volume.

Say, didn't this God you speak of murder, in cold blood, the First Born sons of Egypt once upon a time?

It sounds like a very angry God to me.

I did ask Mother Nature once though. She laugh and said "I'll leave those human definitions up to you humans"
God does get angry, or did you ever hear the verse "Woe to those who shed innocent blood."?

Below is a perfect description of you and your friends.

The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood

"These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren" (Proverbs 6:16-19).

"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good" (Proverbs 15:3).

The whole world is polluted, drenched with innocent blood. How are people with blood on their hands to be punished? How can evil be overcome?

Yeah he did, back before he got laid by Mary and had a Son, he was a very Angry and Vengeful God.
After he came down to earth, and in Mary, they had a baby. He sort of mellowed out and stopped all the slaughtering of men, women and children. Jesus was the first Love Child!

Jeebus could not have been a love child, no sex, remember?

You don't mind if I defer to science on this one do ya?

Hey look, most all the other Gods in Mythology got to come down and have sex with nubile human females. During one of the prudish era's they had to changed the mythical book is all. Immaculate conception? I'm just not willing to buy into that myth. Nope God came to earth to have sex with a young nubile human. His condom probably broke.......

Faith is the purposeful suspension of critical thought.
There's probably some truth to that. However, what's relevant is what your data doesn't include. None of those others compare to Corona. And really, it's more/less foolish to even try at this point.

So nice to get the considered opinion of a prominent epidemiologist such as YOU obviously are.

You would know comparisons of viruses... HOW, exactly? Panic helps the situation HOW, exactly?

You don't know WTF you're talking about. The virus' DO NOT COMPARE. It requires a pinch of education & critical thought...........................try it.
COVID 19 dummy is The Cold Virus. There were 18 versions before it.

Common colds: Symptoms, causes, complications, and treatment

The common cold is a viral infectious disease that infects the upper respiratory system. It is also known as acute viral rhinopharyngitis and acute coryza.

It is the most common infectious disease in humans and is mainly caused by coronaviruses or rhinoviruses.

Because there are more than 200 viruses that cause the common cold, the human body can never build up resistance to all of them. This is why colds are so common and often return.

They are shutting down the NBA for now and pretty much everything that takes place in an auditorium because of the transmittion of the virus, however each year NBA players get sick with the flu and things go on. No doubt they spread the disease and then the group who fares the worse are the old folks in retirement homes and hospitals, probably catching the flu from the grandkids and kids who come to visit them.
So I wonder if based on the reaction to this current outbreak, should we forever ban large gatherings of people? ban the sports of basketball and hockey? there is no doubt, that should someone in a stadium get the flu, that it will eventually be transmitted to someone who is immune compromised and they will die from complications. It doesnt need to be this corona virus that will cause thousands of deaths each year
God Hating Baby Killing On your way To Hell DemNazi LibTard.

99.7% recovery rate in the US.

Corona Virus is The Cold Virus.

View attachment 312235

Yeah he did, back before he got laid by Mary and had a Son, he was a very Angry and Vengeful God.
After he came down to earth, and in Mary, they had a baby. He sort of mellowed out and stopped all the slaughtering of men, women and children. Jesus was the first Love Child!

Jeebus could not have been a love child, no sex, remember?

You don't mind if I defer to science on this one do ya?

Science or not, I'm going to make a little prediction here:

When you're laying feverishly and confused on your deathbed dying of the Chinese Wuhan virus and struggling for your last breath of air, you will beg that Christian God for one more breath of air, and for forgiveness of your worldly sins.

This is called COVID19.

That's what it is called NOW. Before, they called it Covfefe

No, it was called a "hoax".
God Hating Baby Killing On your way To Hell DemNazi LibTard.

99.7% recovery rate in the US.

Corona Virus is The Cold Virus.

View attachment 312235

God does get angry, or did you ever hear the verse "Woe to those who shed innocent blood."?

Below is a perfect description of you and your friends.

The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood

"These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren" (Proverbs 6:16-19).

"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good" (Proverbs 15:3).

The whole world is polluted, drenched with innocent blood. How are people with blood on their hands to be punished? How can evil be overcome?

Yeah he did, back before he got laid by Mary and had a Son, he was a very Angry and Vengeful God.
After he came down to earth, and in Mary, they had a baby. He sort of mellowed out and stopped all the slaughtering of men, women and children. Jesus was the first Love Child!

Jeebus could not have been a love child, no sex, remember?

You don't mind if I defer to science on this one do ya?

Science or not, I'm going to make a little prediction here:

When you're laying feverishly and confused on your deathbed dying of the Chinese Wuhan virus and struggling for your last breath of air, you will beg that Christian God for one more breath of air, and for forgiveness of your worldly sins.

This is called COVID19.

