COVID19 - No Big Deal - Breathe Through Your Nose

Caring about human life requires caring about healthcare and environmental toxins.

The widespread lie that Democrats "CARE" about people's health and lives is despicable considering the fact that:

1. Democrats promote and defend the murder of 1,000,000 unborn babies every year
2. Democrats promote and defend homosexuality, a perversion killing thousands more every year and ruining hundreds of thousands of lives, beginning with children molested by homosexuals
3. Democrats dividing Americans by race, by social strata and anything else they can manufacture, including illegal status here

You can't even DEFINE "toxin." If you had a clue as to what it is you would acknowledge "there are no toxic compounds only toxic levels."

Vitamin D and caffeine are FAR more toxic than diesel fuel. So when are you going to cut back on public consumption of milk, coffee and soft drinks, genius?

LD50 is the measure of medical toxicity. For rats, diesel fuel is something around 70,600 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.
Caffeine is 127 mg while Vitamin D is 10 mg.
You do know he is a complete dope don't you?

I love old Treebeard. He makes me laugh. (In the Biblical sense!)
Why weren't your protesting The Infanticide of 60 Million Minority Babies by your party?

A cold virus is the only thing that can suddenly make you care about Human Life?

LOL. Infanticide, a type of homicide, is illegal in every Democrat controlled state in the country.

Ask God what his definition is of Infanticide. You have innocent blood on your hands, and so does America.

I see you've turn up the volume.

Say, didn't this God you speak of murder, in cold blood, the First Born sons of Egypt once upon a time?

It sounds like a very angry God to me.

I did ask Mother Nature once though. She laugh and said "I'll leave those human definitions up to you humans"
God does get angry, or did you ever hear the verse "Woe to those who shed innocent blood."?

Below is a perfect description of you and your friends.

The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood

"These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren" (Proverbs 6:16-19).

"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good" (Proverbs 15:3).

The whole world is polluted, drenched with innocent blood. How are people with blood on their hands to be punished? How can evil be overcome?

Every election year has a disease

SARS 2004
AVIAN 2008
SWINE 2010
MERS 2012
EBOLA 2014
ZIKA 2016
EBOLA 2018


Coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2. Sars was 4. Measles is 18.
Coronavirus has a cure rate of 99.7% for those under 50 it infects.
Coronavirus spread is leveling off.

This is a viral pneumonia being hyped as the Black Plague before an election.

I imagine that the fact that this has been thoroughly debunked won't matter to you.....
Some of the diseases you list seem to be a part of the same family of RNA Coronaviridae as Covid-19. Breathing through the nose will absolutely contract the virus. Wearing a mask might decrease the odds, but it can also be contracted through the eyes. The exact causes of the infection are still unknown. WTF are you talking about?

The sign was posted by a medical doctor. It's not my work. Try to think before you explode into hyperemotion and condescension.

What chemicals are you engineering to stem the outbreak? Being a meth cook doesn't make you a proper chemical engineer, BTW.

Chemical engineers typically don't engage in biopharmaceuticals. Of course a "Tumblin Tumbleweed" wouldn't know that, but you certainly do talk smack for a "Tumblin Tumbleweed."

I have never in my life smoked a cigarette, much less used illicit drugs. Your accusation of my being a drug supplier is petty, offensive, but entirely typical of the Left. You're sick but you don't know it.

Where do you people come from that you spread hate and ignorance with virtually every post?
This sick message board just gets worse every day on account of people such as you.

ciao brutto
I love old Treebeard. He makes me laugh. (In the Biblical sense!)
Why weren't your protesting The Infanticide of 60 Million Minority Babies by your party?

A cold virus is the only thing that can suddenly make you care about Human Life?

LOL. Infanticide, a type of homicide, is illegal in every Democrat controlled state in the country.

Ask God what his definition is of Infanticide. You have innocent blood on your hands, and so does America.

I see you've turn up the volume.

Say, didn't this God you speak of murder, in cold blood, the First Born sons of Egypt once upon a time?

It sounds like a very angry God to me.

I did ask Mother Nature once though. She laugh and said "I'll leave those human definitions up to you humans"
God does get angry, or did you ever hear the verse "Woe to those who shed innocent blood."?

Below is a perfect description of you and your friends.

The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood

"These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren" (Proverbs 6:16-19).

"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good" (Proverbs 15:3).

The whole world is polluted, drenched with innocent blood. How are people with blood on their hands to be punished? How can evil be overcome?

Yeah he did, back before he got laid by Mary and had a Son, he was a very Angry and Vengeful God.
After he came down to earth, and in Mary, they had a baby. He sort of mellowed out and stopped all the slaughtering of men, women and children. Jesus was the first Love Child!
Some of the diseases you list seem to be a part of the same family of RNA Coronaviridae as Covid-19. Breathing through the nose will absolutely contract the virus. Wearing a mask might decrease the odds, but it can also be contracted through the eyes. The exact causes of the infection are still unknown. WTF are you talking about?

