COVID19 - No Big Deal - Breathe Through Your Nose

There's probably some truth to that. However, what's relevant is what your data doesn't include. None of those others compare to Corona. And really, it's more/less foolish to even try at this point.

So nice to get the considered opinion of a prominent epidemiologist such as YOU obviously are.

You would know comparisons of viruses... HOW, exactly? Panic helps the situation HOW, exactly?

Pfffft, Riiiiight, you're a "Chem Engineer" and I'm the President of Asia. Welcome to the internets.

Yanno what I didn't see on your list of picked cherries? Any citations of viruses in non-election years.

Every election year has a disease

SARS 2004
AVIAN 2008
SWINE 2010
MERS 2012
EBOLA 2014
ZIKA 2016
EBOLA 2018


Coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2. Sars was 4. Measles is 18.
Coronavirus has a cure rate of 99.7% for those under 50 it infects.
Coronavirus spread is leveling off.

This is a viral pneumonia being hyped as the Black Plague before an election.

Who'd have thought that The Democrat Party and their allies in The Media would get in bed with Russia and China over an election?

Who'd have thought that everybody but you was so stupid that they can't read unless you type real fucking big?
The National Health Service reports 2.83% fatality rate in the United States for some 1339 confirmed cases.
No doubt there are many more unreported and unconfirmed cases which reduces the mortality rate far below 2.8%. This is dreadful news for the Haters on the Left who want the worst for America always.

Every election year has a disease

SARS 2004
AVIAN 2008
SWINE 2010
MERS 2012
EBOLA 2014
ZIKA 2016
EBOLA 2018


Coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2. Sars was 4. Measles is 18.
Coronavirus has a cure rate of 99.7% for those under 50 it infects.
Coronavirus spread is leveling off.

This is a viral pneumonia being hyped as the Black Plague before an election.
It's not being hyped because of the US elections. What a short-sighted view -- not everything is about YOU and your blessed PARTY. Is the media feeding unnecessary panic? I think so. It's media's job to make money just like everybody else. Bad news sells.
Maybe some of the steps being taken in the past few days seem like overkill but it was the extreme measures taken in China that finally brought it under control. Maybe an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
then why is it more panicked than the H1 virus? 1000 died before anything was ever implemented. how? you have to explain that first.

Lack of confidence in a Leader and a Party who's favorite media tries to pass off false narratives as truths. Like this phony story you keep pushing.

Every election year has a disease

SARS 2004
The SARS outbreak was in 2002.

AVIAN 2008
H5N1 outbreak began in 1997.

H1N1 outbreak began in 2009.

SWINE 2010
The swine flu pandemic occurred in 2009.

MERS 2012

Hey! You finally got one right!

EBOLA 2014
The first Ebola outbreak was in 1976.

ZIKA 2016
The most recent Zika outbreak started in 2015.

You have none! Your premise is pure horseshit.
Just last month alcohol killed over 7,000 people in the US vs coronavirus less than 40.

Outlaw beer, and all alcoholic drinks. "If it saves one life it will be worth it!"

Isn't that the siren song for haters of the Second Amendment?

Facts destroy the coronavirus hysteria. 17,000 killed by the flu this season vs 40 killed by coronavirus which for most people only results in mild cold like symptoms. Its been blown completion out of proportion.
Have you noticed the left stopped talking about impeachment and Trump's taxes. The new line of attack, blow up the economy using the coronavirus.

Every election year has a disease

SARS 2004
AVIAN 2008
SWINE 2010
MERS 2012
EBOLA 2014
ZIKA 2016
EBOLA 2018


Coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2. Sars was 4. Measles is 18.
Coronavirus has a cure rate of 99.7% for those under 50 it infects.
Coronavirus spread is leveling off.

This is a viral pneumonia being hyped as the Black Plague before an election.

Your sign is fake and been going around FB for a couple weeks not to mention it's wrong. If you are a chemical engineer you been sniffing your chemicals too long.

Every election year has a disease

SARS 2004
AVIAN 2008
SWINE 2010
MERS 2012
EBOLA 2014
ZIKA 2016
EBOLA 2018


Coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2. Sars was 4. Measles is 18.
Coronavirus has a cure rate of 99.7% for those under 50 it infects.
Coronavirus spread is leveling off.

This is a viral pneumonia being hyped as the Black Plague before an election.

Your sign is fake and been going around FB for a couple weeks not to mention it's wrong. If you are a chemical engineer you been sniffing your chemicals too long.
He's a copy and paste parrot who has never had an original thought. Also known as "Trump's base".
Lack of confidence in a Leader and a Party who's favorite media tries to pass off false narratives as truths.

The left are pissing and moaning and whining. Where is their coronavirus plan? That's right they don't have one. Leftists just sit on the fence and piss and moan that's all the left are good at.

Every election year has a disease

SARS 2004
AVIAN 2008
SWINE 2010
MERS 2012
EBOLA 2014
ZIKA 2016
EBOLA 2018


Coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2. Sars was 4. Measles is 18.
Coronavirus has a cure rate of 99.7% for those under 50 it infects.
Coronavirus spread is leveling off.

This is a viral pneumonia being hyped as the Black Plague before an election.
It's not being hyped because of the US elections. What a short-sighted view -- not everything is about YOU and your blessed PARTY. Is the media feeding unnecessary panic? I think so. It's media's job to make money just like everybody else. Bad news sells.
Maybe some of the steps being taken in the past few days seem like overkill but it was the extreme measures taken in China that finally brought it under control. Maybe an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
then why is it more panicked than the H1 virus? 1000 died before anything was ever implemented. how? you have to explain that first.

H1N1 was also the virus known as the Spanish Flu--the most deadly pandemic the modern world has ever seen.
Just last month alcohol killed over 7,000 people in the US vs coronavirus less than 40.

Whelp, number one it would be " fewer than 40", and number two that number has been reached anyway.

All in very elderly people and those with serious immunocompromising conditions. People on all sides need to stop, take a moment, and refrain from the continued peddling of panic and hysteria, for whatever reasons are motivating it.
Just last month alcohol killed over 7,000 people in the US vs coronavirus less than 40.

Whelp, number one it would be " fewer than 40", and number two that number has been reached anyway.

All in very elderly people and those with serious immunocompromising conditions. People on all sides need to stop, take a moment, and refrain from the continued peddling of panic and hysteria, for whatever reasons are motivating it.

Over half of those infected worldwide have now recovered. 3.5% who were already sickly or elderly have died, similar to catching the common cold and flu.
Lack of confidence in a Leader and a Party who's favorite media tries to pass off false narratives as truths.

The left are pissing and moaning and whining. Where is their coronavirus plan? That's right they don't have one. Leftists just sit on the fence and piss and moan that's all the left are good at.

The right is pissing into a fan by lying about the response to the N1H1 virus.
Lack of confidence in a Leader and a Party who's favorite media tries to pass off false narratives as truths.

The left are pissing and moaning and whining. Where is their coronavirus plan? That's right they don't have one. Leftists just sit on the fence and piss and moan that's all the left are good at.

The right is pissing into a fan by lying about the response to the N1H1 virus.

What response? :auiqs.jpg:

Every election year has a disease

SARS 2004
AVIAN 2008
SWINE 2010
MERS 2012
EBOLA 2014
ZIKA 2016
EBOLA 2018


Coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2. Sars was 4. Measles is 18.
Coronavirus has a cure rate of 99.7% for those under 50 it infects.
Coronavirus spread is leveling off.

This is a viral pneumonia being hyped as the Black Plague before an election.

Yeah, sure.
We see this level of global disruption every election year. :cuckoo:


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