COVID-19, Chinese Wuhan Virus, CHICOM Wuhan Virus, Commie Virus, Chinese Death Virus, ℭ, Sweet n Sour Sickness, Mu Fu Guy Pain, Wushu Poopoo Flu, Kung Flu, Flu Man Chu, Hung Chow Spew, Shanghai Trots, General Tsao's Virus, Wu Ping Cough, Wubonic Plague, Wuhan-Fluhan, Wumonia, Mas Fina Cervirus, Sun Tzu Achoo, or Chop Flooy

Try being creative for a change.
There's probably some truth to that. However, what's relevant is what your data doesn't include. None of those others compare to Corona. And really, it's more/less foolish to even try at this point.

So nice to get the considered opinion of a prominent epidemiologist such as YOU obviously are.

You would know comparisons of viruses... HOW, exactly? Panic helps the situation HOW, exactly?

You don't know WTF you're talking about. The virus' DO NOT COMPARE. It requires a pinch of education & critical thought...........................try it.
COVID 19 dummy is The Cold Virus. There were 18 versions before it.

Common colds: Symptoms, causes, complications, and treatment

The common cold is a viral infectious disease that infects the upper respiratory system. It is also known as acute viral rhinopharyngitis and acute coryza.

It is the most common infectious disease in humans and is mainly caused by coronaviruses or rhinoviruses.

Because there are more than 200 viruses that cause the common cold, the human body can never build up resistance to all of them. This is why colds are so common and often return.

They are shutting down the NBA for now and pretty much everything that takes place in an auditorium because of the transmittion of the virus, however each year NBA players get sick with the flu and things go on. No doubt they spread the disease and then the group who fares the worse are the old folks in retirement homes and hospitals, probably catching the flu from the grandkids and kids who come to visit them.
So I wonder if based on the reaction to this current outbreak, should we forever ban large gatherings of people? ban the sports of basketball and hockey? there is no doubt, that should someone in a stadium get the flu, that it will eventually be transmitted to someone who is immune compromised and they will die from complications. It doesnt need to be this corona virus that will cause thousands of deaths each year

There seem to be many organizations, schools, universities, workplaces and such all making this decision. This is not the flu.
God Hating Baby Killing On your way To Hell DemNazi LibTard.

99.7% recovery rate in the US.

Corona Virus is The Cold Virus.

View attachment 312235

Yeah he did, back before he got laid by Mary and had a Son, he was a very Angry and Vengeful God.
After he came down to earth, and in Mary, they had a baby. He sort of mellowed out and stopped all the slaughtering of men, women and children. Jesus was the first Love Child!

Jeebus could not have been a love child, no sex, remember?

You don't mind if I defer to science on this one do ya?

Science or not, I'm going to make a little prediction here:

When you're laying feverishly and confused on your deathbed dying of the Chinese Wuhan virus and struggling for your last breath of air, you will beg that Christian God for one more breath of air, and for forgiveness of your worldly sins.

This is called COVID19.

COVID-19, Chinese Wuhan Virus, CHICOM Wuhan Virus, Commie Virus, Chinese Death Virus, ℭ, Sweet n Sour Sickness, Mu Fu Guy Pain, Wushu Poopoo Flu, Kung Flu, Flu Man Chu, Hung Chow Spew, Shanghai Trots, General Tsao's Virus, Wu Ping Cough, Wubonic Plague, Wuhan-Fluhan, Wumonia, Mas Fina Cervirus, Sun Tzu Achoo, or Chop Flooy

Try being creative for a change.

Your commie virus likes capitalists apparently.
God Hating Baby Killing On your way To Hell DemNazi LibTard.

99.7% recovery rate in the US.

Corona Virus is The Cold Virus.

View attachment 312235

God does get angry, or did you ever hear the verse "Woe to those who shed innocent blood."?

Below is a perfect description of you and your friends.

The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood

"These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren" (Proverbs 6:16-19).

"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good" (Proverbs 15:3).

The whole world is polluted, drenched with innocent blood. How are people with blood on their hands to be punished? How can evil be overcome?

Yeah he did, back before he got laid by Mary and had a Son, he was a very Angry and Vengeful God.
After he came down to earth, and in Mary, they had a baby. He sort of mellowed out and stopped all the slaughtering of men, women and children. Jesus was the first Love Child!

Jeebus could not have been a love child, no sex, remember?

You don't mind if I defer to science on this one do ya?

Science or not, I'm going to make a little prediction here:

When you're laying feverishly and confused on your deathbed dying of the Chinese Wuhan virus and struggling for your last breath of air, you will beg that Christian God for one more breath of air, and for forgiveness of your worldly sins.

I do not buy into this perceptual reality of a male dominator god. If you will, I have no issues with that whatsoever. I'm pretty live-let-live and live-let-die on that.

You will. Just remember what I said.

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