The sign was posted by a medical doctor. It's not my work. Try to think before you explode into hyperemotion and condescension.

What chemicals are you engineering to stem the outbreak? Being a meth cook doesn't make you a proper chemical engineer, BTW.

Chemical engineers typically don't engage in biopharmaceuticals. Of course a "Tumblin Tumbleweed" wouldn't know that, but you certainly do talk smack for a "Tumblin Tumbleweed."

I have never in my life smoked a cigarette, much less used illicit drugs. Your accusation of my being a drug supplier is petty, offensive, but entirely typical of the Left. You're sick but you don't know it.

Where do you people come from that you spread hate and ignorance with virtually every post?
This sick message board just gets worse every day on account of people such as you.

ciao brutto

Apparently you've never in your life constructed an argument either, as "because I said so" isn't one.
Nobody cared about a thousand dead people because nobody even heard about it.

Any criticism of BozoBama was met with the reply "Racist!"

How about just factually challenged?

2009 H1N1 Flu Pandemic Timeline
so april until September for a vaccine. so what's the problem with this one and the vaccine? you lost me?

No problem with the vaccine. That its development began in April, when they began sequencing the DNA, not only proves they responded immediately but also that they placed a high priority on it.
same as this one. what's the difference?

Every election year has a disease

SARS 2004
AVIAN 2008
SWINE 2010
MERS 2012
EBOLA 2014
ZIKA 2016
EBOLA 2018


Coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2. Sars was 4. Measles is 18.
Coronavirus has a cure rate of 99.7% for those under 50 it infects.
Coronavirus spread is leveling off.

This is a viral pneumonia being hyped as the Black Plague before an election.
This doesn’t somehow mean that containment measures aren’t needed. It, you know, kills more over time? That’s a lot of people over 60. Numbers add up.

Every election year has a disease

SARS 2004
AVIAN 2008
SWINE 2010
MERS 2012
EBOLA 2014
ZIKA 2016
EBOLA 2018


Coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2. Sars was 4. Measles is 18.
Coronavirus has a cure rate of 99.7% for those under 50 it infects.
Coronavirus spread is leveling off.

This is a viral pneumonia being hyped as the Black Plague before an election.

Does 'Every Election Year' Have a Coinciding Disease?




Every election year has a disease

SARS 2004
AVIAN 2008
SWINE 2010
MERS 2012
EBOLA 2014
ZIKA 2016
EBOLA 2018


Coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2. Sars was 4. Measles is 18.
Coronavirus has a cure rate of 99.7% for those under 50 it infects.
Coronavirus spread is leveling off.

This is a viral pneumonia being hyped as the Black Plague before an election.

Does 'Every Election Year' Have a Coinciding Disease?




Because "winning" is more important than surviving.
Nobody cared about a thousand dead people because nobody even heard about it.

Any criticism of BozoBama was met with the reply "Racist!"

How about just factually challenged?

2009 H1N1 Flu Pandemic Timeline
so april until September for a vaccine. so what's the problem with this one and the vaccine? you lost me?

No problem with the vaccine. That its development began in April, when they began sequencing the DNA, not only proves they responded immediately but also that they placed a high priority on it.
same as this one. what's the difference?

The false, denigrating narrative that nobody heard of, cared about, or did anything until 1,000's had died.

Every election year has a disease

SARS 2004
AVIAN 2008
SWINE 2010
MERS 2012
EBOLA 2014
ZIKA 2016
EBOLA 2018


Coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2. Sars was 4. Measles is 18.
Coronavirus has a cure rate of 99.7% for those under 50 it infects.
Coronavirus spread is leveling off.

This is a viral pneumonia being hyped as the Black Plague before an election.

We're on the front end of an emerging retroviral pandemic. You don't mind of we leave this to science for a change do you?
Nobody cared about a thousand dead people because nobody even heard about it.

Any criticism of BozoBama was met with the reply "Racist!"

How about just factually challenged?

2009 H1N1 Flu Pandemic Timeline
so april until September for a vaccine. so what's the problem with this one and the vaccine? you lost me?

No problem with the vaccine. That its development began in April, when they began sequencing the DNA, not only proves they responded immediately but also that they placed a high priority on it.
same as this one. what's the difference?

The false, denigrating narrative that nobody heard of, cared about, or did anything until 1,000's had died.

We've still never minded 22 vets per day committing suicide upon return. We've accepted repetitive mass shooting galleries in our schools. We've chosen not to deal with our war criminals even though we all now know that both Iraq and Afghanistan were utter fabrications in terms of lying the people into war. We've accepted that "the law" can murder unarmed citizens in the streets. This is really just par for the course.

Every election year has a disease

SARS 2004
AVIAN 2008
SWINE 2010
MERS 2012
EBOLA 2014
ZIKA 2016
EBOLA 2018


Coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2. Sars was 4. Measles is 18.
Coronavirus has a cure rate of 99.7% for those under 50 it infects.
Coronavirus spread is leveling off.

This is a viral pneumonia being hyped as the Black Plague before an election.

Does 'Every Election Year' Have a Coinciding Disease?




Because "winning" is more important than surviving.

Oh they've been sharing at CPAC and AIPAC. Stay tuned.
God Hating Baby Killing On your way To Hell DemNazi LibTard.

99.7% recovery rate in the US.

Corona Virus is The Cold Virus.


Why weren't your protesting The Infanticide of 60 Million Minority Babies by your party?

A cold virus is the only thing that can suddenly make you care about Human Life?

LOL. Infanticide, a type of homicide, is illegal in every Democrat controlled state in the country.

Ask God what his definition is of Infanticide. You have innocent blood on your hands, and so does America.

I see you've turn up the volume.

Say, didn't this God you speak of murder, in cold blood, the First Born sons of Egypt once upon a time?

It sounds like a very angry God to me.

I did ask Mother Nature once though. She laugh and said "I'll leave those human definitions up to you humans"
God does get angry, or did you ever hear the verse "Woe to those who shed innocent blood."?

Below is a perfect description of you and your friends.

The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood

"These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren" (Proverbs 6:16-19).

"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good" (Proverbs 15:3).

The whole world is polluted, drenched with innocent blood. How are people with blood on their hands to be punished? How can evil be overcome?

Yeah he did, back before he got laid by Mary and had a Son, he was a very Angry and Vengeful God.
After he came down to earth, and in Mary, they had a baby. He sort of mellowed out and stopped all the slaughtering of men, women and children. Jesus was the first Love Child!


  • upload_2020-3-13_14-38-59.jpeg
    70.2 KB · Views: 24
God Hating Baby Killing On your way To Hell DemNazi LibTard.

99.7% recovery rate in the US.

Corona Virus is The Cold Virus.

View attachment 312235

LOL. Infanticide, a type of homicide, is illegal in every Democrat controlled state in the country.

Ask God what his definition is of Infanticide. You have innocent blood on your hands, and so does America.

I see you've turn up the volume.

Say, didn't this God you speak of murder, in cold blood, the First Born sons of Egypt once upon a time?

It sounds like a very angry God to me.

I did ask Mother Nature once though. She laugh and said "I'll leave those human definitions up to you humans"
God does get angry, or did you ever hear the verse "Woe to those who shed innocent blood."?

Below is a perfect description of you and your friends.

The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood

"These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren" (Proverbs 6:16-19).

"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good" (Proverbs 15:3).

The whole world is polluted, drenched with innocent blood. How are people with blood on their hands to be punished? How can evil be overcome?

Yeah he did, back before he got laid by Mary and had a Son, he was a very Angry and Vengeful God.
After he came down to earth, and in Mary, they had a baby. He sort of mellowed out and stopped all the slaughtering of men, women and children. Jesus was the first Love Child!

Saddle up big boy! We got some riding to do.


You never disappoint!

God Hating Baby Killing On your way To Hell DemNazi LibTard.

99.7% recovery rate in the US.

Corona Virus is The Cold Virus.

View attachment 312235

LOL. Infanticide, a type of homicide, is illegal in every Democrat controlled state in the country.

Ask God what his definition is of Infanticide. You have innocent blood on your hands, and so does America.

I see you've turn up the volume.

Say, didn't this God you speak of murder, in cold blood, the First Born sons of Egypt once upon a time?

It sounds like a very angry God to me.

I did ask Mother Nature once though. She laugh and said "I'll leave those human definitions up to you humans"
God does get angry, or did you ever hear the verse "Woe to those who shed innocent blood."?

Below is a perfect description of you and your friends.

The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood

"These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren" (Proverbs 6:16-19).

"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good" (Proverbs 15:3).

The whole world is polluted, drenched with innocent blood. How are people with blood on their hands to be punished? How can evil be overcome?

Yeah he did, back before he got laid by Mary and had a Son, he was a very Angry and Vengeful God.
After he came down to earth, and in Mary, they had a baby. He sort of mellowed out and stopped all the slaughtering of men, women and children. Jesus was the first Love Child!

Jeebus could not have been a love child, no sex, remember?

You don't mind if I defer to science on this one do ya?
Nobody cared about a thousand dead people because nobody even heard about it.

Any criticism of BozoBama was met with the reply "Racist!"

How about just factually challenged?

2009 H1N1 Flu Pandemic Timeline
so april until September for a vaccine. so what's the problem with this one and the vaccine? you lost me?

No problem with the vaccine. That its development began in April, when they began sequencing the DNA, not only proves they responded immediately but also that they placed a high priority on it.
same as this one. what's the difference?

The false, denigrating narrative that nobody heard of, cared about, or did anything until 1,000's had died.
like trump hasn't done anything with this one? that false narrative. ahhhhh gotcha. funny how your pooh is flung and then you object to mine. smell it.

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